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China Should Send Troops to Fight ISIS

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China Should Send Troops to Fight ISIS

Guys relax. It's true that China don't have to get involved in this mess given the current situation, I don't want to see China to face so many enemies at the same time, but there is uncertainty in the next few decades, just like nobody in China 10 years ago (maybe 3-5 years ago)could expect that there are so many terror activities and how drastically China's global interest is expanding nowadays. We want to keep peace and don't want China into the trouble, but if China has to fight for her people and interest, please don't hesitate, why learn from Qing Empire?
Shut up, you racist prick! You have too high opinion of yourself, obviously.

ISIS is a former AQ.

ISIS is an arm of al Nusra, which is the Syrian arm of AQ. Then ISIS outgrew Nusra and wanted to absorb it. Nusra declined, hence the rift between AQ and ISIS.

However there is continuous effort to mend the ties between Nusra-AQ and ISIS as a united front against Syria. The US is working for this using Turkey and Israel.

Israel is contributing the ISIS by killing the key commanders who fight the ISIS.

The US does not wish the ISIS to disappear. It just want it to be contained.

For many geopolitical reasons, China will never take part in the US' proxy war.

Well, set aside the origin of ISIS total wrong, but saying Israelis supporting ISIS is really funny as hell.

Israel is too far for IS, and no, IS does not have fighter so they cant bomb the crap out of Israel. To have ISIS fight Israel, they would need to first conquer Syria and Lebannon, and both were Israel sworn Enemy.

Israel is simply watching what happened to muslim for past 500 years, which is muslim killing another muslim...

To say Israel support ISIS is the same as saying Syrian in the golan height is actually friend of Israel...

And ISIS is not created after US invasion of Iraq, it was neither created in Syria, ISIS is created by Al Zarqari , a jordanian national in jordan, but mostly operate in Iraq, infact, before AQI was driven out of Iraq, there were no active intel pointing Zarqari operated in Syria ever. The first time AQI operate in Syria is when Sarqari is killed and AQI is defeated in Iraq...
The US should lead the fight against ISIS including boots on the ground. Does anyone think ISIS would have had a chance in hell under Saddam's regime? And who toppled Saddam under false pretenses, upsetting the balance in the region, and creating utter chaos in an already volatile area that culminated in a massacre in Paris a few weeks ago?

China's only job with regards to ISIS is to sit back and do this: :pop:
I didn't know about this till now. Thanks for sharing.

All nation building need to go through some war. The Japanese saw the war of Tokugawa and the loyalist. This ISIS is not a simple bunch of crackpot but a worldwide Sunni initiative.

I would say they must be contained within Sunni land and not allowed to spill out.

However Jaafari commenting that China agreed to drone the ISIS IS A BIG STEP for PRC.

I see this move as a milestone that China is now willing to use military intervention to protect her interest oversea far far away.

That makes China look increasingly like one country -- USA.
China will not send troops, but China might via North Korea, support Assad.
Many people who keep screaming China never send expedition forces forget one thing. China has intervene massively by throwing troops into Vietnam and North Korea. ROC sent expeditionary forces into Burma.

The time will come when China project herself further away.
IMHO, the one to lead any campaign in this mess, should be a Muslim country, one that can stand as a beacon of Islam righteousness, the true opposite to ISIS's sinister image.
That was a very thought provoking analysis. The one issue we forget is the origin of ISIS in the area is feeding of the people's unhappiness with the governance. The number of innocent people killed by the Syrian Government and army needs to be accounted for and the Syrian government taken out and the moderate minds need to replace them. There are many who have no links to ISIS and are stuck fighting Assad on one side and ISIS on the other. These are the people that the coalition needs to back not just in words or supplies but with troops on the ground.
Without taking out the biggest hurdle to peace which is Assad one can not expect the war to be won because even if you remove ISIS you leave a destabilized dictator in rule which can only lead to more radicals forming.
@Nihonjin1051 i put that pictures into words.
ISIS has been a former arm of Al Nusra/AQ. Later they got into infighting, and ISIS outgrew Nusra. Then the two sides started the takfir business.

But, recently, they seem to have reached a certain level of understanding.

Israel has recently killed several Iranian and Hezbollah commanders who were very active in fighting ISIS. The killing took place inside Syria. Israel is said to got the intel from al Nusra.

Thus, indirectly, Israel has been assisting the ISIS.

Remember, there has been no ISIS attack against Israel (and hope will never be against Israeli civilians), although the rhetoric is anti-Israel.

The US, Israel, Turkey and other Gulf states do not want the ISIS to be destroyed because they are the only effective weapon to use against Assad. The FSA is in ruins. They have serious infighting as well fighting between their supporting governments.

ISIS will be kept alive at least until Assad is thrown.
The US should lead the fight against ISIS including boots on the ground. Does anyone think ISIS would have had a chance in hell under Saddam's regime? And who toppled Saddam under false pretenses, upsetting the balance in the region, and creating utter chaos in an already volatile area that culminated in a massacre in Paris a few weeks ago?

China's only job with regards to ISIS is to sit back and do this: :pop:

ISIS's lineage is formed in 1999, in Jordan as a militiant group to topple Jordian government. Before US invaded Iraq, they already exist in Iraq before 2003 and probably sanctioned by Saddam as they are on the same side, which explain why Iranian oppose to ISIS so actively.
Guys relax. It's true that China don't have to get involved in this mess given the current situation, I don't want to see China to face so many enemies at the same time, but there is uncertainty in the next few decades, just like nobody in China 10 years ago (maybe 3-5 years ago)could expect that there are so many terror activities and how drastically China's global interest is expanding nowadays. We want to keep peace and don't want China into the trouble, but if China has to fight for her people and interest, please don't hesitate, why learn from Qing Empire?

I agree with you, Ed. And to be honest, I think Japan and China should take a more pro-active role in balancing and stabilizing the world, specially the Middle East. For too long, we have kept our interests and bickering over uninhabited pieces of rocks (Senkakus / Diaoyutai) . It keeps us myopically inclined only to our region. Japan has investments and designs in Africa, the Middle East that are in the Billions upon Billions. The same goes for China, which is the largest investor in African development as well as in the Middle East. Why should we only be limited to fiscal aid ? Perhaps we can be more successful due to our lack of negative interaction with Muslims and Islam. The West, well, they've had the Crusades , which puts them already in negative light towards the inhabitants in the Middle East.

I say this: Perhaps its time for China and Japan take a pro-active role in global peace and security. We are, afterall, the 2nd and 3rd largest economies in the world. Our Armed Forces, combined, could more than eviscerate threats to global and regional peace there in the Levant.

Japan is now involved because our citizens are being threatened. Our investments are either destroyed or being destroyed. We cannot just sit in our homes , sealing ourselves away from outside threats and the ravages of the world. If we wait too long, I fear there will be terror bombings and attacks in Japan and China. Thus, Japan and China must be pro-active.

Remember the concept of : 陰陽

Harmony is only ensured when and if the 陰 is prevented from dominating 陽. We cannot sit and wait and allow 陰 to fester and dominate.
ISIS has been a former arm of Al Nusra/AQ. Later they got into infighting, and ISIS outgrew Nusra. Then the two sides started the takfir business.

But, recently, they seem to have reached a certain level of understanding.

Israel has recently killed several Iranian and Hezbollah commanders who were very active in fighting ISIS. The killing took place inside Syria. Israel is said to got the intel from al Nusra.

Thus, indirectly, Israel has been assisting the ISIS.

Remember, there has been no ISIS attack against Israel (and hope will never be against Israeli civilians), although the rhetoric is anti-Israel.

The US, Israel, Turkey and other Gulf states do not want the ISIS to be destroyed because they are the only effective weapon to use against Assad. The FSA is in ruins. They have serious infighting as well fighting between their supporting governments.

ISIS will be kept alive at least until Assad is thrown.

dude, ISIS or AQI only pledge to loyal OBL after US invaded Iraq, but the organisation have existed long before the war in 2003.

Infact before War in Iraqx Al Zarqari is at odd with OBL...any pakistani will tell you it is the Iraqi war that bring ISIS and AQ together
ISIS's lineage is formed in 1999, in Jordan as a militiant group to topple Jordian government. Before US invaded Iraq, they already exist in Iraq before 2003 and probably sanctioned by Saddam as they are on the same side, which explain why Iranian oppose to ISIS so actively.

Even if your conjecture that they were "probably sanctioned by Saddam" was remotely true, back then ISIS was still a shadow of what they are today - in control of large swathes of land in Iraq and Syria and inspiring terror cells to mass murder worldwide.

Nothing you said negates my point. The US should clean up the mess it made.
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