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China Should Send Troops to Fight ISIS

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China offers military help to Iraq to defeat ISIS – report — RT News
There is already some form of collaboration between PRC and Iraqi Shia, but not to the extend of throwing in division.

I would argue that the current intervention level of PRC is appropriate. PRC should not intervene too much in Sunni Arab nation building, but Sunni Islamofascism is a threat to PRC.

So long it is contain in Levant Sunni land, it should be tolerated. If Kurdistan or Shia land fall, then Sunni Islamofascsim will get a bigger morale boost and give more problem to the world.

China may supply weapons but there won't be any troops on the ground. China will only send troops for any war is if Taipei tries to declare independence.
:DTerrorists are like Hydra,cut off one head,two more shall take its places.
The whole region don't really know what the end game for the war in the region, help destroy ISIS also help Assad destroy the rebel, help the moderate rebel to destroy Assad also help ISIS gaining more territory in the region, Shiite and Sunni Muslim fight to dominate the region, also you have Israel fight the Muslim, Al Qida part of the fight group.
Looks like, there is some one who wants all powerful nations to get involved into IS issue. This is getting really in different order now. There is no motive behind IS , IS has no agenda either, just randomly fighting. Wtf is this?
LMAO are you trying to sell ISIS threat to China like Amerians sold China's threat to Asian countries :rofl:, we Chinese are not naive as you want to believe to be.:lol:..we don't have problem with ISIS and as an example we even invite al qaeda representives to beijing to have a concilliatory discussion and to make peace with current Afghanistan gorvernment, we Chinese are pragmatic and not lunatic like some westerners want to portray that ISIS and al qaeda as pure evil organization. where ever Americans failed we Chinese will suceede such as Africa, south American.

lol AQ is not ISIS.

Iran support AQ, and even Iran and AQ condemn ISIS. You can catch the drift behind it.

I am not pitching China into ISIS, infact if you bother to read my first post, i said in Chinese prespective China will not get involved.

Problem is US will also not get involved unless ISIS did something drastic to the US simply hecause US is 10k miles away sitting pretty, but China is simply just 2 border down with ISIS. kindly point out which factual assessment is not correct here.
Because people cannot get it. And too many PDF PRC read TOO LITTLE and make a lot of noise.

Shut up, you racist prick! You have too high opinion of yourself, obviously.

ISIS is a former AQ.

ISIS is an arm of al Nusra, which is the Syrian arm of AQ. Then ISIS outgrew Nusra and wanted to absorb it. Nusra declined, hence the rift between AQ and ISIS.

However there is continuous effort to mend the ties between Nusra-AQ and ISIS as a united front against Syria. The US is working for this using Turkey and Israel.

Israel is contributing the ISIS by killing the key commanders who fight the ISIS.

The US does not wish the ISIS to disappear. It just want it to be contained.

For many geopolitical reasons, China will never take part in the US' proxy war.
Shut up, you racist prick! You have too high opinion of yourself, obviously.

ISIS is a former AQ.

ISIS is an arm of al Nusra, which is the Syrian arm of AQ. Then ISIS outgrew Nusra and wanted to absorb it. Nusra declined, hence the rift between AQ and ISIS.

However there is continuous effort to mend the ties between Nusra-AQ and ISIS as a united front against Syria. The US is working for this using Turkey and Israel.

Israel is contributing the ISIS by killing the key commanders who fight the ISIS.

The US does not wish the ISIS to disappear. It just want it to be contained.

For many geopolitical reasons, China will never take part in the US' proxy war.

Many PRC here make a fool out of themselves... Just go read their comments
ISIS will
No way. I see a sinister intention here to pull China into the mess. China will never in any way be involved, other than advising the sides for a UN-mandated political solution to the civil war. This position has been made clear from the very beginning by the Foreign Ministry.

China made its stance clear from the beginning, especially when it vetoed two times a US-led Resolution for military campaign against the Syrian government.

China seeks a political solution with preliminary conditions being 1. all sides agreeing on a ceasefire, 2. the foreign terrorists leaving the country, 3. Turkey sealing the border, and 4. US,Turkey, Qatar, France etc. stopping training the terrorists called the moderate Islamists.

It is a particular US mess and China WILL NEVER be involved in it in any military way.

Its unavoidable. China will be dragged into this if ISIS gets stronger.
ISIS and TTP can be conquerd without firing a bullet, just pull out US from Afghanistan and Iraq.
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