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China Raises Ceiling for How to Count Poor


Jul 31, 2010
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BEIJING—The number of rural residents in China recognized as poor is set to quadruple thanks to a planned adjustment in the country's oft-maligned definition of poverty, though the number will still likely fall short of independent estimates.

China's leadership has decided to raise the poverty threshold to 2,300 yuan ($361) annual net income, a 92% increase from the standard set in 2009, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported Tuesday.

Under the new standard, announced at a national meeting on poverty alleviation held in Beijing, roughly 100 million rural residents will be recognized as officially poor and become eligible for antipoverty subsidies, Xinhua said. That makes up roughly 7.7% of China's population of about 1.3 billion people, though many more would fall below the poverty lines set by the United Nations.

The population of rural poor stood at just under 27 million at the end of 2010, down from 94 million in the year 2000, according to a government white paper published earlier this month.

China's definition of poverty has long been controversial, in particular because the government has often used its record of poverty reduction as a defense against critics of its human-rights record. China argues that access to basic human necessities like food, water and shelter are the most fundamental human rights and should therefore take precedence over others.

By setting the poverty threshold low, some analysts have said, China's leaders deliberately inflate their success in securing those rights for the nation's poor.

But with inflation hovering well above 5% for most of the year and concerns over the country's wealth gap growing, Beijing has lately been pushing for a more balanced form of economic growth.

"The current trend of [a] widening rich-poor gap will be reversed," China President Hu Jintao said at Tuesday's meeting, according to Xinhua.

The new threshold brings China's official estimates of poverty closer to those floated elsewhere.

In a report delivered earlier this year, Lu Mai, head of the state-sponsored China Development Research Foundation, said that redefining the poverty line as living on $1 or less per day would put China's total poor population at around 150 million. If the U.N.'s current poverty standard of $1.25 or less a day were used, a 2009 World Bank report found, then 254 million Chinese people, or roughly 19% of the population, would have been considered to be living in extreme poverty in 2005.

By comparison, the percentage of the U.S. population considered to be living in poverty—defined by the Census Bureau as a yearly income of $22,314 for a family of four, or $61 a day—was just over 15% in 2010.

Mr. Hu said on Tuesday that the government's goal was for income growth among farmers in poverty-stricken regions to be higher than the national average by the start of the next decade. "Public services for them will also be near the national level," Xinhua quoted him as saying.

The state of public services in China's rural areas—health care in particular—has become a major concern as China continues to urbanize. The country has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on a health-insurance program for rural residents, but officials admit the program provides at best basic coverage. Fear getting seriously ill and being stuck with high hospital bills leads many poor Chinese families to sock away a significant part of their already meager incomes.

Online reactions to the move were mixed, with some applauding the government's focus on poverty but many more arguing the new standards were still too low.

"Our country already has the world's second-largest GDP, so I think we should be using the international standard for the poverty line," commented one user of the popular Sina Weibo microblogging service writing under the handle Zizhu Choushui. "What is this 2,000-plus yuan figure based on?"


The discussion on raising national poverty line has been going on for a while and I'm glad they finally took some action. Although I do find it amusing that WSJ has chosen to ignore the fact the World Bank poverty line of $1.25 is based on PPP instead of nominal exchange rate.
You think they should just tie poverty as a percentage of GDP up till a certain ceiling threshhold 1, and have a lower threshhold 2 where governments stops helping them so they can learn to be independent?
You think they should just tie poverty as a percentage of GDP up till a certain ceiling threshhold 1, and have a lower threshhold 2 where governments stops helping them so they can learn to be independent?

That will be problematic because then alleviating poverty will by definition be purely a matter of re-distribution rather than growth.

There's intense political debate in China at the moment regarding the Chongqing model (which focus on how the cake is cut) and the Guangdong model (which focus on how fast the cake is expanding). The (re)-emergence of the left wing in Chinese politics means distribution will be given greater weight, however I just can't see the Left securing a complete political victory by making the poverty line a percentage of the GDP.
The discussion on raising national poverty line has been going on for a while and I'm glad they finally took some action. Although I do find it amusing that WSJ has chosen to ignore the fact the World Bank poverty line of $1.25 is based on PPP instead of nominal exchange rate.

That is because the WSJ is just the mouthpiece of the fascist oligarchs. It is like asking a North Korean what he thinks of Japan. The Pentagon, Wall Street, and the federal government are all different faces of the same fascist elite.
The Chinese government has been so far very successful in aleviating poverty. The less poor the better for business and more consumers for quality products. :)
You think they should just tie poverty as a percentage of GDP up till a certain ceiling threshhold 1, and have a lower threshhold 2 where governments stops helping them so they can learn to be independent?

I think to certain extent they will do it, but until domestic consumption matches to the GDP that they wanted first to get a better gauge of the CPI and PPP.
Maybe not as a percentage of GDP but as a precentage of average income, with other factors taken into account.
Maybe not as a percentage of GDP but as a precentage of average income, with other factors taken into account.

That will also mean reducing poverty will be a matter of redistribution. Better just to use constant 2011 yuan for example which in effect make the poverty line automatically adjust each year for inflation.

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