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China’s Plan to Beat U.S.: Missiles, Missiles and More Missiles

in my opinion, china can never win a war. why?

well first off their supplies would be blockaded causing economic panic, then they'd be attacked by stealth bombers/fighters and missiles from afar before the carriers even get into strike range, that would decimate their critical infrastructure/SAMS/airfields. sure they can strike back with missiles but they will be attacking moving targets while the airfields/infrastructure are fixed targets making it a lot harder.

next once the missiles/stealth planes have softened up the defenses, the carriers can go in and do their job, and id assume Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and NATO would be involved off the top of my head thats around 11 huge carriers, 30 or so small carriers. 22 cruisers, 100 destroyers, 100 frigates, and 100 submarines, and countless support ships. most of plan's ships would be in the bottom of the sea within a few days, and the plaaf cant bring its full might because it will be wary of India, Vietnam, and other US Allies in the region.

by that time the war is pretty much over.

and i dont give a crap about using the debt or whatever, china's economy may be growing fast but its reliant on overbuilding of everything (it uses more cement, steel, and other raw materials more than the next 5 countries combined) and supposedly entire new cities lie empty. not to mention 800,000 mw of power generation installed and growing (when u clearly dont need more)

A limited war with the US would solve problems of excess industrial capacity and nowhere to put it.The obvious solution is using that industrial capacity to fuel the largest war machine the world has ever seen.

The US has the opposite problem of deindustrialization. Seems to me that in a potential war, we're the US of 1940 and you're the Japan of 1940. And your regime knows it. That's why it is not starting a war. If it was that easy to attack China, you would've done so a long time ago, like in 1960 when our GDP per capita was lower than Zimbabwe yet we still blatantly slapped the US's face by backing the Viet Cong which downed 3000 US planes and 5000 US helicopters, and the US could do nothing.

And if we start losing we'll just nuke the US. Yeah we'll be nuked too but we'll lose anyways, so we'll make the US lose too. South Korea and Japan will be the most worried of backing China into a corner because unlike the US which might lose "only" 80% of its population, Koreans and Japanese, due to their high population density, face 100% extinction in a nuclear exchange.

The US missile shield is a joke. It is not even operational and cannot even block half the missiles even when they have radio transmitters on them broadcasting their location. How will it block ICBMs with countermeasures? And there's also Russia, which the US will be forced to nuke if it doesn't want Russia to be the sole remaining superpower after the dust settles.

So don't back us into a corner. No one will like the outcome.
A limited war with the US would solve problems of excess industrial capacity and nowhere to put it.The obvious solution is using that industrial capacity to fuel the largest war machine the world has ever seen.

The US has the opposite problem of deindustrialization. Seems to me that in a potential war, we're the US of 1940 and you're the Japan of 1940. And your regime knows it. That's why it is not starting a war. If it was that easy to attack China, you would've done so a long time ago, like in 1960 when our GDP per capita was lower than Zimbabwe yet we still blatantly slapped the US's face by backing the Viet Cong which downed 3000 US planes and 5000 US helicopters, and the US could do nothing.

And if we start losing we'll just nuke the US. Yeah we'll be nuked too but we'll lose anyways, so we'll make the US lose too. South Korea and Japan will be the most worried of backing China into a corner because unlike the US which might lose "only" 80% of its population, Koreans and Japanese, due to their high population density, face 100% extinction in a nuclear exchange.

The US missile shield is a joke. It is not even operational and cannot even block half the missiles even when they have radio transmitters on them broadcasting their location. How will it block ICBMs with countermeasures? And there's also Russia, which the US will be forced to nuke if it doesn't want Russia to be the sole remaining superpower after the dust settles.

So don't back us into a corner. No one will like the outcome.

I agree that in the event of war Chinese military re industrialization capacity will be like none other we have ever seen, since they already posses all the homegrown expertise and needs to rearm unlike the second world war, but a nuke war is unlikely to happen on land first, it will happen in space, nuking land areas is not even near enough to stop the military capacities and production of both countries, the endgame will be to nuke space, and turn space into a minefield of debris destroying all existing satellites and making it impossible for any satellites to ever exist in orbit again, that way military capabilities will return to that of WW2 and that's when the limited nuke war begins. In this capacity the whole world will be driven back to the industrial age again. The USA so overdependent on satellites for their military operations and satellite based technology company like Apple, Microsoft, Google, Gm, Macdonalds will see their empire collapse overnight, in the event of Globalization USA is in fact the major world beneficiary because of their branding and penetration into world's market from fast food chain, to apparel stores. to the IT sector, but in a space war they will lose everything. The very world economy itself will collapse ending the period of globalization for quite awhile, i would say a good way for the Americans to get their slave labor jobs back..
A limited war with the US would solve problems of excess industrial capacity and nowhere to put it.The obvious solution is using that industrial capacity to fuel the largest war machine the world has ever seen.

The US has the opposite problem of deindustrialization. Seems to me that in a potential war, we're the US of 1940 and you're the Japan of 1940. And your regime knows it. That's why it is not starting a war. If it was that easy to attack China, you would've done so a long time ago, like in 1960 when our GDP per capita was lower than Zimbabwe yet we still blatantly slapped the US's face by backing the Viet Cong which downed 3000 US planes and 5000 US helicopters, and the US could do nothing.

And if we start losing we'll just nuke the US. Yeah we'll be nuked too but we'll lose anyways, so we'll make the US lose too. South Korea and Japan will be the most worried of backing China into a corner because unlike the US which might lose "only" 80% of its population, Koreans and Japanese, due to their high population density, face 100% extinction in a nuclear exchange.

The US missile shield is a joke. It is not even operational and cannot even block half the missiles even when they have radio transmitters on them broadcasting their location. How will it block ICBMs with countermeasures? And there's also Russia, which the US will be forced to nuke if it doesn't want Russia to be the sole remaining superpower after the dust settles.

So don't back us into a corner. No one will like the outcome.

u forget that the weapons of the 1940s were very crude compared to modern weapons, they were mechanical in nature and did not have the precision of modern weapons (by precision i mean that every part has to be the exact size or the weapon will fail), they also didn't have complex electronics, millions of lines of software codes, as well as a global supply chain like we do have today (last i heard ur j-10 engines dont work as well as the al-31) so they were a LOT easier to make

in the event of a war, most factories that make weapons would probably be bombed first, if they are underground then the roads/rail/power lines supplying them will be bombed. sure you have the industrial capability but its NOT high tech enough to make really advanced weapons not to mention all the tooling and stuff you would need which sometimes has to be imported

we on the other hand don't have this problem, even though our supply chain is global we control the oceans, also there is no way in hell ur navy or air force will even get close to the weapons factories here. and the production capability is already established and probably can be ramped up quickly (if those Boeing plants can make 50-60 commercial planes a month then im pretty sure that can easily be converted to 100s of f-18s a month)

and about the vietnam war/korean war. those were both ground wars and both those nations had the backing of the ussr, which supplied weapons and what not. who would back china with supplys? not to mention china's strict gun laws and strong government (meaning there's not a lot of rpg's/ak 47s like in the middle east) and im pretty sure china would surrender before a ground war even started.
Who cares what some random yoko thinks about China not being able to win a war. If that were really the case the US wouldn't be bitching and moaning about the Chinese military.
And if we start losing we'll just nuke the US. Yeah we'll be nuked too but we'll lose anyways, so we'll make the US lose too. South Korea and Japan will be the most worried of backing China into a corner because unlike the US which might lose "only" 80% of its population, Koreans and Japanese, due to their high population density, face 100% extinction in a nuclear exchange.
There is no 'if' about it. You WILL lose and once you start to see that you are losing, the burden is upon China to keep the war 'limited' or not. Going by your typical armchair general bravado, might as well advocate a nuclear first strike and get it over with.

The US missile shield is a joke. It is not even operational and cannot even block half the missiles even when they have radio transmitters on them broadcasting their location. How will it block ICBMs with countermeasures?
Keep that in mind the next time any Chinese here start boasting bout China's own anti missile defense capability.

So don't back us into a corner. No one will like the outcome.
This is what Saddam said and why it made the rest of the ME nervous and rallied against him.
With a large literate population and China churning out engineers at a much faster rate than america etc its only a matter of time that the chinese nation will in due course as night follows day overtake america in innovation etc leading to producing better weapons and other systrems.
With a large literate population and China churning out engineers at a much faster rate than america etc its only a matter of time that the chinese nation will in due course as night follows day overtake america in innovation etc leading to producing better weapons and other systrems.

about the engineer thing...im pretty sure Engineers here are a lot better trained. first of all the Engineering programs here are DESIGNED for you to fail, there are a lot of weed out classes which are hard and have very little resources. basically its sink or swim, in my program its like a 60-70% drop out rate.

the ones that pass the first two years are the brilliant ones. and the difference between here compared to Asian countries is that the Asians try very hard to get into a good college, once they get in they don't care, here its the opposite High School is a joke and college is hard. and here we are taught to think not memorize everything.

and don't forget that a lot of those chinese engineers may have only an associates degree not a bachelors degree.
The US couldn't defeat China then, they sure as hell can't defeat China now.

This is because US limit the scale of the war. If its an all out war that is declared by US congress. No way that US would lose any way today. The only country that can destroy US in a all out nuclear war is still Russia. But US would also retaliate and destroy Russia.

US, China, Russia and most countries in the world are responsible countries and any war between these major countries are unlikely.
about the engineer thing...im pretty sure Engineers here are a lot better trained. first of all the Engineering programs here are DESIGNED for you to fail, there are a lot of weed out classes which are hard and have very little resources. basically its sink or swim, in my program its like a 60-70% drop out rate.

the ones that pass the first two years are the brilliant ones. and the difference between here compared to Asian countries is that the Asians try very hard to get into a good college, once they get in they don't care, here its the opposite High School is a joke and college is hard. and here we are taught to think not memorize everything.

and don't forget that a lot of those chinese engineers may have only an associates degree not a bachelors degree.

Yea but its a numbers game. They have so many more than US that eventually they will overtake US. Even if they have 1 in 100 thats brilliant and america has 1 in 10 they will end up with more brilliant ones.
Yea but its a numbers game. They have so many more than US that eventually they will overtake US. Even if they have 1 in 100 thats brilliant and america has 1 in 10 they will end up with more brilliant ones.

im pretty sure the smartest chinese engineers have all emigrated here, a lot of grad students here are all asians and they dont wanna leave.
im pretty sure the smartest chinese engineers have all emigrated here, a lot of grad students here are all asians and they dont wanna leave.

Thats what they say to you. I am second generation pakistani british and look very fair I easily pass off here as english. Where you think my loyalties are.
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