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China plans to sell Pak an aircraft carrier and integrate it militarily

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If our economy grows strongly and we have an honest government for 20 years, then maybe. Until then, no chance.
Oil exploration in arabian sea if goes successfully may necessarily mean getting an aircraft carier and soon...

Pak eez extends upto oman and than we have also added continental shelf to it
Oil exploration in arabian sea if goes successfully may necessarily mean getting an aircraft carier and soon...

Pak eez extends upto oman and than we have also added continental shelf to it
All oil zones are around the continental shelf in indus basin area..very near to india..dont be surprised if india start claiming some of it...credit goes to PN for conducting the study to get the area included in pakistan EZZ
Every thing is order

Pakistan's Navy Modernization Efforts are in Full Motion

An aircraft carrier will be very expensive to operate and Pakistan does not need one. For that budget, Pakistan can get high tech naval ships and submarines.

This seems to be an Indian analyst's hallucinations while sitting on a toilet seat.

We gonna use it to host weddings.

Lol. A marriage hall on the sea. Good idea.
This Quote sums it up pretty well. These Indian analysts report nothing but garbage when it comes to Pakistan and China. Pakistan has no ambitions to procure an aircraft carrier not even in next 5 decades. Our most immediate plan over next two decades include procurement of small frigates and submarines. All our current threats are present right next to our border so why the heck we would need an aircraft carrier?
To divert enemy assets pointing at Pakistan India border, aircraft carrier is good choice. Pakistan need deep blue sea mobile strike station to counter Indian secured side of border. Don't limit asset only and along border front. Open other sides through through mobile air power. That is the US air craft carrier fleet concept. Pakistan need atleast two battle group either size with small carrier to disperse Indian air and water asset.
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And how we maintain those destroyers use the commonsense if you have, 7-8 is enough for PN, PN had different strategy than you thought, PN relying on supersonic/subsonic anti ship missiles from air/land/surface/subsurface to deny IN in Arabian sea ever heard saturation attacks HARZAT @Zarvan ;):enjoy:
The kind of firepower French FREMM has you need that kind of Frigates Frigates with that kind of firepower 20 will do you the job. Along with having 16 Submarines and two Squadrons of Fighter Jets to back them up. You don't stand a chance by having only 7 to 8 Destroyers.
great day ? okay
Yeh baykhudi Bay sabib nahi Hai Ghalib
Kuch tu Hai jis ki pardadari Hai

Two to three on shore fighter Sqdns dedicated under navy command r enough to keep India at bay and can do a deep strike mission inside inside India.Having a AC for pakistan is bad idea no need for this
Stating that the J-10C is a fourth-generation medium fighter with combat capability comparable to the Rafale , it said “an important goal” of sending the J-10C was to “simulate” the Rafale fighters that the Indian Air Force is about to introduce from France

The J-10C comparable to Rafale.........maybe performance wise; but Rafale's advantage is its sensors and electronic suite package which makes it second only to the F-22 in terms of stealth (actual v/s electronic). On top of that, the IAF Rafale's will have state of the art weapons systems.......

There is no comparison really, atleast not today.
Every thing is order

Pakistan's Navy Modernization Efforts are in Full Motion

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As Pakistan Navy gradually modernizes, it ought to also expand its ship/sub building and ship/sub maintenance facilities as well as establish at least one or more Navy Bases or expand existing ones. I expect Pakistan Navy to order further Type-054As, right before the order of first four ships have concluded.

From the looks of things, I get the sense that China will be introducing Type-054Bs as well, in the near future. Once of course, the production run of the Type-054As has concluded.

Pakistan Navy should be gunning for 4-6 Guided Missile Destroyers, 16-18 Frigates (AD/VLS), 10-12 OPVs/Corvettes (ASuW), 14-16 Submarines (HK/SLCM/XC), 2-4 WASI (Wide Area Signals Intelligence) platforms on both land and at sea, 3-4 Replenishment Tankers, 2-3 Naval Air Wings (AD/ASW) and various support and auxiliary vessels by 2030s. Mind you, this Naval strength of Pakistan Navy is justifiably so to reflect the success and the pivotal role CPEC would play for Pakistan.
Pak need few destroyers with potent SAM system which can take care of indian nacal jets entering our shores and potent fleet of subs and frigates take on indian might
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