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China Rejects Russian Blame for INS Vikramaditya Carrier Snags

americans are no different with lame blame. they blame chinese electronic components for faulty and spy bugs in ther military hardwares..lol
since when china become military contractor for them yanks? those morons don't even buy stuff from huawei in the civilian sector. :rolleyes:
The Chinese also claimed they have never copied anything and they are totally original. According to the Chinese the J-11 is also not a copy. :rolleyes:

The chinese never say that... They say they bought the design right of Su-27 when they concluded the production right for 200 Su-27 kit. We are free to do whatever we want with any Su-27 basic design.

Russian are notorious unreliable. We signed for purchase of 38 IL-76 transport plane and already paid an initial fee. Until now, nothing deliver...

If you can trust a Russian words, the earth will be square. :tdown:
The chinese never say that... They say they bought the design right of Su-27 when they concluded the production right for 200 Su-27 kit. We are free to do whatever we want with any Su-27 basic design.

The order was cancelled at 95 yet China continues to illegally produce anauthorized airframes.

J-11 copy of SU-27.

J-15 copy of SU-33 purchased from Ukraine.

J-16 copy of SU-30.

Since when did Russia give China promission to produce SU-30's? Or SU-33's? It never did, you may continue to dance around the subject but you know China lied, cheated, and stole technology that was not their's. And of course as long as China says it 'demestic' it's legit and not a copy or breaking any contracts or agreements.

You speak of morals and honesty yet in China those two words are virtually unknow.
The order was cancelled at 95 yet China continues to illegally produce anauthorized airframes.

J-11 copy of SU-27.

J-15 copy of SU-33 purchased from Ukraine.

J-16 copy of SU-30.

Since when did Russia give China promission to produce SU-30's? Or SU-33's? It never did, you may continue to dance around the subject but you know China lied, cheated, and stole technology that was not their's. And of course as long as China says it 'demestic' it's legit and not a copy or breaking any contracts or agreements.

You speak of morals and honesty yet in China those two words are virtually unknow.

China buy the Su-27 design right, do I need to say twice again? We are free to tinker with the Su-27 to whatever we like. Like it or not, it will continue. I will say Russia are quite naive initially in the early 90s when enter into any military tech agreement. They are greehorn in a capitalist world. During that 200 kit transfer agreement. It included the basic Su-27 right sold to CHina. Which means we can produce unlimited number of Su-27 related plane. Remember its China money in the 90s that keep the Su-30 project alive and save Sukhoi.

If we are really that bad, we will push out J-16 or J-11B/BS into the market and probably sold to PAF or other countries but we have not enquire the right to do that. We respect that Russian intellectual and Su-27 related plane are all for domestic uses only.
Who can even suspect that bricks can be fake. :lol:

Certainly not India. I'mean you guys are now even importing bricks.

Whether they are Russian junk or inappropriately used civilian bricks from China disguised as Russian products.

By Indi logic that means Indias industry is not capable of producing bricks and is forced to import bricks from Russia or from China through Russia.

Wow. Its like you Indians are degenerating back to the stone age.
Indians are actually doing the right thing at the right time.

They know that they need to stay busy making more toilets first than to worry about how to make such sophisticated bricks.
China buy the Su-27 design right, do I need to say twice again?

And that does not give China the right to produce airframes that they were not allowed/payed for, nor does it explain the J-16 and J-15 fiasco. Do I need to say that twice again?

We are free to tinker with the Su-27 to whatever we like. Like it or not, it will continue.

No you aren’t, various sources claim that the aircraft are to be fitted with Russian systems not copied Russian systems or modified systems or Chinese systems.

I will say Russia are quite naive initially in the early 90s when enter into any military tech agreement. They are greehorn in a capitalist world. During that 200 kit transfer agreement. It included the basic Su-27 right sold to CHina. Which means we can produce unlimited number of Su-27 related plane.

Really? Source for that claim. Since when did an agreement for 200 fighters which was cut in half equate to unlimited number of airframes? Talk about poor ethics and no respect for intellectual property rights.

If we are really that bad, we will push out J-16 or J-11B/BS into the market and probably sold to PAF or other countries but we have not enquire the right to do that. We respect that Russian intellectual and Su-27 related plane are all for domestic uses only.

Those aircraft are still either under development or just filling the PLAAF’s demand.

Case in point, everyone is lashing out on Russia and making accusasions of dishonesty, lying, ect, ironic considering China’s history.
The order was cancelled at 95 yet China continues to illegally produce anauthorized airframes.

J-11 copy of SU-27.

J-15 copy of SU-33 purchased from Ukraine.

J-16 copy of SU-30.

Since when did Russia give China promission to produce SU-30's? Or SU-33's? It never did, you may continue to dance around the subject but you know China lied, cheated, and stole technology that was not their's. And of course as long as China says it 'demestic' it's legit and not a copy or breaking any contracts or agreements.

You speak of morals and honesty yet in China those two words are virtually unknow.

We copy it, but we never just simply paste it.

The order was cancelled at 95 yet China continues to illegally produce anauthorized airframes.

J-11 copy of SU-27.

J-15 copy of SU-33 purchased from Ukraine.

J-16 copy of SU-30.

Since when did Russia give China promission to produce SU-30's? Or SU-33's? It never did, you may continue to dance around the subject but you know China lied, cheated, and stole technology that was not their's. And of course as long as China says it 'demestic' it's legit and not a copy or breaking any contracts or agreements.

You speak of morals and honesty yet in China those two words are virtually unknow.

We copy it, but we never just simply paste it.
Chinese are learning from Pakistanis to blame others for their failures. Pakistanis blame America and the TTP for their failures. People in Pakistan riot...they are Muhajirs from India.....Baloch freedom fighters....... supported by RAW. Lol! :P

even if these bricks are from china,can u blame china for Vikramaditya's breakdown?

It is RUSSIA who is renovating ur AC.....
even if these bricks are from china,can u blame china for Vikramaditya's breakdown?

It is RUSSIA who is renovating ur AC.....

India could have built its own carrier instead, but it CANNOT.
India should have provided the bricks, but it DID NOT.
Russia could have used its own bricks, but it DID NOT.
Russia could have finished the carrier on previous agreed price and finish on time, but it DID NOT.

They only have themselves to blame for its delays and failures.
It's really immaterial but I heard the problem wasn't with the bricks but the linings between the bricks and the boilers' walls. The bricks fell and broke apart due the explosions on the linings.
Since when did Russia give China promission to produce SU-30's? Or SU-33's? It never did, you may continue to dance around the subject but you know China lied, cheated, and stole technology that was not their's. And of course as long as China says it 'demestic' it's legit and not a copy or breaking any contracts or agreements.

You speak of morals and honesty yet in China those two words are virtually unknow.

Russia is and has been dishonest to its weapons customers. Didn't Russia unilaterally jack up the prices for the Il-76 planes when the negotiations where already finalized with China and India ?

Didn't Russia then the Soviet Union sell substandard monkey models to its export customers and "friends and allies" for decades ?

And wasn't the Tupolov Tu-4 bomber not a copy of the B-29 Superfortress ? Did Russia pay a dime of royalty to Boeing for it ? And isn't that IP theft too ?

When you live in a glass house you shouldn't be throwing rocks.
And that does not give China the right to produce airframes that they were not allowed/payed for, nor does it explain the J-16 and J-15 fiasco. Do I need to say that twice again?

No you aren’t, various sources claim that the aircraft are to be fitted with Russian systems not copied Russian systems or modified systems or Chinese systems.

Really? Source for that claim. Since when did an agreement for 200 fighters which was cut in half equate to unlimited number of airframes? Talk about poor ethics and no respect for intellectual property rights.

Those aircraft are still either under development or just filling the PLAAF’s demand.

Case in point, everyone is lashing out on Russia and making accusasions of dishonesty, lying, ect, ironic considering China’s history.

Didn't Russia copy B-29 as Tu-4 , if you say we stole yr Su-27 then you Russian are thieves too :lol:
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