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China/Pakistan/India - Was Nehru smarter than Modi?

India does not want any land that it does not control right now. We are happy with making line of control as border. This cannot be termed as forward policy.
Is China ready to resolve the issue on same thought?
Pakistan is not.
But what if it leads to another Forward Policy? Or the perception of another Forward Policy?
Ok, since this is a hypothetical what if scenario -
From a Chinese/Pakistani tactical/strategic POV this is what is going to happen...

i. China is a quasi-superpower, while India is ...well... India.
ii. It will be much easier to eliminate and even possibly invade and occupy India with Pakistan.

So even in this scenario, China has only to gain. :) So a Forward Policy will suit China and Pakistan fine. You have nothing to worry.
Nope. Nehru provoked China to initiate hostilities. Nehru did not start the war himself. He made it impossible for you to NOT start it. :(

According to India's own internal Army report, India set up military outposts far beyond the MacMohan line, in land that India does not even claim.

Dhola Post that triggered war was on China's side of McMahon Line | Business Standard

Even Indian commanders on the ground were confused, since even their own maps showed that their outposts were beyond the MacMahon line, in pure Chinese territory.

After that, Nehru gave the order to the Indian Army to "throw out the Chinese from that land", i.e. out of our own land, recognized by both China and India. How is that not a declaration of war?

Imagine Mexico sets up military outposts in Texas, then uses their Army to "throw the Americans out" of their own land?
why pla is intruding while their pm is in host country ? is it not assertive posture from chinese side....
Rumour is that much like Pakistan, the PLA is at odds with the civilian leadership, and wanted to show 11 in bad light, perhaps due to power struggles. Even now they are questioning his leadership (from the other thread.).
No, read the Reuters article.

Even officials in New Delhi have told Reuters that it is the "new assertive posture" of the Modi government that is escalating the situation on the borders.
even before modi was pm pla was intruding.......so there is nothing about "new assertive posture" of the Modi government ..............

and officials in New Delhi is only talking about clash with pak.............which is completely fine.....they started attacking working boundary which houses non-muslims killed 10 people .......what do you expect ? stand still with hand up in air
According to India's internal Army report, India set up military outposts far beyond the MacMohan line, in land that India does not even claim.

Dhola Post that triggered war was on China's side of McMahon Line | Business Standard News

Even Indian commanders on the ground were confused, since even their own maps showed that their outposts were beyond the MacMahon line, in pure Chinese territory.

After that, Nehru gave the order to the Indian Army to "throw out the Chinese from that land", i.e. out of our own land, recognized by both China and India. How is that not a declaration of war?

Imagine Mexico sets up military outposts in Texas, then uses their Army to "throw the Americans out" of their own land?
I am not defending Nehru 'military genius'. So you won't find me defending him. Only that 'use of force' did not occur on a large scale from India's side.
I have read Maxwille, Nehru have the order to Kaul to "throw the Chinese from that land" much later in the NEFA, when the Chinese had already begun and executed their phase I. By that time Indian forces in the NEFA (now Arunachal Pradesh) had been squarely pushed back.
According to India's own internal Army report, India set up military outposts far beyond the MacMohan line, in land that India does not even claim.
Dhola Post that triggered war was on China's side of McMahon Line | Business Standard
Even Indian commanders on the ground were confused, since even their own maps showed that their outposts were beyond the MacMahon line, in pure Chinese territory.
After that, Nehru gave the order to the Indian Army to "throw out the Chinese from that land", i.e. out of our own land, recognized by both China and India. How is that not a declaration of war?
Imagine Mexico sets up military outposts in Texas, then uses their Army to "throw the Americans out" of their own land?
that's uncensored media :ph34r:
don't take it seriously, india is not china.where we censor media.
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Read it again. Military officers in both countries, AND officials in New Delhi, say the violence is escalating because of Modi's "new assertive posture". They agree on that.

And this new assertive posture led to the recent border clash between China and India, as well as India recently killing over 20 civilians in Pakistan, by firing on civilian villages across the Pakistani border with mortar shells.

Is this new attitude the start of a new Forward Policy.... by Modi instead of Nehru? But while Nehru was smart to attack us at our weakest point, when we were collapsing from famine, Modi is now choosing to be assertive at our strongest point (the Indian Army itself has admitted that "India cannot match China by any conventional or non-conventional means, and the gap is growing larger every day.")

Does that mean Nehru was smarter than Modi? Nehru also managed to keep Pakistan out of the 1962 war, which may not happen this time around. Leading to the two-front conflict that the Indian army has been talking about for the past few years.

You got it wrong. It's just the last 10 years which India lacked the spine. It was not coz of the army's ill preparedness or coz china is super strong in her history. It's because of incompetent governance.After 1962, you tried twice to attack India. Once in 1967 and again in 1987. Both these misadventures costed you heavily with Arunachal Pradesh being granted statehood the second time you tried. If you believe indian military official's reports that India cannot face two front war, i hope you also believe their statement that there will be bloodshed on the LAC if china tries any misadventure. So, nehru smarter than modi or vice versa is just a baloney coz Indian military will always be the same no matter who runs the government.
So even in this scenario, China has only to gain. :) So a Forward Policy will suit China and Pakistan fine. You have nothing to worry.

But obviously we can't control whether or not India starts another Forward Policy, or acts assertively/aggressively enough that we perceive another Forward Policy.

That is out of our hands. We can only respond, and that is something we can do very well.

I am surprised there are no Pakistanis commenting in this thread. I think it would be a mistake if they turned down China's offer again like Ayub Khan did in 1962, luckily I believe they would not turn down such an opportunity again.
We can only respond, and that is something we can do very well.
I am surprised there are no Pakistanis commenting in this thread. I think it would be a mistake if they turned down China's offer again like Ayub Khan did in 1962, luckily I believe they would not turn down such an opportunity again.
Don't worry. This time Pakistan will not refuse your hand of friendship.

In that case wish you best of luck in making India - history.
But obviously we can't control whether or not India starts another Forward Policy, or acts assertively/aggressively enough that we perceive another Forward Policy.

That is out of our hands. We can only respond, and that is something we can do very well.

I am surprised there are no Pakistanis commenting in this thread. I think it would be a mistake if they turned down China's offer again like Ayub Khan did in 1962, luckily I believe they would not turn down such an opportunity again.
actually,,,you can help them now,,by shelling us on eastern side,,,Indo-Pak border is already active...why not try it:D
there no offer here from China,,,just ur imagination:)
To be honest when modi came he was very much pro China and even wanted to have friendly ties with pak, but both of the country ditched us... one started violating ceasefire and the other started incursions in our territory.
Yeah so are we. :D Even ISIS is claiming it is defending :D Guess we will see in the next few years, if we exist or not. Things will get clear soon.

You're right, whichever way it goes down, we probably won't have too long to wait in any case. :P

Modi's "new assertive posture" is a significant poke, and my point is that poking is unhealthy. In state-to-state relations anyway. :cheesy:
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