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China paper condemns Vietnam-India energy cooperation

India just speed up tension between two neighbors
but if war start b/w china-Vietnam
Indian will disappear from whole scenario
Did ur grandfather teach u so that china can at will punish india?? What the heck is ur nation??A dirty manufacturing hub which feeds its ppl by selling goods in other countries..If someone will get punished it will be china and not someone else, we will ban chinese trade in india and create trouble for ur traders through our sea lanes and then lets see who gets punished..

and as for water resources is concerned its all stolen land and not china's property the day Tibet will et independence(jai sri ram) that problem will get solved too..Heck u guys were not even able to defend ur selfs from the Japs now think what will happen if entire Nato India and its allies attacks u?? And as for not drinking water first ask ur step brothers pakistan and bangladesh to pratcise not drinking water for years ha ha ha..we indians divert the water over our land and that's it job done we can sell water to the whole world even if china builds tyhe bigest of the dams..

Yeah,their 3 big great dams-in a time of conflict just fire some Shaurya hypersonic cruise missiles armed with 400 kg high explosive semi armor piercing warheads and they will be on their knees.Yeah,their 3 big great dams-in a time of conflict just fire some Shaurya hypersonic cruise missiles armed with 400 kg high explosive semi armor piercing warheads and they will be on their knees.
Did ur grandfather teach u so that china can at will punish india?? What the heck is ur nation??A dirty manufacturing hub which feeds its ppl by selling goods in other countries..If someone will get punished it will be china and not someone else, we will ban chinese trade in india and create trouble for ur traders through our sea lanes and then lets see who gets punished..

and as for water resources is concerned its all stolen land and not china's property the day Tibet will et independence(jai sri ram) that problem will get solved too..Heck u guys were not even able to defend ur selfs from the Japs now think what will happen if entire Nato India and its allies attacks u?? And as for not drinking water first ask ur step brothers pakistan and bangladesh to pratcise not drinking water for years ha ha ha..we indians divert the water over our land and that's it job done we can sell water to the whole world even if china builds tyhe bigest of the dams..

Ok. Do it then. Stop talking. But why are you in England and not Shining India?

Did you fail to get off the plane last time you landed in JaiPOOR, and your driver was late? Where people sh!t on the floor and the slums are named sector 1?

Sorry, China's AIR is dirty, but the streets are clean. India's streets are dirty as HELL and the air is dirty too, because there is too much sh!t smell.
I think India forgot 1962 humilation by the hands of chinese they want another humliation from the worlds largest military.
India will prosper under chinese control.go go
Faire enough...first you have to ask U.S permission and If U.S said Ok...than Nukes are free for all, we will gladly to capture alot of anti-american Nuke market (Iran, venezuela, Mexico). we evil Chinese has no problem to play the fair game.

its "have no problem" please dragon go correct your grammar looks like mao's red book isnt doing much
I think India forgot 1962 humilation by the hands of chinese they want another humliation from the worlds largest military.
India will prosper under chinese control.go go

Sorry we are not Pakistan which is a defacto Chinese province..

and we fought China in 1967 and 1988 too..and had them scurrying..and if China attacks us again we wont stop from using our airforce(which we didnt use in 1962 to our detriment)..
Did ur grandfather teach u so that china can at will punish india?? What the heck is ur nation??A dirty manufacturing hub which feeds its ppl by selling goods in other countries..If someone will get punished it will be china and not someone else, we will ban chinese trade in india and create trouble for ur traders through our sea lanes and then lets see who gets punished..
Apply your logic to your own country and see where it stands :rofl: So somehow exporting goods becomes the symbol for a dirty country ? :P Which world do you live in ? :undecided: and yes their grandfathers showed them in 1962 how India can be punished at will .... China's been punishing India all along by grabbing land across LAC , providing military assistance to Pakistan , basing troops at Line of Control , developing infrastructure worth billions in Pakistani Controlled Kashmir and making a alternative energy route via Gwadar ... and If it was even feasible to stop Chinese goods coming into India , your Govt would have done that ... Do you think China will allow Indians to trade in their country if you stop Chinese goods ? :rofl:
I think India forgot 1962 humilation by the hands of chinese they want another humliation from the worlds largest military.
India will prosper under chinese control.go go

in 1962 we didnt lose half of our country like someone did.

in 1984 we didnt lose our glacier

in 1999 we regained our territory

anyhow i think you guys should save your face adm. mullen is really mad at you all as of now,and boy you should hear what american taxpayers have to say about you and your land,deal with that first you can come back to us to talk about humiliation later

Did ur grandfather teach u so that china can at will punish india?? What the heck is ur nation??A dirty manufacturing hub which feeds its ppl by selling goods in other countries..If someone will get punished it will be china and not someone else, we will ban chinese trade in india and create trouble for ur traders through our sea lanes and then lets see who gets punished.. ..

My grandfather taught me that China punished India in 1962 for harboring slave owners and sneakly stolen Chinese territories with your forward policy :lol:…And my nation call China…haha :D. We Chinese manufacturing hub sell thing only to Western countries..probably most your Indians can’t even afford its let alone with your trade sanction…earning money from 1 meal per day Indians is disgraceful and shame to all Chinese people.

As for punishment, the report stated very clearly: the losses will outweigh the gains…..just wait and see; I don’t know much than you.

and as for water resources is concerned its all stolen land and not china's property the day Tibet will et independence(jai sri ram) that problem will get solved too..Heck u guys were not even able to defend ur selfs from the Japs now think what will happen if entire Nato India and its allies attacks u?? And as for not drinking water first ask ur step brothers pakistan and bangladesh to pratcise not drinking water for years ha ha ha..we indians divert the water over our land and that's it job done we can sell water to the whole world even if china builds tyhe bigest of the dams..

Funny, you Indian dude start by saying that China is unable to feed its people with its own resources, So I just give him a scientific explanation about how water is also an essential resource to Human, much more important than Oil and Gaz…and we Chinese sit on top of it.

... And you think we gonna get piss when you invoke Japs? Haha that’s past, every country has it moment of weakness, we evil Chinese has no shame to admit..and what about England..that dominate you Indian subcontinent for over 200 years which you mean official language still english.. I don’t need to dig further back to illustrate how other powers that dominate you country which you know better than me.

If you Consider Tibet is stolen land...just come to claim it if you dare, by invoking Nato is not gonna help India…who want to be your meat shield, you Indians like make lunatic scenarios: “if this…If that”

if entire Nato India and its allies attacks u??
If China Invade Vietnam, than Nato will come rescue..
If India sell Brahmos…China will be scare…to hell

...And I never said to block Indus or Brahmaputra River to harm Pakistan or Bangladesh…Since you mentioned it more likely Ganges river, the indian sacred river is the best choice to put the dirty hand on…over 400 millions Indians are depend on immediately…so I will let the imagination to you for the fate of this 400 millions people.
August 15,1947 we got our FREEDOM something a distant dream for one of our neighbor.

Freedom from losing more than half of the country to someone? Which one of your neighbor is still being colonized? :lol:
Freedom from losing more than half of the country to someone? Which one of your neighbor is still being colonized? :lol:

Dont you think in hindsight it was the best thing to have happened to India ?
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