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China’s Plan to Beat U.S.: Missiles, Missiles and More Missiles

You might want to take a hard look at the map and what he said more carefully.

This is a list of known PLAAF bases...

List of People's Liberation Army Air Force airbases - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All the Chinese members have to do is find out what aircrafts are stationed at which and do rough estimates on the range of each aircraft. Keep in mind that the mission will not allow a direct flight from a base to Taiwan and once a flight enter Taiwanese airspace, it is also not a direct flight to targets. If the Chinese members find that air refuel is required, they must also find out how long it will take to refuel an aircraft lest we see PLAAF fighters dropping out of the sky for lack of fuel in queue.

Why don't you take some of your valuable time and explain us how the Combat Radius and Ferry range works in such a situation and how does the Al 31 engines and the GE and PW engines fare when it comes to fuel consumptions at different altitudes and how a strike mission will require more fuel when compare to air superiority missions.
Didn't China got their ***** whooped when they invaded Vietnam? That tells me that they are not all that powerful and don't have the will to win. Just like in the Korean War which is still currently still ongoing. After all South Korea still exists so we in fact won that war if you will.

Go and tell that to the Korean war veterans.
Why don't you take some of your valuable time and explain us how the Combat Radius and Ferry range works in such a situation and how does the Al 31 engines and the GE and PW engines fare when it comes to fuel consumptions at different altitudes and how a strike mission will require more fuel when compare to air superiority missions.
No can do. Already the article is being dismissed out of hand by the Chinese members here without taking such information into consideration, so any figures would be immediately charged as rigged. The burden is up to the Chinese to look up Chinese air bases and see if Chinese fighters' capabilities can make the round trip WITHOUT air refueling, which would sacrifice weapons load, then WITH air refueling, which the PLAAF may not be able to provide as demanded.
lol china is doing great when foreigners are jealous of china's progress.
amount of jealousy is a good indication if china is succeeding or not.

go china go
@gambit "without taking such information into consideration", like what, you mean this one "take between 150 and 200 Su-27-class fighters to destroy one U.S. Ticonderoga-class cruiser" ??? Are you totally disillusion just like this Wired writer or are you living a fantasy la la land?
I love the guy who said the US would run out of resources. The US has more land, and it is full of resources (we haven't been exploiting it for thousands of years)
rather then make a blanket statement. Maybe you could point out where it is wrong?

For one thing it states aerial refueling is needed for aircraft from China to reach Taiwan.


Most bases near the Taiwan border are armed with SU 30, J 11, and J 10. With ranges of over 3000 Km and 1600 Km respectively. The nearest bases that would be involved are 250 Km and the farthest 500 Km.
For one thing it states aerial refueling is needed for aircraft from China to reach Taiwan.


Most bases near the Taiwan border are armed with SU 30, J 11, and J 10. With ranges of over 3000 Km and 1600 Km respectively. The nearest bases that would be involved are 250 Km and the farthest 500 Km.

there is no doubt that China would have no problem hittting Taiwan from coastal bases. Where it might have trouble is hitting U.S. strike groups who have refueling capability and can stay at range. It would also have trouble in a major conflict projecting significant airpower in the spratly island chain.

there is no doubt that China would have no problem hittting Taiwan from coastal bases. Where it might have trouble is hitting U.S. strike groups who have refueling capability and can stay at range. It would also have trouble in a major conflict projecting significant airpower in the spratly island chain.


well the planes would still get there just with much reduced loiter time without midair refueling.
I love the guy who said the US would run out of resources. The US has more land, and it is full of resources (we haven't been exploiting it for thousands of years)

You just don't get it :hitwall:
I don't think China is relying exclusively on missiles to fight its wars though missiles obviously have their advantages. One Ticonderoga-class cruiser is worth more than $1 billion and probably as much as $3 billion each while one Chinese missile is probably worth only $1 million each. So it is cost effective to trade 1,000 missiles for one Tigonderoga. Even if 1 DF-21D cost $10 million, it is still cost effective to trade 100 DF-21D for 1 Ticonderoga cruiser. But I think even with just 5 DF-21D it is enough to incapacitate or even sink 1 Ticonderoga cruiser. There are some 20 to 25 Ticonderoga-class cruisers in service now. So if China deployed 200 DF-21D they'll be many more than enough to sink all Ticonderoga-class cruisers.

In the future I'm sure China will be deploying many stealth fighter/bombers such as the J-20 that could fly close in and fire off a barrage of anti-ship missiles that could easily incapacitate all Ticonderoga-class cruisers. And building more tanker planes is a certain thing for China to do. Once American ships can be stopped, American attack is basically stopped. American carriers cannot approach Chinese coasts. American cruisers cannot approach Chinese coasts to land troops. All shipping will be stopped by Chinese missiles or submarines. This means China can defend itself against Ameirican attack on the sea. And America cannot help Asian countries suc as Philippines or Vietnam.

Beyond another 10 years, and providing Chinese economy and technologies continue to surge ahead, China can not only develop more advanced weapons it can also deploy more weapons than the US. For example, if Chinese GDP is more than 80 trillion yuan then at 3 yuan per dollar this would be some $27 trillion and 50% bigger than the US GDP. This means that China can deploy 450 J-20 for each 300 F-22 or F-35. Or China can deploy 30 Aegis class cruiser for each 20 deployed by America. Or China can deploy 15 aircraft carriers for each 10 deployed by America. In which case China can not only defend itself against an American attack it can also take the war to anywhere in the world. Its current reliance on missiles is just an interim solution. It also fits with China's protrayal of itself as a defensive military. After all, other than ICBM China's missiles are all short range and cannot be used as offensive weapons.
It seems the more advanced versions of China's air to air missiles have ramjet engines. If this is true then it may mean that the range of the missiles will be greatly increased without increasing the weight of the missiles. Maybe it will allow more weight to be given to the payload.

And if the ramjet engine can be used for fighters, then their range can be extended much more without refueling. This will eliminate the need to build more tanker planes as well as to eliminate the danger of refueling, especially during battles, and give them more time to be on station and fighting. Ramjets can also be much faster than conventional jet engines going up to Mach 5.
I think instead of underrating China's ability to fight a regional war, we should stop overestimating the USA ability to fight a far away war. War of such magnitude don't get done in days or weeks, and the countermeasure that China could deliver is something the USA never had to face before so lets break it down into a hot war scenario between both countries. To even contemplate starting such a war the USA must have full support from the countries it wish to launch it's war in, the obvious choices are Japan and Korea, and Singapore (possibly India), the other are Guam and Australia which are both abit out of reach. A hypothetical scenario in which both Korea and japan agree to help the USA with rearmament of munitions used, repair and servicing of arms, and reconstruction of damaged infrastructure, that will still leave the Americans short when it comes to negating the impact of the Chinese manpower and proximity to rearm and produce host and host of missiles that could swarm these bases. Compared to American military asset in the pacific, China's asset are also far greater both in missiles and Naval, air facilities. The USA will be unable to overcome this logistic chocking point given the current reality. For example they may have 11 aircraft carriers roaming the seas, but there is no way for them to base all 11 in the pacific at a given time. Only a few type of ports could host, service and rearm these carriers, and political and economic reasons as well point to this as futility. Second these aircraft carriers if proven to be vulnerable to submarine, air and balistic missile attacks, something again the USA never have to faced in the countries they choose to invade, it would be a moot point because surely in times of war they would be the first target along with the American bases in the first countermeasure phase. Bearing in mind that these carriers must be at the very least 500 Km away from Chinese coastline to be even effective, with the latest F-35. In these type of wars stealth and range matters and it matters a whole lot, missiles are far cheaper and have more range, and far easier to produce in numbers, till America is able to produce a fool proof missile defense shield that point is moot. China again at this point is able to with homefield advantage field far more and far quicker of anything the Americans can throw on them, in the end if it is a war of attrition, you can guess who is the victor. America will run out of resources within a year, because they are not able to logistically support their bases 10000 miles away. For America it is about building up coalition and hope with fingers crossed other countries do their dirty work for them so they don't have to. To summarize things up will America win a regional all out war against China by themselves in the pacific? The answer, an impossibility. Will it be a stalemate? Possibly for awhile till America runs out of airbases, munitions ports to fight with, then maybe they could lob a few nukes from submarines, and expect a reciprocal response, but that is about it.

The Americans have been training for decades for this particular scenario vis-a-vis the Soviets. And keep in mind that the Soviets were lot more dangerous then, than the Chinese are now.

BTW, the US did win a war in the Pacific, against an evenly matched Japanese empire. And it did it on all its own, with another war in the European theatre.

Is China willing to bombard US bases in sovereign countries? This would mean a declaration of war all over South Asia. Does this mean that China is willing to tangle with the Koreans and the Japanese, while being in simultaneous war with the Taiwanese and the Americans?
China does this and the logistics train problem solves itself.

Also, the manpower argument is a fallacy in my opinion. A pilot, a submariner or even an infantry officer takes years to mature and become effective, you cannot just hope to throw in new recruits in battle and expect victory.

Do you really think that NATO will not lend a hand if it becomes a war of attrition? Most of NATO is supported by the Americans.

All Carrier groups are protected by a screen of the most potent warships in human history, not to mention an air arm of atleast 90+ aircraft. All this plus god knows how many land based aircraft. They aren't as helpless as you may think.

You can lob ten thousand missiles at Taiwan, but until the first Chinese infantry boot hits the Taiwanese beaches, Taiwan will still be free. I am assuming that this would be the most logical flash point.

Also, a lot of strategic targets [dams, power-plants etc] will be hit by stealth platforms operating out of the continental US. No need for overseas bases.

Finally, the US has one of the most abundant pile of natural resources in the world. Canada, Mexico and other South American countries will pickup all the slack for resource supply and industrial capacity. Also, there will be trans Atlantic trade, China can never disrupt that. And US has been trading with the Europeans lot longer than the Chinese. It will hurt for a while sure, but these places were US trade partners before the Chinese took their place.

China on the other hand, is an export based economy and without its biggest customer, it would collapse. Losing the US, Japan, Korea, India and Europe all at once will play merry hell with the economy.
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