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China seething after India issues visa to Uyghur ‘terrorist’

I am all for Sino Indian co operation but the Indians still see China as an enemy.

It was India that instigated the 1962 border war but China has long forgiven and forgotten the issue. For some reason Indians are extremely vindictive and petty about 1962.

why protect Masood Azhar and get into nasty India-Pakistani politics ?

Pakistan and China should arrange conference for Assamese, Naga, Khalistanis, maoists and other separatists etc.. we can hold that meeting in Islamabad with Chinese support..

please do ...

I guess India planning something to Ruin CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor) from Xinjiang Province.

China and Pakistan must be careful of any India's Action.
India will never want to see Pakistani and Chinese people prosper and Rise together.

there is nothing in common between China and Pakistan
other than shared anti-pathy for India
Its about leverages and counter leverages... China pulls one on India...India pulls one over china... that's how it goes baby....

india itself a lot of "choke" points from red corridor/naxalites/maoists etc down to IOK and Khalistan.. And she has made quiet a few enemies in the region..
Good decision. By protecting Masood Azhar, a terrorist who was released by hijacking a passenger plane, China has declared itself as a state sponsor of terrorism. They have earned it.

Really??? when India harbored Dalai Lama and those slave owners since 1959...has India declared itself as state sponsor of separatism? It's been so long that India has let Dalai roam around the world at the expense of China and ignore China's objection.

Back to this thread, I think China is expected that Indian will play this Uyghur's card for blocking Masood Azhar issue, knowing that India is trying to stir up trouble between China and Pakistan and draw a wedge between us. China rather get harmed than harm our all weather friend. Uyghur is just an minor itching issue compare to our important relation with Pakistan, nice try India, China has unmasked your plot, you can continue with your conference on democracy and invite who ever you want...and enjoy :lol:
brilliant job by GoI. Chinese will only understand this line. against popular opinion of many Russo-philes in India,i say we must work on a long-term strategy with USA to contain China.
Dont worry India already has enough blood in her hands it will not even make a difference ,False flaggers
I think you should stop using terminology like 'blood soaked hands' every country is drenched in blood more than next 10 generations can handle. So holier than thou philosophy is just waste of time.
Really??? when India harbored Dalai Lama and those slave owners since 1959...has India declared itself as state sponsor of separatism? It's been so long that India has let Dalai roam around the world at the expense of China and ignore China's objection.

Back to this thread, I think China is expected that Indian will play this Uyghur's card for blocking Masood Azhar issue, knowing that India is trying to stir up trouble between China and Pakistan and draw a wedge between us. China rather get harmed than harm our all weather friend. Uyghur is just an minor itching issue compare to our important relation with Pakistan, nice try India, China has unmasked your plot, you can continue with your conference on democracy and invite who ever you want...and enjoy :lol:
Seriously what chinis thought when they sided with terrorists, what will India gonna do??
Those So called Ughiher leaders are in China government black list, they are terrorists and seperatists. Dahramsala now is the base of seperatists of China, no need to explain more. You guys invites terrorists leaders and seperatists leader is not accepted, and totally ruin the trust. Make you mind clear that Azhar is now in Pakistan not in China.

How damn can this get...... even the terrorists you saved are in UN and Indian list... but still then you people back them... why?? It's your list when you don't honor ours why do you expect us to honor yours .?? It's China who backed the terrorists. .. you people people should stop acting childish
India has always been a state sponsor of terror. Terrorism is a weapon India uses for geopolitical purposes.

Indian Hypocrites are dying for masood here.. while their terrorist prime minister accepted in BD that his state was involve in terrorism in east Pakistan (now Bangladesh).. now destabilizing Pakistan using Afghan territory..


Indian terrorists state supported Tamil tigers whom killed more then 100,000 sri lankans.. India interfere in Nepal, BD bcoz of which overwhelming public sentiment are against them..

Just few weeks ago Pakistan captured their senior intelligence official who was operating from Chahbahar (Iran) to destabilize CPEC projects and spread violence in Baluchistan..

Yes we did see the Chinese dancing to pakistani tunes of supporting terrorism in india at UN...

what do u expect when you hide their separatists in your country?
Finally Doval has made his presence felt at eastern side and a strong signal to chinese.

This is similar to 50 - 60s when we armed Tibetan and formed SFF primarily a sabotage force under RAW.

Also,its time to expedite the formation of "Mountain strike corps" and ready for all exigencies beyond Daulat Beg oldi and Chumar.
Indian Hypocrites are dying for masood here.. while their terrorist prime minister accepted in BD that his state was involve in terrorism in east Pakistan (now Bangladesh).. now destabilizing Pakistan using Afghan territory..


Indian terrorists state supported Tamil tigers whom killed more then 100,000 sri lankans.. India interfere in Nepal, BD bcoz of which overwhelming public sentiment is against them..

Just few weeks ago Pakistan captured their senior intelligence official who was operating from Chahbahar (Iran) to destabilize CPEC projects and spread violence in Baluchistan..

what do u expect when you hide their separatists in your country?

Lol we give refugee don't you know we acknoledge Tibet as Chinese territory and we don't support Tibetan against China learn that first
This is how Indian negotiates (Normal behavior)
Support Terror - Buy weapon - Support Terror - Buy weapon - Make Trade deal - Support terror (Repeat)

> This type of deals are done by their higher cast hindu , chubby unfit , bellies , rich from money perspective but quite shallow, fake accent

When a trade deal is happening (Special behavior)
Bollywood dancers - some tea ceremony - Tigers and Elephant show - Deal Sign (Evil laughter)

> During the events they will show the visitors some poor skinny Indians needing food
so sympathies are gained from visiting person - lower cast Hindu (mostly etc)

The money from trade will never go to solve issues for lower cast , it will always go to buy more weapons

When China in 1962 beat India it really shock the high cast Hindu mindset of dominance
Same happened in 1965 etc , it was too much for the mindset to accept loses and humiliation

Instead of peace the "Machinery" kept buying weapons to start new wars , it is not the lower cast Hindus (they are mostly just trying to make money and live). The problem is the war loving higher class hindus in country

Chinese leadership view India too favourably. Chinese nationalists hate backward artificial 'country' like India but Chinese leaders are too nice to a terror regime like India.

Only way Chinese leaders will take a hostile position against India is these type of actions.

It will increase the supply of strategic weaponry to Pakistan and increase Chinese involvement and presence in South Asian affairs to help counter Indian aggression.

This action by India is a much needed provocation for China. It's just like the SCS issue where China needs to be provoked in order for China to take a hardline stance.

China has in recent times backed off appearing too much pro-Pakistan to help the Indian relationship. But now that India is not interested in peace, China-Pakistan relationship won't have roadblocks.

Pakistan is anti-India and if China can become anti-India, both countries can team up to bring chaos to India, especially internal Indian affairs.

Indian Hypocrites are dying for masood here.. while their terrorist prime minister accepted in BD that his state was involve in terrorism in east Pakistan (now Bangladesh).. now destabilizing Pakistan using Afghan territory..


Indian terrorists state supported Tamil tigers whom killed more then 100,000 sri lankans.. India interfere in Nepal, BD bcoz of which overwhelming public sentiment are against them..

Just few weeks ago Pakistan captured their senior intelligence official who was operating from Chahbahar (Iran) to destabilize CPEC projects and spread violence in Baluchistan..

what do u expect when you hide their separatists in your country?

As I said, India uses terrorism for geopolitical purposes.

South Asian countries need to bring China into the picture when they deal with India.

Last thing India wants is China involved in South Asian affairs. It's up to countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka to involve China more.
india itself a lot of "choke" points from red corridor/naxalites/maoists etc down to IOK and Khalistan.. And she has made quiet a few enemies in the region..

Oh sure.
I mean Khalistani movement has been dormant decades, and terrorism in the valley is at its all time low, and the way the NSCN was subdued only shows how India is "choking".:coffee:
Recently I have seen much Sino Indo bhai bhai bullshit here on PDF. China should never forget how two timing back stabbing India can be. Take a look:

Source: Beijing has reacted with seething anger after India issued a visa to a Germany-based Uyghur activist, branded a terrorist by the Chinese government, to attend a conference on democracy and China in Dharamsala later this month.

The man in question, Munich-based Dolkun Isa from the World Uyghur Congress (WUC) has been accused of terrorism and conspiracy to kill people in Xinjiang in China’s remote northwest region. The WUC is a grouping of Uyghur community outside China.

The Xinjiang region has seen rioting and frequent violence between the local Uyghur population and government forces.

Read: China: Exiled Uyghurs demand probe into 2009 ethnic riots

Exiled Uyghur activists say the violence is result of Beijing’s hardline policies and a reaction against the government’s efforts to subsume the unique local culture.

The venue for the conference Dharamsala, of course, is the seat of the Tibetan government-in-exile where between April 28 and May 1, exiled Chinese activists from across the world will gather to discuss democratic transition in China.

The Dharamsala-based Tibetan spiritual leader, Dalai Lama, labelled a “separatist” and “wolf in sheep’s clothing” by China is also expected to address the gathering.

The controversy comes at a time when India has been repeatedly raised the issue of China blocking New Delhi’s move to sanction Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) chief Masood Azhar at the UN.

Read :‘Policies in Xinjiang brutal, cause trauma among Uyghurs’

This new issue coupled with the question over Masood Azhar doesn’t particularly make smooth the path for Indian President Pranab Mukherjee’s visit to China in late May.

Beijing’s brief reaction to the conference was couched in diplomatic language but reflected their anger.

“Dolkun Isa is a terrorist on red notice of Interpol and the Chinese police. Bringing him to justice is a due obligation of relevant countries,” China’s ministry of foreign affairs told HT in an emailed response late on Thursday.

He is accused of terrorism and bombing and was granted asylum in Germany in the late 1990s.

The conference is being organised by the US-based “Citizen Power for China” led by Yang Jianli, who was involved in the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests.

On his part, the exiled Uyghur, Munich-based Dolkun Isa confirmed to HT over email that he has received an electronic visa from India and is looking forward to his first visit to the country.

“Yes, I am invited one of the conference in Dharamsala which will be held between 28 April and May 1. I am planning to go, so i have got the electronic visa for India,” he told HT.

“I really want to visit India because I have never been India,” he said, adding: “India is one of my dream courtiers to visit”.

Dolkun said India and East Turkistan – which is the historical name of the country that China says separatist Uyghurs from Xinjiang are fighting for – had good relations.

“I would like to enjoy India’s culture. East Turkistan and India had a long and very good relationship in the history. Uyghurs love India’s people,” he said.

Talking about India and China, Dolkun said: “India is the world’s largest democratic nation and second big population after China. But China is still under totalitarian rule. India has the responsibility to teach democracy to China”.

About problems in visiting other countries because of the Interpol notice against him, he said he has to be careful with his travel plans.

“The Chinese government has made me an accused with Interpol and my name is on Red (corner) notice. Because of this, I have faced troubles in some countries’ immigration. I was detained at the border of some countries. I have to be careful about travelling except in the European Union,” he said.

World Uyghur Congress, spokesperson, Dilxat Raxit told HT that he hoped that the Indian government was following the situation of Uyghurs in Xinjiang and voices its solidarity with their fight for justice.

Yes Chinese people are like this throughout history. They will sacrifice technical advantage to make a few yuan off others. Seen it throughout history.

Indians are vindictive and petty about 1962 because they got the snot beat out of them by the PLA.

1962 was the first humiliation to their country after getting independence and it stings their ego to this day.

Indian education system and media brainwash their children how China is evil. They are brainwashed to hate China from a very young age.

There is also jealousy at the success of China and in practically everything China is ahead of India. Since both have populations over 1 billion, India is always looked at as a poor man's China.

Combine that jealousy with 1962, and you get the China hatred.

Well said. :tup:

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