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China says military will respond to provocations

Nationalistic Vietnamese always complain about Chinese aggression when Dai Viet was constantly warring with Champa,Ai Lao,Bon Man etc.

Nationalistic Vietnamese also love to claim to claim Chinese or Baiyue people such as Shennong or Goujian.
SE Asia was a battle field. Anyone was against anyone. Vietnam was most vulnerable.

When Vietnam regained independence, we had a hostile China in the North, and a mighty enemy in the South: the Kingdom of Champa. To make thing worse, China and Champa had a master/vassal relationship, and they both were keen to eliminate the new established Kingdom of Vietnam. Little wonder, China ultimate goal was to end the independence of Vietnam and incorporate it back to the empire. We had no choice but to bring down Champa to break the encirclement.

The same goes to other enemies in other fronts.

Baiyue is a historic fact. Also, Nanyue/Nam Viet existed as a historic fact. I don´t mind if we both can agree to Nanyue was a Sino-Vietnamese Kingdom. :cheers:
SE Asia was a battle field. Anyone was against anyone. Vietnam was most vulnerable.

When Vietnam regained independence, we had a hostile China in the North, and a mighty enemy in the South: the Kingdom of Champa. To make thing worse, China and Champa had a master/vassal relationship, and they both were keen to eliminate the new established Kingdom of Vietnam. Little wonder, China ultimate goal was to end the independence of Vietnam and incorporate it back to the empire. We had no choice but to bring down Champa to break the encirclement.

The same goes to other enemies in other fronts.

Baiyue is a historic fact. Also, Nanyue/Nam Viet existed as a historic fact. I don´t mind if we both can agree to Nanyue was a Sino-Vietnamese Kingdom. :cheers:
How is Nanyue a Vietnamese Kingdom, my friend?
Nationalistic Vietnamese always complain about Chinese aggression when Dai Viet was constantly warring with Champa,Ai Lao,Bon Man etc.

Nationalistic Vietnamese also love to claim to claim Chinese or Baiyue people such as Shennong or Goujian.

don't troll on us little historian, when I comment, don't cry to mod to ban me.

I reminder you that Indo - China peninsula is native land of us, belong to Mon people (in Myanma) Khmer people (in Cambodia) Khơ mú people ( Bồn Man in Lào) Mường, Kinh Việt , Trại people (Việt Thường, Việt Nam). We have living here first, who speaking Mon/Khmer language.

The people of Champa were descended from Malayo-Polynesian settlers who appear to have reached the Southeast Asian mainland from Borneo about the time of the Sa Huynh culture in the 2nd and 1st centuries BC.
Champa people is new comers, but they attacked on ús first and would liked annex our land to them, until their Emperor Che Bong Nga was killed in Thanglong.Hanoi, when he invaded in to our capital. It was their failure.

It is similar to Warring States period in China.

You are Min Yue in native, no Han Chinese, bro.
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Oh please you guys are just copying and paste your commie party masters fake claims and agenda
Hilarious coming from a dumbfuck American. China was never subservient. They took heavy losses but never bent the knee to you subhumans.

Unlike you getting steamrolled by Arabs, Huns and everyone else under the sun for 100s of years.

actually we didn't take heavy loses, that was the problem.

Our transportation system sucks. I know the opium war says we had so many yet lost. That's not true, due to our transportation, it said hundreds of thousands, but only a few thousand was actually there, the rest were on the way walking, by the time they got half way the war's over.

A hilarious example. During WW2 Battle for Shanghai, Chang's German division came from Xi'an, west of China, first they can't get enough train carts, so the division became just brigade, but railway was short, so by the time the rails stopped, they must go by truck, but truck was limited, so brigade became regiment, but then truck ran out of gas, all gas are imported, so they took all the gas from all the trucks and concentrate it for a few trucks, so regiment became battalion. That ran out of gas too, and so they chose the most fit soldiers and started running, battalion became company.

They arrived on time, but instead of a division, it was a company, about 200 men, instead of 10,000. But on the map it says division and the final count, it's division.

If we ever lost to the West it was because of numbers, also why the West never conquered China, for if they keep going in land, they will meet the divisions that actually should have been on the battle field instead of a few band of them.

Perfect example, 8 nation alliance defeated at Xi'an during the second occupation, cause they met the actual army they were suppose to meet, instead of the token force that could actually get there.
Really interesting -I had no idea. By heavy losses I was referring not just to manpower, but things like prestige, wealth, as well. At the very least China didn't get steamrolled by maybe 40,000 Mongols at most in a few months like Juice's ancestors.
Really interesting -I had no idea. By heavy losses I was referring not just to manpower, but things like prestige, wealth, as well. At the very least China didn't get steamrolled by maybe 40,000 Mongols at most in a few months like Juice's ancestors.
40,000 Mongols? Are you sure it was that low of a number? But according to Wholegrain, the Mongols took 40 years to finally conquer China
funny, my exact post when American Admiral said the Americans will defend the Philippines.
Hilarious coming from a dumbfuck American. China was never subservient. They took heavy losses but never bent the knee to you subhumans.

Unlike you getting steamrolled by Arabs, Huns and everyone else under the sun for 100s of years.
Opium wars, boxer rebellion, zones carved out. Huns and Arabs? Unlike what your groirus Chinese school told you, they never got near America. (nor any region my forefathers came from). Sub-humans? We are the only humans by definition. Homo sapiens sapiens is a European classification.
Opium Wars - subhuman monkey attack while China was embroiled in civil wars

All of the parts of Europe that didn't get assraped by Turks, Mongols, Huns, Arabs now have their main cities occupied by non-whites (Northern Europe). If you're the only humans, humanity is shit. We're better than you - get over it, subhuman. No need to resort to your usual dirty, terrorist Western monkey tricks to try and even the playing field.
We know China military will respond in an incident like Tiananmen Square 1989
BEIJING (AP) — China's military is prepared to respond to all threats to the country's sovereignty, a government spokeswoman said Tuesday, ahead of the expected announcement of another big bump in defense spending.

Legislative spokeswoman Fu Ying said China supports resolving disputes through negotiations and its 2.3 million-member People's Liberation Army — the world's largest — is for defensive purposes only.

However, Fu warned other nations not to test China's resolve.

"But if some countries wish to provoke or wish to damage ... regional peace and the regional order, then we must make a response, and an effective response at that," Fu told a wide-ranging news conference on the eve of the legislature's annual session.

"The point of this response, is to, on the one hand, maintain China's territory and sovereignty, and on the other hand to maintain the regional order and peace," Fu said.

Other countries should take China's sovereignty claims seriously if they truly care about regional peace and security, she said, singling out the United States by name.

Her remarks came amid festering disputes between China and its neighbors over the control of islands and sea lanes in surrounding oceans. There has been a sharp escalation of tensions with Japan in the past 18 months over control of a string of tiny uninhabited islands in the East China Sea.

China is to announce its latest defense budget on Wednesday. Spending on the armed forces rose 10.7 percent last year to 720 billion yuan ($114 billion), the most for any nation apart from the U.S.

China says military will respond to provocations - Yahoo News
So ..............scary:sleep:
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