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China seething after India issues visa to Uyghur ‘terrorist’

This Maoist mentality will do no good as far as resolving disputes are concerned- India have had a fair share of similar disputes and all that occurred due to a simple fact that Central Government was trying impose it self on local culture in order to integrate them to mainstream or for political gains- and every time they ended creating more alienation of these local population groups- They demand independence because you are not ready to address their main demands(which has got nothing to do with independence) and have black listed them- bring them to table and listen to them- AFA Dalai Lama is concerned he is just asking for religious and cultural autonomy which is a fair demand- These groups in majority realize that their future with China is far better than being alone-
Give religious and cultural autonomy to AP then we talke later. Dalai Lama won't be allowed to return to Tibet when he is alive or dead. He is a politician in Dharmic disguise.
Wrong move.......

I am definitely surprised.

It is also very interesting that the move came (or made public) soon after China and India (along with Russia) had a very candid talk at the foreign minister level, discussion a wide range of issues, including the question of Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar.

I am sure that they talked about the details of the issue and mechanisms to solve the problem.

Indian move appears way too aggressive and leaves very little room for maneuver just in case it would need in the future, because India's decision is un-proportionate. This will definitely scale back whatever progress has been made so far.

From Tibet issue, China has experience of state-sponsored separatism and violent terrorism, and WUC has already been fully blessed by the US Congress itself, so, India in fact simply joins the club with several other Western capitals and Turkey.

In the end it might be a perfect lose-lose situation.
I am definitely surprised.

It is also very interesting that the move came (or made public) soon after China and India (along with Russia) had a very candid talk at the foreign minister level, discussion a wide range of issues, including the question of Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar.

I am sure that they talked about the details of the issue and mechanisms to solve the problem.

Indian move appears way too aggressive and leaves very little room for maneuver just in case it would need in the future, because India's decision is un-proportionate. This will definitely scale back whatever progress has been made so far.

From Tibet issue, China has experience of state-sponsored separatism and violent terrorism, and WUC has already been fully blessed by the US Congress itself, so, India in fact simply joins the club with several other Western capitals and Turkey.

In the end it might be a perfect lose-lose situation.

It is more of a symbolic gesture than anything...... Something like You scratch my back, i will scratch yours.....Blocking Mazood Azhar was pretty unnecessary ( I dono if you are aware of his back ground, he was released infront of world media).....But again by repeating their mistake is something i do not agree......
Give religious and cultural autonomy to AP then we talke later. Dalai Lama won't be allowed to return to Tibet when he is alive or dead. He is a politician in Dharmic disguise.

We have already given that- Have you got any one in China asking for freedom in Arunachal- please let us know we would like to hear them-

Dalai Lama is not Just a person he is a movement, a belief and he will always be alive in the hearts and minds of Tibetans- China tried everything even had a politically favorable Panchen lama did all that and suppression of Tibetan Lamas did in any way diminish the popularity of Dalai Lama ? Your comment answers that-

Dalai Lama won't be allowed to return to Tibet when he is alive or dead.
We have already given that- Have you got any one in China asking for freedom in Arunachal- please let us know we would like to hear them-

Dalai Lama is not Just a person he is a movement, a belief and he will always be alive in the hearts and minds of Tibetans- China tried everything even had a politically favorable Panchen lama did all that and suppression of Tibetan Lamas did in any way diminish the popularity of Dalai Lama ? Your comment answers that-
China don't need Dalai Lama, we have new Lama here. Tibet is now under PRC control, that's it.
Good decision. By protecting Masood Azhar, a terrorist who was released by hijacking a passenger plane, China has declared itself as a state sponsor of terrorism. They have earned it.
Lets wait for CHINA to treat Hafiz Saeed now as special state guest .
Those So called Ughiher leaders are in China government black list, they are terrorists and seperatists. Dahramsala now is the base of seperatists of China, no need to explain more. You guys invites terrorists leaders and seperatists leader is not accepted, and totally ruin the trust. Make you mind clear that Azhar is now in Pakistan not in China.

But you yourself said that you would love to see Azhar invited by China.

Pls Invite him to China, I too would love that.

China and India in fresh spat as Beijing demand exiled 'terrorist' Dolkun Isa be 'brought to justice' while speaking at a democracy conference in Dharamsala

The spat between India and China over sanctions on Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar may deepen with Beijing declaring its expectation for India to bring to justice a Chinese Uyghur exile deemed a “terrorist”.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry told Mail Today in a statement that Dolkun Isa, a leader of the exiled group World Uyghur Congress (WUC), who is among several Chinese exiles and dissidents invited to take part in an April 28 conference in Dharamsala, is “a terrorist” and that it is “a due obligation” of all countries to “bring him to justice”.

This follows reports that India has issued a visa for Isa to enable him to attend the conference, which is being organised by a United States-based organisation called Initiatives for China.


Dolkun Isa a Chinese Uyghur exile deemed a 'terrorist' has been invited to take part in a conference in Dharamsala

It is a pro-democracy group, whose president Yang Jianli was among the student protesters at Tiananmen Square in 1989.

The meeting is expected to bring together Uyghurs, Tibetans and other dissidents and exiles, under the theme of discussing democratic transformation in China.

The visit of the Uyghur exile is set to create fresh strains in wake of both the sides already grappling with the Masood Azhar issue.

While Dolkun Isa has not yet confirmed his attendance, reports in India say that he has been issued a visa.

This move can in no way be supported by Beijing, which has called on countries to arrest Isa and has blamed him for organising terrorist activities in the Muslim-majority western Xinjiang region, home to the Uyghurs, who are one of the 55 minorities in China.

Isa was in 2009 barred from entering South Korea after appearing on a terrorist blacklist.

At the time, Chinese State media reports said he was wanted by the Ministry of Public Security for bombings in Toksu, in Xinjiang, in the 1990s.

Isa left China in 1997 and was granted asylum in Germany, where he has been living ever since.

China has accused Isa’s World Uyghur Congress for fomenting violence in Xinjiang, most notably in 2009, when mass riots claimed at least 197 lives.

The WUC has rejected the charges, saying it is working to highlight repression faced by Uyghur minorities.

On the Dharamsala meeting, the Foreign Ministry spokesperson in Beijing said in the statement to Mail Today, “I am not aware of the situation”.

The statement added: “What I want to point out is that Dolkun Isa is a terrorist on the red notice of Interpol and the Chinese police. Bringing him to justice is a due obligation of relevant countries”.

This comes in the wake of National Security Adviser Ajit Doval’s talks in Beijing on the Azhar issue, with both sides taking up the discussion on how to better align their counter-terrorism strategies amid recent differences.


National Security Advisor Ajit Doval meets Chinese Premier Li Keqiang after attending the 19th round of boundary talks in Beijing

Doval told Mail Today on Thursday - before departing for New Delhi - both sides spoke on counter-terrorism and other common strategic issues in the 19th round of border talks.

The Azhar issue figured as part of those discussions on counter-terror.

Doval raising the issue has underlined India’s strong stand on China’s move at the UN 1267 sanctions committee to place a technical hold on its application to list Azhar.

External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj hit out at the “double standards” on terrorism at Monday’s Russia-India-China meeting in Moscow and also expressed India’s strong concerns to her Chinese counterpart Wang Yi.

Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar, who was also in Beijing, had raised the issue in the meetings with the PLA leadership.

On Thursday, Doval met with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang at the Zhongnanhai central leadership compound in Beijing, where the Communist Party leadership usually hosts top visiting leaders.

He said that India was looking forward to President Pranab Mukherjee visit to China next month.

This would be his maiden visit to China as President.

WUC Executive Committee Chairman Dolkun Isa Receives Award for Uyghur Rights Advocacy

For immediate release
31 March 2016
Contact: World Uyghur Congress
0049 (0) 89 5432 1999 orcontact@uyghurcongress.org

Executive Committee Chairman of the World Uyghur Congress and long-time activist for Uyghur human rights received an award of recognition by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation in Washington DC, on March 30, 2016.The award was presented by Dr. Lee Edwards, Chairman of the Foundation, and recognized his tireless work and principled opposition to the continued persecution of the Uyghur community by the government of the People’s Republic of China.

The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation acts as a non-profit educational and human rights organization that devotes its efforts to commemorating the countless victims of ostensibly Communist systems throughout the last century. The foundation works to raise significant issues in relation to Communist regimes around the world and to advocate for the freedom of those living under such regimes today.

Dolkun Isa began his activism as a student at Xinjiang University in Urumqi. He protestedChina’s nuclear testing that began in the 1960s and in 1987 he formed the Student Association for Science–Culture with friends in order to engage Uyghur students in outreach programs across East Turkestan. He was then placed under house arrest in 1988 for his role in organizing a protest calling for equal rights and was subsequently expelled from the university for his role.

During his acceptance speech, Mr. Isa explained that “the Uyghur people stand firmly with the democratic peoples of the world who seek a conclusive end to the poverty and cruelty of communist repression”. He continued to explain how the Chinese government has persistently attempted to undermine his activism and block the activities of the World Uyghurs Congress. The use of labels like “terrorist”, the issuance of a warrant for his arrest through INTERPOL, and the constant harassment in international fora all remain strategies to discredit the work of Isa and other Uyghur activists.

Isa then goes on to explain that his outright rejection of the use of violence has acted as a major threat to the Chinese government, stating that “The Uyghurs are a people of peace and development” and that “These principles make the Uyghur issue not a Uyghur problem, but a Chinese government problem, a condition generated by systematic denial of fundamental human rights and freedoms”.

Upon presentation of the award, Executive Director Marion Smith remarked that, “Mr. Isa is a proud addition to the ranks of world leaders, brave activists and advocates for peace that have been honored by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation […] the Chinese government’s continued repression of its own people like the Uyghurs must not be allowed to go unchallenged” – a sentiment we wholeheartedly agree with.
why bother engaging a known shit-poster :rolleyes:

Hope i guess of conveying the right
Give religious and cultural autonomy to AP then we talke later. Dalai Lama won't be allowed to return to Tibet when he is alive or dead. He is a politician in Dharmic disguise.

The people of Arunachal Pradesh have religious and cultural autonomy they elect their own leaders there is no external interference in their administration. The only part that is taken care of at the central level is defence, external affairs etc
Ok, but my question is: India was already doing it, why you guys are saying like we will do it or we are doing it. I guess what China did , was a tit for tat, rather than India "will" do or "is" doing something as tit for tat.
Rather a more rational and realistic report should be "India tried to do...., but......., now India is again.........., but..........!"
Whatever works for you...
Lets wait for CHINA to treat Hafiz Saeed now as special state guest .
Give him a state visit as well. Nothing will change on the ground when his trained people wil be looking to expand their horizons in this region and liberate another Muslim land (Chechnya, Muslim lands in China)
Lmao.. Look at these guys burning so red just because of some friendly avertures between India and China. :flame:
Both countries will play their diplomatic games. You little keyboard warrior will have no say in it whatsoever.

The guy is actually goading the Chinese members away like in a playground.
"She's not good. She will steal your pencil Box"!!! :cheesy::rofl:
Give him a state visit as well. Nothing will change on the ground when his trained people wil be looking to expand their horizons in this region and liberate another Muslim land (Chechnya, Muslim lands in China)
Dont worry India already has enough blood in her hands it will not even make a difference ,False flaggers
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