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China rapidly narrows technology gap with S. Korea

So overall Korean technology is still ahead than that of China?

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Just like Japan, the Korean technology has no bargaining power. They are just the technological subordinates of the US.

China is competing with the master, not with the servants.

I don't think certain PDF members understand what a patent is, what assembly is vs actually owning the intellectual property rights of a technology is about.

They think if company A builds a plant in country Z, than it means country Z has the ability to wholly manufacture the widget because of ToT :lol:

i admire south korea for her hard work to be where she is today.
I wish her good will in the future until then china is still very much ahead of her overall.
S.Korea, I give them props for being an economic powerhouse with limited resources. A job well done by the people.
PDF members have voted that China is ahead of South Korea in technology

PDF members have heard arguments from both sides. They have voted. A majority says China is ahead of South Korea in technology. This is a settled issue.

Yah...Settled by those who have no experience in the industries they claimed 'authority' in a tiny little corner of the Internet.
Oh the joke is on yourself cheerleader
It was you who initiated the poll on this forum and now the conclusion of your creation is running out of you initial expectation


And you interpret "Poll" as a truth seeker? :laugh:

Poll is to understand what people think/assume.
Its so sad to see both of you having poor comprehension and logical thinking.
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And you interpret "Poll" as a truth seeker? :laugh:

Poll is to understand what people think/assume.
Its so sad to see both of you having poor comprehension and logical thinking.

No It was you who created this thread and get defeated on a forum "poll" of your own design
The sadness is on yourself getting crushed after inviting the humiliation on yourself
No It was you who created this thread and get defeated on a forum "poll" of your own design
The sadness is on yourself getting crushed after inviting the humiliation on yourself

I create the poll simply to understand what people in PDF has perception or opinion about the topic. Winning or loosing has no relevance with the Poll, it is you yourself and your friends with typical mindset that consider Poll as the fighting game. And I was aware from the beginning that Chinese member dominate PDF and has anticipated such a kind of behavior mainly from some of chinese members.

Do you think PDF provide "Poll" facility as a truth seeker? such a silly boys.. :lol:

You guys failed to understand what the article said. Showing off military technology and cherry picking some latest technology has no use to be against that article.
Some of you is bring the prototype to show how advance China is, such as FutureFaraday's electric car.

Well, thats impressive and informative and thanks for it! But again - nobody doubt that China can surpass Korea in near future including in Automotive technology. The article itself already speak about it. But the article refer to the year 2014 situation or at most is in 2015 year situation.

About automotive, I bring again the article that GZ Zhou has brought in post #113 as an eye opener about how Chinese automotive technology position in recent years:

CLSA’s test makes an interesting contrast with a similar exercise in February, in which Sanford C. Bernstein, a research firm, stripped down two leading models of Chinese-branded car, to examine their build quality. In this case the Chinese firms were still found to be lagging their foreign rivals. So Chinese companies have not yet learned how to make world-class cars, but they have now cracked how to make top-quality construction equipment at attractive prices—and their foreign rivals should be worried.
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China's Pharmaceutical Industry Lacks Innovation, Lags Behind

The gap between the Chinese and global pharmaceutical sectors has widened in recent years, according to a new report by the National Research Center for Science and Technology for Development. The study, titled Can China’s Biopharmaceutical Industry Catch Up with Industrialized Countries?, attributes the Chinese lag to incomplete government incentives, a lack of collaboration between domestic research institutes and drug companies, and the absence of effective intellectual property rights.

The report points out that while government subsidies to fuel pharmaceutical development in China have remained strong, the country has not yet created tax incentives or an incentive environment for approving new drugs and managing drug pricing, all of which provide a platform for local pharmaceutical companies to nurture high technologies. Moreover, China’s pharmaceutical industry still lacks independent and efficient research and development capabilities, with poor corporate support for new drug research. The sector is also challenged by a lack of intellectual property rights to effectively protect domestic innovation, contributing to destructive competition in the field.

To regain competitiveness with the United States, Europe, and other markets, Chinese corporations must develop indigenous patents, according to the report. Of the more than 200 pharmaceutical firms in China, most produce generic drugs, such as interferon or insulin. So far these companies produce just 20 different kinds of drugs and hold only three independent drug patents, reports Xinhua News.

China's Pharmaceutical Industry Lacks Innovation, Lags Behind | Worldwatch Institute

China's Pharmaceutical Industry Lacks Innovation, Lags Behind

The gap between the Chinese and global pharmaceutical sectors has widened in recent years, according to a new report by the National Research Center for Science and Technology for Development. The study, titled Can China’s Biopharmaceutical Industry Catch Up with Industrialized Countries?, attributes the Chinese lag to incomplete government incentives, a lack of collaboration between domestic research institutes and drug companies, and the absence of effective intellectual property rights.

The report points out that while government subsidies to fuel pharmaceutical development in China have remained strong, the country has not yet created tax incentives or an incentive environment for approving new drugs and managing drug pricing, all of which provide a platform for local pharmaceutical companies to nurture high technologies. Moreover, China’s pharmaceutical industry still lacks independent and efficient research and development capabilities, with poor corporate support for new drug research. The sector is also challenged by a lack of intellectual property rights to effectively protect domestic innovation, contributing to destructive competition in the field.

To regain competitiveness with the United States, Europe, and other markets, Chinese corporations must develop indigenous patents, according to the report. Of the more than 200 pharmaceutical firms in China, most produce generic drugs, such as interferon or insulin. So far these companies produce just 20 different kinds of drugs and hold only three independent drug patents, reports Xinhua News.

China's Pharmaceutical Industry Lacks Innovation, Lags Behind | Worldwatch Institute

Don't say China can't do this and that, prove how South Korea is ahead of China in this area.

China is usually compared to US, so if China hasn't reached US level of technology, people dismiss China. But China is usually ahead of everyone else in many categories especially South Korea.

Only US is clearly ahead of China in military and civilian technology. But even that gap is closing.
China dominates South Korea in almost every technological field

1. China won the Nobel Prize in Medicine and the Lasker Award (ie. American Nobel Prize) for Artemisinin. China's Artemisin saves millions of lives each year. South Korea has done nothing notable in the field of medicine.

2. China built an indigenous DFH-4 communications satellite. South Korea has no such capability.

3. China built an indigenous atomic clock in 1972. South Korea imported foreign know-how in 2008 to build an atomic clock.

4. China built an indigenous YF-73 cryogenic rocket engine in 1984. South Korea purchased a Russian cryogenic rocket engine in 2009.

5. China built an indigenous Beidou/GPS satellite with an accuracy of 0.1 meter (see Nature citation earlier). South Korea has no idea how to build a GPS satellite.

6. China has built many turbofan engines, including the high-bypass WS-20. South Korea has never built its own turbofan engine. South Korea is like a Mexican maquiladora screwdriver-plant. South Korea assembles foreign GE F404 engine kits.

7. China built the indigenous "China Star" high-speed train with a top speed of 300 kilometers per hour. South Korea imported French high-speed trains in 2004.

8. China's indigenous Jiaolong manned submersible set a world-record dive of 22,844 feet. South Korea doesn't know how to build a manned submersible.

9. China builds the One Teraflop Sunway BlueLight supercomputer. South Korea doesn't know how to build a supercomputer. South Korea imports foreign supercomputer technology from America's Cray supercomputer.

The score is China (9) to South Korea (0). This is complete domination by Chinese high-technology over non-existent South Korean technology.

China's Newest Supercomputer Uses Homegrown Chips | PCWorld



Cray Signs A $54 Million Supercomputing Contract With South Korea
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Some of you is bring the prototype to show how advance China is, such as FutureFaraday's electric car.

Well, thats impressive and informative and thanks for it! But again - nobody doubt that China can surpass Korea in near future including in Automotive technology. The article itself already speak about it. But the article refer to the year 2014 situation or at most is in 2015 year situation.

About automotive, I bring again the article that GZ Zhou has brought in post #113 as an eye opener about how Chinese automotive technology position in recent years:

CLSA’s test makes an interesting contrast with a similar exercise in February, in which Sanford C. Bernstein, a research firm, stripped down two leading models of Chinese-branded car, to examine their build quality. In this case the Chinese firms were still found to be lagging their foreign rivals. So Chinese companies have not yet learned how to make world-class cars, but they have now cracked how to make top-quality construction equipment at attractive prices—and their foreign rivals should be worried.

Hyundai is behind Volkswagen, Toyota, Daimler, GM, Ford, Fiat Chrysler, Honda, BMW, and Nissan.

BYD is the current leader in electric vehicles. BYD practically has a monopoly in large electric trucks and buses.

Which position would you rather be in?
China dominates South Korea in almost every high-technology field (Score 10-0 in China's favor).

Adding China's fast-breeder reactor to the list against non-existent South Korean technology.

1. China won the Nobel Prize in Medicine and the Lasker Award (ie. American Nobel Prize) for Artemisinin. China's Artemisin saves millions of lives each year. South Korea has done nothing notable in the field of medicine.

2. China built an indigenous DFH-4 communications satellite with 54 transponders. South Korea has no such capability.

3. China built an indigenous atomic clock in 1972. South Korea imported foreign know-how in 2008 to build an atomic clock.

4. China built an indigenous YF-73 cryogenic rocket engine in 1984. South Korea purchased a Russian cryogenic rocket engine in 2009.

5. China built an indigenous Beidou/GPS satellite with an accuracy of 0.1 meter (see Nature citation earlier). South Korea has no idea how to build a GPS satellite.

6. China has built many turbofan engines, including the high-bypass WS-20. South Korea has never built its own turbofan engine. South Korea is like a Mexican maquiladora screwdriver-plant. South Korea assembles foreign GE F404 engine kits.

7. China built the indigenous "China Star" high-speed train with a top speed of 300 kilometers per hour. South Korea imported French high-speed trains in 2004.

8. China's indigenous Jiaolong manned submersible set a world-record dive of 22,844 feet. South Korea doesn't know how to build a manned submersible.

9. China builds the One Teraflop Sunway BlueLight supercomputer. South Korea doesn't know how to build a supercomputer. South Korea imports foreign supercomputer technology from America's Cray supercomputer.

10. China's fast-breeder research nuclear reactor was connected to the electric grid in 2011. This means the Chinese fast-breeder reactor is operational.

The score is China (10) to South Korea (0). This is complete domination by Chinese high-technology over non-existent South Korean technology.

China’s Nuclear Scientists Unveil Latest ‘Breakthrough’ - China Real Time Report - WSJ

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