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China sells 50 armed drones to Pakistan, begins psyops. It’s a reminder | Analysis

Neither we fear you not did we panic, heli was shot down as it's IFF system was off. And if you think that we are impressed with your hollow act of Bravery where you shot down an old mig with 24 aircraft then you are mistaken.
Yet there was no retribution from india.
Not very bright are you?

You are comparing man portable ATGM and static artillery with a drone that can fly miles in the sky, search and acquire multiple moving targets and then rain down several long range missiles to destroy them?

Wing Long will be able to track and designate targets miles into Indian territory.

As you admit, to counter them you will need more SAMs and Fighters. So for relatively small cost to Pak India forced to deploy expensive assets. This is why it is such a good move

See thr is no misconception in my observation...
Indian Pak border is heavily militerized every single area is trackes by Radars and a solution can easily be requested whether SAM or AAM ..
As per mutually agreed any air activity in 10 km area to both side to LOC is not permitted so in case any UCAV coming near even if more than 10 kms will easily be tracked n destroyed... a sub sonic non maneuverable aircraft is basically dead against any type of SAM and AAM missile ...
And India doesn't need to call in fighters a cheap SAM can do the job with ease..
dont see much advantage against India as pakistan can no where gets air dominance near India...
may be good for fight against insurgencies ... but still too costly in my opinion...

and dont see chinese ones having near capability of a matured US system .. not in engines, sensors or weapons..
LOL.. Drone are meant to be dispensable. Since no pilot killed when shot down. So why put so much advance sensor , engine and capabilities to bring up a unit cost? Wing Loong II are even meant to use as bait to force India air defense to open up their cover to expose their position. Look at US MQ-9B reaper sold to UAE at price of USD160 million a piece.

PA bought 50 Wing Loong II and quantity will overwhelmed quality. Are u telling me, you are going to use a USD160million MQ-9B as bait for air defense target? Or u think MQ-9B can shot down a JF-17 BkII?

although this number about wing long 1 has been widely spread through social media but there is no confirmation from our official about the pricing, but wing loong 2 certainly cost much much more than a million.
I think Wing Loong II are priced at USD3-4 million a piece for export. It is still much much affordable compare to US MQ-9 reaper which a unit loss is too much to bear for a nation AF.
Great! Even if it is only say 80% as good as Predator it is just a quarter of the price, so we are getting decent numbers. 50 will allow at least 10 in constant orbit by the border.....
Has there been any confirmation fromlocal sources? The last I had heard our own UCAV was almost ready to launch.

Bad deal for pakistan I must say. Chinese equipment are no serious threat to us.
We are happy if you continue on believing this.
See thr is no misconception in my observation...
Indian Pak border is heavily militerized every single area is trackes by Radars and a solution can easily be requested whether SAM or AAM ..
As per mutually agreed any air activity in 10 km area to both side to LOC is not permitted so in case any UCAV coming near even if more than 10 kms will easily be tracked n destroyed... a sub sonic non maneuverable aircraft is basically dead against any type of SAM and AAM missile ...
And India doesn't need to call in fighters a cheap SAM can do the job with ease..

You are under many misconceptions, even about your own forces.

Just a few weeks PAF fighters flew right above IOK. India has nowhere near the amount of SAMs needed to cover all of Kashmir, let alone off of international border. You would literally need thousands of units.
No such thing as "cheap SAM" that is needed to target a high flying drone, you will also need search radar as well. You will thus need to spend, literally billions of dollars in new SAMs and search radars to counter a Chinese/Pak investment of less than $100 million. Not even India can afford to compete at that level.

To counter this you would need 50 Predator/Reaper drones. With equipment and going by price UK paid, it would cost India $65 million for 3 aircraft.
we should seriously consider sending a contingent to Turkey/Azerbaijan to learn drone warfare

and then open a entire new chapter for Pakistan to master drone warfare

its future of warfare

and no its not always true that its only good when the air space is non-tested
You are under many misconceptions, even about your own forces.

Just a few weeks PAF fighters flew right above IOK. India has nowhere near the amount of SAMs needed to cover all of Kashmir, let alone off of international border. You would literally need thousands of units.
No such thing as "cheap SAM" that is needed to target a high flying drone, you will also need search radar as well. You will thus need to spend, literally billions of dollars in new SAMs and search radars to counter a Chinese/Pak investment of less than $100 million. Not even India can afford to compete at that level.

To counter this you would need 50 Predator/Reaper drones. With equipment and going by price UK paid, it would cost India $65 million for 3 aircraft.

Haha PAF flew over Indian Kashmir... 🤣
Shows ur high intelligence...
See thr is no misconception in my observation...
Indian Pak border is heavily militerized every single area is trackes by Radars and a solution can easily be requested whether SAM or AAM ..
As per mutually agreed any air activity in 10 km area to both side to LOC is not permitted so in case any UCAV coming near even if more than 10 kms will easily be tracked n destroyed... a sub sonic non maneuverable aircraft is basically dead against any type of SAM and AAM missile ...
And India doesn't need to call in fighters a cheap SAM can do the job with ease..

In last skirmish India failed in tracking PAF, also UCAVs can be used in many ways, allowing PAF many tactics against India.

Those UCAVs can be equiped with EW suit to tackle SAMs and Radars.
dont see much advantage against India as pakistan can no where gets air dominance near India...
may be good for fight against insurgencies ... but still too costly in my opinion...

and dont see chinese ones having near capability of a matured US system .. not in engines, sensors or weapons..
Looooool another expert opinion
See thr is no misconception in my observation...
Indian Pak border is heavily militerized every single area is trackes by Radars and a solution can easily be requested whether SAM or AAM ..
As per mutually agreed any air activity in 10 km area to both side to LOC is not permitted so in case any UCAV coming near even if more than 10 kms will easily be tracked n destroyed... a sub sonic non maneuverable aircraft is basically dead against any type of SAM and AAM missile ...
And India doesn't need to call in fighters a cheap SAM can do the job with ease..

These guys don't understand and I am not sure why they keep engaging with superior Indians, you are correct, there is no weapon system in this world that can harm India. We are so sorry to have bothered you!!!
Haha PAF flew over Indian Kashmir... 🤣
Shows ur high intelligence...

This the answer of someone who can no longer use facts to debate anymore. Your Intelligence is openly displayed by your posts on this thread. It's "your" not "ur" by the way, speaking of intelligence....

Bad deal for pakistan I must say. Chinese equipment are no serious threat to us.

I want this confidence in my life.

Bad deal for pakistan I must say. Chinese equipment are no serious threat to us.
So once again since every Indian troll parroting this American propaganda seems to conveniently "miss" it: What about Jordan selling American MD 530 helicopters, British BAE Systems Hawk jets, Spanish CASA CN-235 and their Spanish Airbus C-295 in the exact same tender.

You know, thats the guys you Indians buy your equipment from.

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