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China Should Send Troops to Fight ISIS

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Western Ideological war never ended. The west as always, never understand the mindset of the muslim. As long as the West interfere with the Middle East, any country installed will have a weak mandate. Radical Islam is a respond to imperialism. The west should totally withdraw from the middle east and let the Muslim states solve these among themselves unless they decide to use the nuclear option.
Western Ideological war never ended. The west as always, never understand the mindset of the muslim. As long as the West interfere with the Middle East, any country installed will have a weak mandate. Radical Islam is a respond to imperialism. The west should totally withdraw from the middle east and let the Muslim states solve these among themselves unless they decide to use the nuclear option.

Actually the situation is both way. The reactionary Al Saud and other GCC want USA to be there while instigating Sunni peasants to be anti USA.

Al Saud and GCC are being protected by the west. The moment USA withdraw the support, Gulf sheikh is going to be lynch by their own freedom fighters. The Gulf sheikhs mass import Pakistani mercenaries for their own security instead of trusting their own citizen army.
You guys cannot even manhandle a few babies in HK and Taiwan.

Hahaha, CPC is the grandmaster of strategy. They can crush those anti-CPC folks in HK like cockroaches if they really want to do so.

Instead, they were using a much more brilliant strategy to let those anti-CPC folks got despised by over 90% of Mainland Chinese.

CPC doesn't give a crap about the opinion from the HKers or Taiwanese, all they need to get support from the majority in Mainland China.

Those HK crybabies now not only get despised by the Mainlanders, by also by many other HKers.

If CPC is not brilliant, then how PRC could turn into a 10 trillion economy powerhouse?
lol, just keep dreaming, the US is now getting into big troubles, and your Asia-Pacific pivot is officially dead.

In 2001-2003, the US has underestimated China, so she was easily getting distracted by Afghanistan and Iraq.

And now, the US knows that she couldn't underestimate China anymore, but too bad, ISIS + Ukrainian Crisis make the US fall into another trap.

Yeah, we are blessed by our bright destiny in the future, you have no chance to stop us, just keep crying.
Here is a bit of history lesson to you, kid, as I try to treat you like an adult.

The age of the 'blue water' navy began in the 15-16th century. That is when navies -- plural -- became sophisticated enough in shipbuilding, navigation, and manpower to leave the old method of travel by sea by staying within sight of land, and relies on the compass, detailed charts and maps, and increased knowledge of meteorology to travels to unknown parts of the world. And yeah, I know about Zheng-He. By the start of WW II, blue water navies were common, even the Japanese had one.

At the end of WW II, there was only one blue water navy left -- the USN. The war devastated all the world's major powers' abilities to build ships, at least for the short term, which is about 10 yrs. At the start of WW II, the USN had barely 180 surface combatants and barely 60 submarines, most were moderately manned just to keep them from rusting. At the end of WW II, the USN had a combined force of 6800 vessels with over 1000 surface and submarine combatant ships. The second major blue water navy at war's end was the Royal Navy and the Brits had to rely on the Americans for ventures beyond European waters. In measly 6 yrs, the time it takes for most countries to build a ship or a few ships, the USN went from barely 200 to nearly 7000.

That is the highest concentration of military power, land or sea, the world have yet seen. And maybe will never see again by any country other than US.

The US is also pretty much the only power so far in history to successfully executed an EXTRAHEMISPHERICAL invasion of a continental country: Iraq -- twice.

That does not mean Iraq was a country that spanned a continent. It mean Iraq was on a different continent and was geographically speaking a major opponent.

So twice in military history the world was shocked by the US. Once in WW II when she was the sole blue water navy remaining, and two times with Iraq when she did what no one could, an invasion of a country that is continental in scope and extrahemispherical in reach.

So who is really underestimating whom ?
Here is a bit of history lesson to you, kid, as I try to treat you like an adult.

The age of the 'blue water' navy began in the 15-16th century. That is when navies -- plural -- became sophisticated enough in shipbuilding, navigation, and manpower to leave the old method of travel by sea by staying within sight of land, and relies on the compass, detailed charts and maps, and increased knowledge of meteorology to travels to unknown parts of the world. And yeah, I know about Zheng-He. By the start of WW II, blue water navies were common, even the Japanese had one.

At the end of WW II, there was only one blue water navy left -- the USN. The war devastated all the world's major powers' abilities to build ships, at least for the short term, which is about 10 yrs. At the start of WW II, the USN had barely 180 surface combatants and barely 60 submarines, most were moderately manned just to keep them from rusting. At the end of WW II, the USN had a combined force of 6800 vessels with over 1000 surface and submarine combatant ships. The second major blue water navy at war's end was the Royal Navy and the Brits had to rely on the Americans for ventures beyond European waters. In measly 6 yrs, the time it takes for most countries to build a ship or a few ships, the USN went from barely 200 to nearly 7000.

That is the highest concentration of military power, land or sea, the world have yet seen. And maybe will never see again by any country other than US.

The US is also pretty much the only power so far in history to successfully executed an EXTRAHEMISPHERICAL invasion of a continental country: Iraq -- twice.

That does not mean Iraq was a country that spanned a continent. It mean Iraq was on a different continent and was geographically speaking a major opponent.

So twice in military history the world was shocked by the US. Once in WW II when she was the sole blue water navy remaining, and two times with Iraq when she did what no one could, an invasion of a country that is continental in scope and extrahemispherical in reach.

So who is really underestimating whom ?

According to your Vietcong logic, China is weak and useless, so maybe the US should request your mighty Vietnam to do this bidding.

Just leave us alone and stop bothering us, thanks.
According to your Vietcong logic, China is weak and useless, so maybe the US should request your mighty Vietnam to do this bidding.

Just leave us alone and stop bothering us, thanks.
I guess my attempt to treat you like an adult -- failed.
ISIS dont pose no real threat to China. This claim of a threat could have wait if Pakistan had not launched Op. Zarb e Azb as NW was the place from where the TTP was training and sending its fighters to western china. But now when its being carpet bombed i dont see much of a threat. Yes the only threat is from Afghanistan if ISIS makes it this far and receives a foreign funding in Afghanistan to further take their operations to China. Which realistically is not possible since Iran is just too big of a fish to fry for this western-Israeli backed group.
the Islamic State is threatening to execute 2 Japanese hostages next, maybe Japan should get involved militarily

China would do no such thing.
A) its has faaaar too many points of interest , including oil, in muslim regions in Africa and ME.Leading the firefight against muslims would bring unnecessary and harsh focus on them.
B) Its treatment of its own Uighur population is also looked at with scornful eyes from the muslim world. Extra attention? Dont think so?
C) Finally , while it may have numbers, the officer cadre of this vast army has not seen any action . Novice men leading inti battle isnt a planners dream.
D)Its doent have the infrastructure to support a long drawn out war away from its borders.

My 50 cents
the Islamic State is threatening to execute 2 Japanese hostages next, maybe Japan should get involved militarily


Yep, just as Abe has kept shouting for the amend of constitution for many years, and now this will be an excellent opportunity to prove himself.

And what is he still waiting for?
Yep, just as Abe has kept shouting for the amend of constitution for many years, and now this will be an excellent opportunity to prove himself.

And what he is still waiting for?
they want 200 million USD within the next 2 days before they kill them, he might just quietly make the payment, and then get involved in the coalition effort.

Japan says will not bow to terrorism as ISIL releases hostage video of two Japanese | Middle East | Worldbulletin News

@Nihonjin1051 your thoughts ?
they want 200 million USD within the next 2 days before they kill them, he might just quietly make the payment, and then get involved in the coalition effort.

Japan says will not bow to terrorism as ISIL releases hostage video of two Japanese | Middle East | Worldbulletin News

@Nihonjin1051 your thoughts ?

If Japan pays the 200 million ransom, then the next they will try to kidnap more Japanese citizens as the ease meal.

I think Japan should be the one to fight ISIS than China.
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