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China says Australia should consider Japan's war history before submarine contract

We can settle that peacefully, it's between China and Japan, nobody else's concern, you guys just want to at fuel to the fire...and nothing constructive.
Yeah...We know that the Yasukuni Shrine beef is between China and JPN, but the question remains: Will China let that go in favor of having closer ties between the two countries, more like China as master and JPN as servant, in order to realize the dream of 'Asia for Asians' hemisphere ?
The sentiment that that movie shows and portrays is actually very real. And yes, I know that movie is fiction, but it was based on historical events.

The only historical events was that the Burma railroad was built.
There was no British officer doing any of the stuff shown in the movie.
is it Daiyou or Senkaku??

if the SCS is Chinese and PRC claims Senkaku as Diayo. you don't agree o_O so it is a Japanese island and no dispute on that by you :agree:

I agree as Senkaku is Senkaku

I don't know what happen to Niponjin. He must of visited China and they killed the real person and created a clone that loves the PRC and thinks Japan should be part of China.

Manchuria Candidate :rofl:

Island is Island regardless on how you call...Nihonjin is just stand for Japan's interest and when China and Japan share the same Interest such as NEAU than he is painted as pro-China...LMAO.
Haha..nice try again....Yasukuni Shrine now Daiyou/Senkaku...what will be next?:rofl::rofl::rofl:

how about History being taught in Japan. where they leave out the war crimes they committed in China,Korea, and Asia in general.

What Japanese history lessons leave out - BBC News

over here we have it drilled in our heads about the crime of slavery . we even got a whole month dedicated to Black People and their struggle

but the Japanese don't even wanna teach their kids about their dark past before and during WW2

I didn't know China and Japan had made such progress on these issues.

who was a bigger person?? China or Japan.
The only historical events was that the Burma railroad was built.
There was no British officer doing any of the stuff shown in the movie.

As i said, historical event was used as inspiration for that movie. And if you have ever attended Singapore's memorial ceremonies, you would understand what i'm talking about. I have been there, and have talked to some Australian and British veterans in the fall of Singapore during a memorial service back in 2003 (which i had attended). There were exchanges in stories, which i valued.
I suppose China is against Japan's embedding into integrating further in the American Alliance System. As is natural. There is nothing wrong in stating diplomatic protest. It is simple diplomatic procedure.

This is not new. China has always stressed it did not desire to see regional countries to be militarily too engaged with the West (US). This is by no means being anti-Japan (Same with THAAD missile issue). That's regionalism, in fact. For China argues there is no need to further militarize the region through multilateral arrangements.

The poor souls actually believe that all Japanese glorify America. If only they can understand Japanese and actually hear and see what Japanese patriots say about them and their country.

I had done, during MA study, a small research, trying to prove that Japanese Manga is actually anti-American. From the very beginning, my intention was to promote East Asian Union by not simply stressing on the similarities among us but also by pointing out what makes us different from the rest.

With your discourse moving into regionalist and integrationist direction more explicitly, you anticipate similar treatment from Western people on this board. It will not be as it was before, @Nihonjin1051 , my friend :partay:. As @Kiss_of_the_Dragon very eloquently put, you are now a target for a certain brigade. That's what we have experiencing from the day one.

On this, aside from being reactive to the discourse they bring about, we need to promote our own without regard to what they think or how they would react. Exactly how you have been doing with that very successful thread on NEAU. Hopefully, on this discourse making and promotion issue, we will move beyond this forum and find more official and capable means to articulate and reinforce it.
We can settle that peacefully, it's between China and Japan, nobody else's concern, you guys just want to at fuel to the fire...and nothing constructive.
settle peacefully, but you agree China is right and will win these disputes.

Senkaku will be given back to China as Diaoyu
Yasukuni will remove war criminals


and peacefully just means China will use it's soft power.

again that's what I mean by LEVERAGE

but of course China is showing it can and will use force now and in the future to protect it's national interests :china:

Japan is pretty much a non-factor in East Asia thanks to it's leaders, and it's stagnant economy.

China is it's only real chance for growth and prosperity :tup:
had done, during MA study, a small research, trying to prove that Japanese Manga is actually anti-American. From the very beginning, my intention was to promote East Asian Union by not simply stressing on the similarities among us but also by pointing out what makes us different from the rest.

With your discourse moving into regionalist and integrationist direction more explicitly, you anticipate similar treatment from Western people on this board. It will not be as it was before, @Nihonjin1051 , my friend :partay:. As @Kiss_of_the_Dragon very eloquently put, you are now a target for a certain brigade. That's what we have experiencing from the day one.

It appears you are very right about that, my friend @TaiShang . In the past when I had maintained strategic ambiguity in my posts (necessarily so as i had always known of the toxicity in disagreements) regarding Sino-Japanese, Sino-American relationship systems. I had always questioned the excessively appraisal of Japan and Japanese defense articulations by certain Americans or American-flagged members. Now that i have just 'opened' my own true feelings, the kind of treatment that I have received actually is a 180 degree about face. I suppose i know understand the Chinese members' view in regards to engaging some American-flagged individuals in this forum.

And the kinds of things being 'indirectly' said about Japanese people is not only utterly disgusting but actually quite racial. What can I really expect from people who come from a country that has ongoing police brutality against lower economic strata African Americans, and with a country who has a presidential candidate that makes sweeping generalizations about Latinos, Muslims--- and get sweeping support by the constituents in already Iowa, New Hamphshire et al....
I think you did not get what i was trying to say; but, however, your answer reveals more about YOUR character.

I have lost a lot of respect for you in your vile attempt of injury.

That was really very low in the literal sense of the word reflecting the real nature and character of the member, deserving of a ban. You see, when you confront them up front, they will so quickly degenerate into such immorality, at the cost of bringing about filthy fantasies of their own, and reflecting them upon others.

That's beyond repulsive. Really.

The geopolitical debate and all the talks, within the confines of mutual respect, could have continued, but this comment by that hateful person rendered it useless. This is their characteristics, obviously, and we do not have to lower ourselves to such levels to stay competitive against their arguments.

I would not think I would read such a defiling comment even I know we are on the two extreme edges in terms of geopolitics.
I really wish North East Asia can come to reconciliation of our tumultuous past, so we can get on with it. All these mutual jabbings by China & Japan is getting a little tiresome. Chinese, Japanese & Korean leaders really need to muster the courage to break this cycle of age-old grievances, lingering mistrust & petty competition.

Also, China was never, is not & will never be master of Japan, for thousands of years, Japan has been it's own master, until post WWII. So please stop playing the master/servant card, the fact remains that the America wrote Japan's post-war constitution & continue to base troops in Japan, Korea, etc.

Lastly, foreign minister Wang's statement will ultimately has no bearing on Aussies decision on Japanese Sub deal. IMO, his statement is made as a counter-punch to the encounter between a Japanese official with madam Fu Ying at the recent Munich Security Conference.
It appears you are very right about that, my friend @TaiShang . In the past when I had maintained strategic ambiguity in my posts (necessarily so as i had always known of the toxicity in disagreements) regarding Sino-Japanese, Sino-American relationship systems. I had always questioned the excessively appraisal of Japan and Japanese defense articulations by certain Americans or American-flagged members. Now that i have just 'opened' my own true feelings, the kind of treatment that I have received actually is a 180 degree about face. I suppose i know understand the Chinese members' view in regards to engaging some American-flagged individuals in this forum.
In simpler language, you have been deceitful to those who have extended their friendships to you.
Island is Island regardless on how you call...Nihonjin is just stand for Japan's interest and when China and Japan share the same Interest such as NEAU than he is painted as pro-China...LMAO.

Island is Island. what's the name of this Island or do you just refer to it as Island :rofl:
I look at the recent change in our JPNese member regarding our Chinese members and the image of a bunch of people coo-ing over a pet come to mind.

He does look cute as a cat when he finally showed his face... But I don't think any1 considers him as a pet. More like they finally understood the Japanese psyche, which u never will, unfortunately...
It is clear @TaiShang that Japan's future truly lies with China. At least with China we have a FULL understanding of the sociology and the historical areas of context we can work on to further improve relations. Then the shear economic interdependency. I feel we know more about China, really, than about the United States. If the Americans can lock their nuclear targets on China so easily, then i assume they can do so easily on Japan if we dare say something "out of line". LOL.

A las, they do not really know Japanese people that well. They believe that because we have remained relatively 'benign' these past 70 years and have 'cooped' to shoulder them means that we have inhibited our Nationalism and Supranationalism context. The foolishness and height of arrogance. To think that they can easily change the minds of the proud Japanese people, whom, tho only a 'tiny island' nation, was able to impart great defeat and embarassment on them and the entire European imperialist establishment in Asia. Actually, so much that Japan's conquest of former European colonies in Asia had destroyed the perceived European or 'White' Invincibility.

After the end of the war, the British Empire, French Empire, Dutch Empire collapsed.

I had done, during MA study, a small research, trying to prove that Japanese Manga is actually anti-American. From the very beginning, my intention was to promote East Asian Union by not simply stressing on the similarities among us but also by pointing out what makes us different from the rest.

They of course have anti-American, anti-Chinese, and anti-Korean manga.
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