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China reveals aircraft carrier plans


Oct 12, 2010
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China reveals aircraft carrier plans

China has confirmed for the first time that it is preparing to build an aircraft carrier, a move set to heighten international concerns over the rapid expansion of its naval power.

Beijing announced its step quietly with one sentence buried at the end of a lengthy government publication.

“In 2009, China put forward a plan and a programme for building an aircraft carrier,” says China’s Ocean Development Report (2010), a book published in May by the State Oceanic Administration, a body under the Ministry of Land and Resources.

“This shows that China has started entering a new historic era of comprehensively building itself into a great naval power. [This] is China’s historic task for the entire 21st century,” the report said.

A senior Chinese defence official told the Financial Times two years ago that the world should not be surprised if China built an aircraft carrier. In March last year, Liang Guanglie, China’s minister of defence, told his Japanese counterpart that China would not remain forever the only major power without an aircraft carrier.

Defence experts have also spotted, from Google Earth imagery, the construction of runways at two military airports over the past year suitable for training pilots in take-off and landing under aircraft carrier conditions.

The Varyag, a Soviet-era aircraft carrier hull that China bought from Ukraine in 1998, has been undergoing repairs and is expected to start service as an exercise platform in 2012.

Although all this had been known, the confirmation is likely to create a stir as anxiety is building among China’s neighbours about its growing assertiveness.

“An aircraft carrier symbolises the ambition to move far beyond your own shores. It is a tool for power projection,” said a defence attache of an Asian country in Beijing. “China’s navy is still a dwarf compared with the US, but this makes it official that they will be rivals.”

The reference to the carrier programme was reported by Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun just as Japan ordered its military to refocus on the threat posed by a rising China.

China’s Ministry of National Defence declined to comment.

The revelation is inconvenient for China as it is trying to repair some of the damage made by assertive moves and aggressive rhetoric from defence officials.

Beijing has recently silenced several military officers who had raised hackles earlier this year with belligerent comments. It has also deliberately tried to take its navy out of the limelight.

It has also resumed military-to-military dialogue with the US to prepare for a visit by Robert Gates, defence secretary, and a visit by Hu Jintao, president, to Washington next month.

The US navy complained last year that its vessels had been harassed by Chinese ships in international waters. China has also clashed at sea in disputed waters with vessels from Vietnam, Malaysia and Japan at an increasing frequency.

In addition, the Chinese navy has expanded the scope and scale of naval exercises, and invested heavily in modernizing its fleet.

Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, said earlier this year he had “gone from being curious about where China is headed to being concerned about it”.

FT.com / Asia-Pacific - China reveals aircraft carrier plans
Carrier will be 65000 tonnes, conventional powered, and can carry J-10C and J-15.

Service expected 2015.
Only concerned are USA for their potential diminishing in Asia and Japan which are heavily dependent on USA political support. Nobody has concerned over repeated Indian plans of aircraft carrier, a country which is not even a significant regional power. The real threat to western imperial politics is increasing Chinese political and economical power in the poor but resource rich countries around Asia and Africa. A trans-middle east and Trans-Asian railway has been proposed which will forever revitalize the future of middle east and Asia connected with the new silk road and turn it into an economic gaint of its own.
Best of luck china..
But i hope u should integrates some Anti-Super sonic and Hypersonic missile defence sheilds for the carrier..
By 2012,Brahmos will be deployed on Mki and Brahmos Hypersonic will be reality..
A supersonic missile poses a great threat to ships..
I think in future no one will use Aircraft carriers..
Submarine aircraft carrier will be there...
This is indeed a good news...
A navy should be blue water...
Best of luck china
Only concerned are USA for their potential diminishing in Asia and Japan which are heavily dependent on USA political support. Nobody has concerned over repeated Indian plans of aircraft carrier, a country which is not even a significant regional power. The real threat to western imperial politics is increasing Chinese political and economical power in the poor but resource rich countries around Asia and Africa. A trans-middle east and Trans-Asian railway has been proposed which will forever revitalize the future of middle east and Asia connected with the new silk road and turn it into an economic gaint of its own.

What do you expect the seventh largest country in the world, which is surrounded on water by three sides, was attacked multiple times since independence, to do?
What do you expect the seventh largest country in the world, which is surrounded on water by three sides, was attacked multiple times since independence, to do?
Don't take his commenst for serious..
He is just irked that india will have 3 aircraft carrier by 2015..
ANd paksitan can't even have one,due to budget..
He he is expressing his frustration..
Just enjoy his comments like i do:azn:
wasn't there an article saying they were going for a 90,000 ton nuclear one?

Varyag will still be a 65,000 tons conventional carrier, but two other carriers being built in the Shanghai will be 90,000-100,000 tons class nuclear powered supercarriers.

Also it will equip with electromagnetic catapult system which makes it technologically comparable to the Ford class supercarriers.

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Varyag will still be a 65,000 tons conventional carrier, but two other carriers being built in the Shanghai will be 90,000-100,000 tons class nuclear powered supercarriers.

Also it will equip with electromagnetic catapult system which makes it technologically comparable to the Ford class supercarriers.

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do you really believe this.......这消息不靠谱........

Oops, did i leak too much information? :D




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Is China (Finally) Building an Aircraft Carrier?
Is China (Finally) Building an Aircraft Carrier? | Danger Room | Wired.com

It’s an article of faith in naval circles that China will inevitably emerge as one of the world’s great maritime powers. But a secret plan by a Chinese government agency suggests that Beijing is taking a major seafaring step forward.

Japan’s Asahi Shimbun cites a report from the State Oceanic Administration saying that China will complete construction of its first aircraft carrier by 2014, something the government never previously admitted. Constructed primarily at Shanghai, the carrier is supposed to displace between 50,000 and 60,000 tons. And it’s part of an even larger effort by the People’s Liberation Army Navy to “build itself up as a maritime power” during the next decade: a nuclear powered carrier is supposed to be completed by 2020. All of that should be taken with a grain of salt, but navy experts generally consider building a carrier to be well within Chinese capabilities.

The U.S. military has little visibility into the plans of its Chinese counterparts. Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, recently urged the creation of a regularized military channel between the two nations to reduce ambiguities. Defense Secretary Robert Gates is heading to China next month for the first in a series of top-level U.S.-Chinese official visits scheduled for 2011.

One measurement of the visitations’ success, from the U.S. perspective, will be for China to be more open about its plans. The State Oceanic Administration, Asahi reports, says that the military decided in secret last year to build up to a “mid-level maritime power” by 2020, able to “counter challenges and threats at sea,” a goal the carriers would certainly support. Elements within the military argued for keeping the carrier-building secret, so as not to spawn a wave of speculation in the region about a Chinese threat.

China got more assertive at sea this year, sending its destroyers, frigates and subs throughout eastern Pacific waters and demonstrating complex missions like mid-air refueling by its naval pilots. The U.S.’s goal is to maintain universal maritime access throughout Asia, something it fears Chinese naval might could restrict.

Naval analyst Raymond Pritchett isn’t so concerned about the first Chinese aircraft carrier, figuring it to be long overdue. Given the health of China’s shipbuilding industry, Pritchett forecasts that over the next five years, “we can expect steady construction of conventional and nuclear submarines, more coastal combat vessels, a large block of maritime patrol vessels, steady construction of frigate sized surface combatants, steady construction of amphibious vessels, and now steady construction of aircraft carriers.”

Matching China ship-for-ship would be a “losing proposition,” Pritchett continues, advising instead to inject “some serious focus onto our larger surface combatant force and finding ways to responsibly add value to our national aircraft carrier, amphibious vessel, and littoral combat ship investments.” And then there’s always the ship-killers.

Many countries have aircraft carrier including India so China should have one too.
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