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China’s friendship with Pakistan will prove disastrous

i want chinese and pakistanis frndship more deeper and wants chinese more frustrated:lol:

Y frustrated? you are saying because of Pak friendship and MFN to india, they can't F*** India? well then you are absolutely wrong, they still can...
Why is this surprising? Pakistan is a muslim country and China brutally cracks down on Uyghur muslims. How can Pakistan befriend a county that oppresses muslims within its occupied territory?

Is the aid money and freebies from China enough for Pakistanis to turn a blind eye on the suffering of Uyghur muslim brothers
? I don't get it.

Aid and freebies? u koreans dnt get it do you?china has been a frnd when nobody cared abt them..when they were poor... we helped them, when we were in difficult positions they helped us... money doesnt matter in our relationship... its trust,loyality,mutual respect and brotherhood... get it!
i dont know about recent incidents, but in 2008 it was actually some Uyghur hooligans that started the killing and beating of Han Chinese.....they attacked a few with syringe needles, others were stabbed or fired at.

in that particular case, the Uyghurs instigated the troubles......quite frankly, hopefully for China's unity sake some political settlement would be reached

as for the partnership, well Pakistan and China have been partners since 1950s and it has benefitted both countries so i dont see why you are so offended by it :lol:

so they are hooligans who are attacking innocent Chinese , but when they do it in India , they are just fighting for freedom against an oppressive regime . right? :rolleyes:

thank you so much for clearing that up:)
Only one thing to say after reading all the comment from oraniees......... simply stupid.

Have you ever heard of anything this stupid ........ Orange media hitting the nerves of frustrated Indians.........hahahaha
Aid and freebies? u koreans dnt get it do you?china has been a frnd when nobody cared abt them..when they were poor... we helped them, when we were in difficult positions they helped us... money doesnt matter in our relationship... its trust,loyality,mutual respect and brotherhood... get it!

"Korean" (lol) is another account of JayAtl. :azn:

Indians hate both Chinese and Pakistani people, it's not hard to see their underlying motive here.

Last time they tried to trick us with this "Hindi-Chini" nonsense, they got smashed to pieces in 1962.
Boy, this thread again, this time without even credible source. Thank you OP, but I think Pakistan and China already have an effective communication channel since Ali Bhutto/Zhou Enlai's years to talk everything out instead of having to read your post to figure out the relationships between the two countries.
That seems to be the safest place for Pakistan China friendship. Back on earth things can be pretty violent !

You put in a very right direction Yes we dont want to do some Nuclear Experiments on India right now, would we????
Well, for now i think the relationship stays. There are factors that are still important for China to not abandon Pakistan just yet.
Yep! China will never abandon Pakistan because of strategic reasons and that is, to divert India's attention and keep it occupied by using Pakistan as its proxy.

And Pakistan will never abandon China for the sake of a few Uyghur Muslims who are being butchered by the Chinese. Geopolitics and national interests are far more important than a few Muslims getting killed as they are expendable commodities in this high stakes game, more so as they aren't Pakistani Muslims anyway.
Ahhh...spoken like a true Indian !

Isn't Pakistan often accused of formulating foreign policy based upon emotions (Hint *Muslim Ummah*) instead of trade or other such rational things ? So could it possibly be that Pakistan actually means that ? And why ? Because China has stood by Pakistan when we needed a friend the most and I dunno about you...but for me that makes me sort of emotional !

Could it possibly be that China can actually add 2 and 2 together and understand the logic when Pakistan says : How the foOk can you accuse us of supporting the TTP when the same TTP has killed more than 40,000 Pakistanis....?

Yeah...nothing at all is wrong with Balochistan, No insurgency..nothing and surely KP (Its not NWFP anymore..!) and FATA are models of peace and prosperity...no such army action there, nothing !And you can probably gauge that from how Punjabis, Pukhtoons, Baloch and a bunch of other ethnicities in each of those provinces are usually stopped when travelling and made to wear garlands instead of having a bullet put in their heads ! Right !

Surely an operation or the sort didn't happen against Lal Masjid ? The army was actually filming for Mission Impossible 4 ! And the Colonel that got taken out by a Sniper and numerous others that died...that was worthy of a Golden Globe !

That thought process doesn't seem to be in conformity and yes...there are individuals who've trained in Pakistan ! We've been screaming about it for the better part of 10 years now...first the Afghan War, then the ensuing Civil War and now the ill-fated, ill-conceived War on Terror, has made their numbers swell ! However the difference between China and the US is that China realizes how Pakistan was fraught with anger and a sense of betrayal at the end of the First Afghan War with us saying 'What the fOok are we going to do with all these Freedom Fighters ? We (NATO, US, PK all of them) created entire generations of Afghans who know nothing but War and now you're just going to abandon them instead of rehabilitating them back into the society' And yet the US of A just shrugged and left. China also knows that when Pakistan has suffered more than 40,000 casualties at the hands of the Taliban, our society hass been extremized, our economy has suffered dozens of billions of dollars of losses, incalculable damage has been done to Afghan-Pakistan relations, to Pakistan's image...it just doesn't make any sense that Pakistan would be supporting the guys who are responsible for that and contrary to Indian belief...we're not suicidal or stupid !

Like I said..contrary to popular belief we can't really defy logic. We have no reason...none whatsoever to be involved in terrorism in Xinjinag. This is terrorism we're talking about not a piece of cigar that one could be addicted to !

Waahh ! Without naming Islamabad they named Islamabad !

Forget us...even the World knows that at the very least 3 out of those 4 are Pakistan's enemies..so for God's sake..enough with the BS !

Again spoken like a true India...thankfully Govt. policy isn't based on sensationalism ! Pakistan - China relations go as far back as the '60s and the Ugurs (dunno how to spell it) have been there for much longer...if we were harbouring such tendencies we would have initiated this much, much earlier, that is, after we would have been done with Kashmir first ! I mean..you know you have to prioritize this stuff otherwise nothing gets done !

And yeah...I think China is smart enough to realize that between Balochistan, a failing economy, the failed War on Terror and its fallout, Indian procurements and their military presence, political uncertainty in Pakistan, a closure to the War on Terror, the TTP attack us from across the border - we have more than enough on our platters and despite Indians rating us that highly...we can multi-task and we're good but we're not that good !

bas karo berehem bachche ke jaan loge kya....

by giving the example of "TTP" ( anti-Pakistan) & Baluchistan ( read gwadar = anti china) the author of this ridiculous article just shot his whole logic in the foot
We may have ups and downs - all relationships do - but time has shown the relationship is deep and in the links are strong. As long as third parties keep coming up with threads like this - we know we are doing something right!

1/10th this tolerance would take some of our friendship a long way at least on this forum.
Attacks on Chinese nationals in Pakistan and violence in Xinjiang should lead Beijing to realise that Islamabad can never be trusted, leave alone befriended.

Ahead of Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari’s private visit to India and lunch with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Islamabad made a rather flamboyant statement that Beijing’s enemies were Islamabad’s enemies as well. Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, who was in China to attend the Boao Forum for Asia, said at a meeting with Vice Premier Li Keqiang that “China’s friend is our friend and China’s enemy is our enemy.” Incidentally, Mr Li is expected to replace Wen Jiabao as China’s next Premier later this year.

This high-decibel display of friendship came weeks after a Chinese national was murdered in Peshawar. The banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan claimed that they killed the Chinese woman to “avenge the atrocities carried out by Chinese security forces on Muslims in Xinjiang.”

In recent years, there have been five other attacks on Chinese nationals in Pakistan. Three of these attacks were in Baluchistan and one each in the North-West Frontier Province and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas. Chinese nationals were killed in four of these incidents while two instances of assault took place after the commando action at Lal Masjid in Islamabad in July 2007. Three Chinese nationals were killed by unidentified persons in Peshawar and Chinese engineers travelling by bus in Baluchis-tan had a miraculous escape when there was an explosion targetting their bus. There was also an incident involving kidnapping of six Chinese sex workers working in an Islamabad massage parlour by some women students of the girls’ madarsa at Lal Masjid.

The increasing violence and the clamour for independence in the remote Muslim majority Xinjiang province, which borders Pakistan has been an area of concern in the otherwise ‘fraternal’ ties between the two countries. Yet, officially, Beijing has been maintaning a studied silence on Islamabad’s alleged involvement in training the Uyghur extremists notwithstanding the stand taken by the provincial Government which has openly blamed Pakistan for the troubles.

In fact, Nur Bekri, the top Govern-ment official in China’s northwestern Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, recently told the National People’s Congress, China’s highest legislative body, which meets once a year, “We have discovered some East Turkestan activists and terrorists from our neighbouring country have countless links”. He was quick to add that Chinese officials believe the Pakistani Government opposes recent attacks directed at China. Nonetheless, the unusually explicit comments during a high-profile legislative session suggest growing concern over Islamabad’s inability to fight terrorism.

Following last year’s attack that killed 11 people on the eve of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan in the restive Western region, the local Government had blamed “a group of religious extremists led by culprits trained in overseas terrorist camps”. The attack in Kashgar city shook the region where Muslim Uyghurs have long opposed the presence of Han Chinese and Beijing’s administrative control. An initial police investigation found that the leaders of the group responsible for the attack were trained in explosives and firearms in Pakistan at a camp of the separatist “East Turkestan Islamic Movement”, it said.

The local Government had described the attacks as “another violent terrorist action by a small group of foes organised and planned under special conditions. Their main intention behind this terrorist violence was to sabotage inter-ethnic unity and harm social stability, provoking ethnic hatred and creating ethnic conflict.” It said the captured suspects had confessed that the ringleaders had earlier gone to Pakistan and joined the “East Turkestan Islamic Movement” to receive firearms and explosives training and that they infiltrated back into China.

Eighteen people including 14 “rioters” were killed in an attack on a police station in Xinjiang on 18 July. In July 2009, the regional capital, Urumqi, was rocked by violence between majority Han Chinese and minority Uyghurs in which nearly 200 people were killed, most of them Han Chinese. The 2011 the Hotan Attack was a series of coordinated bomb and knife attacks that occurred in Hotan, Xinjiang, on July 18, 2011. While many had always suspected Pakistani involvement in terrorism in Xinjiang, the 2011 Hotan attack marked the first incident of acknowledgement of this by authorities in China. The recent murder of a Chinese woman in Peshawar was preceded by a spurt of violence in the remote Xinjiang province, which borders Pakistan, where several persons were stabbed to death and some more killed in retaliation by security forces. Many of those killed were Muslim Uyghurs.

Without naming Islamabad, Chinese officials blamed East Turkistan Islamic Movement separatists, allegedly trained in Pakistan, who want to establish an independent state called East Turkestan. Last week, a Chinese court sentenced an ethnic Uyghur man to death after convicting him of terrorist acts in Xinjiang. According to Pan Zhiping, a researcher with the Central Asia Studies Institute, ETIM, based somewhere along the AfPak border, is “the most violent and dangerous” among the “East Turkistan” separatist forces. The ETIM, a Waziri based Mujahideen organisation, operates in close co-ordination with Al Qaeda, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, the Afghan Taliban and the Islamic Jihad Union from hide-outs in North Waziristan.

The violence in Xinjiang and increasing attacks on Chinese in Pakistan must serve as an eye opener for China It is time Beijing realises that Frankenstein monsters finally turn against their own creators and sustainers. Pakistan is no exception. Washington, DC has apparently realised its mistake in nurturing a rogue state like Pakistan. Notwithstand-ing Mr Gilani’s pompous declarations, China would do well to take a cue before Xinjiang is turned into another Kashmir.


hopelessly a case of a poorly attempted propaganda gone wrong to the extend of being comical
China and Pakistan friendship is based upon past experience when both nations needed each other.I would say that Pakistan rely more on china but its has proved in friendship in the past.This has frustrated many nations and many of them are trying to create drifts between these two countries but what can i say ''suckers cry all the time'', and coming with stupid lame article which they think will do damage.Go get a life loosers.
And what ever is happening in the specific area of china is a result of those sissies.
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