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China’s Wen warns “outside forces” off sea dispute

Aggressive actions of China to his neigbours is good reason for USA to turn back. USA is just waiting from 1974 when USA didn't taken necessary measures to stop occupation of China in HoangSA of Vietnam.

China interfering in other countries internal matter and now China is getting confused with handling so many countries:- India, Vietnam, Taiwan, Russia, Philippines, South Korea, Japan, US etc. etc. :girl_wacko:
Again warning?? What the hell.... Just warning yet again? China making joke out of itself.... They should gather guts and launch an attack on india, vietnaam, japan, taiwan and america.... Am fedup with chinese blah blah. Its boring....
provincial status
wat does it means ? Don't make dead statements..... ...

---------- Post added at 04:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:03 PM ----------

Here comeS another one :rofl:

Pakistan has only four provinces- KP, Punjab, Sindh & Balochistan. How come your Kashmir dispute is confined to Indian side only when you cry of UN resolution. Keep on laughing, I think Heena Rabbani Khar asked America to provide some money for $12 billion project of Diamer Bhasha dam because of fear of India's objection in IMF & World Bank. :lol:
Pakistan has only four provinces- KP, Punjab, Sindh & Balochistan. How come your Kashmir dispute is confined to Indian side only when you cry of UN resolution. Keep on laughing, I think Heena Rabbani Khar asked America to provide $12 billion for Diamer Bhasha dam because of fear of India's objection in IMF & World Bank. :lol:

So Funny of you...Keep thinking hard...:lol:
If china attacks tiny philippines to save its face from its people then india should block indian ocean. Lets see how long china can survive.... Just recently our submarine chased chinese naval ship for two days and chinese didn't even know it until our submarine came up. Chinese didn't had clue what was behind their tail. Then chinese claimed they made our submarine to come up. That was face saving statement. In real war our submarine won't chase chinese ship for two days. They will launch an torpedo and end the chinese ship within no time. China knows our navy the most powerful navy in asia.... Most chinese ships are cheap outdated technology. All china knows is missiles and that too without accurasy. All they have is range. But missile woul'd invite missile in responce with better accurasy.... India is future. Our good behavier gave us powerful friends and better technology. We use same technology that super power and developed nations use it....
If china attacks tiny philippines to save its face from its people then india should block indian ocean. Lets see how long china can survive.... Just recently our submarine chased chinese naval ship for two days and chinese didn't even know it until our submarine came up. Chinese didn't had clue what was behind their tail. Then chinese claimed they made our submarine to come up. That was face saving statement. In real war our submarine won't chase chinese ship for two days. They will launch an torpedo and end the chinese ship within no time. China knows our navy the most powerful navy in asia.... Most chinese ships are cheap outdated technology. All china knows is missiles and that too without accurasy. All they have is range. But missile woul'd invite missile in responce with better accurasy.... India is future. Our good behavier gave us powerful friends and better technology. We use same technology that super power and developed nations use it....

and then the cow jumped over the moon.
i don't know why china is feeling insecure abt Indian presence in south china sea. india has many time cleared that it is in south china sea purely for commercial purpose that too in Vietnam waters. on one side china ask india to stay calm on the issue of Chinese presence in GB & on other side indian presence in south china sea does not go down well with china.
bomb that fascist indian regime.
It's just a matter of time. We should wait until our SSK with ASBM, Y-20 heavy transport and J-20 stealth fighter enter service in large numbers before we light a fire to the powder keg. Right now we're in cold war with USA and our hostile neighbors in Asia. It will turn hot in about 5-10 years.
who cares you disgust or what..:)
you guys still stuck in 20th Century .. we move forward to 21st Century.. grow up kid and take a look all around

india in 21st century? LMFAO!!!

first put a man into space.
first build ur own fighter jet engines.
first destroy those mud slums and uild some skyscrapers.
first get a decent transportation system.

---------- Post added at 09:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:05 PM ----------

It's just a matter of time. We should wait until our SSK with ASBM, Y-20 heavy transport and J-20 stealth fighter enter service in large numbers before we light a fire to the powder keg. Right now we're in cold war with USA and our hostile neighbors in Asia. It will turn hot in about 5-10 years.

we can destroy india anytime we want, we havent yet because america is waiting like a vulture to take advantage.
india is a mickey mouse military power, they are like a practice run to take on the US.

its not even worth wasting our weapons on india.
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