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China Rejects Russian Blame for INS Vikramaditya Carrier Snags


Feb 5, 2011
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China Rejects Russian Blame for Carrier Snags | Defense | RIA Novosti

China has denied Russian claims that Chinese firebricks were to blame for boiler failures in the Russian-refitted Indian Navy aircraft carrier Vikramaditya, which suffered propulsion problems during sea trials in the Barents Sea last month, local daily Beitsin Chenbao reported, quoting Defense Minister Yan Yujun.
"We checked this, and found that Chinese enterprises which make such firebricks for naval propulsion systems have never exported such products to Russia," Yan said.
Earlier this month, Russian media reports, quoting Andrei Dyachkov, President of United Russian Shipbuilding corporation which refitted the carrier, claimed the ship's boilers had been damaged due to failures in the brick insulation separating them from the ship's structure. The shipyard used "sub-standard Chinese firebricks," Dyachkov said.
Another official involved in preparing the Vikramaditya for sea trials, claimed the reason for the boilers’ failure was India refused to use asbestos to protect the structure around the boilers from heat, fearing that the material was dangerous for the crew. He said the boilers’ designer had to use firebrick, which proved not sufficiently heatproof.
The Vikramaditya was to have been handed over to India on December 4 after the sea trials following a much-delayed refit that has gone massively over-budget. The deadline has now been postponed again until October 2013, and the cost of the new repairs to the boilers has not been revealed.
The boiler problem is the latest in a string of hold-ups in the refit of the ship, in a defense deal that has turned into a shipwreck of its own, going way over budget and being repeatedly delayed.
India and Russia signed a $947 million dollar deal in 2005 for the purchase of the carrier, formerly the Russian Navy's Admiral Gorshkov, but delivery has already been delayed twice, pushing up the cost of refurbishing the carrier to $2.3 billion.
Sevmash shipyard director Vladimir Pastukhov was fired in 2007 over his poor management of the project.
The Vikramaditya was originally built as the Soviet Project 1143.4 class aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov. The Project 1143.4 carriers and a class of destroyers with the same engines suffered a history of boiler failures during their lives.
The ship was laid down in 1978 at the Nikolayev South shipyard in Ukraine, launched in 1982, and commissioned with the Soviet Navy in 1987.
It was renamed after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. In 1994, the Gorshkov sat in dock for a year for repairs after a boiler room explosion. In 1995, it briefly returned to service but was finally withdrawn and put up for sale in 1996.
The ship has a displacement of 45,000 tons, a maximum speed of 32 knots and an endurance of 13,500 nautical miles (25,000 km) at a cruising speed of 18 knots.

Russian, if you are a real man and not *****. Please own up if its your fault. Pushing and blaming on others of your own mistake makes you a sissy. :tdown:
So when Russian systems fail they become Chinese imports.
Nothing more to say to that matter.

But shouldn't Indis feel retarded now for bashing Chinas carrier, technology and industry in general when even their white sugar daddy RUSSIA EFFECTIVELY ADMITTED THEY ARE WILLING TO USE CHINESE PRODUCED PARTS IN INDIAS IMPORT WEAPON SYSTEMS.
LoL Chinese never even exported such materials to Russia, I guess Russians are learning from Indians to blame others for their failures. People in India riot...they are Bangladeshi's.....Maoist freedom fighters....... supported by ISI.
Russia cant make good weapons....... China is responsible. :lol:
The last time Russia was relevant in this world was in 1991.

The Russians are living off the past glory of the USSR.
this is how you lose respects from others``

I guess not far from now Russia will lose the last shred of their inherited respects from Soviet Unions...

anyone does not take up responsibility will destined to fail
Russians are learning from Indians to blame others for their failures. People in India riot...they are Bangladeshi's.....Maoist freedom fighters....... supported by ISI.
Chinese are learning from Pakistanis to blame others for their failures. Pakistanis blame America and the TTP for their failures. People in Pakistan riot...they are Muhajirs from India.....Baloch freedom fighters....... supported by RAW. Lol! :P
Came up with such lame excuse for their failure the russia just dont have any respect for indians what so ever:rofl:
they bought cheap off-the-shelf components that aren't meant for military use, then blame it on china when sh1t goes wrong..?? wonder what em russians do with all the money that they save up? :D


just read the article. chinese company never export any to russia..
Why blame china for? Did china went to sell the materials to Russia forcefully?.... Its Russia that buyed Chinese materials because its cheap cost (to save money).... Russia blaming china because delaying AC will bring more money.... How? Look at LCA.... Its a corruption jetfighter which gives congress to loot indian tax payers money.... Delay it and pump more money. Large chunk of it goes to goverment and small amount creates jobs for longer.... Same france doing with india in scorpio submarines.... Same Russia doing it because delays makes more money and people who working on AC will get to stay longer (they will have job).... The day they complete the AC most of them will be jobless until next AC work or any other work.... Why blame China?....
So when Russian systems fail they become Chinese imports.
Nothing more to say to that matter.

But shouldn't Indis feel retarded now for bashing Chinas carrier, technology and industry in general when even their white sugar daddy RUSSIA EFFECTIVELY ADMITTED THEY ARE WILLING TO USE CHINESE PRODUCED PARTS IN INDIAS IMPORT WEAPON SYSTEMS.

Who can even suspect that bricks can be fake. :lol:
first, Russia told India that firebricks was not suit for AC no matter what type firebricks, but India persisted
second,China didn't export any military firebricks ro Russia,
1.Russia lied that the firebricks was not from China
2.Russia imported civilian firebricks from China to use on AC
So the Indians can't make the firebricks。

If they could, they would have insist on using their own “bricks” considering how nationalistic Indians are。

Conceited people should use their own freaking bricks。:azn:
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