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China police clashing with Muslims from China’s Hui minority after they were barred entry to a mosque,

The recent construction of that mosque was illegal. That’s why the court ordered to demolish some part of it. And then, few Muslims in China thought ‘Islam is in danger’ and started protesting against the court order.

The Huis are fortunate though, they don’t have concentration camps like Uyghurs so they can protest openly.
This village in Yunnan province bordering Vietnam, land disputes happen all the time in China, even in Beijing I witnesses a dozens of them and one of them happened just next to my neighborhood.

The government reports say that some villagers illegally outbuilt an old mosque and the vast new expansion constructions encroach deep into the lands owned by the government village administration.

It's nothing more than a land dispute between the local government and villagers which happens all the time everywhere in China, even in Beijing I witnessed dozens of similar protests, not violent though, and the western and Indian media now are trying to spin a lie around this incident to make it sound like something else and not what it really is.

From this very recent video of this Muslim village community during Eid 2023, do they look like they are being oppressed and sad at all?

The first part of the video was filmed in the author's sister's home, most Han Chinese at their age don't have siblings due to the one child policy, but that policy was only imposed on the Han Chinese, ethnic minorities were exempted from that policy, that's why you find them with many siblings, don't be surprised.
Footage from China allegedly shows police clashing with Muslims from China’s Hui minority after they were barred entry to a mosque
It's a pathetic shameless lie
And western and Indian media perpetually try to make people believe that in China people can't protest and speak against the government, but when incidents serve their ulterior agenda, they never hesitate to contradict themselves by reporting protests, riots and anti government gatherings in China.
The recent construction of that mosque was illegal. That’s why the court ordered to demolish some part of it. And then, few Muslims in China thought ‘Islam is in danger’ and started protesting against the court order.

The Huis are fortunate though, they don’t have concentration camps like Uyghurs so they can protest openly.
Or worse still with ethnic killings and cleansing of Muslims and minorities in the fools' paradise.
Footage from China allegedly shows police clashing with Muslims from China’s Hui minority after they were barred entry to a mosque, where authorities were looking to carry out a demolition order.

The government has failed in its responsibility to educate them to obey the law. China has long had preferential policies for ethnic minorities and religions, and has not been tough enough to deal with the crimes of ethnic minorities and religions.

How can the Chinese government mediate this and that in the international arena if it can't even handle this domestic matter.

Over the past few decades, there has been a large amount of foreign funding to build a large number of illegal religious buildings in China.
Or worse still with ethnic killings and cleansing of Muslims and minorities in the fools' paradise.
Ofcourse. Let’s call it propaganda as Global Times hasn’t called it as such.
There is no large-scale hype in the Western media, only the Voice of America and Free Asia funded by the US government are reporting, and the Jewish media is not the same as before.

But Al Jazeera jumped high, and Qatar still hasn't given up on supporting Islamic extremism.
This village in Yunnan province bordering Vietnam, land disputes happen all the time in China, even in Beijing I witnesses a dozens of them and one of them happened just next to my neighborhood.

The government reports say that some villagers illegally outbuilt an old mosque and the vast new expansion constructions encroach deep into the lands owned by the government village administration.
Some years ago when I read the Constitution of PRC it said that ALL land belongs either to the state or local co-operatives, meaning villages. So EVERY religious building in China, church, mosque, temple or whatever, is always on illegal ground, and it can't be otherwise. Because of this it's often difficult to arrange electricity, water, drainage or whatever there. With huge amounts of money it might be possible to re-own that land in the form of long-term leases, commonly called land purchase.
Some years ago when I read the Constitution of PRC it said that ALL land belongs either to the state or local co-operatives, meaning villages. So EVERY religious building in China, church, mosque, temple or whatever, is always on illegal ground, and it can't be otherwise. Because of this it's often difficult to arrange electricity, water, drainage or whatever there. With huge amounts of money it might be possible to re-own that land in the form of long-term leases, commonly called land purchase.
Technically it's true, but in real life land disputes are still very common in China, that's why China has so many "nail houses"

Muslims in Yunnan are immigrants brought by the Mongols. There are dozens of ethnic minorities in Yunnan. The Hui people like to make trouble the most.

In the 1990s, Hui villages openly armed drug trafficking and killed anti-drug police. China had to send armed police to suppress it in 1992, and fighting broke out.
Yunnan is the province with the largest number of ethnic minorities in China. In Yunnan, none of the ethnic minorities support the Hui, because the Hui are backed by religious leaders and mosques,As long as the Hui people shout at the mosque and beat people with me, thousands of people can easily be assembled and they are all bullied by the Hui.

After large-scale drug trafficking, the Hui people found a new way to make a fortune by stealing state-owned tungsten mines. Hui violent gangs used violence to seize the tungsten resources of state-owned mining companies. get rich.
Saudi Arabian petrodollar-backed Wahhabism in Yunnan and Ningxia, China. spread in Xinjiang,

The root of the theory of reform and opening up of the communist regime is what Deng Xiaoping said, black cat and white cat theory, completely pragmatism, local Communist Party officials know nothing about Saudi Wahhabism, they think that the Saudis give money to subsidize local Muslims to build mosques, It's a very good thing. There is a Chinese slang saying 有钱不要是王八蛋
The result of ignorance and laissez-faire of Saudi Wahhabism is that Yunnan, Ningxia Hui people began to Wahhabize their Islamic teachings, Xinjiang Uyghurs also had the same historical process, and became more brutal and radical. During the Arab Spring, Muslims all over the world At the moment when extremism broke out, Uyghur terrorists carried out large-scale terrorist attacks on Han people, and now they have received heavy blows from the government. This is called genocide by the Western propaganda war . i called it is self-inflicted .China just wants to use forced re-education to eliminate Wahhabi extremism from the mind. Of course, I personally think that this approach of the Communist Party is impossible to succeed,

According to a Hui girl who has broken away from the increasingly radical and barbaric Wahhabi extremism of the local Hui people, the local mosque is indeed 600 years old, but there are two mosques, one is an ancient mosque with a history of 600 years, which is a cultural relic and is protected by the state. Protection, the other one, as you can see in the video, was a new mosque built in 2001 by local people and using Saudi oil Wahhabi funds. This illegal occupation of public land is an illegal act. The government demanded the demolition of illegal buildings occupying public land several times, each time the Hui people used violence to stop it. The Hui people took advantage of the fear of turmoil in the grassroots government of the Communist Party, and used the method of expanding the incident to force the local government to dare not implement the law.

However, after all, China is not a country in the Middle East or South Asia where grassroots governance has failed. China has always been a strong government. After the central inspection team discovered this incident, it has issued an order to the local government to demolish illegal buildings that occupy public land in accordance with the law. This gave the local government courage. Local governments no longer worry about being held accountable by superiors for triggering Hui violence


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Muslims in Yunnan are immigrants brought by the Mongols. There are dozens of ethnic minorities in Yunnan. The Hui people like to make trouble the most.

In the 1990s, Hui villages openly armed drug trafficking and killed anti-drug police. China had to send armed police to suppress it in 1992, and fighting broke out.
Yunnan is the province with the largest number of ethnic minorities in China. In Yunnan, none of the ethnic minorities support the Hui, because the Hui are backed by religious leaders and mosques,As long as the Hui people shout at the mosque and beat people with me, thousands of people can easily be assembled and they are all bullied by the Hui.

After large-scale drug trafficking, the Hui people found a new way to make a fortune by stealing state-owned tungsten mines. Hui violent gangs used violence to seize the tungsten resources of state-owned mining companies. get rich.
Saudi Arabian petrodollar-backed Wahhabism in Yunnan and Ningxia, China. spread in Xinjiang,

The root of the theory of reform and opening up of the communist regime is what Deng Xiaoping said, black cat and white cat theory, completely pragmatism, local Communist Party officials know nothing about Saudi Wahhabism, they think that the Saudis give money to subsidize local Muslims to build mosques, It's a very good thing. There is a Chinese slang saying 有钱不要是王八蛋
The result of ignorance and laissez-faire of Saudi Wahhabism is that Yunnan, Ningxia Hui people began to Wahhabize their Islamic teachings, Xinjiang Uyghurs also had the same historical process, and became more brutal and radical. During the Arab Spring, Muslims all over the world At the moment when extremism broke out, Uyghur terrorists carried out large-scale terrorist attacks on Han people, and now they have received heavy blows from the government. This is called genocide by the Western propaganda war . i called it is self-inflicted .China just wants to use forced re-education to eliminate Wahhabi extremism from the mind. Of course, I personally think that this approach of the Communist Party is impossible to succeed,

According to a Hui girl who has broken away from the increasingly radical and barbaric Wahhabi extremism of the local Hui people, the local mosque is indeed 600 years old, but there are two mosques, one is an ancient mosque with a history of 600 years, which is a cultural relic and is protected by the state. Protection, the other one, as you can see in the video, was a new mosque built in 2001 by local people and using Saudi oil Wahhabi funds. This illegal occupation of public land is an illegal act. The government demanded the demolition of illegal buildings occupying public land several times, each time the Hui people used violence to stop it. The Hui people took advantage of the fear of turmoil in the grassroots government of the Communist Party, and used the method of expanding the incident to force the local government to dare not implement the law.

However, after all, China is not a country in the Middle East or South Asia where grassroots governance has failed. China has always been a strong government. After the central inspection team discovered this incident, it has issued an order to the local government to demolish illegal buildings that occupy public land in accordance with the law. This gave the local government courage. Local governments no longer worry about being held accountable by superiors for triggering Hui violence
First it was the "Hui are model citizens and the Uyghur are foreigners and trouble makers", now it's Hui are foreigners and trouble makers Ever since that the Uyghurs have successfully been dealt with.

The comment also comes with a bonus completely made up testimony 👌.

At what point are Pakistani muslims gonna realize that the Chinese government just don't like Muslims and have an even worse opinion about Islam?

@LeGenD @beijingwalker @RescueRanger @SQ8
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