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China sells 50 armed drones to Pakistan, begins psyops. It’s a reminder | Analysis

we should seriously consider sending a contingent to Turkey/Azerbaijan to learn drone warfare

and then open a entire new chapter for Pakistan to master drone warfare

its future of warfare

and no its not always true that its only good when the air space is non-tested
I am pretty sure Pak knows much more than the casual observers about the recent successful drones led and owned warfares....
Has there been any confirmation fromlocal sources? The last I had heard our own UCAV was almost ready to launch.
In the drone warfare the more the merrier! For example, Bayraktar produces one TB2 per week....
America had some sort of control regime against drone sales. Now it is selling to every nation WHY?

Market share. They are scared to lose it to Turkey, China.

Well, Companies / builders / makers would love to sell to whoever wants to buy them, its the US Gov't that places restrictions as to who may be the chosen select few ones that can buy them, still.
Yet India banned tik tok

Bad deal for pakistan I must say. Chinese equipment are no serious threat to us.
We don't make excuses.
oh hey, look at mister capt the badass karnage with his "we don't make excuses".
excuse #1: the clouds blocked the radar.
excuse #2: agar rafale ho ta to hindustan itna zaleel na ho ta.
excuse #3: mountain peaks blocked radar.
excuse #N: we did not have darth vadar's tie fighters!

China sells 50 armed drones to Pakistan

  • Beijing has decided to supply 50 Wing Loong II armed drones to Pakistan, which would pose a unique challenge for adversarial forces across the border.
  • These armed drones have been touted as extremely effective, especially in high-altitude areas.

BR Web Desk Updated 30 Dec 2020

As reported by Chinese state media, Beijing has decided to supply 50 Wing Loong II armed drones to Pakistan, which would pose a unique challenge for adversarial forces across the border.

These armed drones have been touted as extremely effective, especially in high-altitude areas, as the Indian military lacks the capability to respond to new-age weaponry.

Chinese state media outlets argued that armed drones played a crucial role in the conflicts in Libya, Syria and Azerbaijan; adding that Indian forces would be unable to parry an attack against this aerial threat.

However, Indian military officials have pointed out that armed drones are most effective aerial spaces where it has dominance, and which remain uncontested - a key example of which is in Afghanistan or Iraq, where the United States routinely carries out strikes against insurgents.

In the case of the India-Pakistan border, this might not be the case, as according to a former Indian Air Force Chief "Whether it is Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir or the Line of Actual Control in Ladakh, the airspace is very closely monitored by radars and hotly contested with fighters. The armed drones will simply be shot down if they cross the lines".

The cost of the Chinese Wing Loong II drone is one-tenth of that of a fighter jet, and while the Indian Army is capable of simply detecting and shooting down the drone; in the absence of a properly integrated air defense system in place, a coordinated drone strike can be very costly.

China sells 50 armed drones to Pakistan

  • Beijing has decided to supply 50 Wing Loong II armed drones to Pakistan, which would pose a unique challenge for adversarial forces across the border.
  • These armed drones have been touted as extremely effective, especially in high-altitude areas.

BR Web Desk Updated 30 Dec 2020

As reported by Chinese state media, Beijing has decided to supply 50 Wing Loong II armed drones to Pakistan, which would pose a unique challenge for adversarial forces across the border.

These armed drones have been touted as extremely effective, especially in high-altitude areas, as the Indian military lacks the capability to respond to new-age weaponry.

Chinese state media outlets argued that armed drones played a crucial role in the conflicts in Libya, Syria and Azerbaijan; adding that Indian forces would be unable to parry an attack against this aerial threat.

However, Indian military officials have pointed out that armed drones are most effective aerial spaces where it has dominance, and which remain uncontested - a key example of which is in Afghanistan or Iraq, where the United States routinely carries out strikes against insurgents.

In the case of the India-Pakistan border, this might not be the case, as according to a former Indian Air Force Chief "Whether it is Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir or the Line of Actual Control in Ladakh, the airspace is very closely monitored by radars and hotly contested with fighters. The armed drones will simply be shot down if they cross the lines".

The cost of the Chinese Wing Loong II drone is one-tenth of that of a fighter jet, and while the Indian Army is capable of simply detecting and shooting down the drone; in the absence of a properly integrated air defense system in place, a coordinated drone strike can be very costly.

They better deploy some on Western Border aswell..
Last week Pakistan army signed a deal with Turkey and heard that Pakistan will receive those armed UAV male drones very soon.
Now Pakistan was told that it will receive Chinese Wing Loong II drones .
Any idea , are those two above deals final and when is expcted the delivery ?
Pakistan needs to build up a HUGE UCAV drone force to take pressure off the air force and armored formations. Would be a much better investment than billions in plots for retired JANERALS,

-100+ CH4/5 Chinese Drones
-100+ Burraq drones made in pakistan
-100+ Turkish drones co produced in pakistan
I agree. Pakistan need a big amount of :
-100+ CH4/5 Chinese Drones
-100+ Burraq drones made in pakistan
-100+ Turkish drones co produced in pakistan
Along with big amount of JF-17 Blck3 , J-10C OR J-20
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