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China Ranks Last in Importance of Religion, Research Shows

This a better way for a society to evolve and mature. There's no maturity and logic in looking at the friend in the sky, rather help the poor, support the one in need, and feed a hungry soul. :tup:

Good for China.

The ranking of Pakistan scares me...there is a correlation here..higher the faith in god..more the miserable a country is...even countries like Ghana and Nigeria are rated lower than Pakistan...now Ethopia with 98% isnt a model for anyone to follow..is it?

I don't know what @Zarvan will say to it. :tsk:
This a better way for a society to evolve and mature. There's no maturity and logic in looking at the friend in the sky, rather help the poor, support the one in need, and feed a hungry soul. :tup:

Good for China.

I don't know what @Zarvan will say to it. :tsk:
I am allergic to crap
China Ranks Last in Importance of Religion, Research Shows
By Ruth Wang
on January 15, 2016 02:01 AM
A new report released by Pew Research Survey of Global Countries on Importance of Religions, lists out the attitudes of "the importance of religion in life" among over ten nations. It says Ethiopia is the most religious for 98% of them think religion is very important in their lives. China ranks in the bottom with the number of 3%.

The rest of the top ten nations in the following are respectively:

Burk. Faso(92%)


The global median is 55% and above the median are basically African nations and Indonesia, Pakistan, Phillippines, Malaysia, India in Asia-Pacific, Jordan and Brazil.

The western countries are below the median as US has 53%, Canada 27%, Italy, Germany, Spain and UK all 21%. Both Russia and South Korea shares 19%, Japan 11%.

China ranks in the bottom as 3%, meaning only 3% of Chinese respondents think religion is very important in their lives.

The report mentions that for most nations, the ratio shows a negative relationship with GDP per person meaning that more religious nations are poorer. But surprisingly China and US deviate from this rule the farthest.


redit: Pew Research Center
Last year a survey of UK published the similar result in which Tailand was the top religious while China was at the bottom (7%) in the ranking.

China Ranks Last in Importance of Religion, Research Shows

Turkey 56%, shows a strong correlation with election results.

Still, that shows that Turkey is not too radical country. If anyone insults a random Turk by being a radical Islamist with 46% probability he is dead wrong and offensive. The problem with Turkey is about politics. There is a popular social media platform in Turkey called Ekşi Sözlük. Right now there is a heated topic about how two Turkish tourists in Poland is harassed by two Polish guy in a bar. Turkish tourists were told "not to blow up the establishment" while sipping their beer. It's funny that those Polish guys doesn't know that radical Islamists don't consume alcohol.

Under that entry there were lot's of stories about Turkish tourists harassed in different countries mainly by being accused of radical Islamism. Altough that makes me sad, I know that there are a lot of very similar ignorant people in Turkey so I don't develop any hard feelings against any country after reading such incidents. However one of them saddened me the most. In a tourist group a Korean girl and a Chinese guy from Taiwan asks very stupid question about Turkey like do they cut your hand if you're thief or do they behead criminals etc. Dude let alone "beheading" criminals, Turkey didn't give death penalty to any criminal since 1984 and the capital punishment is legally abolished in Turkey in 2002. The capital punishment method was death by hanging. Even in Ottoman Era people were strangled in capital punishment, not beheaded.

I always expect ignorant stereotypes from the West since this is what they are. I mean they did it to Japan during WW2. A lot of racist stuff. They did it to blacks for centuries. They are still doing this to Chinese people. They are doing to Turkish people. Doing it to Arabs, Pakistanis, Indians, Iranians etc.

However I don't expect such ignorant racism from Far East. I mean clearly half of the Turks doesn't even consider religion as something imporant. However some ignorant people try to blame "entire" Turkish populace with radical Islamism. I definitely admit there a lot of radical guys in Turkey. However you guys are definitely not helping us to fight them when you label all of us as being like those lunatics.

By the way, I congratulate China for being a true secular state. Clearly that secularism provides a lot of stability, scientific and economic development and pragmatism to Chinese society.
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Lack of faith is a double edge sword, nowadays many in China are saying that the widespread corruption , mass production of fake products and scam crimes are the result of Chinese being faithless and having no fear of any sorts of divine supervision.
Organized and monetized religion is the most toxic ideology one could wish only upon one's most prominent enemy. We will keep fighting religious indoctrination and ideological/political affinity based on religious affinity.

In the final analysis, our best partners are those who do not utilize religion as a political rule in their relationship.

As @Nihonjin1051 puts, individual spirituality might provide relief and comfort to people, which is fine. But, on the public sphere, secularism is the highest virtue (just as sovereignty is the highest virtue in inter-state relation).

China's public religion is progress. And this explains the vitality of the millennia-long civilization nations of Northeast Asia.

But China is being threatened by something worse than opium or external threat.

Christianity--the opium of the 21st century

Lack of faith is a double edge sword, nowadays many in China are saying that the widespread corruption , mass production of fake products and scam crimes are the result of Chinese being faithless and having no fear of any sorts of divine supervision.

That is BS and can be proven. Look at those Ameriican religious scumbags like Benny Hinn, Jim Bakker, etc. They con the people in giving while they make $$$millions and live in huge mansions.

Corruption, greed is human behaviour. No religion can change that. Religion will only enhance these behaviour. Lack of morale or free will was something supposedly the Christian God gave to mankind. Chinese citizen should stay away from Christianity, it will destroy your country.

That is Spiritual Capitalistic, that is told in parable of the world capitalistic.

The success of revolution industry and American industry during 18th and 19th centuries are more because on work ethic and hard working spirit teaching in Christianity.

Protestant work ethic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Protestant work ethic (or the Puritan work ethic) is a concept in theology, sociology, economics and history which emphasizes that hard work, discipline and frugality[1] are a result of a person's salvation in the Protestant faith, particularly in Calvinism, in contrast to the focus upon religious attendance, confession, and ceremonial sacrament in the Catholic tradition.

The Protestant work ethic is often credited with helping to define the societies of Northern Europe, such as Scandinavia, Latvia, Estonia, the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland. Germanic immigrants brought their work ethic to the United States of America. As such a person doesn't need to be religious in order to follow the Protestant work ethic, as it's a part of certain cultures.


American Political History

Writer Frank Chodorov argued that the Protestant ethic was long considered indispensable for American political figures:

There was a time, in these United States, when a candidate for public office could qualify with the electorate only by fixing his birthplace in or near the "log cabin." He may have acquired a competence, or even a fortune, since then, but it was in the tradition that he must have been born of poor parents and made his way up the ladder by sheer ability, self-reliance, and perseverance in the face of hardship. In short, he had to be "self made." The so-called Protestant Ethic then prevalent held that man was a sturdy and responsible individual, responsible to himself, his society, and his God. Anybody who could not measure up to that standard could not qualify for public office or even popular respect. One who was born "with a silver spoon in his mouth" might be envied, but he could not aspire to public acclaim; he had to live out his life in the seclusion of his own class
Protestant work ethic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But China is being threatened by something worse than opium or external threat.

Christianity--the opium of the 21st century

The opium that has brought Europe into renaissance, and USA into superpower like this :-)

That is BS and can be proven. Look at those Ameriican religious scumbags like Benny Hinn, Jim Bakker, etc. They con the people in giving while they make $$$millions and live in huge mansions.

Corruption, greed is human behaviour. No religion can change that. Religion will only enhance these behaviour. Lack of morale or free will was something supposedly the Christian God gave to mankind. Chinese citizen should stay away from Christianity, it will destroy your country.

That is called ABUSE of a religion, which is in fact contrary to the religion teaching itself.

Corruption, greed, abuse all are human lust. Human with their lust could use / abuse religion. It is not the fault of the religion, but it is the fault of human lust.
That is Spiritual Capitalistic, that is told in parable of the world capitalistic.

The success of revolution industry and American industry during 18th and 19th centuries are more because on work ethic and hard working spirit teaching in Christianity.

Protestant work ethic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Protestant work ethic (or the Puritan work ethic) is a concept in theology, sociology, economics and history which emphasizes that hard work, discipline and frugality[1] are a result of a person's salvation in the Protestant faith, particularly in Calvinism, in contrast to the focus upon religious attendance, confession, and ceremonial sacrament in the Catholic tradition.

The Protestant work ethic is often credited with helping to define the societies of Northern Europe, such as Scandinavia, Latvia, Estonia, the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland. Germanic immigrants brought their work ethic to the United States of America. As such a person doesn't need to be religious in order to follow the Protestant work ethic, as it's a part of certain cultures.


American Political History

Writer Frank Chodorov argued that the Protestant ethic was long considered indispensable for American political figures:

There was a time, in these United States, when a candidate for public office could qualify with the electorate only by fixing his birthplace in or near the "log cabin." He may have acquired a competence, or even a fortune, since then, but it was in the tradition that he must have been born of poor parents and made his way up the ladder by sheer ability, self-reliance, and perseverance in the face of hardship. In short, he had to be "self made." The so-called Protestant Ethic then prevalent held that man was a sturdy and responsible individual, responsible to himself, his society, and his God. Anybody who could not measure up to that standard could not qualify for public office or even popular respect. One who was born "with a silver spoon in his mouth" might be envied, but he could not aspire to public acclaim; he had to live out his life in the seclusion of his own class
Protestant work ethic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The opium that has brought Europe into renaissance, and USA into superpower like this :-)

That is called ABUSE of a religion, which is in fact contrary to the religion teaching itself.

Corruption, greed, abuse all are human lust. Human with their lust could use / abuse religion. It is not the fault of the religion, but it is the fault of human lust.

Europe's renaissance thanks to Marco Polo who traveled to China and bought back many things Europeans cannot even imagine. Read up on your Dark Ages.
US superpower nothing to do with Christianity but favorable geographical location, Nazi scientists, and if you know the meaning "looting a house when it's on fire"
Europe's renaissance thanks to Marco Polo who traveled to China and bought back many things Europeans cannot even imagine. Read up on your Dark Ages.

But sorry, Marcopolo was not mentioned in the European history as the cause of renaissance e :) Instead, idea from eastern christian and muslim world was mentioned there :D

While there were classical texts in western Europe at the start of the Renaissance, many had been lost and existed only in the east, in both Christian Constantinople and Muslim states. During the Renaissance many key texts were reintroduced into Europe, whether by merchants taking advantage of the new hunger for old texts, or by scholars who had been invited over to teach. For instance, in 1396 a Chair for teaching Greek was created in Florence. The chosen teacher, Chrysoloras, brought with him a copy of Ptolemy’s Geography from the east. In addition, a huge number of Greek texts and scholars arrived in Europe with the fall of Constantinople in 1453.

The Causes of the Renaissance - A Guide

But my point is: it is spirit that enable Europe keep progressing starting from renaissance, and christianity (protestant, calvinism) influence the european spirit, just like christianity influence American spirit.

US superpower nothing to do with Christianity but favorable geographical location, Nazi scientists, and if you know the meaning "looting a house when it's on fire"

My citation above has proven the other way round.

US has develop fast since industrial revolution, long time before NAZI scientist. US has led in technology and economy supremacy since end of 19th century, and won world war I and world war II. Again my citation has explained how Christianity has shaped American work ethics that propel US fast development.
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Heck one must looking into history, actually USA has been founded by the puritans which had been persecuted in European mainland and fleeing into American continent. The motives of American settlers is not always economics, but religion and culture too. Most of Chinese Christian and Japanese Christian who had been persecuted in their homeland usually found shelter in USA, and that's happened till now. And the spirit of pilgrims, adventurism, along with Religious freedom is what had laid upon the foundation in USA since beginning. One can argue if actually USA is one of the largest and greatest Crusader Nation ever formed on earth.
Religion in my opinion is, the older, the better.
To me, the newer, the better.

Europe's renaissance thanks to Marco Polo who traveled to China and bought back many things Europeans cannot even imagine. Read up on your Dark Ages.
US superpower nothing to do with Christianity but favorable geographical location, Nazi scientists, and if you know the meaning "looting a house when it's on fire"
You don't really have to loot the house while it is on fire. You could create the only firefighting squad in town and blackmail the owner to sell the house cheap when it is on fire. I believe a smart Roman invented this way of getting rich fast. :)
Actually this news is junk. What is the "importance"? How is the "importance" defined?

Falun Gong was like a sh/t when it began 20 years ago, but nowadays it seems to be m/l normal and evolved.
The longer it has been, the more likely it will stay. But religion isn't antique. Its value doesn't lie with how old it is. To a religious person, the value of religion is how well he can get into the essence of it and benefit from it. The newer the religion is, the more likely its essence has some left in people's mind, instead of being buried in years of "tradition".
Actually this news is junk. What is the "importance"? How is the "importance" defined?

The longer it has been, the more likely it will stay. But religion isn't antique. Its value doesn't lie with how old it is. To a religious person, the value of religion is how well he can get into the essence of it and benefit from it. The newer the religion is, the more likely its essence has some left in people's mind, instead of being buried in years of "tradition".

What new religion do you hear about recently?
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