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China removes map showing J&K, Arunachal as part of India on its SCO map

Then SCO is a virtually defunct group, at least for China and Pakistan.

SCO is like Eurasian NATO and China is the leader of Eurasia.

Russia can try but it looks difficult for them as India will complain and will move more towards the west if not listening to. India even begs Usa to not sell f16 kits to Pakistan, imagine the complains to Russia. Only reason Pakistan is in SCO is because of China. Iran, Afghanistan will be future SCO members and that will make India grouping strong. China on the other hand will be fine because they're ally of Russia. Pakistan issue has always been that corrupts governments have been busy looting but not bothered about internal politics and alliances.

Turkiye and Pakistan the only members of SCO who are members of NATO or MNNA.
No failure, even very successful.

China has indeed entered Central Asia through SOC. Now China has a great influence on the economy and politics of Central Asia.

Russia also stabilized the Central Asia region through SOC (you can compare the stability of neighboring countries in other regions of Russia with the stability of Central Asian countries), and confirmed that China will not turn to the West at a critical moment.
Central asia is a region very important to the stability and security of china. SCO is a good platform to engage central asian countries and so far it's successful for china. But, i am afraid with india in SCO, the group will be paralyzed or at least lose its focus to the detriment of china. Thats why india should be kicked out.
Central asia is a region very important to the stability and security of china. SCO is a good platform to engage central asian countries and so far it's successful for china. But, i am afraid with india in SCO, the group will be paralyzed or at least lose its focus to the detriment of china. Thats why india should be kicked out.

Agree. China should kick India out of SCO immediately.

India is a western slave and should not be part of SCO.
Yes, we also want India to leave SCO.

But now is not the time, Russia will not agree.

Let's patiently find a legitimate reason.
I agree that India should not be part of SCO, since they are slaves of the West.

Let me tell you the truth.

For Russia, the role of SOC is to ensure that Central Asia and China will not turn to the West.

For China, SOC is a platform to avoid antagonism with Russia while allowing China to enter Central Asia.

In fact, India is not a necessary member, but Russia is afraid that China will become the leader of SOC, so they brought India in.

For India, in fact, Russia is their truly reliable ally. India's interests need the veto power of the UN and the support of a truly powerful nuclear arsenal, which the USA cannot give it. So the Indian government will serve Russia in SOC, not the western countries.
I want Saudi Arabia and Egypt to be part of SCO.
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Yes true but India will be powerful force in SCO with the support of Iran Afghanistan Belarus Russia. Pakistan will only look towards China.

Pakistan has China, Turkiye, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkeministan, Kazakistan, Kyrgistan on her side.

Russia will be balkanized is the next few months and India will be kick out of SCO.
Agree. China should kick India out of SCO immediately.

India is a western slave and should not be part of SCO.
Central asia is a region very important to the stability and security of china. SCO is a good platform to engage central asian countries and so far it's successful for china. But, i am afraid with india in SCO, the group will be paralyzed or at least lose its focus to the detriment of china. Thats why india should be kicked out.
I agree that we should kick India out of the SOC, which is in China's interests. But I don't agree that India is a slave to the West.

The international order is actually a model of cake sharing. In the current international order, the United States has the largest share of the cake, followed by Europe, Japan and South Korea.

In fact, India and Russia are both oppressed and exploited parties in the current international order. In other words, India and Pakistan, Russia and China are all challengers to the old order and potential supporters of a multipolar world.

Unless these countries are willing to remain in poverty forever, they will sooner or later challenge the interests of Western countries.
Central asia is a region very important to the stability and security of china. SCO is a good platform to engage central asian countries and so far it's successful for china. But, i am afraid with india in SCO, the group will be paralyzed or at least lose its focus to the detriment of china. Thats why india should be kicked out.

I want UAE and Bangladesh to be part of SCO.

Same with Malaysia and Indonesia.

North Korea should be part of SCO.

Turkmenistan should be part of SCO as well.
So from the look of this thread, SCO members are already self-dividing, and the US hasn't even been defeated yet.

Are we so greedy and short-sighted?
So from the look of this thread, SCO members are already self-dividing, and the US hasn't even been defeated yet.

Are we so greedy and short-sighted?
China has problem only with one country in this group, India, which is an active member of anti China alliance Quad.
China has problem only with one country in this group, India, which is an active member of anti China alliance Quad.
Morocco and Algeria should be part of SCO as well.

Sudan should be part of SCO.

China has problem only with one country in this group, India, which is an active member of anti China alliance Quad.
Oman and Yeman should be part of SCO.

All the Muslim Majority countries should be part of SCO.

There is much cooperation between Pakistan and China.
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Then I shouted at those cracker rednecks, go follow your culture, because I follow my Islamic culture.

I am culturally Pakistani, and not Western.
So from the look of this thread, SCO members are already self-dividing, and the US hasn't even been defeated yet.

Are we so greedy and short-sighted?
India shouldn't be in SCO In the first place, it has conflict with china and is an agent of the west in such as the QUAD that is against china and russia.
India shouldn't be in SCO In the first place, it has conflict with china and is an agent of the west that is against china and russia.
India shouldnt be in SCO in the first place, it has conflict with china, it is an agent of the west in such as the QUAD group that is against china and russia.
I agree with you India should not be part of SCO.
India shouldn't be in SCO In the first place, it has conflict with china and is an agent of the west in such as the QUAD that is against china and russia.
India should not be part of SCO because they slaves of the West.

Something prestigious as SCO.

All the Muslim countries should be part of SCO with China leading the way.

That what the Islamists want.
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