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China prepared for military confrontation, will annihilate all Indian troops: Chinese media warns PM

The chinese quota of threats for this week is over. Lets wait for another quota of threats for the coming weeks.
We could say Chinese media is shitty and criticize it as we would about indian media or Pak media. Fact is that Chinese media is state controlled , indicates thinking process of CPC which is so hollow and I'm amazed how childish thinking CPC leadership has. May be its all due to single child policy
We are pragmatic. You appease Chinese by reducing 400 men to 40 men in Doklam. Of cos we Chinese must not strike Indian since you are so scared. We give you more time to repent until zero Indian troops in Doklam.

There shows the kindness of Chinese. :enjoy:
I have a open media, open internet to question my govt, an Auditor organisation which lambasts the military and its quality and I can almost read & write any critique against my govt. So we do know who are brainwashed and who arent.

As I said, 1962 was not China's fault. But India's fault to trust itself with a neighbour which we thought wont attack. You guys rose us from the slumber we were in. Without the 1962 even the Pakistanis would have destroyed us.
Thank you for 1962.

I simply hope when India is rich or to the level when the Chinese are now today, we dont act with blatant arrogance with which the Chinese are acting.
Hehe yes, the open media tells Indians ———— India is a superpower. Then the Indians believed it. Tell me, who was brainwashed? About 1962. I'm sorry you don't even knows Forward policy"

Indians did believe in 1962 that China would not attack India. Do you know why? Because Indians believe that India was stronger than China at that time. So crazy provocation.

Don't lie. Indians believe that if the air force is used in 1962., India will win. But it seems... Macarthur also used the air force in North korea. Do Indians know the power of the Chinese air force? ,

Nehru was clever, and he avoided greater losses in India. Then I show you something you don't know.

Indian Army ammunition won’t even last 10 days in event of a war, suggests CAG reports

A 'Crash Landing': The Slow and Painful Death of India's Air Force

Tell me, who was brainwashed?

Hehe yes, the open media tells Indians ———— India is a superpower. Then the Indians believed it. Tell me, who was brainwashed? About 1962. I'm sorry you don't even knows Forward policy"

Indians did believe in 1962 that China would not attack India. Do you know why? Because Indians believe that India was stronger than China at that time. So crazy provocation.

Don't lie. Indians believe that if the air force is used in 1962., India will win. But it seems... Macarthur also used the air force in North korea. Do Indians know the power of the Chinese air force? ,

Nehru was clever, and he avoided greater losses in India. Then I show you something you don't know.

Indian Army ammunition won’t even last 10 days in event of a war, suggests CAG reports

A 'Crash Landing': The Slow and Painful Death of India's Air Force

Tell me, who was brainwashed?
Chinese blothel, the society which is bereft of open and free media and is only given govt. controlled dosage of manipulated viewpoint is the one which is brainwashed. Now your post suggests that I should not believe in your wisdom but still giving you a benefit of doubt, I leave it to you which country that is.

Indians did believe that China will not attack India because a two forked Chinese leader came to India just before 1962 and gave us the impression that China wants friendship with India. A calamity in the form of human was ruling India at that time who believed that charlatan at its face value.

Also, India was not strongest at that point. In fact, India, from a military perspective was weakest at that point because that calamity who we call Nehru was busy implementing various directives based on some commissions (some headed by his father) to control and curtail Indian Army. It was the time when India was busy in reducing its Army.

Rest of your post is all propaganda and convoluted. Convoluted because it is the Indian media which has exposed the CAG report and yet you say we are brainwashed. Good luck with youl propaganda Chinese blothel, may you become the biggest Propaganduist !

That was seriously funny. Going to use this in all the warning threads.
AGREED this is real funny.
Indians do a lot of this apart from shaking their heads.
Real gem that I saved it as well.

Accurately illustrate Clownish Behavior of Indians.
I thought some Indian brag about no troops reduction in Doklam? Now the indian minister say cannot denied or admit the allegation? :lol:

Yes, yes, You Appease Chinese by reducing 400 men to 40 men in Doklam. We Chinese need to show you more time for repent. :lol:
They are trying to appear strong for the domestic audience. Hence the media is playing with words, those soldiers retreated back to their side of the border to deescalate and appease China after warnings, 40 are left to bargain for a mutual face saving withdrawal.
CCP bots accusing others of being brainwashed, it's like North Korea criticizing the lack of media freedom in America, I love internet man:rofl:
Speaking of americans... Oh, Obama's brother lives in Shenzhen, china. And it's been 15 years. Tell me - who was brainwashed? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Chinese in recent days have overtaken Bangladeshis for Indian entertainment. Seeing the Chinese trolls post same messages in thread after thread gives us no surprise in CCP paid trolls trying to scaremonger international people.

China, better luck bullying small neighbours. IA was not ready in 62, did not even think China will attack. But now we are ready. Not for war. We Indians are not rich yet like the Chinese. But ready to defend our motherland and our friends.
Its better than being labour in India.
Chinese blothel, the society which is bereft of open and free media and is only given govt. controlled dosage of manipulated viewpoint is the one which is brainwashed. Now your post suggests that I should not believe in your wisdom but still giving you a benefit of doubt, I leave it to you which country that is.

Indians did believe that China will not attack India because a two forked Chinese leader came to India just before 1962 and gave us the impression that China wants friendship with India. A calamity in the form of human was ruling India at that time who believed that charlatan at its face value.

Also, India was not strongest at that point. In fact, India, from a military perspective was weakest at that point because that calamity who we call Nehru was busy implementing various directives based on some commissions (some headed by his father) to control and curtail Indian Army. It was the time when India was busy in reducing its Army.

Rest of your post is all propaganda and convoluted. Convoluted because it is the Indian media which has exposed the CAG report and yet you say we are brainwashed. Good luck with youl propaganda Chinese blothel, may you become the biggest Propaganduist !
Hehe, Chinese society has never had "open media"". But compared with the past, the current Chinese media is the most open. And you've made a mistake you think Chinese are too simple.

As it is now, although India is not strong, Indians believe they are stronger than China in 1962. This is the basis for Nehru's push for "forward policy". India launched a series of frenzied provocations in 1959-1962 years.
But China has restrained for 3 years. So Indian confidence inflated and believed that China did not have the courage to fight back India. But when India failed... All the mistakes come from China.


As can be seen from their faces —— they had no hatred for the “intruder”. Only invasion failed, but not dead lucky.

This seems contrary to the logic of India propaganda. So tell me - who was brainwashed?

The whole world knows about the India army. So this is not what the India media says or not say. But it seems that Indians have a magical confidence in the India army, and nobody seems to care about importing billions of dollars of weapons per year in an agricultural country...
So the problem now is —— India is not strong, but Indians believe they are superpowers.

The Indians I speak are brainwashed. Because Indians know nothing about the world. Indians believe in only their own media.

If you don't understand. Look at these threads.

The real gap between China and India

Saudis Use Chinese-made Cannons in Yemen

China to open a drone factory in Saudi Arabia

Israel Defense Forces to issue troops with Chinese drones

Unfortunately, these "propaganda" have nothing to do with the Chinese media.:-)
Hehe, Chinese society has never had "open media"". But compared with the past, the current Chinese media is the most open. And you've made a mistake you think Chinese are too simple.

As it is now, although India is not strong, Indians believe they are stronger than China in 1962. This is the basis for Nehru's push for "forward policy". India launched a series of frenzied provocations in 1959-1962 years.
But China has restrained for 3 years. So Indian confidence inflated and believed that China did not have the courage to fight back India. But when India failed... All the mistakes come from China.

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As can be seen from their faces —— they had no hatred for the “intruder”. Only invasion failed, but not dead lucky.

This seems contrary to the logic of India propaganda. So tell me - who was brainwashed?

The whole world knows about the India army. So this is not what the India media says or not say. But it seems that Indians have a magical confidence in the India army, and nobody seems to care about importing billions of dollars of weapons per year in an agricultural country...
So the problem now is —— India is not strong, but Indians believe they are superpowers.

The Indians I speak are brainwashed. Because Indians know nothing about the world. Indians believe in only their own media.

If you don't understand. Look at these threads.

The real gap between China and India

Saudis Use Chinese-made Cannons in Yemen

China to open a drone factory in Saudi Arabia

Israel Defense Forces to issue troops with Chinese drones

Unfortunately, these "propaganda" have nothing to do with the Chinese media.:-)

Chinese blothel, hope one day you can come out your prison that you call China. Let me also educate you that outside China (and your boyfriend North Korea), there is something called the internet. You can, in fact, use the internet to refer information from various sources including non-government one. Yeah, that might come as shock to you but that is how the people in the free democratic world live.

Now on a serious note, let me educate you on the Forward Policy. The Forward Policy of Nehru was not wrong at least from an Indian perspective but its execution was totally flawed. The Indian army, both the men from the lower rung as well as senior officers gave ample warnings to Nehru that it lacks the means to execute Forward Policy given the budgetary constraints including lack of weapons and winter gears but Nehru ignored this warning. Nehru was idealistic who wanted to completely keep the Indian Armed Forces under the civilian thumb. Given the experience that Pakistan polity had with it's with Army, Nehru was not completely wrong. But nepotism took better of Nehru. I'll not go into detail of what Nehru did but will tell you what China did.

The duplicity of China was that it did not recognize both the MacMohan Line and the Johnson Line (many Indians here on pdf do not know about Johnson) and yet wherever it suited the Chinese, they did not hesitate to flaunt the English agreements. The latest example is Dokalam where Chinese are shamelessly flaunting 1890 agreement. Moreover, it was the assurance given by Chinese Zou Enlai that China will act upon the agreed principle of Panchsheel while dealing and negotiating with India which gave Nehru the confidence that China will never invade India. From Nehru perspective, Tibet was a bonus for China and it was his thinking that China will settle the boundary as per the British agreements i.e. honoring both the Johnson and MacMohan Line.

And my little Chinese blothel, Indians never had any impression of China so your assumption of Indians thinking themselves stronger than Chinese does not ever arise. The military had the idea of your duplicity but was let down by the political leadership. 10000 ill equipped men with limited ammunition, no winter gear, no automatic assault weapon fought with 80000 men of a well equipped Army.

Now coming to what Indians really think of you, you should read of 1967 Chola incident and 1987 skirmishes, especially 1967 one. 1967 was not that far away from 1962 loss and yet Indian army was not a bit hesitant to reply the Chinese in their own currency. There is nothing you can do on Doklam military to force any status change. Its too long that you have controlled your geopolitics using two rogue nations using their nuclear blackmail but this time India has decided to pay you in the language you understand. You will realize how the nuclear blackmail works and conventionally there is zilch you can do against India. We might not be able to match you on equipment basis but we will match you on man to man basis which is more than enough to force at least a stalemate.

The links you provided again reinforces my belief of you being a propagandist!
I have a open media, open internet to question my govt, an Auditor organisation which lambasts the military and its quality and I can almost read & write any critique against my govt. So we do know who are brainwashed and who arent.

As I said, 1962 was not China's fault. But India's fault to trust itself with a neighbour which we thought wont attack. You guys rose us from the slumber we were in. Without the 1962 even the Pakistanis would have destroyed us.
Thank you for 1962.

I simply hope when India is rich or to the level when the Chinese are now today, we dont act with blatant arrogance with which the Chinese are acting.

You are brainwashed by your medias. The content of your medias are useless bullsh!t because your open medias lack ISO2000 Quality Control.

In the first, India media claimed China invade into Sikkim territory, India is victim, later denied by its own official
Again, Indian media claim Doklam is disputed territory between China and India, proved sh!t
Then, India media claimed Bhutan invited Indian army into the area, denied by Bhutan diplomat
Then, India media change into the action is for the reason Indian worry about a whatguri corridor
Again, India media say Indian army go to protect Bhutan. Indian itself need outside help to confront China, joking you protect other. That area has been controlled and managed by China for dozens of years after the 1890 China-UK boundary treaty.
...India media claim it's for peace, but international law oppose this kind of invasion into comfirmed border line.
Because of Indian medias' washing, you brain is full of bullsh!t.

I agree 1962 was India's fault, you miscalculating own capability, regional situation and China's reaction.

Nowadays it's your fault again, obviously India don't cherish the cooperation / group China and India working in together, like BRICS, SCO...India will break off cooperation at any time suddenly.

Another childish but accurate illustration of Indian actions in Donglang.
Very sad indeed.
Grow up Indians,
your humiliation and bruised ego is result of Nehru's doing, not China's fault

I simply hope when India is rich or to the level when the Chinese are now today, we dont act with blatant arrogance with which the Chinese are acting.
Problem is India is already acting with blatant arrogance, very much more so than China.
Remember India Supa Powa 2012.

In fact, I find China quite modest for the economic stature it has achieved.
It is the Indians jumping around shouting their economy is overtaking China when China's economy is 4-5 times bigger than India.
Now the Indians are raring for war thinking the US will back them.
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