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China/Pakistan/India - Was Nehru smarter than Modi?

@Chinese-Dragon hey little chinese boy this time u will face the world. China a communist nation. Even animals in cage around world are free compared to chinese people. China is a history. Mess with mighty Modi the chanakya of india and see the result. He made eleven pingpong a joke. It was funny how a communist nation president begging military to listen to him HAHAHAHAHAHA. man modi is deadly. Try to poke him and see how he smashes ur 3rd class cheap weapon country.
Just a random thought. Comment if you like.

Nehru was smart, when he launched his Forward Policy against China, we were at the weakest period of our history, not to mention in the middle of the worst famine in our history, the Great leap forward. We were literally collapsing with starvation, the Great leap forward alone dropped China's GDP by over 1/3, making us significantly poorer than India at that time as well.

Which meant Nehru was smart, because if you want to start a Forward Policy against a country like China, you'd better be damn sure we are at the weakest point imaginable, collapsing from famine for example.

Modi on the other hand, is now pressing forward with his "new assertive posture", against both China AND Pakistan.

Read this from Reuters:

"(Reuters) - However, military officers in both countries and officials in New Delhi say the violence that has killed nearly 20 civilians escalated because of a more assertive Indian posture under the new government of nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi."

Modi's bravado ups the ante in India-Pakistan fighting | Reuters

Read it again. Military officers in both countries, AND officials in New Delhi, say the violence is escalating because of Modi's "new assertive posture". They agree on that.

And this new assertive posture led to the recent border clash between China and India, as well as India recently killing over 20 civilians in Pakistan, by firing on civilian villages across the Pakistani border with mortar shells.

Is this new attitude the start of a new Forward Policy.... by Modi instead of Nehru? But while Nehru was smart to attack us at our weakest point, when we were collapsing from famine, Modi is now choosing to be assertive at our strongest point (the Indian Army itself has admitted that "India cannot match China by any conventional or non-conventional means, and the gap is growing larger every day.")

Does that mean Nehru was smarter than Modi? Nehru also managed to keep Pakistan out of the 1962 war, which may not happen this time around. Leading to the two-front conflict that the Indian army has been talking about for the past few years.

This false claim of "Nehru attacked China" was conclusively rebutted a million times, If it was true, then he would have been the first man in the world to attack any country without sending his army on the border. One biased foreign reporter and his dubious claims about some biased report doesn't change anything. But you seem to be more interested in selling your snake oil than confronting the truth. But I can assure you that such efforts of deliberate malicious propaganda won't change the reality.

About Nehru being smart in 1962, if he really was, then he would have at least listened to his army generals' repeated warnings about an imminent Chinese attack and would have posted at least 50,000 men on the border to discourage any such misadventure by China. The only way he was responsible for the war was to NOT put enough soldiers on the border to discourage any Chinese attack.

Finally, about the assertive policy of BJP government, the policy is simple, we will not "Let it go" anymore when China try to nibble away our land inch by inch, the way China was doing for so long, and we will respond to Pakistani provocations in proportionate measure, and the policy will remain so going forward. We are not ready to maintain so called peace at our expense while our enemies gain, if that starts a war, then let it be, we know we can drag our enemies to hell if they try to push us there.
According to India's own internal Army report, India set up military outposts far beyond the MacMohan line, in land that India does not even claim.

Dhola Post that triggered war was on China's side of McMahon Line | Business Standard

Even Indian commanders on the ground were confused, since even their own maps showed that their outposts were beyond the MacMahon line, in pure Chinese territory.

After that, Nehru gave the order to the Indian Army to "throw out the Chinese from that land", i.e. out of our own land, recognized by both China and India. How is that not a declaration of war?

Imagine Mexico sets up military outposts in Texas, then uses their Army to "throw the Americans out" of their own land?

Who confirmed that the so called Henderson Brooks report copy that was published by an Australian journalist Neville Maxwell who is known to be a China apologist, is actually the real report and not a malicious attempt by some vested interest to show China as a good boy in front of the world when China is being severely criticized around the world for its irresponsible and very aggressive policies towards its neighbors? HBR is a secret internal report that was not published anywhere, not at least in any blog.

Btw, two more things:

1. Stop copy pasting from your old posts everywhere. :)

2. China shouldn't have done that Chumur fiasco when Modi was looking forward to an improved political & economic relations with China.
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Just a random thought. Comment if you like.

Nehru was smart, when he launched his Forward Policy against China, we were at the weakest period of our history, not to mention in the middle of the worst famine in our history, the Great leap forward. We were literally collapsing with starvation, the Great leap forward alone dropped China's GDP by over 1/3, making us significantly poorer than India at that time as well.

Which meant Nehru was smart, because if you want to start a Forward Policy against a country like China, you'd better be damn sure we are at the weakest point imaginable, collapsing from famine for example.

Modi on the other hand, is now pressing forward with his "new assertive posture", against both China AND Pakistan.

Read this from Reuters:

"(Reuters) - However, military officers in both countries and officials in New Delhi say the violence that has killed nearly 20 civilians escalated because of a more assertive Indian posture under the new government of nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi."

Modi's bravado ups the ante in India-Pakistan fighting | Reuters

Read it again. Military officers in both countries, AND officials in New Delhi, say the violence is escalating because of Modi's "new assertive posture". They agree on that.

And this new assertive posture led to the recent border clash between China and India, as well as India recently killing over 20 civilians in Pakistan, by firing on civilian villages across the Pakistani border with mortar shells.

Is this new attitude the start of a new Forward Policy.... by Modi instead of Nehru? But while Nehru was smart to attack us at our weakest point, when we were collapsing from famine, Modi is now choosing to be assertive at our strongest point (the Indian Army itself has admitted that "India cannot match China by any conventional or non-conventional means, and the gap is growing larger every day.")

Does that mean Nehru was smarter than Modi? Nehru also managed to keep Pakistan out of the 1962 war, which may not happen this time around. Leading to the two-front conflict that the Indian army has been talking about for the past few years.

You are TTA.You should do better than this.
Jawaharlal Nehru was a peaceful guy perhaps quite opposite than Narendra Modi a Hindu Nationalist responsded with eye for an eye , sword for a sword mentality.
A lot of Chinese inhere are damn try to prove India was much better in that times.But Iam say itagain.That is absolutely wrong.Whenwe got independence in 1947 only wealth lefted by British was 99% poverty.During 1962 we had WW2 rifles and China had most modern AK series fromUSSR.

And comparing Modi and Nehru.Nehru trusted China , this forward policy was a puny exercise to patrolour borders .
Nehru was not that smart when it comes to strategic issues.

But Narendra Modi is strategic think is quite higher than any ofour previous PM except Indira Gandhi.If he made a small move he surely have a mighty back up also.He always have a Plan B.

Look at the Chinese government response.
Fact is evenif we have several limitations messing with us is
next impossible thing PRC can do.I think China was more stronger position than this during 1962.But now we have a lot of options
This false claim of "Nehru attacked China" was conclusively rebutted a million times, If it was true, then he would have been the first man in the world to attack any country without sending his army on the border. One biased foreign reporter and his dubious claims about some biased report doesn't change anything. But you seem to be more interested in selling your snake oil than confronting the truth. But I can assure you that such efforts of deliberate malicious propaganda won't change the reality.

About Nehru being smart in 1962, if he really was, then he would have at least listened to his army generals' repeated warnings about an imminent Chinese attack and would have posted at least 50,000 men on the border to discourage any such misadventure by China. The only way he was responsible for the war was to NOT put enough soldiers on the border to discourage any Chinese attack.

Finally, about the assertive policy of BJP government, the policy is simple, we will not "Let it go" anymore when China try to nibble away our land inch by inch, the way China was doing for so long, and we will respond to Pakistani provocations in proportionate measure, and the policy will remain so going forward. We are not ready to maintain so called peace at our expense while our enemies gain, if that starts a war, then let it be, we know we can drag our enemies to hell if they try to push us there.
The OP is 'highly impressed' with one of the esteemed Admins (and owner). So don't be surprised if his anti India rhetoric rises exponentially.

They had multiple discussions and well - you see the results here.
Notice how his behavior towards India changes as the behavour by the chinese government changes? Pre- election, the chinese government was Pro-Modi, and this @Chinese-Dragon was even more Pro-Modi than Indians themselves. When china began their adventurism into India and their government took a more aggressive attitude towards Modi, this fella becomes Anti-Modi.
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Modi is filled up with too much foul air at this time, soon it will all escape leaving him as impotent and sterile as his predecessors
Notice how his behavior towards India changes as the behavour by the chinese government changes? Pre- election, the chinese government was Pro-Modi, and this @Chinese-Dragon was even more Pro-Modi than Indians themselves. When china began their adventurism into India and their government took a more aggressive attitude towards Modi, this fella becomes Anti-Modi.

I am still in favor of Modi. :D

India is being led by a mass murderer, who would never have the support of the 200 million Indian Muslims.

If there was any way to fracture the most basic aspect of Indian culture (unity in diversity), what better than an extremist mass murderer of Indian Muslims getting into power.
@Chinese-Dragon you know Modi. He is pro-business and therefore naturally pro-China. Ofcourse when something on the border happens he has to be assertive to appear tough but he is not stupid like Nehru to start a Forward Policy or anything. To fulfill his promise of jobs and development to the country, he wants Chinese investment.

Pakistan OTOH is a completely different case altogether.
I am still in favor of Modi. :D

India is being led by a mass murderer, who would never have the support of the 200 million Indian Muslims.

If there was any way to fracture the most basic aspect of Indian culture (unity in diversity), what better than an extremist mass murderer of Indian Muslims getting into power.

We are very touched by your show of support to our PM. Logic however dictates that if the PRC can thrive under a murderous totalitarian regime (really do I need to give examples??:what:) India can do the same.
CD keeps switching between pro-India and anti-India stance every now and then. A few months here, a few months there. Don't be bothered.
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