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China police clashing with Muslims from China’s Hui minority after they were barred entry to a mosque,

I was just about to write this. Eye opening what two Chinese posters said about the Hui, a group that is patriotic with close cultural and racial links to Han folk.
Although there are many Chinese posters on here but there is a branch that has disdain for the Muslim population.

Beijingwalker has always said so. In fact, the Hui people in different regions are very different. Their ancestors were also different.

After China's reform and opening up, the treatment policies for ethnic minorities and religions have made some people very arrogant and above the law.

Ordinary people have always been very disgusted with them. The Chinese are very concerned about equality and against privilege.
Perhaps it's legit problem with the local government.
Let's just wait it out, don't get angry over internet news.

In history, the Hui belongs to the 4 main ethnic that make up China: Hui, Han, Manchu, Mongol. Pissing off the Hui is a bad idea.
Perhaps it's legit problem with the local government.
Let's just wait it out, don't get angry over internet news.

In history, the Hui belongs to the 4 main ethnic that make up China: Hui, Han, Manchu, Mongol. Pissing off the Hui is a bad idea.

No matter where they come from, they should not have privileges above the law. Crimes committed by ethnic minorities and religions should be dealt with in accordance with the law no matter how much international pressure there is.

Anybody who supports China deserves to be deported to China. China is like a terrorist country who uses brute force on Muslims. Their tactics are well documented worldwide. Everyday these tiny creatures compare themselves with United States. I hope United States tackle China properly because these inferiority complex needs a lesson.

Talk like America would love you.
Beijingwalker has always said so. In fact, the Hui people in different regions are very different. Their ancestors were also different.

After China's reform and opening up, the treatment policies for ethnic minorities and religions have made some people very arrogant and above the law.

Ordinary people have always been very disgusted with them. The Chinese are very concerned about equality and against privilege.

I don’t understand what you mean by they are different by region, can you explain.
I guess what you mean by ordinary people as in those who take advantage of such laws?
It's a pathetic shameless lie
And western and Indian media perpetually try to make people believe that in China people can't protest and speak against the government, but when incidents serve their ulterior agenda, they never hesitate to contradict themselves by reporting protests, riots and anti government gatherings in China.
Is Al Jazeera Indian ?
.. This illegal occupation of public land is an illegal act. The government demanded the demolition of illegal buildings occupying public land several times, each time the Hui people used violence to stop it. ...
As this land clearly belongs to the village it's not state owned. Co-operative enterprises, meaning villages, own their own land. The Muslims in villages have the right to build whatever they want. For religious structures in towns it's more complicated.
Don't get emotional, for a country of 10 million Turkic Uyghurs to take strong measures to reverse the spread of Islamic extremism is a real responsibility to Uyghur Muslims.

You and I both know that if left unattended, with a population of 10 million, there will be at least a million radicals. This region is located in the interior of Asia and borders Afghanistan. The US CIA officials openly said that they would arm At least 500,000 Uighurs are fighting guerrilla warfare against China. If the American plan is really realized, it will trigger large-scale terrorist attacks and wars. resulting in the death of a large number of people.

Do you really think that the Uyghurs are capable of armed independence?

Uyghurs mainly live in the desert oases in southern Xinjiang. It is located in the interior of Asia, consisting of deserts and oases, surrounded by the Pamirs, the Tianshan Mountains, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and the Taklama Desert. As long as China controls the roads and water sources, the Uyghur terrorists in the various oases separated by the desert will are easily wiped out.

Do you really want to see this kind of war break out?

I think you, who have malicious intentions towards China and hope that the Uyghurs will shed as much blood as possible, will want to see this kind of tragedy happen.

You and I both know that if left unattended, with a population of 10 million, there will be at least a million radicals.

It would be a good debate to understand your perspective of what it means by " left unattended" and "radicals" ...
Foreigners don't really know China, Chinese history always follows ethnic lines but not religious lines, anyone who knows basic Chinese history should know XInjiang Uighurs worst enemy is Hui people, not Han people ,Huis are also whom Uighurs fear the most, whenever there was a riot or revolt in Xinjiang, it was always Hui's army going there to put them out for the central government and Huis sometimes committed atrocities in Xinjiang.
Uighurs and Huis generally get along ok with Hans, but they can rarely get along with eath other due to the historic feud. it's almost like the long running feud between Korea and Japan.
As this land clearly belongs to the village it's not state owned. Co-operative enterprises, meaning villages, own their own land. The Muslims in villages have the right to build whatever they want. For religious structures in towns it's more complicated.
All land in China is state-owned land, and any change in land use rights requires the approval of the land authority.

Collective land is also state-owned land. The illegal occupation of state-owned land to build mosques reflects a problem. The local people are used to not obeying the law. lawlessness

This shows that Hui people have always flouted the law, are you really Finn or immigrant? I read a lot of news reports that there are a lot of sex crimes related to immigrants in Finland
First it was the "Hui are model citizens and the Uyghur are foreigners and trouble makers", now it's Hui are foreigners and trouble makers Ever since that the Uyghurs have successfully been dealt with.

The comment also comes with a bonus completely made up testimony 👌.

At what point are Pakistani muslims gonna realize that the Chinese government just don't like Muslims and have an even worse opinion about Islam?

@LeGenD @beijingwalker @RescueRanger @SQ8
See, here's the thing: China doesn't have any problems with Muslims or Islam. What China concerns itself with is China, which means it concerns itself with Muslims and Islam in China. So long as China's sovereignty is paramount, China couldn't care less what anyone else anywhere else is doing.

You should take a lesson from that. China doesn't comment on or concern itself with the affairs of Muslims in Pakistan, Canada, America, or anywhere else. Take a lesson from that and mind your own business.
Muslims in the Middle East are indeed victims of US imperialism, but US imperialism and the West also use Muslims to cause trouble elsewhere. And the Muslims also took advantage of this opportunity.

No one cares about Serbs being bullied by muslims in Kosovo, so muslims are not always victims, they are bullying others too.

The United States has three forces in Eurasia to create chaos, Britain, Japan, and Muslims. If muslims want to take advantage of this opportunity then don't complain about other people's attitude towards muslims.

In the end, I don't think the internal policies of the West towards Muslims can be sustained.

Muslim population is massive

If others are going to target and persecute small muslim communities then bigger muslim communities will respond in kind

There are 2 billion and growing Muslims now, enough to engulf anyone in a sea of hate and vengeance

If you don't want anyone to use muslim populations against you then don't give them a excuse,, if you target a mosque a response is inevitable

See, here's the thing: China doesn't have any problems with Muslims or Islam. What China concerns itself with is China, which means it concerns itself with Muslims and Islam in China. So long as China's sovereignty is paramount, China couldn't care less what anyone else anywhere else is doing.

You should take a lesson from that. China doesn't comment on or concern itself with the affairs of Muslims in Pakistan, Canada, America, or anywhere else. Take a lesson from that and mind your own business.
All muslims are our business,,

The worlds 2 BILLION Muslims are largely unconcerned to positive about China, that promotes good trade and relations

If your going to target the Chinese Muslim population then your inviting hatred of Chinese and that has consequences that are unnecessary and pointless

Just to needlessly oppress a local village population of hui Muslims in China

Frankly this is a stupid a needless provocation at this moment but the Chinese
Muslim population is massive

If others are going to target and persecute small muslim communities then bigger muslim communities will respond in kind

There are 2 billion and growing Muslims now, enough to engulf anyone in a sea of hate and vengeance

If you don't want anyone to use muslim populations against you then don't give them a excuse,, if you target a mosque a response is inevitable
How come Saudis and Iran are worst enemies and Pakistan and Afghanistan don't really like each other, Egypt and Turkey are not on good terms ? geopolitics are never following religious lines, China is a much better friend to most Muslim countries than Muslim countries with themselves.


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All muslims are our business,,
That stops when it comes to China.
The worlds 2 BILLION Muslims are largely unconcerned to positive about China, that promotes good trade and relations
What promotes good trade and relations is mutual necessity. These countries need Chinese trade, investment, and technology and China needs their strategic resources.

I find it pretty funny that it's 2 BILLION Muslims now. You're presumably a Sunni since that's the predominant sect in Pakistan. Are the Shia Muslims? How about the Ibadis? Ahmadis? I could keep rattling off different sects. That's ignoring the ten thousand different subsects of Sunni Islam. Put two Muslims in a room and you'll have three branches of Islam.

Even if we indulge the ridiculous fantasy that all Muslims are united, you'd still be weak. How are Muslim countries represented in industry, science, and technology? They're nowhere to be found.
If your going to target the Chinese Muslim population then your inviting hatred of Chinese and that has consequences that are unnecessary and pointless
The hatred of the weak means nothing. The Pakistani elites that are so often condemned here all understand this lesson. They know how powerful China is and how much they need it, and they're wise enough to keep their mouths shut. You should take a lesson from them.

Besides, weren't you guys mad at Macron over something or other a while back? What consequences has France faced? It was just impotent, incandescent rage that was spent in mere moments and changed nothing.
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