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China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) | Updates & Discussions

Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in Beijing
Beijing News*
President Xi Jinping pushes for the development of the joint Economic Corridor.
The Frontier Post
“I have great liking for you and your brother,” Xi told Sharif.
Daily Times
Sharif called on China to assist in financing new electricity grid, infrastructure projects.
The Nation
Sharif travels on Beijing subway, is "impressed with its functioning".
Over the weekend Sharif will attend a China-Pakistan Energy Forum in Shanghai, meet a power company in Guangzhou, before flying home on Monday.

Glad to see Mr Nawaz Sharif in Beijing. Apparently he is on a learning mission-to see various development projects.Hope what he has seen gets replicated or transformed in Pakistan
By AFP / APP Published: July 5, 2013
BEIJING: Pakistan and China signed eight agreements on Friday agreeing to strengthen economic and diplomatic ties between the two countries.
One of the agreements includes the construction of a 200km-long tunnel that amounts to $18 billion in cost. The “Pak-China Economic corridor” will link Pakistan’s Gwadar Port on the Arabian Sea and Kashghar in Xinjiang in northwest China.
Long term project approximately costing $18 billion that would include building around 200 kilomters tunnels was Pak-China Economic corridor.
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Friday told his Chinese counterpart Li Keqiang their countries’ relationship was “sweeter than honey”, during a visit to Beijing with economic ties at the top of the agenda.
Pakistan and China are close diplomatic and military allies and Nawaz, who is on his first foreign trip since his May election, is looking to secure infrastructure projects to tackle a chronic energy crisis and economic malaise in his country.
At the Great Hall of the People in the Chinese capital, Nawaz said his welcome “reminds me of the saying, our friendship is higher than the Himalayas and deeper than the deepest sea in the world, and sweeter than honey”.
Li told him: “I greatly appreciate your great warmth and deep affection for the people of China.”
The Chinese premier was the first foreign leader to visit Pakistan after Nawaz’s victory at the polls.
Beijing has been involved with the upgrade of the Karakoram Highway as part of a proposed economic corridor between the two countries.
Earlier this year China took control of Pakistan’s Gwadar port, giving it access to the Arabian Sea and Strait of Hormuz, a gateway for a third of the world’s traded oil.
China-Pakistan trade last year reached $12 billion and is targeted to rise to $15 billion in the next two to three years.
On Thursday Nawaz held talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping, amid concerns in his country over weak growth, inflation and power cuts of up to 20 hours a day.
Xi, who referred to Nawaz as an old friend and a good brother, said strengthening strategic cooperation with Islamabad was a priority for China’s diplomacy, the state-run broadcaster China Central Television reported.
Nawaz said his country welcomed Chinese investment and would work to create a friendly environment for it.
The threat of terrorism is also expected to figure during Nawaz’s discussions.
200km-long tunnel !!!!!???? :woot: will that be rail or road tunnel ??
Strong rhetoric is not needed, strong action is!
Of course nothing can be built overnight but at least there is an apparent "will" to put things on track. For example, for the first time, China helped Pakistan to tackle her BoP crisis by allocating 800 Million USD (Credited in CNY). China never came forward in PPP's regime. If there is a will, friends of Pakistan are more than willing to help us. Next foreign visit is expected for Turkey. How much has he been able to secure, if he can expedite things, we will start to see the results within a year or two.

200km-long tunnel !!!!!???? :woot: will that be rail or road tunnel ??
Rail Tunnel I guess because road link with China already exists in the shape of silk-road.
The rhetoric needs to more masculine. Especially the notorious photo op pic of the Chinese and pakistani soldier holding hands.

i think its more than one tunnels of 200km not a single.
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