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China seething after India issues visa to Uyghur ‘terrorist’

I am all for Sino Indian co operation but the Indians still see China as an enemy.

It was India that instigated the 1962 border war but China has long forgiven and forgotten the issue. For some reason Indians are extremely vindictive and petty about 1962.
Bro, it's simple. If you win, you tend to forget, but when you lose, you cannot brush aside a "Big Slap On The Face" and that's what India collected.

Recently I have seen much Sino Indo bhai bhai bullshit here on PDF. China should never forget how two timing back stabbing India can be. Take a look:

Source: Beijing has reacted with seething anger after India issued a visa to a Germany-based Uyghur activist, branded a terrorist by the Chinese government, to attend a conference on democracy and China in Dharamsala later this month.

The man in question, Munich-based Dolkun Isa from the World Uyghur Congress (WUC) has been accused of terrorism and conspiracy to kill people in Xinjiang in China’s remote northwest region. The WUC is a grouping of Uyghur community outside China.

The Xinjiang region has seen rioting and frequent violence between the local Uyghur population and government forces.

Read: China: Exiled Uyghurs demand probe into 2009 ethnic riots

Exiled Uyghur activists say the violence is result of Beijing’s hardline policies and a reaction against the government’s efforts to subsume the unique local culture.

The venue for the conference Dharamsala, of course, is the seat of the Tibetan government-in-exile where between April 28 and May 1, exiled Chinese activists from across the world will gather to discuss democratic transition in China.

The Dharamsala-based Tibetan spiritual leader, Dalai Lama, labelled a “separatist” and “wolf in sheep’s clothing” by China is also expected to address the gathering.

The controversy comes at a time when India has been repeatedly raised the issue of China blocking New Delhi’s move to sanction Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) chief Masood Azhar at the UN.

Read :‘Policies in Xinjiang brutal, cause trauma among Uyghurs’

This new issue coupled with the question over Masood Azhar doesn’t particularly make smooth the path for Indian President Pranab Mukherjee’s visit to China in late May.

Beijing’s brief reaction to the conference was couched in diplomatic language but reflected their anger.

“Dolkun Isa is a terrorist on red notice of Interpol and the Chinese police. Bringing him to justice is a due obligation of relevant countries,” China’s ministry of foreign affairs told HT in an emailed response late on Thursday.

He is accused of terrorism and bombing and was granted asylum in Germany in the late 1990s.

The conference is being organised by the US-based “Citizen Power for China” led by Yang Jianli, who was involved in the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests.

On his part, the exiled Uyghur, Munich-based Dolkun Isa confirmed to HT over email that he has received an electronic visa from India and is looking forward to his first visit to the country.

“Yes, I am invited one of the conference in Dharamsala which will be held between 28 April and May 1. I am planning to go, so i have got the electronic visa for India,” he told HT.

“I really want to visit India because I have never been India,” he said, adding: “India is one of my dream courtiers to visit”.

Dolkun said India and East Turkistan – which is the historical name of the country that China says separatist Uyghurs from Xinjiang are fighting for – had good relations.

“I would like to enjoy India’s culture. East Turkistan and India had a long and very good relationship in the history. Uyghurs love India’s people,” he said.

Talking about India and China, Dolkun said: “India is the world’s largest democratic nation and second big population after China. But China is still under totalitarian rule. India has the responsibility to teach democracy to China”.

About problems in visiting other countries because of the Interpol notice against him, he said he has to be careful with his travel plans.

“The Chinese government has made me an accused with Interpol and my name is on Red (corner) notice. Because of this, I have faced troubles in some countries’ immigration. I was detained at the border of some countries. I have to be careful about travelling except in the European Union,” he said.

World Uyghur Congress, spokesperson, Dilxat Raxit told HT that he hoped that the Indian government was following the situation of Uyghurs in Xinjiang and voices its solidarity with their fight for justice.
India isn't matured enough. Brushing aside their IQ, it's more like the worlds dealing with folks with an empty shell.

It's not a wonder when one begins to imagine that Nepal is tilting towards China.

Sorry folks, India is a great country, but not Indians!

Indians are vindictive and petty about 1962 because they got the snot beat out of them by the PLA.

1962 was the first humiliation to their country after getting independence and it stings their ego to this day.

Indian education system and media brainwash their children how China is evil. They are brainwashed to hate China from a very young age.

There is also jealousy at the success of China and in practically everything China is ahead of India. Since both have populations over 1 billion, India is always looked at as a poor man's China.

Combine that jealousy with 1962, and you get the China hatred.
Agreed 1000%.

No, I think that in time India will be a Chinese ally. After their government and democrazy get their act together of course.
How many allies do you think India has? Unless these countries wants to make the best of it against China?

let me enlighten you.

Indian education system and media brainwash their children how China is evil. They are brainwashed to hate China from a very young age.

-- Not really there is no such brain washing most Indians highly appreciate China and we look up to China and Japan as a role model.
-- I agree that we have a small paragraph in the social science text book that suggest China attacked India in 1962 but people who have access to Internet know that the whole 1962 episode was a huge misunderstanding, mismanagement by Nehru.
-- So no we don't hate China.

There is also jealousy at the success of China and in practically everything China is ahead of India. Since both have populations over 1 billion, India is always looked at as a poor man's China.

-- Are we jealous of China nope we just admire the hardworking nature and the progress China has made.
-- We are not jealous we appreciate Chinese model of progress.
Whatever you mentioned is exactly the opposite. Indians are extremely jealous of China. They want to rule Asia and China is in their way. Deny I am wrong, and I'll leave this forum for good.
In fact after Asia, they want the world.

I guess India planning something to Ruin CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor) from Xinjiang Province.

China and Pakistan must be careful of any India's Action.
India will never want to see Pakistani and Chinese people prosper and Rise together.
I would trust a Japanese, but never an Indian. I've had enough of experience with them.

I guess the opinions from some of the Indian members does not represent the whole Indian nation. To be honest, in HK Indian immigrants are much nicer than Pakistanis immigrant, where i hate to say most Indian immigrants are good citizens who obey the law and make their honest living, on the other hand, most of the crimes who committed by South Asian in HK are Pakistanis. This is very disappointed since they are supposed to be our close friend, their constant crimes really make a bad name for them.
Bro, Pakistanis are straight to the point, an Indian is not!
I think you should stop using terminology like 'blood soaked hands' every country is drenched in blood more than next 10 generations can handle. So holier than thou philosophy is just waste of time.
Yes it is easy for you to say as you are not on receiving end

Also get training while he is there because he is better at it (than the Pakistan army).

Even better do a join excercise
Sure since Pak China Interest are with CPEC and this could be arranged thanks for your suggestion ,May be open a new border skirmish from North side as well
Sure since Pak China Interest are with CPEC and this could be arranged thanks for your suggestion ,May be open a new border skirmish from North side as well
How north can it get with siachen? oh! wait you have been crying for that as well
Excellent. China is the quintessential bully. Will respect only strength.

Indians are vindictive and petty about 1962 because they got the snot beat out of them by the PLA.

1962 was the first humiliation to their country after getting independence and it stings their ego to this day.

Indian education system and media brainwash their children how China is evil. They are brainwashed to hate China from a very young age.

There is also jealousy at the success of China and in practically everything China is ahead of India. Since both have populations over 1 billion, India is always looked at as a poor man's China.

Combine that jealousy with 1962, and you get the China hatred.

1. I was born after 1962 in the 80s and am a product of a mainstream education system -- on which you have so authoritatively commented -- and 1962 finds a mention in the text book and thats it.

There is nothing apart from that, leave alone any brainwashing / china is evil stuff.

I challenge you to find any excerpt where such brainwashing of children is explicit or children are being taught " China is evil" and post them there.
If you can't then shut up and stop peddling lies.

2. Yes China is ahead and I congratulate you on that. Your success story is fascinating and inspirational and I acknowledge it as do all my mates. Jealousy is the prerogative of those who can't match up EVER. We like where you are and we think we can reach there too. Its inspirational and good competition.

There is NO jealousy, only a benchmark that is to be crossed.

I guess the opinions from some of the Indian members does not represent the whole Indian nation. To be honest, in HK Indian immigrants are much nicer than Pakistanis immigrant, where i hate to say most Indian immigrants are good citizens who obey the law and make their honest living, on the other hand, most of the crimes who committed by South Asian in HK are Pakistanis. This is very disappointed since they are supposed to be our close friend, their constant crimes really make a bad name for them.

Thanks for an honest opinion. Members, who post here are knowledgeable and take active interest in foreign and defence policy of India and bordering nations. Consequently their opinion is shaped by what they read here and by actions of the neighbouring countries.
China hasn't been friendly to us for quite some time, so obviously the remarks here will reflect that.

Regarding pakistanis, well you know them better :)

Maybe China shall invite Azhar to visit China and hold a seminar named' how to fight against India oppression in Kashmir'. The way India respond is too over, and it shows strong sense of hostile. Play tough with China, ok, we make it triple to it.

Absolutely. Go ahead. While you are at it, please transfer them a Jet, some submarines, Tanks, a few ready to fire missiles, drones etc. Hey, don't forget to send some enriched Uranium as well.

Lastly Veto our attempt to ban a terrorist, who is directly responsible for murders in our country.

When you are done with all of the above, HOLD THIS SEMINAR and see how well does that go for you.
China blames India for hosting its terrorist
The spat between India and China over blocking sanctions on Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar may further widen with Beijing declaring its expectation from India, which involves "bringing to justice" a Chinese Uyghur exile - who has been invited to India next week - deemed a "terrorist" by Beijing.

Ananth Krishnan | Posted by Anand Jayaram
Beijing, April 22, 2016 | UPDATED 09:08 IST
A +A -

The spat between India and China over blocking sanctions on Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar may further widen with Beijing declaring its expectation from India, which involves "bringing to justice" a Chinese Uyghur exile - who has been invited to India next week - deemed a "terrorist" by Beijing.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry told Mail Today in a statement that Dolkun Isa, a leader of the exiled group World Uyghur Congress (WUC), who is among several Chinese exiles and dissidents invited to take part in an April 28 conference in Dharamsala, was "a terrorist" and that it was "a due obligation" of all countries to "bring him to justice".

This follows reports that India has issued a visa for Isa to enable him to attend the conference, which is being organised by a United States-based organisation called Initiatives for China. It is a pro-democracy group, whose president Yang Jianli was among the student protesters at Tiananmen Square in 1989. The meeting is expected to bring together Uyghurs, Tibetans and other dissidents and exiles, under the theme of discussing democratic transformation in China.

The visit of the Uyghur exile is set to create fresh strains in wake of both the sides already grappling with the Masood Azhar issue. While Dolkun Isa has not yet confirmed his attendance, reports in India say that he has been issued a visa.

This move can in no way be supported by Beijing, which has called on countries to arrest Isa and has blamed him for organising terrorist activities in the Muslim-majority western Xinjiang region, home to the Uyghurs, who are one of the 55 minorities in China.

Isa was in 2009 barred from entering South Korea after appearing on a terrorist blacklist. At the time, Chinese State media reports said he was wanted by the Ministry of Public Security for bombings in Toksu, in Xinjiang, in the 1990s. Isa left China in 1997 and was granted asylum in Germany, where he has been living ever since.

China has accused Isa's World Uyghur Congress for fomenting violence in Xinjiang, most notably in 2009, when mass riots claimed at least 197 lives. The WUC has rejected the charges, saying it is working to highlight repression faced by Uyghur minorities.

On the Dharamsala meeting, the Foreign Ministry spokesperson in Beijing said in the statement to Mail Today, "I am not aware of the situation". The statement added: "What I want to point out is that Dolkun Isa is a terrorist on the red notice of Interpol and the Chinese police. Bringing him to justice is a due obligation of relevant countries".

This comes in the wake of National Security Adviser Ajit Doval's talks in Beijing on the Azhar issue, with both sides taking up the discussion on how to better align their counter-terrorism strategies amid recent differences

Doval told Mail Today on Thursday - before departing for New Delhi - both sides spoke on counter-terrorism and other common strategic issues in the 19th round of border talks. The Azhar issue figured as part of those discussions on counter-terror. Doval raising the issue has underlined India's strong stand on China's move at the UN 1267 sanctions committee to place a technical hold on its application to list Azhar. External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj hit out at the "double standards" on terrorism at Monday's Russia-India-China meeting in Moscow and also expressed India's strong concerns to her Chinese counterpart Wang Yi. Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar, who was also in Beijing, had raised the issue in the meetings with the PLA leadership.

On Thursday, Doval met with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang at the Zhongnanhai central leadership compound in Beijing, where the Communist Party leadership usually hosts top visiting leaders. He said that India was looking forward to President Pranab Mukherjee visit to China next month. This would be his maiden visit to China as President.http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/...india-invites-chinese-terrorist/1/648658.html
India is a well known terrorists supporter all the way from Supporting mukhti bani,LTTE,BLA,TTP,kashmir,ISIS and now this
Why do Pakistanis find themselves important enough to be part of India-China issues? Nothing to do with you..absolutely nothing! These topic get more interest from you guys than even the Chinese.
hahahah... pakis and chinese think together they can play with india.. its a brillian move by indian govt.. you block masood azhar ban on UN with veto when 14 out of 15 countries supported it but china acted as over smart a**...

next how awesome it will be to call baloch rebels... xD
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