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China sells used Type 053 frigates to Burma and Bangladesh

China will sell as long as we give them money, its just business for them.

And as other members explained this will probably be used as stop gap before we get new ones.

Depends on what we're selling. To core allies, we will transfer tech and help them build up their own capabilities. Those who do not seek aspirations to become a core ally will get the deal as written.
Yes Burma is not our enemy at all,they are our only gateway to East Asia and we can't risk this opportunity.After the recent UN verdict we both are happy.We are increasing our military strength so that they don't take us lightly and make some dumb move,just in case !!
Service HQs have been seeking J-10s, F-22s and MBT-2000 - all of which China is reported to have agreed to sell us. However, the current BAL govt dare not acquire anything that may be a headache to Indian Eastern Command.
Service HQs have been seeking J-10s, F-22s and MBT-2000 - all of which China is reported to have agreed to sell us. However, the current BAL govt dare not acquire anything that may be a headache to Indian Eastern Command.

As long as these RAW implants BAL is in power we will be in isolation from the rest of the world. BAL
is actually a curse on our nation or may be Allah(swt) is punishing us for some sins we have
done in the past.:cry:
how good are these mbt 2000 compared to western tanks?
As long as these RAW implants BAL is in power we will be in isolation from the rest of the world. BAL
is actually a curse on our nation or may be Allah(swt) is punishing us for some sins we have
done in the past.:cry:
Just an example how much people dislike this BAL govt.
Yesterday i was at TSC to watch the final on big screen,at one moment it was our PM on the screen but nobody did nothing and kept silent.But the moment it showed Khaleda zia on the screen it was like people were jumping and clapping,cheering;)
so currently china has no tank that matches the west?

There are no western tanks in neighborhood, so China doesn't necessarily need to match them. But the type 99 tank definitely can match the leopards, abrahams of the world. Also you have to remember that the 70+ tons (leo 2, abraham, type 99) can't operate well in muddy southern China, I don't know how the climate is in bangladesh but I can assure you a 50 ton tank will beat a 70 ton tank stuck in the mud.
There are no western tanks in neighborhood, so China doesn't necessarily need to match them. But the type 99 tank definitely can match the leopards, abrahams of the world. Also you have to remember that the 70+ tons (leo 2, abraham, type 99) can't operate well in muddy southern China, I don't know how the climate is in bangladesh but I can assure you a 50 ton tank will beat a 70 ton tank stuck in the mud.
Even a 50 ton will be heavier for Bangladeshi terrain,most of the areas of the country is soft and marshy land.
we should just get some iranain speed boats. get a fleet of those speed boats. Problem solved.
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