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China’s Plan to Beat U.S.: Missiles, Missiles and More Missiles

what failure to understand economy:

1. despite being poorer, China can actually make a profit from the lost of 3 trillion USD, because the collapse of the USD will result in the increase in value of RMB, China simply can print RMB to make up for loses and do what US did as it replaces US as the world's reserve currency. 3 trillion in exchange for control of the world economy is a VERY GOOD DEAL.

2. bond can actually be sold at the open market at anytime, this is not a bank loan. but this is really not a big deal either, it not what US is afraid of.

3. what US fears is not their existing debt, but that they need to borrow more. if you don't need to borrow more money, you can just **** the banker. but if you needed the money, you will be begging the banker for more money. That is the real problem US has, beggars can't be choosers.

this leverage is not forever, US will eventually either find it's footing and recover or collapse economically and the world order will change. China has no illusion this is a temporary condition, in fact that is just what China needs... more time and keep the pesky Uncle Sam away until its own economy has matured enough that US would not have the hard power to threaten China anymore. China won't use it leverage, it likes the fact that USN is patrolling the world and keeping oil flowing to China...

Yes, Swatwolf got it right. As an addendum:

-Printing Money is the last resort of any modern economy. Printing money will cause hyperinflation and decrease the "real value" of each unit of the currency.

-If the dollar does lose its value, the Yen, The Euro and The Swiss Franc are more likely to replace it. Not the RMB. Infact, the RMB is artificially manipulated and unless it is fully let loose on the floating currency exchange rate market, no one can even think about it as a reserve currency. Even the Premier agrees.

-China being an export powerhouse [to put it mildly], artificially keeps its currency value low. If the value of the RMB rises with respect to other world currencies, it will suffer economically. Moreover, if the RMB wants to be a reserve currency it would have to stop manipulating its value artificially.

-Bonds can always be sold anywhere, but there is an interest expense and a risk premium that determines a Bond's rating. Currently, there are lot of other countries that can replace the US as attractive Bond markets. The US's loss won't be China's gain, necessarily.

-I agree with the "beggars can't be choosers" analogy partially. The thing is that the Chinese need the US market as much as the US needs China. It's basically a weird symbiotic relationship.

this leverage is not forever, US will eventually either find it's footing and recover or collapse economically and the world order will change. China has no illusion this is a temporary condition, in fact that is just what China needs... more time and keep the pesky Uncle Sam away until its own economy has matured enough that US would not have the hard power to threaten China anymore. China won't use it leverage, it likes the fact that USN is patrolling the world and keeping oil flowing to China...

I agree with you 100% here. The Chinese cannot take on the US in the short to medium term [0 - 35 years]. They are planning for the long term [50-70 years] and they will eventually be able to take on the US mano-a-mano.They will bide their time and only strike when they are ready. If they strike too soon, they -will- lose.
Didn't China got their ***** whooped when they invaded Vietnam? That tells me that they are not all that powerful and don't have the will to win. Just like in the Korean War which is still currently still ongoing. After all South Korea still exists so we in fact won that war if you will.

Dude...you are so Sophisticated in comforting yourself.
Do you know what is the acme for lying? that is you tell a lie without anybody believe, but you belive it yourself DEEPLY.

You make it. Congrats!
Didn't China got their ***** whooped when they invaded Vietnam? That tells me that they are not all that powerful and don't have the will to win. Just like in the Korean War which is still currently still ongoing. After all South Korea still exists so we in fact won that war if you will.

Didn't US get their butt kicked when they invaded Vietnam? That tells me you are not all that powerful and don't have the will to win. Just look at Iraq and Afghanistan -- no will to win. And just like in the Korean War which is still currently ongoing. After all North Korea still exist so China in fact won that war if you will.
Didn't US get their butt kicked when they invaded Vietnam?

That tells me you are not all that powerful and don't have the will to win. Just look at Iraq and Afghanistan -- no will to win.
Please stop making a fool out of yourself. Afghanistan's Taliban was ousted by the Northern Alliance and US Special Forces. Iraq was beaten twice and later occupied. Show us how China could do better.

And just like in the Korean War which is still currently ongoing. After all North Korea still exist so China in fact won that war if you will.
The fact that South Korea exist and wealthier than North Korea proved the China failed.
And you really missed the point of my response.

And you really missed the point of my response.

Didn't China got their ***** whooped when they invaded Vietnam? That tells me that they are not all that powerful and don't have the will to win. Just like in the Korean War which is still currently still ongoing. After all South Korea still exists so we in fact won that war if you will.
in my opinion, china can never win a war. why?

well first off their supplies would be blockaded causing economic panic, then they'd be attacked by stealth bombers/fighters and missiles from afar before the carriers even get into strike range, that would decimate their critical infrastructure/SAMS/airfields. sure they can strike back with missiles but they will be attacking moving targets while the airfields/infrastructure are fixed targets making it a lot harder.

next once the missiles/stealth planes have softened up the defenses, the carriers can go in and do their job, and id assume Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and NATO would be involved off the top of my head thats around 11 huge carriers, 30 or so small carriers. 22 cruisers, 100 destroyers, 100 frigates, and 100 submarines, and countless support ships. most of plan's ships would be in the bottom of the sea within a few days, and the plaaf cant bring its full might because it will be wary of India, Vietnam, and other US Allies in the region.

by that time the war is pretty much over.

and i dont give a crap about using the debt or whatever, china's economy may be growing fast but its reliant on overbuilding of everything (it uses more cement, steel, and other raw materials more than the next 5 countries combined) and supposedly entire new cities lie empty. not to mention 800,000 mw of power generation installed and growing (when u clearly dont need more)
in my opinion, china can never win a war. why?

well first off their supplies would be blockaded causing economic panic, then they'd be attacked by stealth bombers/fighters and missiles from afar before the carriers even get into strike range, that would decimate their critical infrastructure/SAMS/airfields. sure they can strike back with missiles but they will be attacking moving targets while the airfields/infrastructure are fixed targets making it a lot harder.

next once the missiles/stealth planes have softened up the defenses, the carriers can go in and do their job, and id assume Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and NATO would be involved off the top of my head thats around 11 huge carriers, 30 or so small carriers. 22 cruisers, 100 destroyers, 100 frigates, and 100 submarines, and countless support ships. most of plan's ships would be in the bottom of the sea within a few days, and the plaaf cant bring its full might because it will be wary of India, Vietnam, and other US Allies in the region.

by that time the war is pretty much over.

and i dont give a crap about using the debt or whatever, china's economy may be growing fast but its reliant on overbuilding of everything (it uses more cement, steel, and other raw materials more than the next 5 countries combined) and supposedly entire new cities lie empty. not to mention 800,000 mw of power generation installed and growing (when u clearly dont need more)

You better think carefully before you post your crazy idea hear. Or you will make other guys laugh and feel ashamed to you. Do you remember the war decads ago in Korea??
What a huge advantage you guys have, best weapons, enough food, warm clothes,.....Our army were using crude guns, simple weapons, lack of food, lack of clothers, lack of medical care. most of our soldiers dead of starve, cold, illness. Just under this despaired condition, USA still failed that fight.
How can you have the balls to talk that words.. did you take drug several minutes ago? Can you give me some?
And forget your little fellows. They are as weak as you.
Most importantly::::
America does not have that ability to open even a small war now. you cost too much for wars all over the world, you cost too much for operation the politics of other country, you cost too much for breaking other countries who is smaller than you, you cost too much for killing people of other countries who is smaller than you. You cost too much for controling your media to let them report news based on your govnt will. you cost too much to show your musles to any other country who do not listen to your words, you cost too much while been good at printing USD to kidnap the entire economy of the world. you cost too much my friend.
you have no money at all now, and America deserve it
The world will gain peace and quiet for more than ten years...Congrats to the people on earth.
-If the dollar does lose its value, the Yen, The Euro and The Swiss Franc are more likely to replace it. Not the RMB. Infact, the RMB is artificially manipulated and unless it is fully let loose on the floating currency exchange rate market, no one can even think about it as a reserve currency. Even the Premier agrees.
haven't you learn that you never tell the market what you are going to do? it is to China's benefit to mislead speculator away from the RMB. printing money, aka QE does not cause inflation when there is a rise in demand for the currency, US's QE proves this. you seem to have a really poor concept on economic.

-Bonds can always be sold anywhere, but there is an interest expense and a risk premium that determines a Bond's rating. Currently, there are lot of other countries that can replace the US as attractive Bond markets. The US's loss won't be China's gain, necessarily.
You miss the point. China doesn't need to gain, US just have to lose. this is why US is more dependent on China than China is on US. one NEED the money, they other is just looking for investment option.

-I agree with the "beggars can't be choosers" analogy partially. The thing is that the Chinese need the US market as much as the US needs China. It's basically a weird symbiotic relationship.
US account for less than 1/3 of chinese export and that number is still shrinking. whereas China is the only creditor that is still able to provide fresh loan. the one with less leverage is obviously US, no one denies it. heck the US is crying over the lost of it's AAA rating... if you really think it is going better for US than China. your investment are probably not doing so well...
in my opinion, china can never win a war. why?

well first off their supplies would be blockaded causing economic panic
you cannot embargo China the same way Hilter cannot embargo UK. eventually it will lead to other country entering the war against you because you are denying their access to the South China Seas. you can't tell if a ship is sailing to Hanoi or Guangzhou, the captain need not be honest with you, so how are you going to do it? let the ship travel? if it goes to Guangzhou, sink it and invoke the fury of it's owner... what if it is Saudi Arabia or Singapore? then what? Is US going to pay every country for their losses? or is US going to deny entry of all ship? and what if Russia and Vietnam threaten war unless US stop blocking sea route to their port?

this is just nonsense.

Some american have this naive believes that everyone is "friend" of US. we have our own interest too, and if US end up causing us more harm than good, we are going to have to oppose it.
you cannot embargo China the same way Hilter cannot embargo UK. eventually it will lead to other country entering the war against you because you are denying their access to the South China Seas. you can't tell if a ship is sailing to Hanoi or Guangzhou, the captain need not be honest with you, so how are you going to do it? let the ship travel? if it goes to Guangzhou, sink it and invoke the fury of it's owner... what if it is Saudi Arabia or Singapore? then what? Is US going to pay every country for their losses? or is US going to deny entry of all ship? and what if Russia and Vietnam threaten war unless US stop blocking sea route to their port?

this is just nonsense.

Some american have this naive believes that everyone is "friend" of US. we have our own interest too, and if US end up causing us more harm than good, we are going to have to oppose it.

Yep, US can not embargo China's economy, every one will oppose including VN, US can not use forces to fight in all opposing nations also. US must find out another way to resovle with CHina.
You better think carefully before you post your crazy idea hear. Or you will make other guys laugh and feel ashamed to you. Do you remember the war decads ago in Korea??
What a huge advantage you guys have, best weapons, enough food, warm clothes,.....Our army were using crude guns, simple weapons, lack of food, lack of clothers, lack of medical care. most of our soldiers dead of starve, cold, illness. Just under this despaired condition, USA still failed that fight.
How can you have the balls to talk that words.. did you take drug several minutes ago? Can you give me some?
And forget your little fellows. They are as weak as you.
Most importantly::::
America does not have that ability to open even a small war now. you cost too much for wars all over the world, you cost too much for operation the politics of other country, you cost too much for breaking other countries who is smaller than you, you cost too much for killing people of other countries who is smaller than you. You cost too much for controling your media to let them report news based on your govnt will. you cost too much to show your musles to any other country who do not listen to your words, you cost too much while been good at printing USD to kidnap the entire economy of the world. you cost too much my friend.
you have no money at all now, and America deserve it
The world will gain peace and quiet for more than ten years...Congrats to the people on earth.

"we will be home by Christmas" :cheers:
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