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China rapidly narrows technology gap with S. Korea

So overall Korean technology is still ahead than that of China?

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Impressive development, Martian, but is there joint cooperation , joint development between Korean and Chinese industries? Thanks buddy.
It just annoys me that the OP (ie. original poster) is trying to claim something that is clearly not true.

South Korea is not in China's league.

I haven't even taken out my trump-card list of Chinese Military Technological Milestones (e.g. Chinese KJ-2000 AWACS and Chinese JSTARS) and asked the OP how many of those military technological milestones that South Korea can match.

If people are wondering what I am talking about, I am referring to the list below (if you haven't seen it).

China's Military Technological Milestones - includes J-10B fighter aircraft AESA radar

210 B.C. (2,200 years ago): China invents chrome-plating technology during Qin Dynasty under emperor Qin Shihuang.

1964: China detonated a 22-kiloton atomic bomb on October 16, 1964.
1967: China detonated a 3.3-megaton thermonuclear bomb on June 17, 1967.

1970: China successfully sends its first satellite into space - the Dong Fang Hong I
1971: China successfully launched its first DF-5 ICBM with 12,000-15,000km range and capable of carrying a five-megaton "city buster" thermonuclear warhead.
1972: China builds its first atomic clock at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO).

1984: China built its first cryogenic YF-73 rocket engine.
1986: China built an indigenous DD3 nickel-based single-crystal superalloy. (Earliest English article citation is year 1995. However, the first published Chinese research paper on DD3 discovery was in 1986.)
1988: China test-detonates a 1- to 20-kiloton Neutron Bomb on September 29, 1988.
1988: Julang 1 (JL-1) SLBM is fully operational with the successful test firing from a submerged Xia SSBN in September 1988.

1998: Chinese J-10 Vigorous Dragon had its first flight. Officially unveiled in 2007.
1998: "At the 1998 Zhuhai Air Show, the [Chinese] Seek Optics Company displayed information of its stealth coating and software for stealth shaping.[63]"
1999: Chinese JSTARS Tu-154M/D Electronic Intelligence Aircraft in service (e.g. Careless B-4138).

2000: China successfully sends its first GPS satellite (Beidou) into space.
2001: Chinese Type 99 Main Battle Tank in service.
2002: China's Type 093 Shang-class nuclear attack submarine (SSN) is launched.
2003: China sends its first taikonaut Yang Liwei into space.
2003: China's KJ-2000 AWACS with domestic AESA radar has its first flight.
2003*: DD6 is China's indigenous second-generation nickel-based single-crystal superalloy (Earliest English article citation is year 2003. However, actual DD6 discovery was probably closer to year 2000.)
2005: China's Type 052C Lanzhou-class AESA-equipped destroyer entered service.
2006: China's WS-10A turbofan engine certified for production.
2006: First static test of the WS-13 turbofan engine with single-crystal turbine blades.
2007: China clones world's first rabbit.
2007: Chinese direct-ascent ASAT shoots down orbiting satellite.
2007: Chinese DF-31A MIRVed ICBM in service.
2008: China conducts its first spacewalk with taikonaut Zhai Zhigang.
2008: China orbits its first data tracking and relay communications satellite - Tianlian I
2009: Public disclosure of China's 5,000km "Underground Great Wall"

2010: China builds world's-fastest supercomputer Tianhe-1A.
2010: Chinese GBI (i.e. ground based interceptor) shoots down a ballistic missile during mid-course phase.
2010: Chinese WZ-10 Attack Helicopter in service.
2010: Chinese Type 094 Jin-class nuclear missile ballistic submarine (SSBN) in service.
2010: Chinese Yaogan 9 NOSS (Naval Ocean Surveillance System) satellite trio in orbit.
2011: Chengdu J-20 stealth superfighter has first flight on January 11, 2011.
2012: China sends its first woman taikonaut Liu Yang into space on a 10-day mission.
2012: Chinese Jialong manned submersible completes world record-breaking 7,000 meter dive.
2012: First sighting of next-generation AESA radar for Type 052C destroyer.
2012: DF-41 10-MIRV-capable ICBM with 12,000-15,000km range had first flight on July 24, 2012.
2012: Chinese Type 056 corvette enters service.
2012: New Chinese thermonuclear-capable IRBM with 4,000km range (to potentially strike Guam).
2012: China's Beidou System successfully covers all of China and the surrounding region.
2012: Shenyang J-31 medium-range stealth fighter has first flight on October 31, 2012.
2012: China builds its first optical clock (which is more precise than an atomic clock).
2012: China's SOSUS became operational.
2013: "On a March 2013 Chinese BTV channel broadcast, the J-10’s chief test pilot confirms commonly held wisdom that the J-10B uses an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar."
2013: China's Y-20 heavy-lift military transport conducts first flight on January 26, 2013.
2013: "The Chinese military has deployed its new anti-ship ballistic missile [ASBM or "carrier killer"] along its southern coast facing Taiwan, the Pentagon’s top military intelligence officer said today."
2013: "After a round of successful testing in 2012, the JL-2 appears ready to reach initial operational capability in 2013." (Source [p. 39, Pentagon 2013 report on Chinese Military Power])
2013: China has deployed H-6K "God of War" bomber that is capable of carrying thermonuclear-capable CJ-10 cruise missiles.
2013: Bill Gertz reports China is building 1,240 miles of special tracks for rail-mobile ICBMs.
2013: China deploys advanced SRBM with MARV (maneuverable reentry vehicle) thermonuclear-capable warhead
2013: China's "Lijian stealth UAV from Hongdu has made its first flight on Nov. 21 at 13:00 local time. The flight was 20 minutes."
2013: China's Yutu rover separates from Chang'e-3 Moon Lander on December 14, 2013.
2013: China's Z-20 military medium-lift 10-ton utility helicopter has its first flight on December 23, 2013
2014: China conducts its first HGV (hypersonic glide vehicle) flight on January 9, 2014.
2014: China conducts first flight test of its WS-20 large turbofan high-bypass engine.
2014: Deagel reports China's YJ-18 AEGIS KILLER has reached IOC (ie. initial operational capability) and it is currently an exclusive offensive weapon on the Chinese Type 052D destroyer
2014: China unveils the JY-26 counter-stealth radar at the Zhuhai Airshow. UK radar-expert John Wise says the JY-26 round radomes could be designed to take advantage of circular polarization.
2015: China unveils the Tian Yi 2 (Sky Wing 2) stealth UAV. The Tian Yi 2 is special for two reasons. Firstly, this is the first time that we've seen a Chinese aircraft with a vertical S-duct (ie. serpentine duct) stealth design. In contrast, the J-20 and J-31 stealth fighters both have a horizontal S-duct design. Secondly, the Tian Yi 2 is also the first Chinese aircraft with flat nozzles for stealth in both the radar and infrared spectrums.
2015: China launches its first Gaofen-4 geostationary satellite.
2015: China launches three Type 093G nuclear attack submarines with up to 24 VLS on each submarine

Congratulations, it’s an AESA radar! | Popular Science
"On a March 2013 Chinese BTV channel broadcast, the J-10’s chief test pilot confirms commonly held wisdom that the J-10B uses an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar."



Here's a look at the J-10B AESA radar.

Canted Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radar of J-10B Fighter Jet | Chinese Military Review




Popular Science discusses the advantages of the J-10B AESA radar.

J-10B “Vigorous Dragon” Fighter Jets are a Full Set, Soon to be a Regiment | Popular Science



More confirmation of the J-10B AESA radar from "Zhang Zhaozhong, a military expert at the National Defense University (NDU)."

Expert: China's J-10B Fighter Superior to Main Fighters of Neighbors

"Zhang Zhaozhong, a military expert at the National Defense University (NDU), said in an interview with reporters from the China Central Television (CCTV)....

Zhang introduced that the medium-scale 3.5-generation J-10B fighter.... is equipped with an active phased-array radar and capable of carrying air-to-air missiles."

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It just annoys me that the OP (ie. original poster) is trying to claim something that is clearly not true.

South Korea is not in China's league.

I haven't even taken out my "nuclear bomb" list of Chinese Military Technological Milestones (e.g. Chinese KJ-2000 AWACS and Chinese JSTARS) and asked the OP how many of those military technological milestones that South Korea can match.

If people are wondering what I am talking about, I am referring to the list below (if you haven't seen it).

China's Military Technological Milestones - includes Type 093G SSN with up to 24 YJ-18 Mach 3 ASCMs

210 B.C. (2,200 years ago): China invents chrome-plating technology during Qin Dynasty under emperor Qin Shihuang.

1964: China detonated a 22-kiloton atomic bomb on October 16, 1964.
1967: China detonated a 3.3-megaton thermonuclear bomb on June 17, 1967.

1970: China successfully sends its first satellite into space - the Dong Fang Hong I
1971: China successfully launched its first DF-5 ICBM with 12,000-15,000km range and capable of carrying a five-megaton "city buster" thermonuclear warhead.
1972: China builds its first atomic clock at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO).

1984: China built its first cryogenic YF-73 rocket engine.
1986: China built an indigenous DD3 nickel-based single-crystal superalloy. (Earliest English article citation is year 1995. However, the first published Chinese research paper on DD3 discovery was in 1986.)
1988: China test-detonates a 1- to 20-kiloton Neutron Bomb on September 29, 1988.
1988: Julang 1 (JL-1) SLBM is fully operational with the successful test firing from a submerged Xia SSBN in September 1988.

1998: Chinese J-10 Vigorous Dragon had its first flight. Officially unveiled in 2007.
1998: "At the 1998 Zhuhai Air Show, the [Chinese] Seek Optics Company displayed information of its stealth coating and software for stealth shaping.[63]"
1999: Chinese JSTARS Tu-154M/D Electronic Intelligence Aircraft in service (e.g. Careless B-4138).

2000: China successfully sends its first GPS satellite (Beidou) into space.
2001: Chinese Type 99 Main Battle Tank in service.
2002: China's Type 093 Shang-class nuclear attack submarine (SSN) is launched.
2003: China sends its first taikonaut Yang Liwei into space.
2003: China's KJ-2000 AWACS with domestic AESA radar has its first flight.
2003*: DD6 is China's indigenous second-generation nickel-based single-crystal superalloy (Earliest English article citation is year 2003. However, actual DD6 discovery was probably closer to year 2000.)
2005: China's Type 052C Lanzhou-class AESA-equipped destroyer entered service.
2006: China's WS-10A turbofan engine certified for production.
2006: First static test of the WS-13 turbofan engine with single-crystal turbine blades.
2007: China clones world's first rabbit.
2007: Chinese direct-ascent ASAT shoots down orbiting satellite.
2007: Chinese DF-31A MIRVed ICBM in service.
2008: China conducts its first spacewalk with taikonaut Zhai Zhigang.
2008: China orbits its first data tracking and relay communications satellite - Tianlian I
2009: Public disclosure of China's 5,000km "Underground Great Wall"

2010: China builds world's-fastest supercomputer Tianhe-1A.
2010: Chinese GBI (i.e. ground based interceptor) shoots down a ballistic missile during mid-course phase.
2010: Chinese WZ-10 Attack Helicopter in service.
2010: Chinese Type 094 Jin-class nuclear missile ballistic submarine (SSBN) in service.
2010: Chinese Yaogan 9 NOSS (Naval Ocean Surveillance System) satellite trio in orbit.
2011: Chengdu J-20 stealth superfighter has first flight on January 11, 2011.
2012: China sends its first woman taikonaut Liu Yang into space on a 10-day mission.
2012: Chinese Jialong manned submersible completes world record-breaking 7,000 meter dive.
2012: First sighting of next-generation AESA radar for Type 052C destroyer.
2012: DF-41 10-MIRV-capable ICBM with 12,000-15,000km range had first flight on July 24, 2012.
2012: Chinese Type 056 corvette enters service.
2012: New Chinese thermonuclear-capable IRBM with 4,000km range (to potentially strike Guam).
2012: China's Beidou System successfully covers all of China and the surrounding region.
2012: Shenyang J-31 medium-range stealth fighter has first flight on October 31, 2012.
2012: China builds its first optical clock (which is more precise than an atomic clock).
2012: China's SOSUS became operational.
2013: China's Y-20 heavy-lift military transport conducts first flight on January 26, 2013.
2013: "The Chinese military has deployed its new anti-ship ballistic missile [ASBM or "carrier killer"] along its southern coast facing Taiwan, the Pentagon’s top military intelligence officer said today."
2013: "After a round of successful testing in 2012, the JL-2 appears ready to reach initial operational capability in 2013." (Source [p. 39, Pentagon 2013 report on Chinese Military Power])
2013: China has deployed H-6K "God of War" bomber that is capable of carrying thermonuclear-capable CJ-10 cruise missiles.
2013: Bill Gertz reports China is building 1,240 miles of special tracks for rail-mobile ICBMs.
2013: China deploys advanced SRBM with MARV (maneuverable reentry vehicle) thermonuclear-capable warhead
2013: China's "Lijian stealth UAV from Hongdu has made its first flight on Nov. 21 at 13:00 local time. The flight was 20 minutes."
2013: China's Yutu rover separates from Chang'e-3 Moon Lander on December 14, 2013.
2013: China's Z-20 military medium-lift 10-ton utility helicopter has its first flight on December 23, 2013
2014: China conducts its first HGV (hypersonic glide vehicle) flight on January 9, 2014.
2014: China conducts first flight test of its WS-20 large turbofan high-bypass engine.
2014: Deagel reports China's YJ-18 AEGIS KILLER has reached IOC (ie. initial operational capability) and it is currently an exclusive offensive weapon on the Chinese Type 052D destroyer
2014: China unveils the JY-26 counter-stealth radar at the Zhuhai Airshow. UK radar-expert John Wise says the JY-26 round radomes could be designed to take advantage of circular polarization.
2015: China unveils the Tian Yi 2 (Sky Wing 2) stealth UAV. The Tian Yi 2 is special for two reasons. Firstly, this is the first time that we've seen a Chinese aircraft with a vertical S-duct (ie. serpentine duct) stealth design. In contrast, the J-20 and J-31 stealth fighters both have a horizontal S-duct design. Secondly, the Tian Yi 2 is also the first Chinese aircraft with flat nozzles for stealth in both the radar and infrared spectrums.
2015: China launches its first Gaofen-4 geostationary satellite.
2015: China launches three Type 093G nuclear attack submarines with up to 24 VLS on each submarine

Previously, only China's most-advanced Type 052D carried the deadly YJ-18, which has a range of 290 nautical miles (or over 300 statute miles). However, the Type 052D ship can be detected by drone, aircraft, satellite, hydrophone, and passive sonar.

The Type 093G nuclear attack submarine fixes all of the deficiencies of the Type 052D Chinese Aegis ship. A drone, aircraft, or satellite cannot see underwater. In comparison to a naval capital ship like the Type 052D, the Type 093G SSN is very quiet and difficult to detect with a hydrophone or passive sonar.

The US Harpoon anti-ship missile is subsonic and only has a range of 67 nautical miles. The Chinese YJ-18 ASCM can fly almost five times further than the US Harpoon. The Chinese YJ-18 ASCM has additional superiority in having a terminal Mach 3 flight stage. Finally, the Chinese YJ-18 has a maneuverable warhead that engages in S-shaped evasion before impact.


China’s New YJ-18 Antiship Cruise Missile: Capabilities and Implications for U.S. Forces in the Western Pacific | Andrew S. Erickson



Deagel says that each Type 093G SSN is equipped with up to 24 VLS (ie. vertical launch system) tubes. Deagel and Global Security state the YJ-18 ASM (ie. anti-ship missile) with a maneuverable warhead and a terminal Mach 3 speed can be carried in each VLS.

The prospect of 3 Type 093G SSNs carrying a total of 72 YJ-18 ASMs is quite terrifying. A coordinated strike with salvos of YJ-18s should frighten naval capital ships.
Reference: Type 093 Shang-class Nuclear Attack Submarine | Global Security

Type 093G | Deagel



Huludao Shipyard has completed the construction of three Type-093 submarine | Errymath


China's "Huludao Shipyard has completed the construction of three Type 093G nuclear-powered attack submarines" with a Vertical Launch System (VLS).

VIDEO: China's new YJ-18 missile: 'S'-shape movement at supersonic terminal speed - YouTube

The military technology is the real benchmark to measure the true technological power of a nation.

For example, the US is still relying on the Russian cryogenic engine, that's why Russia has definitely the true bargaining power compared to many so-called "developed nations".
Both are Asian Economic Tiger Economies. Both nations' success is credit to East Asia. Great job, brothers !

That's eventually the point we need to be making, my friend, because there are a number of hostile forces that would rather see us to be at each other's throat in a deadly competition.

Whatever comparison made by Martian and other members from China (and our friend Lure from Turkey) here is purely for comparative purpose and through data; nothing condescending because the Korean (as well as Japanese) experience of industrialization is nothing but an inspiration for China. As is seen in the underlying economic and political dynamics between China and South Korea, the intention is to explore our points of strength and compatibility, rather than weakness.

Although I did not like the language in the OP, I still understand the need to counter the argument factually and professionally.

We have no animosity towards the Korean people whatsoever and in fact we have about 2 million Chosen (Korean) 朝鲜族 folks who live among us. Dont try to use this as a wedge splitting our relationship by coming back again and again with unintellectual replies

Very well said, brother!

Does South Korea have anything equal to the T1000 carbon fibre technology?

China's JSHK makes breakthrough in T1000 carbon fibre development

Is this already release into the market?

Yes I believe China will surpass Korea in the material technology. T1000 is impressive progress of China.

What did the article said btw? does it claim korea still ahead china in 2015 year?

The military technology is the real benchmark to measure the true technological power of a nation.

For example, the US is still relying on the Russian cryogenic engine, that's why Russia has definitely the true bargaining power compared to many so-called "developed nations".

That means Japan and Germany are behind Russia in term of technology?
Is this already release into the market?

Yes I believe China will surpass Korea in the material technology. T1000 is impressive progress of China.

What did the article said btw? does it claim korea still ahead china in 2015 year?

That means Japan and Germany are behind Russia in term of technology?
Yes. Japan and Germany are behind Russia in military technology.

Military technology represents the cutting-edge. AWACS and nuclear submarines inspire awe. A family sedan does not.

Russia sits on the UN Security Council. Japan and Germany do not. There's a reason for that.

All five members of the UN Security Council build their own turbofan engines and nuclear submarines.

Japan and Germany have never built their own turbofan engines or nuclear submarines.
It just annoys me that the OP (ie. original poster) is trying to claim something that is clearly not true.

South Korea is not in China's league.

I haven't even taken out my trump-card list of Chinese Military Technological Milestones (e.g. Chinese KJ-2000 AWACS and Chinese JSTARS) and asked the OP how many of those military technological milestones that South Korea can match.

If people are wondering what I am talking about, I am referring to the list below (if you haven't seen it).

China's Military Technological Milestones - includes J-10B fighter aircraft AESA radar

210 B.C. (2,200 years ago): China invents chrome-plating technology during Qin Dynasty under emperor Qin Shihuang.

1964: China detonated a 22-kiloton atomic bomb on October 16, 1964.
1967: China detonated a 3.3-megaton thermonuclear bomb on June 17, 1967.

1970: China successfully sends its first satellite into space - the Dong Fang Hong I
1971: China successfully launched its first DF-5 ICBM with 12,000-15,000km range and capable of carrying a five-megaton "city buster" thermonuclear warhead.
1972: China builds its first atomic clock at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO).

1984: China built its first cryogenic YF-73 rocket engine.
1986: China built an indigenous DD3 nickel-based single-crystal superalloy. (Earliest English article citation is year 1995. However, the first published Chinese research paper on DD3 discovery was in 1986.)
1988: China test-detonates a 1- to 20-kiloton Neutron Bomb on September 29, 1988.
1988: Julang 1 (JL-1) SLBM is fully operational with the successful test firing from a submerged Xia SSBN in September 1988.

1998: Chinese J-10 Vigorous Dragon had its first flight. Officially unveiled in 2007.
1998: "At the 1998 Zhuhai Air Show, the [Chinese] Seek Optics Company displayed information of its stealth coating and software for stealth shaping.[63]"
1999: Chinese JSTARS Tu-154M/D Electronic Intelligence Aircraft in service (e.g. Careless B-4138).

2000: China successfully sends its first GPS satellite (Beidou) into space.
2001: Chinese Type 99 Main Battle Tank in service.
2002: China's Type 093 Shang-class nuclear attack submarine (SSN) is launched.
2003: China sends its first taikonaut Yang Liwei into space.
2003: China's KJ-2000 AWACS with domestic AESA radar has its first flight.
2003*: DD6 is China's indigenous second-generation nickel-based single-crystal superalloy (Earliest English article citation is year 2003. However, actual DD6 discovery was probably closer to year 2000.)
2005: China's Type 052C Lanzhou-class AESA-equipped destroyer entered service.
2006: China's WS-10A turbofan engine certified for production.
2006: First static test of the WS-13 turbofan engine with single-crystal turbine blades.
2007: China clones world's first rabbit.
2007: Chinese direct-ascent ASAT shoots down orbiting satellite.
2007: Chinese DF-31A MIRVed ICBM in service.
2008: China conducts its first spacewalk with taikonaut Zhai Zhigang.
2008: China orbits its first data tracking and relay communications satellite - Tianlian I
2009: Public disclosure of China's 5,000km "Underground Great Wall"

2010: China builds world's-fastest supercomputer Tianhe-1A.
2010: Chinese GBI (i.e. ground based interceptor) shoots down a ballistic missile during mid-course phase.
2010: Chinese WZ-10 Attack Helicopter in service.
2010: Chinese Type 094 Jin-class nuclear missile ballistic submarine (SSBN) in service.
2010: Chinese Yaogan 9 NOSS (Naval Ocean Surveillance System) satellite trio in orbit.
2011: Chengdu J-20 stealth superfighter has first flight on January 11, 2011.
2012: China sends its first woman taikonaut Liu Yang into space on a 10-day mission.
2012: Chinese Jialong manned submersible completes world record-breaking 7,000 meter dive.
2012: First sighting of next-generation AESA radar for Type 052C destroyer.
2012: DF-41 10-MIRV-capable ICBM with 12,000-15,000km range had first flight on July 24, 2012.
2012: Chinese Type 056 corvette enters service.
2012: New Chinese thermonuclear-capable IRBM with 4,000km range (to potentially strike Guam).
2012: China's Beidou System successfully covers all of China and the surrounding region.
2012: Shenyang J-31 medium-range stealth fighter has first flight on October 31, 2012.
2012: China builds its first optical clock (which is more precise than an atomic clock).
2012: China's SOSUS became operational.
2013: "On a March 2013 Chinese BTV channel broadcast, the J-10’s chief test pilot confirms commonly held wisdom that the J-10B uses an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar."
2013: China's Y-20 heavy-lift military transport conducts first flight on January 26, 2013.
2013: "The Chinese military has deployed its new anti-ship ballistic missile [ASBM or "carrier killer"] along its southern coast facing Taiwan, the Pentagon’s top military intelligence officer said today."
2013: "After a round of successful testing in 2012, the JL-2 appears ready to reach initial operational capability in 2013." (Source [p. 39, Pentagon 2013 report on Chinese Military Power])
2013: China has deployed H-6K "God of War" bomber that is capable of carrying thermonuclear-capable CJ-10 cruise missiles.
2013: Bill Gertz reports China is building 1,240 miles of special tracks for rail-mobile ICBMs.
2013: China deploys advanced SRBM with MARV (maneuverable reentry vehicle) thermonuclear-capable warhead
2013: China's "Lijian stealth UAV from Hongdu has made its first flight on Nov. 21 at 13:00 local time. The flight was 20 minutes."
2013: China's Yutu rover separates from Chang'e-3 Moon Lander on December 14, 2013.
2013: China's Z-20 military medium-lift 10-ton utility helicopter has its first flight on December 23, 2013
2014: China conducts its first HGV (hypersonic glide vehicle) flight on January 9, 2014.
2014: China conducts first flight test of its WS-20 large turbofan high-bypass engine.
2014: Deagel reports China's YJ-18 AEGIS KILLER has reached IOC (ie. initial operational capability) and it is currently an exclusive offensive weapon on the Chinese Type 052D destroyer
2014: China unveils the JY-26 counter-stealth radar at the Zhuhai Airshow. UK radar-expert John Wise says the JY-26 round radomes could be designed to take advantage of circular polarization.
2015: China unveils the Tian Yi 2 (Sky Wing 2) stealth UAV. The Tian Yi 2 is special for two reasons. Firstly, this is the first time that we've seen a Chinese aircraft with a vertical S-duct (ie. serpentine duct) stealth design. In contrast, the J-20 and J-31 stealth fighters both have a horizontal S-duct design. Secondly, the Tian Yi 2 is also the first Chinese aircraft with flat nozzles for stealth in both the radar and infrared spectrums.
2015: China launches its first Gaofen-4 geostationary satellite.
2015: China launches three Type 093G nuclear attack submarines with up to 24 VLS on each submarine

Congratulations, it’s an AESA radar! | Popular Science
"On a March 2013 Chinese BTV channel broadcast, the J-10’s chief test pilot confirms commonly held wisdom that the J-10B uses an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar."



Here's a look at the J-10B AESA radar.

Canted Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radar of J-10B Fighter Jet | Chinese Military Review




Popular Science discusses the advantages of the J-10B AESA radar.

J-10B “Vigorous Dragon” Fighter Jets are a Full Set, Soon to be a Regiment | Popular Science



More confirmation of the J-10B AESA radar from "Zhang Zhaozhong, a military expert at the National Defense University (NDU)."

Expert: China's J-10B Fighter Superior to Main Fighters of Neighbors

"Zhang Zhaozhong, a military expert at the National Defense University (NDU), said in an interview with reporters from the China Central Television (CCTV)....

Zhang introduced that the medium-scale 3.5-generation J-10B fighter.... is equipped with an active phased-array radar and capable of carrying air-to-air missiles."


Nobody said Korea in the same league with China. It seems reading comprehension still prevail here.

Read again the article, which technology is claimed that Korea is still ahead related to her business in 2014 or 2015.

Nuclear reactor, supercomputer are not Korean mainstay business, hence Chinese progress doesnt impact Korean business.
Nobody said Korea in the same league with China. It seems reading comprehension still prevail here.

Read again the article, which technology is claimed that Korea is still ahead related to her business in 2014 or 2015.

Nuclear reactor, supercomputer are not Korean mainstay business, hence Chinese progress doesnt impact Korean business.
Look at the poll question that you posted. That's not what it says.

You claimed a Chinese technology gap. That's complete garbage. Write a better poll question next time.

South Korea is deficient in almost every important field of science and technology vis-a-vis China. If you want to ask a ridiculous question, I will show everyone that you're wrong.
Yes. Japan and Germany are behind Russia in military technology.

Military technology represents the cutting-edge. AWACS and nuclear submarines inspire awe. A family sedan does not.

Russia sits on the UN Security Council. Japan and Germany do not. There's a reason for that.

All five members of the UN Security Council build their own turbofan engines and nuclear submarines.

Japan and Germany have never built their own turbofan engines or nuclear submarines.

This is according to your criteria. May not hold true for others.

But if thats the case, well then you dont have to bother with that article. That is not the point of the article.
We are referring to industrial, especially where Korea enjoy good business. Military stuff is not the business that Korea feel threaten by China's progress.
This is according to your criteria. May not hold true for others.

But if thats the case, well then you dont have to bother with that article. That is not the point of the article.
We are referring to industrial, especially where Korea enjoy good business. Military stuff is not the business that Korea feel threaten by China's progress.
Rewrite your poll question to say "industrial business technology." Don't claim a "technology gap."

You are the one that made the claim of a "technology gap." Now, you are weaseling out and claiming only "industrial business technology." I don't see "industrial business technology" in your poll question. Do you?
Look at the poll question that you posted. That's not what it says.

You claimed a Chinese technology gap. That's complete garbage. Write a better poll question next time.

South Korea is deficient in almost every important field of science and technology vis-a-vis China. If you want to ask a ridiculous question, I will show everyone that you're wrong.

OK, but you cant set your own criteria by saying Military is the ultimate measurement

Many accept that Japan and Germany are ahead Russia and North Korea in term of overall technology, despite Russia is more advvanced in military.
OK, but you cant set your own criteria by saying Military is the ultimate measurement

Many accept that Japan and Germany are ahead Russia and North Korea in term of overall technology, despite Russia is more advvanced in military.
What flies faster? A Boeing 737 or a SR-71?

Do you understand why military technology is the ultimate measurement?

The Boeing 737 is subsonic. The SR-71 travels at Mach 3. Which one requires more technology?
From what I've read the CAP1400 is based on the AP1000. Export of CAP1400 needs approval from Westinghouse as it's based on their AP1000 design.

The ACP1000 is completely different where China has full intellectual property rights to it and can export it without seeking approval from foreigners.
That's eventually the point we need to be making, my friend, because there are a number of hostile forces that would rather see us to be at each other's throat in a deadly competition.

Whatever comparison made by Martian and other members from China (and our friend Lure from Turkey) here is purely for comparative purpose and through data; nothing condescending because the Korean (as well as Japanese) experience of industrialization is nothing but an inspiration for China. As is seen in the underlying economic and political dynamics between China and South Korea, the intention is to explore our points of strength and compatibility, rather than weakness.

Although I did not like the language in the OP, I still understand the need to counter the argument factually and professionally.

Very well said, brother!
Very true. At least for me, I never intend to belittle South Korea when I am making posts about China's progress here. I think the reason for people posting at this very thread was due to convenience rather than the desire of comparing to South Korea. I wish Japan, Korea, or any other country good luck along their path to success.
What flies faster? A Boeing 737 or a SR-71?

Do you understand why military technology is the ultimate measurement?

The Boeing 737 is subsonic. The SR-71 travels at Mach 3. Which one requires more technology?

So, for you the faster speed has more technological barriers than safer & more efficient flight for civil passenger?

Then look on how ARJ21 was struggling to reach FAA certificate in spite of numerous military aircraft that china has build including the 2.4 mach speed J-11B.

Look on how many years China has to pospone release of Comac 919 in order to meet Stringet Safety standard, in spite of giant Y-20 or faster J-11 that China has master.

Also by that logic Russia should be able to build very efficient & reliable car, because it is less difficult than Mig-31 Foxhound.

Can now Russia build the same advanced, efficient, and safe but "slow" Airbus A380 that is compliant with the very stringent flight safety standard?
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So, for you the faster speed is more technological barrier than safer & more efficient flight for civil passanger?

Then look on how ARJ21 was struggling to reach FAA certificate in spite of numerous military aircraft that china has build.

By that logic Russia should be able to build very efficient & reliable car, because it is less difficult than Mig-31 Foxhound.

Can russia build the same advanced, efficient, and safe Airbus A380 compliant with the very stringent flight safety standard now?
Give me a break. You're just being stupid.

An SR-71 is supersonic. The aircraft has to survive surpassing the "sound barrier." You've heard of the sound barrier, right?

A Boeing 737 is just another subsonic aircraft.

Set up another poll and see how many PDF members will agree with your dumb idea that a Boeing 737 is equal to or superior to a SR-71 in technology.

A SR-71 flies at 100,000 feet. A Boeing 737 tops out at 39,000 feet.

You are seriously going to claim a Boeing 737 represents more sophisticated technology than an SR-71?

You're crazy.

Regarding the supercomputer, it is used to design high-performance aircraft, new drugs (via computer-simulated protein folding), to examine the crash performance of cars, etc.

Supercomputers are used in almost every field. China builds its own supercomputers. South Korea does not. This means China is ahead of South Korea in technology. It is not just the supercomputer field. It is also every science and technology field related to supercomputers.
Give me a break. You're just being stupid.

An SR-71 is supersonic. The aircraft has to survive surpassing the "sound barrier." You've heard of the sound barrier, right?

A Boeing 737 is just another subsonic aircraft.

Set up another poll and see how many PDF members will agree with your dumb idea that a Boeing 737 is equal to or superior to a SR-71 in technology.

A SR-71 flies at 100,000 feet. A Boeing 737 tops out at 39,000 feet.

You are seriously going to claim a Boeing 737 represents more sophisticated technology than an SR-71?

You're crazy.

I am not saying 737 is more advanced than SR71. But I am sure modern Airbus A380 is more advanced than SR-71 despite A380 is much slower than SR71.

Again Poll as "truth seeker"?

Why dont you answer my question. Let me repeat again:

Then look on how ARJ21 was struggling to reach FAA certificate in spite of numerous military aircraft that china has build including the 2.4 mach speed J-11B. Why?

Look on how many years China has to pospone release of Comac 919 in order to meet Stringet Safety standard, in spite of giant Y-20 or faster J-11 that China has master. Why?

Can now Russia build the same advanced, efficient, and safe but "slow" Airbus A380 that is compliant with the very stringent flight safety standard?

Source: China rapidly narrows technology gap with S. Korea | Page 12
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