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China’s Wen warns “outside forces” off sea dispute

i can't believe this peanut size communist nation people talking about nuclear war with india.... iran threats america, pakistan threats india and now china threatning india and america with nukes.... Didn't know chinese are so much scared. By the way indian nukes might not match american and russian nukes but are 100s of times more powerful nukes compared to what america used on japan.... our target is just two nations and we have enough of them to flaten out this 2 countries while china need to tacle 99percent of world.... Every major nation hates china....
Doesn't sound right at all!

How about an agreement between the two giants that stipulates India stays away from SC Sea and China keeps its hand off Arabian Sea, for eternity? Win-win for both, yay!
Why would china waste nukes on low quality inferior Indian cities?
The majority of China's nukes are targeting high value assests in the US mainland and US bases in Japan, S. korea, Guam etc.

The majority of Indian cities are filled with slums, animals walking in the streets, people deficating on said streets, piss poor infrastructure and transporation, in short a large garbage dump.

If China had no choice but to use Nukes, would it target a sophisticated metroplis like Tokyo or LosAngelas (which is part of a state that has a GDP greater than the nation called India) or slums of Bombay or whatever backwater dump cities in India?

If China nuked one of their decrepid cities it would be probably doing them a favor. What would happen to our brothers in Pakistan, the radioactive fallout would contaminate what would be a greater Pakistan.

In short the nuclear warheads on a Df21 is more valuable to China to waste on 30 million slum dwellers.

On the other hand cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan and little Hothot are lightyears in sophistication what is why they are considered high value targets.

China the perfect country where there is no poverty and suffering people friendly govt very rich citizens who are immortal with technology so advanced its out of this earth......hahahahahahahaha ....stop believing your screwed up media dude...we are not in the 80s open your eyes we are catching up. Oh well guess you cant do that ..sorry mate my bad. :angel:
i can't believe this peanut size communist nation people talking about nuclear war with india.... iran threats america, pakistan threats india and now china threatning india and america with nukes.... Didn't know chinese are so much scared. By the way indian nukes might not match american and russian nukes but are 100s of times more powerful nukes compared to what america used on japan.... our target is just two nations and we have enough of them to flaten out this 2 countries while china need to tacle 99percent of world.... Every major nation hates china....

This grand d*ck size measuring contest is potentially suicidal. You'll end up destroying each other, much like post-WWII Germany and UK.

The US rebuilt Europe after the war, but no one's going to come for India or China's rescue. Keep that in mind fellas.
Apocalypse tell that to peanut size brain of chinese here. Threatning india with nukes. Anyway chinese views don't count. Chinese are slave of one boy who rules china.... You people are just armchair warriors. In the end you people gotta do what communist president tells u to do. You people don't have any say....
Before I came here, I never knew India hate China. From what I see Indian and Chinese get a long fine in the real world.

Well China has a no first use policy. China would probably never use nuke on India territory, as there is really no point.
I think America has more than employed you, it seems they have also hypnotized you. wake up, alot of Indian have nothing against china and your just fueling the hate, have some shame!

look i dono if you knw the ground reality here..but it was chinese who supplied nukes to pakistan and missiles to pakistan and continue to prop it up....so we have our own axe to gring against the chines..not because the yankees say so...

in your parlance...pakistan is our israel and china our saudi arabia...
look i dono if you knw the ground reality here..but it was chinese who supplied nukes to pakistan and missiles to pakistan and continue to prop it up....so we have our own axe to gring against the chines..not because the yankees say so...

in your parlance...pakistan is our israel and china our saudi arabia...
Just an observation, Saudi Arabians don't have a clue. You know what I am saying?
It's wrong to say they and sand "N"s, but still, they don't have a clue.
You know what I am saying?
Since you are hell bent on embarrassing yourself ..I am going to let you fulfill your wish.

Now you claim.

"India has 0 thermonuclear weapons. That's a big fat ZERO."

But India's top nuclear physicist..chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission claims .

"India has multiple thermonuclear weapons "

India has thermonuclear bombs: Kakodkar - India News - IBNLive

Now who should we believe!!..some propaganda fed Chinese guy on internet or our own physicist incharge of India's nuclear weapons program??!!
LOL.... India has never successfully tested a thermonuclear device. How can you make a thermonuclear bomb without ever successfully testing it?

India has 0 ZERO nuclear weapons. You have puny 1 kiloton atomic bombs.

Belittling India is your stupidity. Forget Scratch, it would be mayhem for you, think Agni missiles nuking your beloved cities:- Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Shenzen, Chongqing, Wuhan, Hongkong. :bunny: :cheers:
:lol: :lol:

You don't even have a working medium range ballistic missile yet. Agni-4 is still in development. China has more than 3000 nuclear weapons. We can turn Indian into one big piece of Naan.


hahaha that was epic...my brown boy...:lol:...yellow is sh*t..:rofl:

I agree! That was so hilarious for the brown boy to say that it was epic!
We can always test it on Beijing or Shanghai:lol:
Even with that, there is still a slight chance that the Chinese remains their silence. After all, friendship and stability is above all. You know what I am saying? I have no idea how the Chinese would deal with their would be 30 million bachelor problem. But to the Chinese, it's probably not a problem, never under-estimate the clever Chinese, their maybe plans to turn that 30 million males into monks. You never know those Chinese.
I agree! That was so hilarious for the brown boy to say that it was epic!

you funny chines...learn english properly to understand who i was pointing to and laughing...:lol:...funny little chines...

---------- Post added at 10:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 AM ----------

India has 0 ZERO nuclear weapons. You have puny 1 kiloton atomic bombs.
atomic weapons ARE nuclear weapons...you funny little chines..
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