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China’s war-like logistics of Libya evacuation are world-class.

Has anybody noticed that Libya seems to have a huge number of foreign workers even though the Libyan unemployment rate is over 20%? Same thing in most of the oil rich Arab states, but you don't see this in the non-Arab oil producing countries like Iran, Venezuela, Azerbaijan, Mexico, Canada, etc, who only use foreign workers if they have to. Is this some sort of Arab cultural thing where the general population will not do the more menial jobs in the oil industry?
did the chinese with warships save any pakistanis... just to know if they will come to pakistans help when they themselves are in peril
Has anybody noticed that Libya seems to have a huge number of foreign workers even though the Libyan unemployment rate is over 20%? Same thing in most of the oil rich Arab states, but you don't see this in the non-Arab oil producing countries like Iran, Venezuela, Azerbaijan, Mexico, Canada, etc, who only use foreign workers if they have to. Is this some sort of Arab cultural thing where the general population will not do the more menial jobs in the oil industry?

Pretty sure the Chinese workers there were working for Chinese companies.
That is garbage. The media is all by the Jews?

He has pretty much lost it.


How appropriate! So you work for the CIA, knowing everthing about Gaddafi and Libya?

Ask yourself 1 question only: from where did you know anything about him and Libya, including how to spell his name, other than Jew Media?

:lol: a brainwashed sheep then!
Has anybody noticed that Libya seems to have a huge number of foreign workers even though the Libyan unemployment rate is over 20%? Same thing in most of the oil rich Arab states, but you don't see this in the non-Arab oil producing countries like Iran, Venezuela, Azerbaijan, Mexico, Canada, etc, who only use foreign workers if they have to. Is this some sort of Arab cultural thing where the general population will not do the more menial jobs in the oil industry?

IMO it's perhaps due to cultural and historical reasons more than economical one, as more well off Arab countries such as Libya still lacks far behind its competitiors in the market in providing basic skill training to its lower-middle class.

Historically, Arabs were by and large traders / middlemen, but far less citizens of well-settled cities, or farmers of advanced societies, where lower-middle class must constantly learn news skills required to survive. Some did, but they mainly used nearby black african slaves as menial labours.

Culturally, perhaps Arab women are, on average, less active and less literate than both Arab men and their counterparts around the world. I think that might affect Arab societies to some degree as Mothers are among the principle forces in educating the young.

poorly dressed: fact !

Looked depressed: fact !

Sent one of her 5 yrs children away : fact !

answered to the C4 reporter i such a way : fact !

A reasonable explaination:

lost her husband ( she appeared alone) in the way; walked by foot for days without proper food, water and rest..

So you want her to look like some cowliwood princess under such a situation?

Thus you and me, who is actually trying some "Fantastic attempt" or "desperate stunt " here ?

And you came to the conclusion she was Indian?

Sound like a troll, bashing Indians and India again.
^^ the reporter said the he was interviewing this Indian woman.

Bash india and Indians? no, you don't need to be bashed.

India, way to go! :lol:
The professionalism shown by the chinese is really laudable...

I only wish India can take a leaf out of their book. A good job done is a good job done.

Specially distributing the phone card was nicely thought out. I can guarantee not many countries would have done it.
Just saw this article published today. It's confirmed that I am far from alone on this one. Indeed there're plenty of intelligent guys out there.

It's the first time for me to visit this website though, quite a lot of extra info that you don't see in ANY mainstream Jew Media. Enjoy:

Destroying Libya: Globocrats No Longer Hide Support For Rebels​

Tony Cartalucci
March 1, 2011

The Anglo-American “globocrat” establishment is no longer hiding its support for the now admittedly armed rebellion spreading across Libya. The rebellion has been met by a defiant Qaddafi who may have more support than the corporate owned media has revealed and the rebels may need “extra” assistance from their Western sponsors, lest they end up in a “Bay of Pigs-like” scenario.

The not so “unarmed” rebels consolidating their gains and preparing to storm Tripoli. Hopefully the US government will be as understanding toward US protesters during their own besieging as they are now for the Libyan rebels. Photo via CTV.

While Libyan opposition leader Ibrahim Sahad leads the rhetorical charge from Washington D.C. (speeder: based in DC? wow, is Mr. Sahad next door to that Ugur woman out of China? Or classmates at CIA summer camp? :lol: ), his National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL) ( speeder: man, even the name sounds familiar. :lol:) on the ground is armed to the teeth, as it has been throughout its 20 year history of attempted CIA backed rebellions against Qaddafi. In 1984, the NFSL tried to overthrow Qaddafi in a failed armed coup. The Daily Globe and Mail also recently confirmed that the NFSL along with the Libyan National Army, both under Sahad’s new National Conference of Libyan Opposition (NCLO), had both “attempted coups and assassinations against Col. Gadhafi in the 1980s.”

By the corporate media’s own admissions then, Qaddafi is not battling unarmed civilians, but heavily armed, foreign backed militants who may yet have their efforts augmented with US air cover and additional arms deliveries. The rhetorical calls from the globalist think-tanks and the likes of Libya’s Ibrahim Sahad for a no-fly zone have now shifted over to globalist yes-men like David Cameron and Hillary Clinton who claim military assets are being moved into place.

Senator Lieberman ( speeder: this Lieberman must be an ethnic Chinese, who else then? :lol:) during a joint CNN ( speerder: an ethnic Chinese-owned Western media Network, even with its new anchorman an ethnic Chinese:lol:) interview with Senator McCain ( speeder: here we go...in case you don't know him, McCain is a well-known Buddhist, who especially likes to hang out with his "ethnic Chinese" master :lol: ) , went as far as repeatedly and openly calling for additional arms to be sent to rebel groups on the ground, recognizing them as the legitimate government, as well as repeating the call for the no-fly zone already on the table. McCain built on Lieberman’s statements claiming the US should “stand up for democracy” not only across the Arab world but as far as China as well, confirming the scale and reach of the globalists’ agenda. UK PM David Cameron has also called for providing additional arms to rebel leaders, clarifying the globalist consensus and ensuring a protracted bloodbath ensues.

With characters like Lieberman already calling for the recognition of the “revolutionary government,” Ibrahim Sahad’s NCLO and the various groups that fall under it will undoubtedly constitute Libya’s new government should Qaddafi fall. How the rest of Libya takes the new government is unknown, with Libya itself being precariously cobbled together and Qaddafi’s rule being one of the few common denominators that makes Libya – “Libya.”

Libya consists of various tribes, Berbers and Arabs, African refugees, as well as expatriate work forces from China and South Asia, all combined under Qaddafi and his localized revolutionary committees. When they fall, chaos and infighting will ensue and the blood soaked catastrophe that the West has triggered will only be compounded. Foreigner workers have been leaving the country by the thousands – these too are lives destroyed, forced to return to their home countries of China, Bangladesh, and neighboring nations in North Africa, jobless and with empty hands. There are also the Libyan refugees already being turned back by the EU and now suffering in limbo.

While the West points the finger of blame at Qaddafi, they are the ones who triggered and are fueling the unrest. By supplying weapons, providing air cover, and recognizing armed rebels as the legitimate government of Libya, they are now compounding the consequences of this engineered conflagration. From the corporate owned media (speeder: "corporate" owned media? so he is more diplomatic than I am. :lol:) , to the corporate sponsored think-tanks that supply them their talking points, to the puppet politicians standing behind the West’s symbolic podiums of powers, they are the ones destroying Libya. Be sure to thank these corporate combines in kind, the next time you address your shopping list by boycotting these multinational megalomaniacs.

(Tony Cartalucci is the editor and writer at Land Destroyer)

Destroying Libya: Globocrats No Longer Hide Support For Rebels | Dark Politricks
Senator Lieberman ( speeder: this Lieberman must be an ethnic Chinese, who else then? ) during a joint CNN interview with Senator McCain, went as far as repeatedly and openly calling for additional arms to be sent to rebel groups on the ground, recognizing them as the legitimate government, as well as repeating the call for the no-fly zone already on the table. McCain ( speeder: here we go...in case you don't know him, McCain is a well-known Buddhist. ) built on Lieberman’s statements claiming the US should “stand up for democracy” not only across the Arab world but as far as China as well, confirming the scale and reach of the globalists’ agenda. UK PM David Cameron has also called for providing additional arms to rebel leaders, clarifying the globalist consensus and ensuring a protracted bloodbath ensues.

Thankfully the Chinese people is pretty weary of the American agenda of shoving Democracy down people's throats by this day and age. They might have had better lucky in the 80's but they didn't have enough foresight to see China's potential as a global power. Long term planning.... not an American forte.
On Crete, Chinese evacuees keen to learn and say "thank you" in Greek​

HERAKLION, Greece, March 1, 2011 -- Among the Chinese evacuees who landed on the Greek island of Crete after a cross-Mediterranean trip from Libya in recent days, "Efharisto" (thank you) has become the most popular native word they are keen to learn.

Since Thursday, more than 10,000 Chinese nationals have been evacuated to Crete so far.

Toula, one of the dozens of Greeks who handed out water and bread to Chinese evacuees at the port of Heraklion, capital of Crete, said she probably has heard "Efharisto" for thousands of times by Monday.

"We can clearly see the relief in their eyes," she told Xinhua, as she greeted a group of Chinese evacuees with a warm smile before they got on buses which would take them to one of the 20 local hotels to rest, relax and enjoy Greek hospitality before their return to China by air.

A Chinese man who evacuated from Libya chooses T-shirt in the southern Greek island of Crete, Feb. 28, 2011. (Xinhua/Marios Lolos)

Most of area hotels which usually open in May for the tourism season, have been closely working together with Chinese embassy officials who arrived in Crete last week as well as Greek officials to prepare for the arrival of the evacuees.

"Once we got the request from Chinese officials, we rushed and pulled out a miracle to open the hotel in just over 12 hours," said Theofilos Fragkiskos, a young receptionist who slept four hours on average over the past few days to offer the best accommodation to Chinese nationals.

"It's the least we could do for these people," said Michalis, owner of a nearby hotel.

A Chinese man evacuated from Libya contacts family on line with laptop in the southern Greek island of Crete, Feb. 28, 2011. (Xinhua/Marios Lolos)

He told Xinhua that after being informed of the operation to evacuate the Chinese nationals from Libya, he immediately asked the hotel staff to order sufficient towels, vegetables and tea bags across Crete.

As soon as the first batch of Chinese evacuees arrived, hoteliers in cooperation with Chinese embassy officials had prepared menus to cater to the Chinese taste, with plenty of vegetables, rice, and fish. (speeder: yummy...:D)

The Chinese nationals, though arriving in Greece for the first time, seemed to enjoy the Greek food as well as the warm hospitality of locals, who were eager to help in any way despite the language barrier.

This explains why many Greek-speaking members of the Chinese community in Athens, such as Anna Chang, rushed to fly to Crete as volunteers to offer every possible assistance to compatriots. "When we learned that Crete would host thousands of Chinese evacuees from Libya, we were all activated to help," Anna told Xinhua. (speeder: either in Greece, or in any other European countries, you bet that the local Chinese communities / volunteers would help! :tup: If it happened in Benelux in place of Crete here, I would volunteer too. :D)

Chinese evacuated from Libya wait in a line to call to family in the southern Greek island of Crete, Feb. 28, 2011. (Xinhua/Marios Lolos)

She listed a few examples of volunteer work, such as helping evacuees phone home, as well as facilitate the communication between Greek doctors and evacuees who suffered minor health problems from the rough sea journey.

"A nod of the head or a smile sometimes speaks a thousand words. This is my first contact with so many Chinese people, and from the first moment I have noticed how polite and patient they are, and they stand in order in the queue," said supermarket owner with the first name as Yiannis, who has met a lot of Chinese customers over the past week. (speeder: average Chinese construction workers - world class too! :D)

Waiting for the next flight chartered by the Chinese government, evacuees from Libya communicated with their families and friends via the Internet, learned the latest news from home and watched satellite television broadcasting Chinese channels at the hotels. ( speeder: Chinsese SatTV channels at Crete Hotels? What a treat! :D)

The efforts made by Chinese embassy officials, Greek authorities and the Greek people to make the days the Chinese spent in Crete as relaxing as possible were deeply appreciated by the evacuees.

Expressing his co-workers' gratitude, a Chinese construction worker wrote a letter left to a volunteer in Heraklion, addressing the Chinese Ambassador to Greece Luo Linquan, as well as the Greek government and people.

He did not know how to write "Efharisto" in Greek, but he repeatedly expressed his thanks to Chinese embassy officials, Chinese community volunteers, Greek authorities and residents of Crete for their help, wishing that bilateral ties will be strengthened.

"I wish the friendship between Greece and China will blossom and the flowers and fruits reflecting this friendship will last long," he wrote.

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