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China Ranks Last in Importance of Religion, Research Shows

What new religion do you hear about recently?
A lot, if you pay close attention. Of course, you may not hear any of them if you don't. Actually, there is no new religion. The question about God has been resolved long ago. So called different religions are just different elaboration of the same answer in different dialect/language/culture at different times. The newer religion is more likely elaborated in the culture and language that is familiar to the contemporary.
Religion is a private matter and should not be a public factor, imho.

Agree. Religion is an issue in private domain and should remain as such. Hopes start to dim if religion get mixed with politics, and go down the drain if religion hijacks a government. That's why the founding fathers of the USA made the concept of "Separation of church and state" a principle.

Compared to "15 years head-start" that China has over India, which many Indian members cite to explain India's lag-behind, the difference in this chart between these two countries is much more fundamental and profound, and increasingly so with the changing social sentiment.
Let me give you guys a Sociologist View point .

Most world religions are philosophically and ideologically opposite to Capitalism .
Be it Christianity , Islam , Hinduism , Buddhism or Confucianism , They have a tendency to relate things that restricts Person and societies Economic ( Capitalist ) progress .

Capitalism deals with Gathering Capital ( Money , Human , Goods etc ) , SO this keeps on . More and More , is a capitalist phenomena . We have grown Money minded ( Mind U , I am not saying its bad ) . We say I am Happy because I got a BMW or 10 Story House . In short , Our view of Happiness and being Happy has changed .

But then there are certain sects of World religion that supports Capitalism like Protestant and Calvin Ethic .
One of the reasons why West was successful during Industrial revolution .

Our Societies are becoming Externally Developed but Internally we are becoming Hollow .

@Nilgiri @Chinese-Dragon @Godman @Providence

The problem with these studies is that they interpret what religion means from a western (Christian view)....which is part of the overall Abrahamic view (everything written in one book, follow that book, detract from it and you are non-believer, infidel etc.).

Eastern religions and philosophies are very different from this concept, as our Chinese members have already explained.

Some Chinese friends and colleagues I know (in China)...are atheist but that does not mean they are automatically non-philosophical or not at all spiritual even. Every human being inherently has questions and personal time when he wonders about those questions.... all modern and richer societies have to find the balance for this. Even Hinduism has this balance enshrined in its symbolism, with knowledge, wealth and power representing the three goddesses and birth, life and death the 3 gods associated with them. Gaining material wealth is a natural part of the life cycle basically....it should not be abhorred as long as their is balance (which you as a person are free to interpret).

To me it is the pursuit of truth that is the single most important thing for humanity, if its religion that helps you do this....fine....if you can do it without religion, thats fine too. This is the "fullness" of a society for me, its overall pursuit for truth...with or without "religion" (especially defined by only one group of people) being the influence.

Thats why I don't automatically label everyone as purely materialist/hollow etc....if they feel religion is not important.

After all even Vedas has Nasadiya Sukta

Nasadiya Sukta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

which elevates truth above all else. If you equate truth to god (like me), how you specifically get to truth is not important....and I do wish more Indians and people in general become like that over time instead of being over-involved in superstitious details or material agglomeration (there needs to be balance of both, but time to reflect on existence and the pursuit of truth).

Thats why to me Science is the spearhead of human progress and even philosophy. People that dedicate themselves to Science and its use for finding and exploring truths....to me are the same as the Rishis and Sages of the old times when we were still coming out of hunter-gatherer mode to practice farming....the goal is always the same....and should always be the same for us to all survive and prosper in a balanced sustainable way.
I just have this to say:

There are 20k people in Britain who registered their religion as Jedi.

Then you wonder why secular societies in general advance faster than non-secular ones.
It's odd that Russia ranks so low given how much Putin brings it up.
I come from a Religious Hindu Family .
But My Family puts more emphasis on Education that is why I was forced into Computer Engineering .
But it didn't work , so I shifted to Sociology .

Things work differently for different People .
Human/internal development is more important to me than material/external development .

Example : We Developed Nuclear technology . Our external development reached peak with the development of Hydrogen Bomb . But internally we became hollow . I will bomb you , If you hurt me or I will bomb you if you don't do as I say , are signs of Hollowness .

Totally Agree with you :agree::agree::agree:

I agree with you "Human/internal development is more important to me than material/external development." But I would like to discuss with you if internal development means religion.

I try to put a book list, I guess it's one in a million, for the thousands of years, Chinese ancestors' great works.


《贞观政要》 (唐朝)吴兢——历代君王的教科书和资治手册,康熙、乾隆视之为座右铭,日本最高统治者的必读教材,韩国总统金泳三就任之前反复研读。号今天下,莫敢不从。
《反经》 (唐朝)赵菠历代统治者避而不谈,但又不得不读的一部经世致用之书。
《官经》 (清)载淳——总结千年政治权术,论释历朝官训谋略。
《盐铁论》 (西汉)桓宽——中国历史上第一部政治学术著作。
《盛世危言》 (清)郑观应——一部系统论述学习西方,发展资本主义,振兴中国,影响中国几代志士仁人的重要政治著作。
《商君书》 (战国)商软——中国最伟大的变法家的兴邦定国之书,虽遭五马分尸,但名垂革新青史。
《鬼谷子》 (战国)鬼谷先生——中国先秦时代游说、纵横之学的登峰造极之作,一部在国内外产生重要影响的奇书。
《人物志》 (三国)刘邵——选贤任能,陈力就列,第一部集名理学大成的人才学专著。
《政训》 (南宋)朱熹——一部集中反映儒家为政之道的从政者必读之书。
《康熙政要》 (清朝)张——一部记录康熙雄才大略,展示名臣风节的优秀权谋名著兵法名著。
《六韬》 (西周)姜太公——独具体系和特色的一部集先秦军事理论之大成的兵家典籍,千百年来武举武科的必读教材。
《孙子兵法》 (春秋)孙武——"兵学圣典"、"百代谈兵之祖"、中国古代最著名的军事著作,国外多家军事院校的教材,海内外企业家以兵法经营管理的'怪经", 广为流传,备受推崇。
《孙殡兵法》 (战国)孙殡——"孙子殡足,兵法修列",中国古代对战争观、战略战术和军队建设有独到见解的不朽军事著作。
《诸葛亮将苑》 (三国)诸葛亮——中国军事史上专论为将之道的兵学专著、"将才学", "统军带兵的将领的必读之书"。
《练兵实纪》 (明朝)戚继光——民族英雄抗侨名将戚继光的军事训练专著"撼山易,撼戚家军难",痛击日冠,还我河山。
《三十六计》 (南朝)佚名——一部充满玄机的军事谋略学专著,出将入相者必读之书,被广泛应用于现代商政。
《刘伯温百战奇略》 (明朝)刘基——一部集文学价值和军事价值于一体的不朽兵学专著。
《八阵图合变说》 (明朝)龙正——中国西代阵法集大成之作。
《曾胡治兵语录》 (民国)蔡愕——记录曾国藩、胡林翼的治军思想、治兵之法蒋介石亲笔为本书补辑《治心》 一章法治名著。
《唐律疏义》 (唐朝)长孙无忌——中国历史上现存最为完整的封建法典。
《洗冤集录》 (南宋)宋慈——世界上最早的法医学专著历史名著。
《尚书》 (春秋)孔子著称"上古之书",中国现存最早的史书,素以文辞古奥难懂。
《战国策》 (西汉)刘向——一部展示战国风云历史画卷最精彩的历史著作。
《史通》 (唐朝)刘知己——中国史学的百科全书,一书在手,历史全通诸子百家。
《周易》 (商朝)姬昌(文王)- "上知天文,下知地理,中察人事"中国历史上内容博大精深的不朽哲学著作,世界文明史上的奇葩。
《道德经》 (春秋)李耳——又称《老子》 ,中国历史上最负盛名,对中国人立身处世之道影响最大的"阴谋"哲学,被译为数十种文字,海外发行量居中国传统文化经典之首。
《论语》 (春秋)孔子及后学——记录孔子及其弟子言行的中国儒家学派的基本经典,"半部论语治天下",影响中国二千年的"东方圣经",世界文化史上的不朽丰碑。
《孝经》 (春秋)曾参——一部罕见的奇书,帝王将相们多次为其作注,中国封建社会的治世法宝,"参两仪,长四德,冠五伦,纲维百行,总会六经", "君令臣死,臣不得不死;父令子亡,子不得不亡。"
《大学》 (战国)曾参及其门人"“格物”、“致知”、“诚意”、“正心”、"修身"、"齐家"、"治国"、"平天下",中国历史上最系统的政治哲学。
《中庸》 (战国)子思——为政者的最高境界,中国封建社会,政治范畴中的哲学方法论,能守中庸之道者,必能成安邦定国、振衰起废之大业。
《孟子》 (战国)孟柯——中国儒家学派的经典之作,中国古代思想史上的启明星。
《庄子》 (战国)庄周——先秦道家学术的集大成之作,中国哲学史上的伟大著作,中国浪漫主义文学、寓言文学的"奠基之作",中国小说创作的鼻祖,先秦诸子散文中思想性、艺术性最高的作品。
《荀子》 (战国)荀卿——先秦诸子学说的集大成之作,中国哲学、学术思想史上继往开来的不朽丰碑。
《吕氏春秋》 (战国)吕不韦——"备天地万物古今之事",中国先秦杂家学派的集大成之作,吕不韦说"谁能增删一字,赏赐千金"。
《韩非子》 (战国)韩非——法、术、势并重,以"法"治国,弄权之"术",君王成"势",中国封建社会中央集权君主专制制度的政治思想基础。
《礼记》 (西汉)戴圣——先帝儒家礼乐治国思想的集大成之作,中国作为礼义之邦的重要标志佛道名著《周易参同契》 (东汉)魏伯阳——中国最早的道教炼丹专著。
《抱朴子内篇》 (西晋)葛洪——一部完整、系统、包罗万象的道教理论专著,中国古代生命哲学的权威著作。
《妙法莲华经》 (北朝)鸿摩罗什天台宗的立宗经典,三乘归一,一切众生皆能成佛,中国佛教。
《维摩话经》 (北朝)鸿摩罗什——中国大乘佛教的经典之作,中国佛教宗派形成的理论依据。
《百喻经》 (南朝)求那毗地——东方的《伊索寓言》 ,文义浅白易解,喻义广博精深,广为流传,影响深远。
《坛经》 (唐朝)六祖慧能——中国佛教史上的经典名著、中国禅宗的奠基之作,印度佛教中国化的标志之作。
《太极图说》 (北宋)周敦颐——中国历史上颇负盛名的理学著作、中国儒、道释三教合一的直观反映。
《太上感应篇》 (北宋)李昌龄——中国道教内丹学的集大成之作,中国古代生命哲学研究的重大突破蒙学名著
《千字文》 (南朝)周兴嗣——中国最早问世的一部优秀童蒙读物,文笔优美,语言洗炼,流传海外,独领风骚
《百家姓》 (北宋)钱唐老儒——与三字经、千字文鼎足而立的优秀童蒙读物,千古传诵,琅琅上口。
《增广贤文》 (清代)周希陶——凝聚前人智慧,代表百家思想,处世、经验、智慧、原则的总结,通俗易懂,流传至今。
《幼学琼林》 (明朝)程登吉——"读了增广会说话,读了《幼学》 走天下",中国古代蒙学读物中影响最大,编得最好的读本,蒙学读物的百科全书。
《龙文鞭影》 (明朝)萧良有——一部颇富鞭策、启迪意味的优秀童蒙读物。
《声律启蒙》 (清朝)车方育——一部专门训练儿童对偶技巧、声韵格律的一部独具一格,历久不衰的优秀童蒙读物。
《三字经》 (清朝)区适子——"人之初,性本善",代表中国古代童蒙读物最高水平的一部经典读物,流传最广、家喻户晓的家庭教育教科书。
《格言联壁》 (清朝)山阴金——以金科玉律之言,作暮鼓晨钟之警,凝聚古代先哲智慧的优秀蒙学读物家训名著。
《孔子家语》 (西汉)孔安国氏家学的珍贵文献与《论语》 相映成趣的一部不可多得的研究孔。
《颜氏家训》 (北朝)颜之推——中国历史上第一部内容丰富,体系宏大的家训专著。
《袁氏世范》 (南宋)袁采——一部与《颜氏家训》 相提并论,"于立身处世之道反覆详尽"的家训经典。
《温公家苑》 (北宋)司马光——一部因《资治通鉴》 名气太大而不太为人注意,但又"有补于世道人心非浅"的家训经典。
《治家格言》 (清朝)朱柏庐——"微言大义",深得治家之道的精髓,一部不可多得的害训读物。
《郑板桥家书》 (清朝)郑板桥——扬州八怪之首,难得其家书也是一怪。
《曾国藩家书》 (清朝)曾国藩——中国历史上一部前无古人,垂鉴后世的规模最大影响深远的家书,毛泽东、蒋介石均备加推崇。
《双节堂庸训》 (清朝)汪辉祖——一部融“圣贤书”与“人间事”于一炉,对普通家庭产生重要影响的家训经典处世名著。
《菜根谭》 (明朝)洪应明——一部融汇我国传统名家名派言论精华的优秀格言书,入世出世、修心养性、心人为善者必读之书。
《小窗幽记》 (明朝)陈眉公——一部广博精微的立身处世之学。
《围炉夜话》 (清朝)王永彬——一部修身、齐家、治国、平天下的秘笑文学名著。
《诗经》 (春秋)孔子——中国文学史上现存最早的诗歌总集,可以"兴"、可以“观”、可以“群”、可以"怨"。
《楚辞》 (战国)屈原、宋玉等——中国浪漫主义诗歌的奠基之作。
《文心雕龙》 (南朝)刘勰——中国文学批评史上的划时代作品,第一次在中国文学史上建立起中国文学理论体系,中国古典文学理论宝库中最耀眼的明珠。
《千家诗》 (南宋)刘克庄——中国文学史上一部优秀的唐宋诗选本、不可多得的童蒙读物。
《绝妙好词》 (南宋)周密——中国文学史上最早的新代词选之一,集南宋婉约、格律派词作之精华。
《郁离子》 (明朝)刘基——指桑骂槐含沙射影,中国古代寓言的不朽丰碑。
《曲品》 (明朝)吕天成——中国戏曲史上不可多得的曲论专著。
《唐诗三百首》 (清)孙沫——中国文学史上最有影响,流传最广的唐诗选本,"熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟"。
《人间词话》 (清)国王维——中国最后一部,也是影响最大的一部古典词学专著,代代传阅,历久不衰学术名著。
《论衡》 (东汉)王充——秦汉时期最杰出的唯物主义思想和无神论专著。
《近思录》 (南宋)朱熹——中国儒学史上理学的经典之作。
《传习录》 (明朝)王守仁——一部同程朱理学叫板,风靡晚明,启迪近代,影响至今的著名哲学著作。
《焚书》 (明朝)李赞——中国封建时代异端学说的滥筋。
《闲情偶寄》 (清明)李渔——清初学术界的《吕氏春秋》。
《金圣叹读批<水浒传>》 (清朝)金圣叹——一部扑面而来,颇具真人气息的评点。
《清代学术概论》 (清朝)梁启超——中国第一部系统总结清代学术思想的著作异域风情。
《大唐西城记》 (唐朝)玄类——现存规模最大的反映周边列国状况的风土人情专著,真"唐僧',的"西游记"。
《岛夷志略》 (元朝)汪大渊——中国元代航海家的壮举,历述九十九国社会,政治、经济、风土人情概貌,被译为英、法、日等多国文字,蜚声海内外的一部异国风情录中医名著。
《黄帝内经》 (战国)佚名——中国最早的中医学理论专著,奠定中国数千年中医理论的基础,指导中国数千年医疗临床的实践。
《神农本草经》 (战国)佚名——中国现存最早的一部药学专著。
《脉经》 (西晋)王叔和——中国现存最早系统叙述脉学的医学专著百科名著。
《考工记》 (西周)周公——中国最早的一部科学文献。
《齐民要术》 (北朝)贾思瓣——中国现存最早、最完整的一部包括农林牧副渔的综合农书。
《梦溪笔谈》 (北宋)沈括——"中国科学史上的里程碑""中国科学史上的坐标", 中国古代八大科学名著之首,包罗万象,博大精深。
《新仪象法要》 (北宋)苏颂——领先世界水平,内含世界上最早的星象图、最早的跟踪观测星体的天文仪器图、中国最早的机械图纸的天文学著作《教书九章》 (南宋)秦九韶——世界数学史上最传大的数学理论专著之一。
《农桑辑要》 (元朝)司农——中国现存最早的官修农书。
《天工开物》 (明朝)宋应星——中国历史上最有影响的一部科技百科全书,"国故有最值得赞许的一部科学典籍",中国古代八大科学名著之一综艺名著。
《乐记》 (西汉)刘德毛生——先秦至汉初儒家音乐美学思想的集大成之作。
《茶经》 (唐朝)陆羽——中国第一部茶叶专著。
《书谱》 (唐朝)孙过庭——中国古代书法理论的瑰宝。
《橘中秘》 (明朝)朱晋祯——中国象棋史上影响最大、流传最广的棋谱。
《园冶》 (明朝)计成——一部文化史上第一部系统的造园学专著。
《芥子园画传》 (清朝)王概等——中国书画爱好者不可多得的启蒙教材。
《景德镇陶录》 (清朝)蓝浦郑廷桂——中国第一部全面阐述景德镇古瓷业的专著,中国古代工艺美术的瑰宝。
《弈理指归》 (清朝)施定庵——中国古代最有影响的围棋专著
The problem with these studies is that they interpret what religion means from a western (Christian view)....which is part of the overall Abrahamic view (everything written in one book, follow that book, detract from it and you are non-believer, infidel etc.).

Eastern religions and philosophies are very different from this concept, as our Chinese members have already explained.

Some Chinese friends and colleagues I know (in China)...are atheist but that does not mean they are automatically non-philosophical or not at all spiritual even. Every human being inherently has questions and personal time when he wonders about those questions.... all modern and richer societies have to find the balance for this. Even Hinduism has this balance enshrined in its symbolism, with knowledge, wealth and power representing the three goddesses and birth, life and death the 3 gods associated with them. Gaining material wealth is a natural part of the life cycle basically....it should not be abhorred as long as their is balance (which you as a person are free to interpret).

To me it is the pursuit of truth that is the single most important thing for humanity, if its religion that helps you do this....fine....if you can do it without religion, thats fine too. This is the "fullness" of a society for me, its overall pursuit for truth...with or without "religion" (especially defined by only one group of people) being the influence.

Thats why I don't automatically label everyone as purely materialist/hollow etc....if they feel religion is not important.

After all even Vedas has Nasadiya Sukta

Nasadiya Sukta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

which elevates truth above all else. If you equate truth to god (like me), how you specifically get to truth is not important....and I do wish more Indians and people in general become like that over time instead of being over-involved in superstitious details or material agglomeration (there needs to be balance of both, but time to reflect on existence and the pursuit of truth).

Thats why to me Science is the spearhead of human progress and even philosophy. People that dedicate themselves to Science and its use for finding and exploring truths....to me are the same as the Rishis and Sages of the old times when we were still coming out of hunter-gatherer mode to practice farming....the goal is always the same....and should always be the same for us to all survive and prosper in a balanced sustainable way.
No matter how hard you argue, the inherent incompatibility and tension between religions and science is all but too obvious. You just can't deny it.
I agree with you "Human/internal development is more important to me than material/external development." But I would like to discuss with you if internal development means religion.

I try to put a book list, I guess it's one in a million, for the thousands of years, Chinese ancestors' great works.


《贞观政要》 (唐朝)吴兢——历代君王的教科书和资治手册,康熙、乾隆视之为座右铭,日本最高统治者的必读教材,韩国总统金泳三就任之前反复研读。号今天下,莫敢不从。
《反经》 (唐朝)赵菠历代统治者避而不谈,但又不得不读的一部经世致用之书。
《官经》 (清)载淳——总结千年政治权术,论释历朝官训谋略。
《盐铁论》 (西汉)桓宽——中国历史上第一部政治学术著作。
《盛世危言》 (清)郑观应——一部系统论述学习西方,发展资本主义,振兴中国,影响中国几代志士仁人的重要政治著作。
《商君书》 (战国)商软——中国最伟大的变法家的兴邦定国之书,虽遭五马分尸,但名垂革新青史。
《鬼谷子》 (战国)鬼谷先生——中国先秦时代游说、纵横之学的登峰造极之作,一部在国内外产生重要影响的奇书。
《人物志》 (三国)刘邵——选贤任能,陈力就列,第一部集名理学大成的人才学专著。
《政训》 (南宋)朱熹——一部集中反映儒家为政之道的从政者必读之书。
《康熙政要》 (清朝)张——一部记录康熙雄才大略,展示名臣风节的优秀权谋名著兵法名著。
《六韬》 (西周)姜太公——独具体系和特色的一部集先秦军事理论之大成的兵家典籍,千百年来武举武科的必读教材。
《孙子兵法》 (春秋)孙武——"兵学圣典"、"百代谈兵之祖"、中国古代最著名的军事著作,国外多家军事院校的教材,海内外企业家以兵法经营管理的'怪经", 广为流传,备受推崇。
《孙殡兵法》 (战国)孙殡——"孙子殡足,兵法修列",中国古代对战争观、战略战术和军队建设有独到见解的不朽军事著作。
《诸葛亮将苑》 (三国)诸葛亮——中国军事史上专论为将之道的兵学专著、"将才学", "统军带兵的将领的必读之书"。
《练兵实纪》 (明朝)戚继光——民族英雄抗侨名将戚继光的军事训练专著"撼山易,撼戚家军难",痛击日冠,还我河山。
《三十六计》 (南朝)佚名——一部充满玄机的军事谋略学专著,出将入相者必读之书,被广泛应用于现代商政。
《刘伯温百战奇略》 (明朝)刘基——一部集文学价值和军事价值于一体的不朽兵学专著。
《八阵图合变说》 (明朝)龙正——中国西代阵法集大成之作。
《曾胡治兵语录》 (民国)蔡愕——记录曾国藩、胡林翼的治军思想、治兵之法蒋介石亲笔为本书补辑《治心》 一章法治名著。
《唐律疏义》 (唐朝)长孙无忌——中国历史上现存最为完整的封建法典。
《洗冤集录》 (南宋)宋慈——世界上最早的法医学专著历史名著。
《尚书》 (春秋)孔子著称"上古之书",中国现存最早的史书,素以文辞古奥难懂。
《战国策》 (西汉)刘向——一部展示战国风云历史画卷最精彩的历史著作。
《史通》 (唐朝)刘知己——中国史学的百科全书,一书在手,历史全通诸子百家。
《周易》 (商朝)姬昌(文王)- "上知天文,下知地理,中察人事"中国历史上内容博大精深的不朽哲学著作,世界文明史上的奇葩。
《道德经》 (春秋)李耳——又称《老子》 ,中国历史上最负盛名,对中国人立身处世之道影响最大的"阴谋"哲学,被译为数十种文字,海外发行量居中国传统文化经典之首。
《论语》 (春秋)孔子及后学——记录孔子及其弟子言行的中国儒家学派的基本经典,"半部论语治天下",影响中国二千年的"东方圣经",世界文化史上的不朽丰碑。
《孝经》 (春秋)曾参——一部罕见的奇书,帝王将相们多次为其作注,中国封建社会的治世法宝,"参两仪,长四德,冠五伦,纲维百行,总会六经", "君令臣死,臣不得不死;父令子亡,子不得不亡。"
《大学》 (战国)曾参及其门人"“格物”、“致知”、“诚意”、“正心”、"修身"、"齐家"、"治国"、"平天下",中国历史上最系统的政治哲学。
《中庸》 (战国)子思——为政者的最高境界,中国封建社会,政治范畴中的哲学方法论,能守中庸之道者,必能成安邦定国、振衰起废之大业。
《孟子》 (战国)孟柯——中国儒家学派的经典之作,中国古代思想史上的启明星。
《庄子》 (战国)庄周——先秦道家学术的集大成之作,中国哲学史上的伟大著作,中国浪漫主义文学、寓言文学的"奠基之作",中国小说创作的鼻祖,先秦诸子散文中思想性、艺术性最高的作品。
《荀子》 (战国)荀卿——先秦诸子学说的集大成之作,中国哲学、学术思想史上继往开来的不朽丰碑。
《吕氏春秋》 (战国)吕不韦——"备天地万物古今之事",中国先秦杂家学派的集大成之作,吕不韦说"谁能增删一字,赏赐千金"。
《韩非子》 (战国)韩非——法、术、势并重,以"法"治国,弄权之"术",君王成"势",中国封建社会中央集权君主专制制度的政治思想基础。
《礼记》 (西汉)戴圣——先帝儒家礼乐治国思想的集大成之作,中国作为礼义之邦的重要标志佛道名著《周易参同契》 (东汉)魏伯阳——中国最早的道教炼丹专著。
《抱朴子内篇》 (西晋)葛洪——一部完整、系统、包罗万象的道教理论专著,中国古代生命哲学的权威著作。
《妙法莲华经》 (北朝)鸿摩罗什天台宗的立宗经典,三乘归一,一切众生皆能成佛,中国佛教。
《维摩话经》 (北朝)鸿摩罗什——中国大乘佛教的经典之作,中国佛教宗派形成的理论依据。
《百喻经》 (南朝)求那毗地——东方的《伊索寓言》 ,文义浅白易解,喻义广博精深,广为流传,影响深远。
《坛经》 (唐朝)六祖慧能——中国佛教史上的经典名著、中国禅宗的奠基之作,印度佛教中国化的标志之作。
《太极图说》 (北宋)周敦颐——中国历史上颇负盛名的理学著作、中国儒、道释三教合一的直观反映。
《太上感应篇》 (北宋)李昌龄——中国道教内丹学的集大成之作,中国古代生命哲学研究的重大突破蒙学名著
《千字文》 (南朝)周兴嗣——中国最早问世的一部优秀童蒙读物,文笔优美,语言洗炼,流传海外,独领风骚
《百家姓》 (北宋)钱唐老儒——与三字经、千字文鼎足而立的优秀童蒙读物,千古传诵,琅琅上口。
《增广贤文》 (清代)周希陶——凝聚前人智慧,代表百家思想,处世、经验、智慧、原则的总结,通俗易懂,流传至今。
《幼学琼林》 (明朝)程登吉——"读了增广会说话,读了《幼学》 走天下",中国古代蒙学读物中影响最大,编得最好的读本,蒙学读物的百科全书。
《龙文鞭影》 (明朝)萧良有——一部颇富鞭策、启迪意味的优秀童蒙读物。
《声律启蒙》 (清朝)车方育——一部专门训练儿童对偶技巧、声韵格律的一部独具一格,历久不衰的优秀童蒙读物。
《三字经》 (清朝)区适子——"人之初,性本善",代表中国古代童蒙读物最高水平的一部经典读物,流传最广、家喻户晓的家庭教育教科书。
《格言联壁》 (清朝)山阴金——以金科玉律之言,作暮鼓晨钟之警,凝聚古代先哲智慧的优秀蒙学读物家训名著。
《孔子家语》 (西汉)孔安国氏家学的珍贵文献与《论语》 相映成趣的一部不可多得的研究孔。
《颜氏家训》 (北朝)颜之推——中国历史上第一部内容丰富,体系宏大的家训专著。
《袁氏世范》 (南宋)袁采——一部与《颜氏家训》 相提并论,"于立身处世之道反覆详尽"的家训经典。
《温公家苑》 (北宋)司马光——一部因《资治通鉴》 名气太大而不太为人注意,但又"有补于世道人心非浅"的家训经典。
《治家格言》 (清朝)朱柏庐——"微言大义",深得治家之道的精髓,一部不可多得的害训读物。
《郑板桥家书》 (清朝)郑板桥——扬州八怪之首,难得其家书也是一怪。
《曾国藩家书》 (清朝)曾国藩——中国历史上一部前无古人,垂鉴后世的规模最大影响深远的家书,毛泽东、蒋介石均备加推崇。
《双节堂庸训》 (清朝)汪辉祖——一部融“圣贤书”与“人间事”于一炉,对普通家庭产生重要影响的家训经典处世名著。
《菜根谭》 (明朝)洪应明——一部融汇我国传统名家名派言论精华的优秀格言书,入世出世、修心养性、心人为善者必读之书。
《小窗幽记》 (明朝)陈眉公——一部广博精微的立身处世之学。
《围炉夜话》 (清朝)王永彬——一部修身、齐家、治国、平天下的秘笑文学名著。
《诗经》 (春秋)孔子——中国文学史上现存最早的诗歌总集,可以"兴"、可以“观”、可以“群”、可以"怨"。
《楚辞》 (战国)屈原、宋玉等——中国浪漫主义诗歌的奠基之作。
《文心雕龙》 (南朝)刘勰——中国文学批评史上的划时代作品,第一次在中国文学史上建立起中国文学理论体系,中国古典文学理论宝库中最耀眼的明珠。
《千家诗》 (南宋)刘克庄——中国文学史上一部优秀的唐宋诗选本、不可多得的童蒙读物。
《绝妙好词》 (南宋)周密——中国文学史上最早的新代词选之一,集南宋婉约、格律派词作之精华。
《郁离子》 (明朝)刘基——指桑骂槐含沙射影,中国古代寓言的不朽丰碑。
《曲品》 (明朝)吕天成——中国戏曲史上不可多得的曲论专著。
《唐诗三百首》 (清)孙沫——中国文学史上最有影响,流传最广的唐诗选本,"熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟"。
《人间词话》 (清)国王维——中国最后一部,也是影响最大的一部古典词学专著,代代传阅,历久不衰学术名著。
《论衡》 (东汉)王充——秦汉时期最杰出的唯物主义思想和无神论专著。
《近思录》 (南宋)朱熹——中国儒学史上理学的经典之作。
《传习录》 (明朝)王守仁——一部同程朱理学叫板,风靡晚明,启迪近代,影响至今的著名哲学著作。
《焚书》 (明朝)李赞——中国封建时代异端学说的滥筋。
《闲情偶寄》 (清明)李渔——清初学术界的《吕氏春秋》。
《金圣叹读批<水浒传>》 (清朝)金圣叹——一部扑面而来,颇具真人气息的评点。
《清代学术概论》 (清朝)梁启超——中国第一部系统总结清代学术思想的著作异域风情。
《大唐西城记》 (唐朝)玄类——现存规模最大的反映周边列国状况的风土人情专著,真"唐僧',的"西游记"。
《岛夷志略》 (元朝)汪大渊——中国元代航海家的壮举,历述九十九国社会,政治、经济、风土人情概貌,被译为英、法、日等多国文字,蜚声海内外的一部异国风情录中医名著。
《黄帝内经》 (战国)佚名——中国最早的中医学理论专著,奠定中国数千年中医理论的基础,指导中国数千年医疗临床的实践。
《神农本草经》 (战国)佚名——中国现存最早的一部药学专著。
《脉经》 (西晋)王叔和——中国现存最早系统叙述脉学的医学专著百科名著。
《考工记》 (西周)周公——中国最早的一部科学文献。
《齐民要术》 (北朝)贾思瓣——中国现存最早、最完整的一部包括农林牧副渔的综合农书。
《梦溪笔谈》 (北宋)沈括——"中国科学史上的里程碑""中国科学史上的坐标", 中国古代八大科学名著之首,包罗万象,博大精深。
《新仪象法要》 (北宋)苏颂——领先世界水平,内含世界上最早的星象图、最早的跟踪观测星体的天文仪器图、中国最早的机械图纸的天文学著作《教书九章》 (南宋)秦九韶——世界数学史上最传大的数学理论专著之一。
《农桑辑要》 (元朝)司农——中国现存最早的官修农书。
《天工开物》 (明朝)宋应星——中国历史上最有影响的一部科技百科全书,"国故有最值得赞许的一部科学典籍",中国古代八大科学名著之一综艺名著。
《乐记》 (西汉)刘德毛生——先秦至汉初儒家音乐美学思想的集大成之作。
《茶经》 (唐朝)陆羽——中国第一部茶叶专著。
《书谱》 (唐朝)孙过庭——中国古代书法理论的瑰宝。
《橘中秘》 (明朝)朱晋祯——中国象棋史上影响最大、流传最广的棋谱。
《园冶》 (明朝)计成——一部文化史上第一部系统的造园学专著。
《芥子园画传》 (清朝)王概等——中国书画爱好者不可多得的启蒙教材。
《景德镇陶录》 (清朝)蓝浦郑廷桂——中国第一部全面阐述景德镇古瓷业的专著,中国古代工艺美术的瑰宝。
《弈理指归》 (清朝)施定庵——中国古代最有影响的围棋专著

Internal Development is not restricted to Religion .
Internal development comes through Wisdom and Experience .
I agree with you "Human/internal development is more important to me than material/external development." But I would like to discuss with you if internal development means religion.

I try to put a book list, I guess it's one in a million, for the thousands of years, Chinese ancestors' great works.


《贞观政要》 (唐朝)吴兢——历代君王的教科书和资治手册,康熙、乾隆视之为座右铭,日本最高统治者的必读教材,韩国总统金泳三就任之前反复研读。号今天下,莫敢不从。
《反经》 (唐朝)赵菠历代统治者避而不谈,但又不得不读的一部经世致用之书。
《官经》 (清)载淳——总结千年政治权术,论释历朝官训谋略。
《盐铁论》 (西汉)桓宽——中国历史上第一部政治学术著作。
《盛世危言》 (清)郑观应——一部系统论述学习西方,发展资本主义,振兴中国,影响中国几代志士仁人的重要政治著作。
《商君书》 (战国)商软——中国最伟大的变法家的兴邦定国之书,虽遭五马分尸,但名垂革新青史。
《鬼谷子》 (战国)鬼谷先生——中国先秦时代游说、纵横之学的登峰造极之作,一部在国内外产生重要影响的奇书。
《人物志》 (三国)刘邵——选贤任能,陈力就列,第一部集名理学大成的人才学专著。
《政训》 (南宋)朱熹——一部集中反映儒家为政之道的从政者必读之书。
《康熙政要》 (清朝)张——一部记录康熙雄才大略,展示名臣风节的优秀权谋名著兵法名著。
《六韬》 (西周)姜太公——独具体系和特色的一部集先秦军事理论之大成的兵家典籍,千百年来武举武科的必读教材。
《孙子兵法》 (春秋)孙武——"兵学圣典"、"百代谈兵之祖"、中国古代最著名的军事著作,国外多家军事院校的教材,海内外企业家以兵法经营管理的'怪经", 广为流传,备受推崇。
《孙殡兵法》 (战国)孙殡——"孙子殡足,兵法修列",中国古代对战争观、战略战术和军队建设有独到见解的不朽军事著作。
《诸葛亮将苑》 (三国)诸葛亮——中国军事史上专论为将之道的兵学专著、"将才学", "统军带兵的将领的必读之书"。
《练兵实纪》 (明朝)戚继光——民族英雄抗侨名将戚继光的军事训练专著"撼山易,撼戚家军难",痛击日冠,还我河山。
《三十六计》 (南朝)佚名——一部充满玄机的军事谋略学专著,出将入相者必读之书,被广泛应用于现代商政。
《刘伯温百战奇略》 (明朝)刘基——一部集文学价值和军事价值于一体的不朽兵学专著。
《八阵图合变说》 (明朝)龙正——中国西代阵法集大成之作。
《曾胡治兵语录》 (民国)蔡愕——记录曾国藩、胡林翼的治军思想、治兵之法蒋介石亲笔为本书补辑《治心》 一章法治名著。
《唐律疏义》 (唐朝)长孙无忌——中国历史上现存最为完整的封建法典。
《洗冤集录》 (南宋)宋慈——世界上最早的法医学专著历史名著。
《尚书》 (春秋)孔子著称"上古之书",中国现存最早的史书,素以文辞古奥难懂。
《战国策》 (西汉)刘向——一部展示战国风云历史画卷最精彩的历史著作。
《史通》 (唐朝)刘知己——中国史学的百科全书,一书在手,历史全通诸子百家。
《周易》 (商朝)姬昌(文王)- "上知天文,下知地理,中察人事"中国历史上内容博大精深的不朽哲学著作,世界文明史上的奇葩。
《道德经》 (春秋)李耳——又称《老子》 ,中国历史上最负盛名,对中国人立身处世之道影响最大的"阴谋"哲学,被译为数十种文字,海外发行量居中国传统文化经典之首。
《论语》 (春秋)孔子及后学——记录孔子及其弟子言行的中国儒家学派的基本经典,"半部论语治天下",影响中国二千年的"东方圣经",世界文化史上的不朽丰碑。
《孝经》 (春秋)曾参——一部罕见的奇书,帝王将相们多次为其作注,中国封建社会的治世法宝,"参两仪,长四德,冠五伦,纲维百行,总会六经", "君令臣死,臣不得不死;父令子亡,子不得不亡。"
《大学》 (战国)曾参及其门人"“格物”、“致知”、“诚意”、“正心”、"修身"、"齐家"、"治国"、"平天下",中国历史上最系统的政治哲学。
《中庸》 (战国)子思——为政者的最高境界,中国封建社会,政治范畴中的哲学方法论,能守中庸之道者,必能成安邦定国、振衰起废之大业。
《孟子》 (战国)孟柯——中国儒家学派的经典之作,中国古代思想史上的启明星。
《庄子》 (战国)庄周——先秦道家学术的集大成之作,中国哲学史上的伟大著作,中国浪漫主义文学、寓言文学的"奠基之作",中国小说创作的鼻祖,先秦诸子散文中思想性、艺术性最高的作品。
《荀子》 (战国)荀卿——先秦诸子学说的集大成之作,中国哲学、学术思想史上继往开来的不朽丰碑。
《吕氏春秋》 (战国)吕不韦——"备天地万物古今之事",中国先秦杂家学派的集大成之作,吕不韦说"谁能增删一字,赏赐千金"。
《韩非子》 (战国)韩非——法、术、势并重,以"法"治国,弄权之"术",君王成"势",中国封建社会中央集权君主专制制度的政治思想基础。
《礼记》 (西汉)戴圣——先帝儒家礼乐治国思想的集大成之作,中国作为礼义之邦的重要标志佛道名著《周易参同契》 (东汉)魏伯阳——中国最早的道教炼丹专著。
《抱朴子内篇》 (西晋)葛洪——一部完整、系统、包罗万象的道教理论专著,中国古代生命哲学的权威著作。
《妙法莲华经》 (北朝)鸿摩罗什天台宗的立宗经典,三乘归一,一切众生皆能成佛,中国佛教。
《维摩话经》 (北朝)鸿摩罗什——中国大乘佛教的经典之作,中国佛教宗派形成的理论依据。
《百喻经》 (南朝)求那毗地——东方的《伊索寓言》 ,文义浅白易解,喻义广博精深,广为流传,影响深远。
《坛经》 (唐朝)六祖慧能——中国佛教史上的经典名著、中国禅宗的奠基之作,印度佛教中国化的标志之作。
《太极图说》 (北宋)周敦颐——中国历史上颇负盛名的理学著作、中国儒、道释三教合一的直观反映。
《太上感应篇》 (北宋)李昌龄——中国道教内丹学的集大成之作,中国古代生命哲学研究的重大突破蒙学名著
《千字文》 (南朝)周兴嗣——中国最早问世的一部优秀童蒙读物,文笔优美,语言洗炼,流传海外,独领风骚
《百家姓》 (北宋)钱唐老儒——与三字经、千字文鼎足而立的优秀童蒙读物,千古传诵,琅琅上口。
《增广贤文》 (清代)周希陶——凝聚前人智慧,代表百家思想,处世、经验、智慧、原则的总结,通俗易懂,流传至今。
《幼学琼林》 (明朝)程登吉——"读了增广会说话,读了《幼学》 走天下",中国古代蒙学读物中影响最大,编得最好的读本,蒙学读物的百科全书。
《龙文鞭影》 (明朝)萧良有——一部颇富鞭策、启迪意味的优秀童蒙读物。
《声律启蒙》 (清朝)车方育——一部专门训练儿童对偶技巧、声韵格律的一部独具一格,历久不衰的优秀童蒙读物。
《三字经》 (清朝)区适子——"人之初,性本善",代表中国古代童蒙读物最高水平的一部经典读物,流传最广、家喻户晓的家庭教育教科书。
《格言联壁》 (清朝)山阴金——以金科玉律之言,作暮鼓晨钟之警,凝聚古代先哲智慧的优秀蒙学读物家训名著。
《孔子家语》 (西汉)孔安国氏家学的珍贵文献与《论语》 相映成趣的一部不可多得的研究孔。
《颜氏家训》 (北朝)颜之推——中国历史上第一部内容丰富,体系宏大的家训专著。
《袁氏世范》 (南宋)袁采——一部与《颜氏家训》 相提并论,"于立身处世之道反覆详尽"的家训经典。
《温公家苑》 (北宋)司马光——一部因《资治通鉴》 名气太大而不太为人注意,但又"有补于世道人心非浅"的家训经典。
《治家格言》 (清朝)朱柏庐——"微言大义",深得治家之道的精髓,一部不可多得的害训读物。
《郑板桥家书》 (清朝)郑板桥——扬州八怪之首,难得其家书也是一怪。
《曾国藩家书》 (清朝)曾国藩——中国历史上一部前无古人,垂鉴后世的规模最大影响深远的家书,毛泽东、蒋介石均备加推崇。
《双节堂庸训》 (清朝)汪辉祖——一部融“圣贤书”与“人间事”于一炉,对普通家庭产生重要影响的家训经典处世名著。
《菜根谭》 (明朝)洪应明——一部融汇我国传统名家名派言论精华的优秀格言书,入世出世、修心养性、心人为善者必读之书。
《小窗幽记》 (明朝)陈眉公——一部广博精微的立身处世之学。
《围炉夜话》 (清朝)王永彬——一部修身、齐家、治国、平天下的秘笑文学名著。
《诗经》 (春秋)孔子——中国文学史上现存最早的诗歌总集,可以"兴"、可以“观”、可以“群”、可以"怨"。
《楚辞》 (战国)屈原、宋玉等——中国浪漫主义诗歌的奠基之作。
《文心雕龙》 (南朝)刘勰——中国文学批评史上的划时代作品,第一次在中国文学史上建立起中国文学理论体系,中国古典文学理论宝库中最耀眼的明珠。
《千家诗》 (南宋)刘克庄——中国文学史上一部优秀的唐宋诗选本、不可多得的童蒙读物。
《绝妙好词》 (南宋)周密——中国文学史上最早的新代词选之一,集南宋婉约、格律派词作之精华。
《郁离子》 (明朝)刘基——指桑骂槐含沙射影,中国古代寓言的不朽丰碑。
《曲品》 (明朝)吕天成——中国戏曲史上不可多得的曲论专著。
《唐诗三百首》 (清)孙沫——中国文学史上最有影响,流传最广的唐诗选本,"熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟"。
《人间词话》 (清)国王维——中国最后一部,也是影响最大的一部古典词学专著,代代传阅,历久不衰学术名著。
《论衡》 (东汉)王充——秦汉时期最杰出的唯物主义思想和无神论专著。
《近思录》 (南宋)朱熹——中国儒学史上理学的经典之作。
《传习录》 (明朝)王守仁——一部同程朱理学叫板,风靡晚明,启迪近代,影响至今的著名哲学著作。
《焚书》 (明朝)李赞——中国封建时代异端学说的滥筋。
《闲情偶寄》 (清明)李渔——清初学术界的《吕氏春秋》。
《金圣叹读批<水浒传>》 (清朝)金圣叹——一部扑面而来,颇具真人气息的评点。
《清代学术概论》 (清朝)梁启超——中国第一部系统总结清代学术思想的著作异域风情。
《大唐西城记》 (唐朝)玄类——现存规模最大的反映周边列国状况的风土人情专著,真"唐僧',的"西游记"。
《岛夷志略》 (元朝)汪大渊——中国元代航海家的壮举,历述九十九国社会,政治、经济、风土人情概貌,被译为英、法、日等多国文字,蜚声海内外的一部异国风情录中医名著。
《黄帝内经》 (战国)佚名——中国最早的中医学理论专著,奠定中国数千年中医理论的基础,指导中国数千年医疗临床的实践。
《神农本草经》 (战国)佚名——中国现存最早的一部药学专著。
《脉经》 (西晋)王叔和——中国现存最早系统叙述脉学的医学专著百科名著。
《考工记》 (西周)周公——中国最早的一部科学文献。
《齐民要术》 (北朝)贾思瓣——中国现存最早、最完整的一部包括农林牧副渔的综合农书。
《梦溪笔谈》 (北宋)沈括——"中国科学史上的里程碑""中国科学史上的坐标", 中国古代八大科学名著之首,包罗万象,博大精深。
《新仪象法要》 (北宋)苏颂——领先世界水平,内含世界上最早的星象图、最早的跟踪观测星体的天文仪器图、中国最早的机械图纸的天文学著作《教书九章》 (南宋)秦九韶——世界数学史上最传大的数学理论专著之一。
《农桑辑要》 (元朝)司农——中国现存最早的官修农书。
《天工开物》 (明朝)宋应星——中国历史上最有影响的一部科技百科全书,"国故有最值得赞许的一部科学典籍",中国古代八大科学名著之一综艺名著。
《乐记》 (西汉)刘德毛生——先秦至汉初儒家音乐美学思想的集大成之作。
《茶经》 (唐朝)陆羽——中国第一部茶叶专著。
《书谱》 (唐朝)孙过庭——中国古代书法理论的瑰宝。
《橘中秘》 (明朝)朱晋祯——中国象棋史上影响最大、流传最广的棋谱。
《园冶》 (明朝)计成——一部文化史上第一部系统的造园学专著。
《芥子园画传》 (清朝)王概等——中国书画爱好者不可多得的启蒙教材。
《景德镇陶录》 (清朝)蓝浦郑廷桂——中国第一部全面阐述景德镇古瓷业的专著,中国古代工艺美术的瑰宝。
《弈理指归》 (清朝)施定庵——中国古代最有影响的围棋专著
I agree with you "Human/internal development is more important to me than material/external development." But I would like to discuss with you if internal development means religion.

I try to put a book list, I guess it's one in a million, for the thousands of years, Chinese ancestors' great works.


《贞观政要》 (唐朝)吴兢——历代君王的教科书和资治手册,康熙、乾隆视之为座右铭,日本最高统治者的必读教材,韩国总统金泳三就任之前反复研读。号今天下,莫敢不从。
《反经》 (唐朝)赵菠历代统治者避而不谈,但又不得不读的一部经世致用之书。
《官经》 (清)载淳——总结千年政治权术,论释历朝官训谋略。
《盐铁论》 (西汉)桓宽——中国历史上第一部政治学术著作。
《盛世危言》 (清)郑观应——一部系统论述学习西方,发展资本主义,振兴中国,影响中国几代志士仁人的重要政治著作。
《商君书》 (战国)商软——中国最伟大的变法家的兴邦定国之书,虽遭五马分尸,但名垂革新青史。
《鬼谷子》 (战国)鬼谷先生——中国先秦时代游说、纵横之学的登峰造极之作,一部在国内外产生重要影响的奇书。
《人物志》 (三国)刘邵——选贤任能,陈力就列,第一部集名理学大成的人才学专著。
《政训》 (南宋)朱熹——一部集中反映儒家为政之道的从政者必读之书。
《康熙政要》 (清朝)张——一部记录康熙雄才大略,展示名臣风节的优秀权谋名著兵法名著。
《六韬》 (西周)姜太公——独具体系和特色的一部集先秦军事理论之大成的兵家典籍,千百年来武举武科的必读教材。
《孙子兵法》 (春秋)孙武——"兵学圣典"、"百代谈兵之祖"、中国古代最著名的军事著作,国外多家军事院校的教材,海内外企业家以兵法经营管理的'怪经", 广为流传,备受推崇。
《孙殡兵法》 (战国)孙殡——"孙子殡足,兵法修列",中国古代对战争观、战略战术和军队建设有独到见解的不朽军事著作。
《诸葛亮将苑》 (三国)诸葛亮——中国军事史上专论为将之道的兵学专著、"将才学", "统军带兵的将领的必读之书"。
《练兵实纪》 (明朝)戚继光——民族英雄抗侨名将戚继光的军事训练专著"撼山易,撼戚家军难",痛击日冠,还我河山。
《三十六计》 (南朝)佚名——一部充满玄机的军事谋略学专著,出将入相者必读之书,被广泛应用于现代商政。
《刘伯温百战奇略》 (明朝)刘基——一部集文学价值和军事价值于一体的不朽兵学专著。
《八阵图合变说》 (明朝)龙正——中国西代阵法集大成之作。
《曾胡治兵语录》 (民国)蔡愕——记录曾国藩、胡林翼的治军思想、治兵之法蒋介石亲笔为本书补辑《治心》 一章法治名著。
《唐律疏义》 (唐朝)长孙无忌——中国历史上现存最为完整的封建法典。
《洗冤集录》 (南宋)宋慈——世界上最早的法医学专著历史名著。
《尚书》 (春秋)孔子著称"上古之书",中国现存最早的史书,素以文辞古奥难懂。
《战国策》 (西汉)刘向——一部展示战国风云历史画卷最精彩的历史著作。
《史通》 (唐朝)刘知己——中国史学的百科全书,一书在手,历史全通诸子百家。
《周易》 (商朝)姬昌(文王)- "上知天文,下知地理,中察人事"中国历史上内容博大精深的不朽哲学著作,世界文明史上的奇葩。
《道德经》 (春秋)李耳——又称《老子》 ,中国历史上最负盛名,对中国人立身处世之道影响最大的"阴谋"哲学,被译为数十种文字,海外发行量居中国传统文化经典之首。
《论语》 (春秋)孔子及后学——记录孔子及其弟子言行的中国儒家学派的基本经典,"半部论语治天下",影响中国二千年的"东方圣经",世界文化史上的不朽丰碑。
《孝经》 (春秋)曾参——一部罕见的奇书,帝王将相们多次为其作注,中国封建社会的治世法宝,"参两仪,长四德,冠五伦,纲维百行,总会六经", "君令臣死,臣不得不死;父令子亡,子不得不亡。"
《大学》 (战国)曾参及其门人"“格物”、“致知”、“诚意”、“正心”、"修身"、"齐家"、"治国"、"平天下",中国历史上最系统的政治哲学。
《中庸》 (战国)子思——为政者的最高境界,中国封建社会,政治范畴中的哲学方法论,能守中庸之道者,必能成安邦定国、振衰起废之大业。
《孟子》 (战国)孟柯——中国儒家学派的经典之作,中国古代思想史上的启明星。
《庄子》 (战国)庄周——先秦道家学术的集大成之作,中国哲学史上的伟大著作,中国浪漫主义文学、寓言文学的"奠基之作",中国小说创作的鼻祖,先秦诸子散文中思想性、艺术性最高的作品。
《荀子》 (战国)荀卿——先秦诸子学说的集大成之作,中国哲学、学术思想史上继往开来的不朽丰碑。
《吕氏春秋》 (战国)吕不韦——"备天地万物古今之事",中国先秦杂家学派的集大成之作,吕不韦说"谁能增删一字,赏赐千金"。
《韩非子》 (战国)韩非——法、术、势并重,以"法"治国,弄权之"术",君王成"势",中国封建社会中央集权君主专制制度的政治思想基础。
《礼记》 (西汉)戴圣——先帝儒家礼乐治国思想的集大成之作,中国作为礼义之邦的重要标志佛道名著《周易参同契》 (东汉)魏伯阳——中国最早的道教炼丹专著。
《抱朴子内篇》 (西晋)葛洪——一部完整、系统、包罗万象的道教理论专著,中国古代生命哲学的权威著作。
《妙法莲华经》 (北朝)鸿摩罗什天台宗的立宗经典,三乘归一,一切众生皆能成佛,中国佛教。
《维摩话经》 (北朝)鸿摩罗什——中国大乘佛教的经典之作,中国佛教宗派形成的理论依据。
《百喻经》 (南朝)求那毗地——东方的《伊索寓言》 ,文义浅白易解,喻义广博精深,广为流传,影响深远。
《坛经》 (唐朝)六祖慧能——中国佛教史上的经典名著、中国禅宗的奠基之作,印度佛教中国化的标志之作。
《太极图说》 (北宋)周敦颐——中国历史上颇负盛名的理学著作、中国儒、道释三教合一的直观反映。
《太上感应篇》 (北宋)李昌龄——中国道教内丹学的集大成之作,中国古代生命哲学研究的重大突破蒙学名著
《千字文》 (南朝)周兴嗣——中国最早问世的一部优秀童蒙读物,文笔优美,语言洗炼,流传海外,独领风骚
《百家姓》 (北宋)钱唐老儒——与三字经、千字文鼎足而立的优秀童蒙读物,千古传诵,琅琅上口。
《增广贤文》 (清代)周希陶——凝聚前人智慧,代表百家思想,处世、经验、智慧、原则的总结,通俗易懂,流传至今。
《幼学琼林》 (明朝)程登吉——"读了增广会说话,读了《幼学》 走天下",中国古代蒙学读物中影响最大,编得最好的读本,蒙学读物的百科全书。
《龙文鞭影》 (明朝)萧良有——一部颇富鞭策、启迪意味的优秀童蒙读物。
《声律启蒙》 (清朝)车方育——一部专门训练儿童对偶技巧、声韵格律的一部独具一格,历久不衰的优秀童蒙读物。
《三字经》 (清朝)区适子——"人之初,性本善",代表中国古代童蒙读物最高水平的一部经典读物,流传最广、家喻户晓的家庭教育教科书。
《格言联壁》 (清朝)山阴金——以金科玉律之言,作暮鼓晨钟之警,凝聚古代先哲智慧的优秀蒙学读物家训名著。
《孔子家语》 (西汉)孔安国氏家学的珍贵文献与《论语》 相映成趣的一部不可多得的研究孔。
《颜氏家训》 (北朝)颜之推——中国历史上第一部内容丰富,体系宏大的家训专著。
《袁氏世范》 (南宋)袁采——一部与《颜氏家训》 相提并论,"于立身处世之道反覆详尽"的家训经典。
《温公家苑》 (北宋)司马光——一部因《资治通鉴》 名气太大而不太为人注意,但又"有补于世道人心非浅"的家训经典。
《治家格言》 (清朝)朱柏庐——"微言大义",深得治家之道的精髓,一部不可多得的害训读物。
《郑板桥家书》 (清朝)郑板桥——扬州八怪之首,难得其家书也是一怪。
《曾国藩家书》 (清朝)曾国藩——中国历史上一部前无古人,垂鉴后世的规模最大影响深远的家书,毛泽东、蒋介石均备加推崇。
《双节堂庸训》 (清朝)汪辉祖——一部融“圣贤书”与“人间事”于一炉,对普通家庭产生重要影响的家训经典处世名著。
《菜根谭》 (明朝)洪应明——一部融汇我国传统名家名派言论精华的优秀格言书,入世出世、修心养性、心人为善者必读之书。
《小窗幽记》 (明朝)陈眉公——一部广博精微的立身处世之学。
《围炉夜话》 (清朝)王永彬——一部修身、齐家、治国、平天下的秘笑文学名著。
《诗经》 (春秋)孔子——中国文学史上现存最早的诗歌总集,可以"兴"、可以“观”、可以“群”、可以"怨"。
《楚辞》 (战国)屈原、宋玉等——中国浪漫主义诗歌的奠基之作。
《文心雕龙》 (南朝)刘勰——中国文学批评史上的划时代作品,第一次在中国文学史上建立起中国文学理论体系,中国古典文学理论宝库中最耀眼的明珠。
《千家诗》 (南宋)刘克庄——中国文学史上一部优秀的唐宋诗选本、不可多得的童蒙读物。
《绝妙好词》 (南宋)周密——中国文学史上最早的新代词选之一,集南宋婉约、格律派词作之精华。
《郁离子》 (明朝)刘基——指桑骂槐含沙射影,中国古代寓言的不朽丰碑。
《曲品》 (明朝)吕天成——中国戏曲史上不可多得的曲论专著。
《唐诗三百首》 (清)孙沫——中国文学史上最有影响,流传最广的唐诗选本,"熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟"。
《人间词话》 (清)国王维——中国最后一部,也是影响最大的一部古典词学专著,代代传阅,历久不衰学术名著。
《论衡》 (东汉)王充——秦汉时期最杰出的唯物主义思想和无神论专著。
《近思录》 (南宋)朱熹——中国儒学史上理学的经典之作。
《传习录》 (明朝)王守仁——一部同程朱理学叫板,风靡晚明,启迪近代,影响至今的著名哲学著作。
《焚书》 (明朝)李赞——中国封建时代异端学说的滥筋。
《闲情偶寄》 (清明)李渔——清初学术界的《吕氏春秋》。
《金圣叹读批<水浒传>》 (清朝)金圣叹——一部扑面而来,颇具真人气息的评点。
《清代学术概论》 (清朝)梁启超——中国第一部系统总结清代学术思想的著作异域风情。
《大唐西城记》 (唐朝)玄类——现存规模最大的反映周边列国状况的风土人情专著,真"唐僧',的"西游记"。
《岛夷志略》 (元朝)汪大渊——中国元代航海家的壮举,历述九十九国社会,政治、经济、风土人情概貌,被译为英、法、日等多国文字,蜚声海内外的一部异国风情录中医名著。
《黄帝内经》 (战国)佚名——中国最早的中医学理论专著,奠定中国数千年中医理论的基础,指导中国数千年医疗临床的实践。
《神农本草经》 (战国)佚名——中国现存最早的一部药学专著。
《脉经》 (西晋)王叔和——中国现存最早系统叙述脉学的医学专著百科名著。
《考工记》 (西周)周公——中国最早的一部科学文献。
《齐民要术》 (北朝)贾思瓣——中国现存最早、最完整的一部包括农林牧副渔的综合农书。
《梦溪笔谈》 (北宋)沈括——"中国科学史上的里程碑""中国科学史上的坐标", 中国古代八大科学名著之首,包罗万象,博大精深。
《新仪象法要》 (北宋)苏颂——领先世界水平,内含世界上最早的星象图、最早的跟踪观测星体的天文仪器图、中国最早的机械图纸的天文学著作《教书九章》 (南宋)秦九韶——世界数学史上最传大的数学理论专著之一。
《农桑辑要》 (元朝)司农——中国现存最早的官修农书。
《天工开物》 (明朝)宋应星——中国历史上最有影响的一部科技百科全书,"国故有最值得赞许的一部科学典籍",中国古代八大科学名著之一综艺名著。
《乐记》 (西汉)刘德毛生——先秦至汉初儒家音乐美学思想的集大成之作。
《茶经》 (唐朝)陆羽——中国第一部茶叶专著。
《书谱》 (唐朝)孙过庭——中国古代书法理论的瑰宝。
《橘中秘》 (明朝)朱晋祯——中国象棋史上影响最大、流传最广的棋谱。
《园冶》 (明朝)计成——一部文化史上第一部系统的造园学专著。
《芥子园画传》 (清朝)王概等——中国书画爱好者不可多得的启蒙教材。
《景德镇陶录》 (清朝)蓝浦郑廷桂——中国第一部全面阐述景德镇古瓷业的专著,中国古代工艺美术的瑰宝。
《弈理指归》 (清朝)施定庵——中国古代最有影响的围棋专著
An amazing list of the books and writings written by our ancestors covering every aspects of human's life, showing the extensiveness and profoundness of the Chinese cultures to the world.

It is a pity that I only heard no more than 30 %, read maybe 10 to 15 of them.
The problem with these studies is that they interpret what religion means from a western (Christian view)....which is part of the overall Abrahamic view (everything written in one book, follow that book, detract from it and you are non-believer, infidel etc.).

Eastern religions and philosophies are very different from this concept, as our Chinese members have already explained.

Some Chinese friends and colleagues I know (in China)...are atheist but that does not mean they are automatically non-philosophical or not at all spiritual even. Every human being inherently has questions and personal time when he wonders about those questions.... all modern and richer societies have to find the balance for this. Even Hinduism has this balance enshrined in its symbolism, with knowledge, wealth and power representing the three goddesses and birth, life and death the 3 gods associated with them. Gaining material wealth is a natural part of the life cycle basically....it should not be abhorred as long as their is balance (which you as a person are free to interpret).

To me it is the pursuit of truth that is the single most important thing for humanity, if its religion that helps you do this....fine....if you can do it without religion, thats fine too. This is the "fullness" of a society for me, its overall pursuit for truth...with or without "religion" (especially defined by only one group of people) being the influence.

Thats why I don't automatically label everyone as purely materialist/hollow etc....if they feel religion is not important.

After all even Vedas has Nasadiya Sukta

Nasadiya Sukta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

which elevates truth above all else. If you equate truth to god (like me), how you specifically get to truth is not important....and I do wish more Indians and people in general become like that over time instead of being over-involved in superstitious details or material agglomeration (there needs to be balance of both, but time to reflect on existence and the pursuit of truth).

Thats why to me Science is the spearhead of human progress and even philosophy. People that dedicate themselves to Science and its use for finding and exploring truths....to me are the same as the Rishis and Sages of the old times when we were still coming out of hunter-gatherer mode to practice farming....the goal is always the same....and should always be the same for us to all survive and prosper in a balanced sustainable way.

I think the divide happened with Charlemagne and Qin Shi Huang. The first emperor of China declared himself, God. This isn't like now, people back then believed he and all the emperors after him are God. With Charlemagne, he accepted the crown from the Pope and thus, he was under God. He was a prince of God, but not God.

Chinese and Western people are spiritual, but with the West, and I'm unsure on how Hinduism works, Jesus still exists. The God in China, the emperors have died with the last of the Qing emperors.

Americans can still believe in God, even as a republic, because God was never the monarch, yet Chinese God was the emperor and as a republic, God has died in China.

Also communism helped.

That I think that is the key to the difference we attribute to our level of religious beliefs.

On a point we do differ. Religious monks in Europe were the driving force for education and knowledge. It's unfair to attribute crazy superstition to religion.

As is my belief with the Crusades, if it wasn't Jesus, it would have been something else, the allure of land was far greater than any spiritual belief.

Just look at India, cows are sacred, yet you export more beef than we do. Though part of it has to do with maybe you don't eat it in house.

People have their reasons, it's more likely due to some selfish greedy reasons than any religious reasons.
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An amazing list of the books and writings written by our ancestors covering every aspects of human's life, showing the extensiveness and profoundness of the Chinese cultures to the world.

It is a pity that I only heard no more than 30 %, read maybe 10 to 15 of them.

The truly amazing thing is that we can even read and understand these works written by our ancestors thousands years ago!
Heh so there is a correlation between wealth and religious beliefs, but are there any causal relationship between those two variables?

Will religion causes one to become poor/less developed? and being secular causes one to become wealthier/developed?

Neh, from my personal observations, I would say there is a causal relationship, but in the opposite...when one is poor or in desolation, one might tend to take religion/spirituality more seriously. And generally, when someone becomes rich, they ignore their past, ignore their old friends (especially if they came from poor background) and....religion. Not always, but these kind of cases are not out of the ordinary.

In other words, money and wealth changes people, and money can change peoples’ religious beliefs or spiritual outlook (so its not the other way around like some of you here were suggesting).

There are plenty of academic studies that hint at this:

How Money Can Change People and Affect Their Behavior

How Money Can Change People and Affect Their Behavior

Going from rags to riches is essentially the American Dream. Whether it happens by way of a better-paying job orwinning the lottery, some studies suggest that money can change your behavior – and not always for the better. Of course, there are plenty of charitable, helpful, and giving wealthy people. However, results from some studies have proven that they may be the exception, rather than the rule.

Your thoughts, behavior, and actions are all linked to your psychology, which is composed of a host of factors ranging from your genetic makeup to the way you were raised. While money doesn’t exactly shape your belief system, it can influence the way you think and act toward others. Gaining a better understanding of the sway that money – or the lack of it – may have on your behavior can make you more aware of when it might be pulling your strings and, hopefully, help you learn to stop it.

Ways Money Affects Behavior
From your relationships to the way you view yourself, cash can have a serious bearing on your beliefs. There are numerous pieces of scientific evidence behind the idea that money truly can change people.

1. Social and Business Value
A 2004 study proved that money alters how you value your time and effort. Researchers James Heyman and Dan Ariely created an experiment by which they could measure how motivated a person was to complete a task based upon money. Subjects were asked to drag circles across a computer screen. One group was asked to do this as a “favor.” Another group was asked to do it for $0.50, and the last group was offered $5. After timing the subjects, it was actually the group asked to perform the task as a favor that did it the fastest. Next was the $5 group, and last was the $0.50 group.

Heyman and Ariely surmised that there are two motivations for completing a given task. The first is social. By recognizing a task’s social value, we see it as a worthy investment of time and a part of our social duty, and we are usually happy to help out. When money is offered as the motivation, however, we then start thinking less of the social aspect and more about the business value. Therefore, we measure our time against the monetary reward, which may be why the $0.50 group was the slowest – they simply thought their time and effort were worth more money.

It’s clear to see that money can be a motivator when it comes to determining value. While doing something for free as a favor has a positive connotation, that part of the brain is effectively turned off when money is introduced. This could have serious repercussions in your work life. If you feel like you deserve more money, you may under-perform as a result.

2. Self-Sufficiency and Service
Those who are conscious of money typically strive to be more self-sufficient than those for whom money isn’t a priority – at least that’s what a 2009 Yale School of Management studyfound. The study was structured around Monopoly money. One group of subjects entered a room that had several reminders of money, such as Monopoly cash on the table, statements about money, and even financial conversation. The second group of subjects entered a room where money wasn’t mentioned, and both were issued a test.

When given a very difficult and even impossible task, with instructions that help was available, it was the money-related group that seemed the most intent on getting the job done alone, even when it was not possible to finish the task solo. The non-money group, on the other hand, tended to ask for assistance. The study concluded that money-conscious individuals are more self-sufficient than their peers, particularly when money is made the focus.

The Yale study continued to measure how money affected a person’s behavior by using the same groups to illustrate compassion and service in both the money-conscious subjects and those subjects in a money-free environment. When a seemingly uninvolved person crossed their path with an armload of folders and pencils and then dropped them, it was the group that wasn’t reminded of money that was the most helpful. The money-conscious group was both less likely to offer and to seek assistance with a task.

3. Self-View
The amount you earn could have an effect on how you view both yourself and others. A study published in an August 2013 issue of the “Journal of Personality and Social Psychology” asked individuals to rate things such as class, genetics, and even I.Q. When the results were analyzed, they were defined as an individual’s sense of “class essentialism” – the idea that differences between classes are based upon identity and genetics, rather than circumstance.

The wealthiest respondents were those with the deepest sense of class essentialism. Poor people tended to believe that class was not related to genes – that essentially, anyone can be rich and anyone can be poor. Rich people, on the other hand, were more likely to believe that wealth was part of genes and identity – that they were entitled to wealth based upon their personal circumstances and actions. Wealthy respondents also believed that, more or less, life is fair and people mostly get what they deserve.


4. Ethics
When doing your taxes, do you report them perfectly, or do you think it’s acceptable to fudge the numbers a bit? A 2012 study published in an issue of “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America” asked if wealth and perception of a higher class could increase an individual’s involvement in unethical behavior.

From cutting off another vehicle at a stop sign, to cheating at a game, to taking more candy than offered, the wealthiest subjects were those most likely to break the rules, even when a researcher indicated that taking more candy would result in less for children. The study authors, Paul K. Piff, et al., noted that those who perceived themselves to be in a higher class were the most likely to engage in unethical behavior, particularly when a symbol of wealth was introduced, such as cutting off a pedestrian when in a luxury car, for example.

The study labeled the behavior “self-interest maximization,” an idea that suggests those who have the most money or occupy higher classes are more likely to take a “what’s in it for me?” attitude. They actively work toward the most benefit for themselves. The study points out that these individuals make excellent business leaders, since they often work the hardest to get the most out of a contract or job.

5. Addiction
Many addictions begin because a person gets a positive response from a certain type of behavior. Whether it’s a happy feeling you get from shopping or a thrill that comes from gambling, actively seeking out that behavior again and again for the same outcome can trigger an addiction. This is called a “behavioral or process addiction” – a compulsive behavior not motivated by dependency on an addictive substance, but rather by a process that leads to a seemingly positive outcome.

Earning money can be very addictive for some individuals. That high of a big check or a well-padded savings account can become the sole purpose of a wealth-searcher’s life, as warned by Dr. Tian Dayton, a clinical psychologist. She warns that the positive feeling that follows obtaining money can cause a chemical reaction in the brain that feels good. In turn, it can result in a severe preoccupation with money and put a strain on relationships outside of those that relate to earning more.

Final Word
It doesn’t matter if you were born wealthy or you win the lottery, money can affect the way you act – and some of those effects can be inherently negative. Still, by being conscious about the social pitfalls of wealth – such as lack of compassion, conflict between classes, isolation, and a deterioration of ethics – you can protect yourself from being affected by some of the negative aspects of having money. Making a commitment to volunteer, donating funds to a charity of your choice, and expanding your social circle to include friends from a variety of income levels can all help you do something positive with, and make the most of, your money.

While there’s an abundance of evidence that money does in fact change people, your mileage may vary. There are a number of socioeconomic factors that could skew study results, including age, race, education level, location, and personal attitudes toward money. It’s true that being considered “wealthy” may change the way you think, but it can’t change your genetics, identity, propensity for hard work, or family history. In the end, your ideals and values likely determine more about you than the size of your paycheck.

These studies doesn’t mention religion, but it is still easy to see that...wealth changes people. It changes how we see ourselves, and how we see the world...which inevitably include how we see religion and spirituality.

On a personal note, I remember a quote that goes something like “people don’t change, they are merely unveiled”, meaning, they are just unveiling their real character, their true colour. So I would interpret this as saying, wealth and money don’t change people, it just merely unveil people, unveiling their true colour.

A person of honourable character will always be loyal and acknowledge his friends, family and sometime....his God and religion. While for some other people, money and wealth can easily make them abandon their old friends, family and sometime...even abandon their God and religion. I think this is what the survey and chart in the OP is really showing.
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