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China police clashing with Muslims from China’s Hui minority after they were barred entry to a mosque,

First it was the "Hui are model citizens and the Uyghur are foreigners and trouble makers", now it's Hui and foreigners and trouble makers Ever since that the Uyghurs have successfully been dealt with.

The comment also comes with a bonus completely made up testimony đź‘Ś.

At what point are Pakistani muslims gonna realize that the Chinese government just don't like Muslims and have an even worse opinion about Islam?

@LeGenD @beijingwalker @RescueRanger @SQ8
In Canada, where you live, what happens to any group that dares to use violence?

Is it like China in the past, the more trouble, get more benefits?
First it was the "Hui are model citizens and the Uyghur are foreigners and trouble makers", now it's Hui and foreigners and trouble makers Ever since that the Uyghurs have successfully been dealt with.

The comment also comes with a bonus completely made up testimony đź‘Ś.

At what point are Pakistani muslims gonna realize that the Chinese government just don't like Muslims and have an even worse opinion about Islam?

@LeGenD @beijingwalker @RescueRanger @SQ8
When they have more friends and loan givers besides China. The Chinese are a closed society and are probably much more intolerant to anything non-conformist than the western democracies Pakistanis love to hate. But at the end, beggars cannot be choosers and more importantly - if they still haven’t seen the light after all this destruction… the world wont much care the same way it doesn’t care about Somalia

In Canada, where you live, what happens to any group that dares to use violence?

Is it like China in the past, the more trouble, get more benefits?
More integration - more opportunities and working with community leaders to root out radical elements - the result is that muslims are now part and particple of Canadian society and in government. Not possible with the communist party.
First it was the "Hui are model citizens and the Uyghur are foreigners and trouble makers", now it's Hui and foreigners and trouble makers Ever since that the Uyghurs have successfully been dealt with.

The comment also comes with a bonus completely made up testimony đź‘Ś.

At what point are Pakistani muslims gonna realize that the Chinese government just don't like Muslims and have an even worse opinion about Islam?

@LeGenD @beijingwalker @RescueRanger @SQ8
Reality - world is full of hypocrites!
Good or bad is decided by interest not by morals!

Muslims are suffering around the globe.. Africa, middle east is on ignore list soon it will be China, Pakistan and many more to follow.
Reality - world is full of hypocrites!
Good or bad is decided by interest not by morals!

Muslims are suffering around the globe.. Africa, middle east is on ignore list soon it will be China, Pakistan and many more to follow.

Typical victimhood mentality rather than owning the problem. Your statement is too generalized in nature. If Muslims are suffering in their own home, then it is not the issue of your neighbor rather you should blame yourself. You can consider the example of the middle east where everyone is against each other even if the middle east is a Muslim culture. So is it the fault of others if Arabs are friends of the West? Or Pakistan was a strategic ally of the CIA in the period 1990-2015? So no, Muslims are not suffering from others, rather they are not smart enough to have their own destiny.

Just see the situation of Islamic countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and SE Asian Nations. We never hear any kind of problem from those regions. Because, they try to build their own future rather than always looking for a scapegoat either with the West, China, Europe, India or Pakistan...etc...
Typical victimhood mentality rather than owning the problem. Your statement is too generalized in nature. If Muslims are suffering in their own home, then it is not the issue of your neighbor rather you should blame yourself. You can consider the example of the middle east where everyone is against each other even if the middle east is a Muslim culture. So is it the fault of others if Arabs are friends of the West? Or Pakistan was a strategic ally of the CIA in the period 1990-2015? So no, Muslims are not suffering from others, rather they are not smart enough to have their own destiny.

Just see the situation of Islamic countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and SE Asian Nations. We never hear any kind of problem from those regions. Because, they try to build their own future rather than always looking for a scapegoat either with the West, China, Europe, India or Pakistan...etc...
That's what I meant!
You'll need escape goat when a some one failing measurably and need sheep in line for sake of something .something.
Unless those communities/ countries (aka few individuals) rise above the self interests such things will keep happening.
In Canada, where you live, what happens to any group that dares to use violence?

Is it like China in the past, the more trouble, get more benefits?
An entire ethnic group of people isn't rounded up or targeted like it is in China.

Your attempt to compare are poor at best, malicious at worst.
Typical victimhood mentality rather than owning the problem. Your statement is too generalized in nature. If Muslims are suffering in their own home, then it is not the issue of your neighbor rather you should blame yourself. You can consider the example of the middle east where everyone is against each other even if the middle east is a Muslim culture. So is it the fault of others if Arabs are friends of the West? Or Pakistan was a strategic ally of the CIA in the period 1990-2015? So no, Muslims are not suffering from others, rather they are not smart enough to have their own destiny.

Just see the situation of Islamic countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and SE Asian Nations. We never hear any kind of problem from those regions. Because, they try to build their own future rather than always looking for a scapegoat either with the West, China, Europe, India or Pakistan...etc...
I disagree with your idea tjat the middle east has a “muslim” culture as if it is is a unified aspect while in the same breath you mention SE Asian Muslim majority nations.

I think that also has to do with how Islam in those regions is not relying on the narratives of another to develop.

The Arab states have long standing tribal and now national rivalries that transcend Islam regardless of how they sell it to their masses. The Iran-GCC conflict did not begin with the Shia-Sunni divide and instead is millennials strong. Even the major division in Islam is political in origin and any “religious” overtones to it came later.

The same applies to India or Pakistan - these are “Hindu-muslims” and therefore carry the same cultural propensities for victimhood and blame rather than anything else which is reinforced by political means - after all, isn’t most of modern rising “hindutva” being pushed on victim narratives of conquest or minority favoritism?
Imagine how much mullah types would be foaming at the mouth if this was happening in the west.
But they love sucking atheist Commie Chinese knobs so hardly any posts from them.
Were are these commie boot licker holy warriors of Allah?
Typical victimhood mentality rather than owning the problem. Your statement is too generalized in nature. If Muslims are suffering in their own home, then it is not the issue of your neighbor rather you should blame yourself. You can consider the example of the middle east where everyone is against each other even if the middle east is a Muslim culture. So is it the fault of others if Arabs are friends of the West? Or Pakistan was a strategic ally of the CIA in the period 1990-2015? So no, Muslims are not suffering from others, rather they are not smart enough to have their own destiny.

Just see the situation of Islamic countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and SE Asian Nations. We never hear any kind of problem from those regions. Because, they try to build their own future rather than always looking for a scapegoat either with the West, China, Europe, India or Pakistan...etc...

I think it is mentality problem related to the people, cannot be related to Islamic teaching. The culture of Arab before they embrace Islam is like that, frequent war between them, something that Islam try to change.

I mean we can see that so few of Middle East countries can really become democratic. Authoritarian regime just show that the people cannot have high tolerance between each other and see life as zero sum game of power struggle between people instead of seeing life should be rather as cooperation to reach common goal.

Lebanon is the exception but can only happen after devastating civil war between them. Turkey is maybe another exception, but Turkey can be regarded as half Middle East and Half European. Tunisia on the other hand has come back to Authoritarian again.

For SEA region, big Muslim countries like Indonesia and Malaysia can have their own democratic system, alhamdulillah. Democratic system itself is very Islamic in nature as it has the same principle with the term Syura in Quran Surah As-Syura and has been implemented during early Islam where the Caliph is elected, not inherited like Kingdomship.


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Imagine how much mullah types would be foaming at the mouth if this was happening in the west.
But they love sucking atheist Commie Chinese knobs so hardly any posts from them.
Were are these commie boot licker holy warriors of Allah?

Certain levels of hypocrisy from such types are well entrenched in larger degeneracy for a reason.

Its mind numbing to people that have more consistent principled basis....but we cannot expect them to change, thats how deep they have gotten into their deranged immoral delusion.

it's easy to see why they were so effective at locking down 400 million people

chief terror expert xi jinping got lot of practice on muslims
It's a pathetic shameless lie
And western and Indian media

Please get your geography correct instead of always defaulting to your CCP trained answers.

You actually mean it is an Eastern Media and Muslim lie.
That OP post is from Aljazeera which is run by the Qatari government in the Middle East.

Just admit the Chinese consider Muslim media as liars and just use the stock default "Western media" tag as a smokescreen so you don't accidentally get caught saying it loudly publicly.
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Reality - world is full of hypocrites!
Good or bad is decided by interest not by morals!

Muslims are suffering around the globe.. Africa, middle east is on ignore list soon it will be China, Pakistan and many more to follow.

Muslims in the Middle East are indeed victims of US imperialism, but US imperialism and the West also use Muslims to cause trouble elsewhere. And the Muslims also took advantage of this opportunity.

No one cares about Serbs being bullied by muslims in Kosovo, so muslims are not always victims, they are bullying others too.

The United States has three forces in Eurasia to create chaos, Britain, Japan, and Muslims. If muslims want to take advantage of this opportunity then don't complain about other people's attitude towards muslims.

In the end, I don't think the internal policies of the West towards Muslims can be sustained.
This village in Yunnan province bordering Vietnam, land disputes happen all the time in China, even in Beijing I witnesses a dozens of them and one of them happened just next to my neighborhood.

Please get your geography correct instead of always defaulting to your CCP trained answers.

You actually mean it is an Eastern Media and Muslim lie.
That OP post is from Aljazeera which is run by the Qatari government in the Middle East.

Just admit the Chinese consider Muslim media as liars and just use the stock default "Western media" tag as a smokescreen so you don't accidentally get caught saying it loudly publicly.
Western media also reports and spins this simple incident into a religious charged lie, Aljazeera is also known as a extremist platform.
This village in Yunnan province bordering Vietnam, land disputes happen all the time in China, even in Beijing I witnesses a dozens of them and one of them happened just next to my neighborhood.

Western media also reports and spins this simple incident into a religious charged lie, Aljazeera is also known as a extremist platform.

Don't make excuses for the Hui people. In fact, many Hui people think that with the support of Western countries and Muslims abroad, they can be above the law.
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