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China Should Send Troops to Fight ISIS

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Who was / were missing here?


You thing you had been an smartass by reading one or two books without knowing what happened on the ground? Asshole

Soeharto using NU (an Nationalist Muslim) movement to keep PKI in check and eliminate them in 1965 massacre, until then he keeps away from Islam leader and alienating them from Indonesian top power by consolidating his power around Army (ABRI) and using state power to keep them in check. Indonesian Ulama feel betrayed by Soeharto and some radical trying to gather their strength but Soeharto with his extensive spying organizations can eliminate them before their influence spread and doing much troubles for the government. In much way, Soeharto using Islam as his cards to keep the mass believing Soeharto is part of them as Islam is Indonesian major religion entity, but in other way Soeharto is doing much harm to Islam itself by his systematic efforts to keep them in check.

If you can speak and read in Bahasa and been visiting Indonesia you should know if Soeharto is anti Islam, and doing much massacre against Islam movement like happened in Tanjung Priok, Medan and he keep doing it until his demise in 1998 by pressuring Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia.

Soeharto itself doesn't acknowledge Islam can be part of Indonesian Nationalism and Pancasila, this way he established Kementrian Agama and put them in charge about Indonesian Religious Affair, several Islam leader worry Departement Agama is Soeharto greater plan to put Islam as religion under auspices of Nation and State territory and keep them in line with National value.

Islam Priangan: Pergulatan Identitas dan Politik Kekuasaan | Amin Mudzakkir - Academia.edu

Hefner: Islam dan Demokrasi

Usulan Pembubaran Departemen Agama | Memuat berita yang memihak kepada ISLAM

BBCIndonesia.com | Laporan Mendalam | Kebijakan Suharto atas kelompok Islam

http://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/1720/1/BAB I, BAB V, DAFTAR PUSTAKA.pdf

Hey you think I do not know what Suharto is up to? I have all along say that Suharto is suspicious of Islam meanwhile have been threading a fine rope of Islamization. That is the reason you guys never fall into shit hole like Malaysia and are you blind not to see I always iterate that.

To Suharto, Islam is a political tools not unlike Malaysia. Difference is Malaysia go all the way while Suharto more like play one faction against the other, practicing balancing.

You can cite examples of Suharto kicking Islam why not? And there are numerous occasion where he Islamize Indonesia as I can cite.

But at 1965, he and Islam are bedfellows against socialism.

If Sukarno is around, Islamist has no chance.

Makers of Contemporary Islam - John L. Esposito - Google Books

Decentralization and Regional Autonomy in Indonesia: Implementation and ... - Google Books

Islam and Democratization in Asia - Shiping Hua - Google Books
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D-day however was not a stand-alone invasion, France didn't exist at the time, it was allies' surprised attack on Nazis, not an invasion, remarkable game changer of WWII though but not an invasion.
Technically and legally, D-Day was an invasion. An invasion is an uninvited entry into another country, implying a country not of one's own, and that said country have no input to the matter. A country may be occupied by another power but that does not make that country one's own, hence, any uninvited entry into that territory constitute an invasion.

Why US hasn't send boots to help the victim country Iraq to counter ISIS? And while not doing so, yet invite China?
No one is asking China to do, while the rest do nothing. I think you missed the point of the first post. It mean that if China is called to participate, even just as support troops, China should contribute.
Technically and legally, D-Day was an invasion. An invasion is an uninvited entry into another country (implying a country not of one's own) and that said country have no input to the matter. A country may be occupied by another power but that does not make that country one's own, hence, any uninvited entry into that territory constitute an invasion.

That's was why I said allies, including French exile forces, attack Nazi's and reclaimed Normandy on D-day. Like when UK reclaimed Falklands from Argentina 1982 after their invasion, UK did not invade Falklands. These could be an invasion in a narrower sense, but invasion should be an uninvited entry into another foreign country (implying a country not of one's own) and that said country have no input to the matter. Grenada 1986, Vietnam 1989, these were invasions. NK invaded SK 1950, US-SK Incheon landing is not an invasion.

No one is asking China to do, while the rest do nothing. I think you missed the point of the first post. It mean that if China is called to participate, even just as support troops, China should contribute.

I hope not, but apparently someone is already asking, as the article says, US did offer, and China did decline.

I did see the point, the questions remain:
Support troops seems fine, but wait, where are the US boots that China is sent to support?
And before sending, the bigger question is, who are actually backing these thugs?
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