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China rapidly narrows technology gap with S. Korea

So overall Korean technology is still ahead than that of China?

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China can build jet engine (WS-10), USA can build engine (F119) does it mean China on par with USA? :lol: :laugh:

The WS-10 has granted China's role as an officially recognized turbofan maker.

Because the foundation was laid down by the WS-10, and this will enable China to build the more advanced WS-15.

Just look at Japan, they have been struggled for 3 decades to build a fourth generation turbofan engine, but still failed.

The WS-10A is 132KN with an upgraded 140KN variant such as the WS-10B, but Shinshin's engine is only 51KN, that's not even equivalent to the F-4, let alone the F-15.

Do you think that South Korea would be any better when it comes to this domain?

The fact is that Japan and South Korea are only good at some trivial technologies, but it comes to the real cutting-edge ones, they are acting like toddlers.
The fact is that Japan and South Korea are only good at some trivial technologies, but it comes to the real cutting-edge ones, they are acting like toddlers.




Yup, Japan's among the world's most advanced nations in pretty much all sectors.

HTV-5 cargo resupply vehicle

IKAROS Solar Sail - this one's a 1:64 model, the real one's in space


SRB-A3 Solid Rocket Booster

Shizuku climate and water mapping satellite

XF5-1 Jet engine

Autonomous LEAF

Japan can do anything anyone else can, and more than most other nations.
So now you want to say that "WorldWatch Institute" is rubbish and has no credibility, while bunch of you are the credible ones?

We have our own version of pharmacology and medicine in which the other parts of the world have not been realising their potency until recently. I dont think the article has mentioned that. So it is very hard to compare if you can imagine the astronomical number of medical receipes that can be and many have already been generated out of the vast permutation and combination of natural herbs, animal parts and materials in China's own medical literatures.

There are western medical researches conducting their experiments which are based on our ancient medical books and records. Due to the language barriers, a system is now in research and development for the understanding of Chinese Medicine and practices sort of like bridging the 2 worlds

Traditional Chinese medicine effectiveness studied with benefit of modern data analysis - NaturalNews.com

PLOS ONE: Data-Driven Information Extraction from Chinese Electronic Medical Records

"rubbish" is the word of your own creation again

And the gist of the thread is China and S Korea so lets concentrate on these 2 countries


Just look at the actual numbers. Japan ranks behind South Korea in high-tech exports. I would argue that most people's perception of Japan stems from the 1980s when they were extremely dominant.

High-technology exports (current US$) | Data | Table
high tech exports.JPG

The only 'small' country that is truly amazing is Germany. The fact that they rank above the United States is quite shocking.

Thank goodness they lost WWII. I don't even want to fathom what the world would look like today had they won the war.
Just look at the actual numbers. Japan ranks behind South Korea in high-tech exports. I would argue that most people's perception of Japan stems from the 1980s when they were extremely dominant.

High-technology exports (current US$) | Data | Table
View attachment 287115

The only 'small' country that is truly amazing is Germany. The fact that they rank above the United States is quite shocking.

Thank goodness they lost WWII. I don't even want to fathom what the world would look like today had they won the war.
View attachment 287116

I don't fully buy this table.

The US is still extremely dominant in the most critical domains, so we need to surpass them in every field.

They are the real benchmark, not anyone else.
In conclusion, an impartial comparison of China and South Korea shows China is far ahead of South Korea in science and technology. South Korea is only 17% of China's leading-edge scientific output and 23% of China's high-tech exports.
And only 3.7% of China's population and 1% of land size of China :rofl::rofl:
World will be totally in different era when china will be superpower. |
Because Chinese have broad mind than american. chinese they spread and use technologies after getting it with cheap way so every one can benefit from it but American they keep monopoly system after getting any new technology they don't like to share it for the benefit of world people instead they find ways how we can burn earth kill people with new technologies.
World will be totally in different era when china will be superpower. |
Because Chinese have broad mind than american. chinese they spread and use technologies after getting it with cheap way so every one can benefit from it but American they keep monopoly system after getting any new technology they don't like to share it for the benefit of world people instead they find ways how we can burn earth kill people with new technologies.

China has benefitted the world with the four great inventions for cost free, although the West is trying hard to take away all the credits from China.
Yup, Japan's among the world's most advanced nations in pretty much all sectors.

HTV-5 cargo resupply vehicle

IKAROS Solar Sail - this one's a 1:64 model, the real one's in space


SRB-A3 Solid Rocket Booster

Shizuku climate and water mapping satellite

XF5-1 Jet engine

Autonomous LEAF

Japan can do anything anyone else can, and more than most other nations.

Yeah, japan even can not build engine for their ships.
So? Qatar's GDP per capita is far great than the US .

Is there anyone claim Qatar is ahead of US ?
Qatar gdp is negligible(0.5%) as compared to USA,not like 25% which i was quoting
Both scenario is different :cheesy:
China has benefitted the world with the four great inventions for cost free, although the West is trying hard to take away all the credits from China.

Yes those 4 are more well known than the others on these lists:

List of Chinese inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of Chinese Inventions

and more recently in one of archeological dig, we have found this:

12 JANUARY, 2016 - 21:40 MARK MILLER
Chinese Man with Fused Knee used a Prosthetic Leg with a Horse Hoof Tip 2,200 Years Ago

The leg was made of poplar wood and has 14 holes, seven on each side that allowed him to attach it to his upper leg with straps. “The lower part of the prosthetic leg is rendered into a cylindrical shape, wrapped with a scrapped ox horn and tipped with a horsehoof, which is meant to augment its adhesion and abrasion,” the archaeologists wrote.



Details of the leg prosthesis. ( DAI)

Read more: Chinese Man with Fused Knee used a Prosthetic Leg with a Horse Hoof Tip 2,200 Years Ago | Ancient Origins
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I never said ONLY 6.
The 6 is the easier to show, while the rest is more difficult to show especially to you guys who like cherry picking :)

You share the same logical fallacy that your friend has made infront :laugh:

Saying that China is already on par with Korea because China can make LCD too is the same as :

Saying that China is already on par with USA in jet engine, because China already can make jet engine.
Saying that Thailand is already on par with Japan in automotive tech, because Thailand already can make car too
Saying that Indonesia is already on par with Korea, Japan, and Germany in shipbuilding, because Indonesia cal already make ship.

And you know those are not true.

I did already - in front, but your friends seem to fail to grasp it.

Skyworth and other Chinese TV maker buy LG (Korea) OLED instead using Chinese own OLED. Thats show Korean's OLED quality is still better.

Why are you guys not strong enough in LOGICAL thinking? :sad:

So in 6 industries you are certain Korea is ahead of China. The other 7 industries you say it's hard to prove, but maybe that's because China and Korea are equal in those industries. If Korea was ahead in those 7 industries, then it would be easy to see.

So your claim that Korean OLED is higher quality is that Skyworth buys from them? :lol:

Korean OLED is more well recognised just like Samsung is more recognised in smartphones than Huawei and in TVs than TCL. Korean OLED has established reputation which leads companies to perceive them as 'quality' and buy from them, but that doesn't PROVE how Korean OLED is higher quality than Chinese OLED. What does Korean OLED have that Chinese OLED doesn't have?
I need proof of the OLED technology itself that proves without a shadow of a doubt that Korean OLED is far superior because you said Korea is clearly ahead of China in display technology. It must be very easy to prove if Korea is so far ahead of China.

Saying Skyworth buys Korean OLED than Chinese OLED doesn't actually prove how Korean OLED is superior. They could be buying for reasons other than actual technological capability of the OLED itself. That's why I need proof, in what way is Korean OLED technology superior? What is the difference in the technology itself. If you can prove that Korean OLED has a MAJOR technology in them which Chinese OLEDs don't, I'm happy to say Korea is ahead of China in display technology.
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