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China Should Send Troops to Fight ISIS

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Secondly the Syrian government was allowed to use chemical weapons without any real consequences. Explain to me how the people on the ground felt when UN observers watched chemical weapons being dismantled but ignored the murder of innocents by conventional methods.

Astute observation, @Gufi . I still remember watching this almost 2 years ago:

The point is -- he used chemical weapons. And he was not held accountable.

What do you mean instigate that’s just laughable as much as I hate ISIS the last thing the Middle East needs is more interference and don’t forget about the Japanese citizens (on japanese soil) that were kidnapped by North Korea and let’s not forget about the North Koreans that are suffering immensely.

Here’s how the History books are going to write about japans first foreign military involvement since world war 2. If Nihonjin gets his way.

Japan entered the fight against ISIS after ISIS took two Japanese hostages. One being a mentally unstable person that should have been in a mental ward in Japan and the other being a so called journalist that was stupid enough to enter Syria when every other Journalist was leaving. :lol:

Anyways I'm off I'll reply to you tomorrow

See you tomorrow, buddy.
dude, who create ISIS and why ISIS did grown so big is two different question.

I can name you about 50 examples including AQ but then you will just say meh, they werent active not because they are really not active, but just you are ignorant about it exist.

Your question is did ISIS run around and kill diplomat journalist and government official when Saddam is in power? The answer is yes, on top of my head Zarqari killed at least 1 Iraqi official, 1 IQ mayor and Us diplomat, and i bound to find more if i dig into old intel.

ISIS indeed took advantage in the power vacumn but you also did ignore the fact that US and Co did beat back ISIS, and killed Zarqari in 2006, ISIS lose support with Iraqi populace and the current ISIS Share nothing but names with the ISIS in AQI Time, so you convinenetly ignore the fact ee beat AQI once and ignore the fact that they were operating Before US Invade Iraq and tell me murrica is responsible for it? Lol pretty convinence if you ask me

"ISIS indeed took advantage in the power vacumn"

A power vacuum the US was responsible for when it toppled Saddam under bogus pretenses. But don't just take my word for it. Here are more articles that support my point.

Talking Heads: How the US Created the Islamic State | VICE News

How the US Helped Create Al Qaeda and ISIS » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

ISIS “Made in USA”. Iraq “Geopolitical Arsonists” Seek to Burn Region | Global Research

Also, I see you've failed to answer my simple yes or no question regarding ISIS and Saddam. I should be surprised but I'm really not. I'm right. You're dead wrong. And...The US should clean up its mess. :pop:
Did ISIS cause 20 million Chinese deaths during WWII?

Is ISIS preventing China from retaking Taiwan?

Is ISIS planning a 'Pivot to Asia' and a naval blockade of China?

Is ISIS implementing an Air-Sea Battle concept to attack China?
"ISIS indeed took advantage in the power vacumn"

A power vacuum the US was responsible for when it toppled Saddam under bogus pretenses. But don't just take my word for it. Here are more articles that support my point.

Talking Heads: How the US Created the Islamic State | VICE News

How the US Helped Create Al Qaeda and ISIS » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

ISIS “Made in USA”. Iraq “Geopolitical Arsonists” Seek to Burn Region | Global Research

Also, I see you've failed to answer my simple yes or no question regarding ISIS and Saddam. I should be surprised but I'm really not. I'm right. You're dead wrong. And...The US should clean up its mess. :pop:
If I strain interpretation enough, I can assign blame to anyone from any reason or reasons. The sources you brought on did exactly just that. Counterpunch still peddles the myth that the US 'created' Al-Qaeda, pretty much insinuated the US knew Osama bin Laden at the personal level, even though bin Laden himself denied any connections, physical or electronics or else, with the US. I can say that given how China treats her Muslim minorities, China 'helped created' ISIS. If I have the wordsmithing skills of Counterpunch's writers, I can convince even YOU that China 'helped created' ISIS.
Overseas deployment should be completely ruled out. Leave it to the world police, USA.

Given how many coveted oil fields are at stake though, I think it would be prudent to nonetheless assist Iraq and Iran in their defense and security operations. Let's send a strong message of deterrence - that however enticing Iraq's oil fields look, the price for seizing them is too high.
I can say that given how China treats her Muslim minorities, China 'helped created' ISIS. If I have the wordsmithing skills of Counterpunch's writers, I can convince even YOU that China 'helped created' ISIS.

You could say that but you also claimed Edward Snowden was a double agent whose mission is to feed Russia false information. You're sorely lacking in the credibility department. Meanwhile I've posted nearly a dozen articles from disparate sources, liberal and conservative, all coming to the same conclusion about the US' responsibility regarding ISIS.

Obviously, you're free to turn a blind eye to the truth because it makes you uncomfortable but my only response to your claim that you can "convince me that China 'helped create' ISIS" if you were a more eloquent writer is to laugh in your face. :omghaha:
Did ISIS cause 20 million Chinese deaths during WWII?

Is ISIS preventing China from retaking Taiwan?

Is ISIS planning a 'Pivot to Asia' and a naval blockade of China?

Is ISIS implementing an Air-Sea Battle concept to attack China?

If China has the strategic objective of prevent Sunni unification, then it would make sense to sent boots on ground. The objective could be justify someday if

1) ISIS Sunni Islamist are went all out to destabilize China periphery
2) ISIS Sunni Islamist attacking PRC interest worldwide through terrorism

And attacking the ISIS in a heavy involvement will certainly make Sunni enemies of China.
You reap what you sow
A resounding NO on China's involvement
1. Like some of the above posters said when the Uyghurs have attacked our countrymen multiple times, the west / US are almost too gleeful to see that happen in China. And they are still harbouring some of the notorious anti-China figureheads in their own territories. They have kept in Guantenamo Bay Uyghur Terrorists and refused to turn them over to Chinese custody. That already speaks volumes
Our terrorists are labelled as "Freedom Fighters". Their "Freedom Fighters" are terrorists!
2. Tibet - they are still cooking hard the notions of separating Tibet from the Mainland
3. "umbrella" movement in HK - which camp that countries like Japan, USA and other nations in the west have sided. It doesnt need a professor to understand their motives when the anti-social movement was fully supported by their governments, media, financially personally or through social institutions. The OP is well known about this together with some of our vietcongs / anti-China members here on PDF
4. Alongside US, Japan has declared military support in hardware and more so than the US, in sending troops for Taiwan should military conflicts happen across the strait. On top of this, their recent diplomatic debacle of trying to voice out their support of India's claim in South Tibet
5. Japan and the US are supporting the Philippines, Vietnam militarily against China in SCS disputes

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Actually, China didn't deploy their combat troops 70kilometers away from their border for over 60 years for a war.
They didn't make sure they could join such a war.

Not mean to offend anyone, but Japanese is able to conquer the Asia and reach to Hawaii for Pearl Harbor battle long time ago. Their oversea forces quite good.
The ISIS situation is a positive for China for several reasons:

1. The price of oil is at multi-year lows.

2. The US is preoccupied with the Middle East once again.

3. Europe is the one facing terrorism with the Charlie Hebdo attack being the most significant one so far. The Euro is at 11-year lows.

4. ISIS has captured a bunch of Western and Japanese hostages but no Chinese so far.

How is any of this bad for China? :lol:
The ISIS situation is a positive for China for several reasons:

1. The price of oil is at multi-year lows.

2. The US is preoccupied with the Middle East once again.

3. Europe is the one facing terrorism with the Charlie Hebdo attack being the most significant one so far. The Euro is at 11 year lows.

4. ISIS has captured a bunch of Western and Japanese hostages but no Chinese so far.

How is any of this bad for China? :lol:

I am worried that if China would not seek for ISIS, then ISIS would seek for China !!!
You could say that but you also claimed Edward Snowden was a double agent whose mission is to feed Russia false information. You're sorely lacking in the credibility department. Meanwhile I've posted nearly a dozen articles from disparate sources, liberal and conservative, all coming to the same conclusion about the US' responsibility regarding ISIS.

Obviously, you're free to turn a blind eye to the truth because it makes you uncomfortable but my only response to your claim that you can "convince me that China 'helped create' ISIS" if you were a more eloquent writer is to laugh in your face. :omghaha:
You cited globalresearch.ca, a well known loony 9/11 conspiracy web site...:whistle:

As for my 'claim' that Snowden is a double agent...You must have had a bad hair day...It was a JOKE.

Do you even take time to read and think about the sources you brought on ? Apparently not.

For example...

Talking Heads: How the US Created the Islamic State | VICE News
...outlining how American policy during the Iraq war effectively helped incite in many ways what was then an emerging insurgency. The occupation of Iraq post-9/11 created a broad front to which militant jihadists began to flock. The mishandling of the Iraqi army sent thousands of highly-trained, angry men into the streets with no jobs. And photos of Iraqis being tortured by American personnel at the Abu Ghraib prison provided telegenic images that helped these groups recruit from an increasingly indignant public.
Critical thinking would ask Mark Danner that if the US had done everything perfectly, as he criticized, would that effectively %100 deny any source or even potential source of grievance that would serve as recruitment tools and incentives to create IS any way. Mr. Danner would most likely dance around the question because he is smart enough to know the truth: No, there is nothing to prevent the Muslims from using anything as recruitment tools and incentives to create IS or any alternate version of it.

You also conveniently ignored the role of the locals themselves, as if they and their incompetence at putting down IS when it was nascent, had no contribution to the current state of IS today.

Yeah...You are real credible...:rolleyes:
Actually by leaving a leader in Iraq who was always known to be biased was the cause of Iraq's Sunni population being part of ISIS. Remember one thing my friend that most Iraqi soldiers who joined ISIS was caused by them being ignored by the Iraqi army on the basis that they served under Saddam even though common foot soldiers have no real authority.
Secondly the Syrian government was allowed to use chemical weapons without any real consequences. Explain to me how the people on the ground felt when UN observers watched chemical weapons being dismantled but ignored the murder of innocents by conventional methods. It showed them that all America cared for was the fear of chemical weapons being used against their forces or their allies and the Syrian people were fodder.
You have took at things with a balance, yes ISIS is self made but the environment needed for such an organisation to form was made by the unrest caused by US actions.

I said ISIS is a global problem, and US being part of the globe, that would mean it is the US problem too.

But what you are saying is two different thing. Indeed US invasion led to the power vacumn, and the result is AQI grew strong.

But then what you also need to account is the effect the US went to crub those AQI operative. And indeed ending with Zarqari death and the eventual lost of support of Sunni population in northern Iraq could have easily spell the demise of ISIS but the fact that the remant escape to Syria and they grew from the Civil war means this is not to be.

But then one have to ask, exactly what can US do after AQI left Iraq, nothing. Short of invading Syria, there are nothing the US can do about AQI and another reason ehy ISIS grew so fast is because the tactics used by al Baghdidi and his well played on sides claim success. He saw that and realise that without using more radical way, it would have suppress both western reaction and the local sunni population, instead using what AQI been using in the era of insurgence, they actually launch a conventional strike into both Syria and Iraq which also knowjng that by presenting it like a more traditional war without harming US allies and interest (ie Saudi) the US would not intevene beyond strong word or air strike, without a proper army to fight set piece (Iraq was trained to deal with insurgency, not conventional warfare) they gain more ground and support then they would originally could, seeing that US would not have another appetite for ground war unless US allies or interest was presented as a target and sadly, ground invasion of Northern Iraq and Southern Syria does not fit the bill

But if you have to blame US anyway, i guess all radical muslim group were created when US back Israel and see as muddling with the ME aftair, well...
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