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China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) | Updates & Discussions

These proposed links are good in theory, but will fail miserably in practice even if somehow they are realized, and even for that the chances are slim to none.

well thats what you argued once with me in Gawadar news sec. when i said about rail and road network……
Nawaz on his first day talked about that rail & role network and the establishment is really serious on that matter neglecting the practability and applicatibility of that plan soo lets chk out if that plan can work but this plan is going to start for sure……:pop:
well thats what you argued once with me in Gawadar news sec. when i said about rail and road network……
Nawaz on his first day talked about that rail & role network and the establishment is really serious on that matter neglecting the practability and applicatibility of that plan soo lets chk out if that plan can work but this plan is going to start for sure……:pop:

Hahaa, yes, as sure to start like the plans for IP pipeline, Thar Coal Gasification, etc. etc. etc.

So far, who is correct for all of them? Reality wins over hot air from a politician's mouth.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Friday told his Chinese counterpart Li Keqiang their countries' relationship was “sweeter than honey”, during a visit to Beijing with economic ties at the top of the agenda.

Pakistan and China are close diplomatic and military allies and Nawaz, who is on his first foreign trip since his May election, is looking to secure infrastructure projects to tackle a chronic energy crisis and economic malaise in his country.

At the Great Hall of the People in the Chinese capital, Nawaz said his welcome "reminds me of the saying, our friendship is higher than the Himalayas and deeper than the deepest sea in the world, and sweeter than honey".

Li told him: "I greatly appreciate your great warmth and deep affection for the people of China."

The Chinese premier was the first foreign leader to visit Pakistan after Nawaz’s victory at the polls.

Beijing has been involved with the upgrade of the Karakoram Highway as part of a proposed economic corridor between the two countries.

Earlier this year China took control of Pakistan’s Gwadar port, giving it access to the Arabian Sea and Strait of Hormuz, a gateway for a third of the world’s traded oil.

China-Pakistan trade last year reached $12 billion and is targeted to rise to $15 billion in the next two to three years.

On Thursday Nawaz held talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping, amid concerns in his country over weak growth, inflation and power cuts of up to 20 hours a day.

Xi, who referred to Nawaz as an old friend and a good brother, said strengthening strategic cooperation with Islamabad was a priority for China’s diplomacy, the state-run broadcaster China Central Television reported.

Nawaz said his country welcomed Chinese investment and would work to create a friendly environment for it.

The threat of terrorism is also expected to figure during Nawaz’s discussions.

China-Pakistan friendship ‘sweeter than honey’: Nawaz – The Express Tribune
thodi honey hamein bhi de do yaar..:ashamed:
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Friday told his Chinese counterpart Li Keqiang their countries' relationship was “sweeter than honey”, during a visit to Beijing with economic ties at the top of the agenda.
How many times do we have to hear the same old script?? "Sweeter than honey (Blended or monofloral not specified!)....Deeper than the ocean (which ocean is not specified!), stronger than steel (Quality and grade not specified!)....Higher than the mountains" (Which mountain has again not been specified!) and so on and on and on, ad infinitum.

Nawaz seems to be running out of phrases! Can his script writer pllleeassse etch out something different? This is getting way way too boring! Yawn!
“Sweeter than honey” is in fact a Chinese saying - bimitian(比蜜甜)。

Pakistan and China should build the rail line and pipleline connecting the Gawdar Port and Kashi in Xinjiang as early as possible。

China should also help Pakistan build a couple of metro lines in Karachi and other large cities。


How many times do we have to hear the same old script?? "Sweeter than honey (Blended or monofloral not specified!)....Deeper than the ocean (which ocean is not specified!), stronger than steel (Quality and grade not specified!)....Higher than the mountains" (Which mountain has again not been specified!) and so on and on and on, ad infinitum.

Nawaz seems to be running out of phrases! Can his script writer pllleeassse etch out something else? This is getting way way too boring! Yawn!

:laugh: why You Indians exhibit rondo behaviour in areas NOT concerning you at all?

“Sweeter than honey” is in fact a Chinese saying - bimitian(比蜜甜)。

Pakistan and China should build the rail line and pipleline connecting the Gawdar Port and Kashi in Xinjiang as early as possible。

China should also help Pakistan build a couple of metro lines in Karachi and other large cities。



All on the cards. :)

Gawadar already handed over to China and rest of the projects are in pipeline
Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in Beijing
Beijing News*
President Xi Jinping pushes for the development of the joint Economic Corridor.
The Frontier Post
“I have great liking for you and your brother,” Xi told Sharif.
Daily Times
Sharif called on China to assist in financing new electricity grid, infrastructure projects.
The Nation
Sharif travels on Beijing subway, is "impressed with its functioning".
Over the weekend Sharif will attend a China-Pakistan Energy Forum in Shanghai, meet a power company in Guangzhou, before flying home on Monday.
PM Sharif! Chinese President Xi pledge to deepen their friendship

PM makes strong case for investment in energy

BEIJING (APP): Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Thursday met Chinese President Xi Jinping and both the leaders pledged to carry forward their all weather friendship to new heights.

During their meeting both the leaders have had discussion on bilateral and other issues of concern to their countries.

He said that in fact Premier Li Keqiang when visited Pakistan in China expressed the desire that he should first visit China as a prime minister. Nawaz Sharif said that he has fulfilled the desire of Premier Li as it is an honour for him to visit the friendly country, a source of strength for Pakistan.

Nawaz Sharif told President Xi that Pakistan is faced with numerous challenges and it has an uphill task to pull the economy out from the current economic difficulties.

Prime Minister said that this is a difficult time, yet he is committed and determined to surmount all these challenges.

Nawaz Sharif said that he was fully cognizant of the internal security situation in parts of the country and the government was working out a strategy to improve it.

He pointed out that his country has to address the economic challenges in tandem with internal and regional security issues.

Mian Nawaz Sharif said that failure to address these issues was not an option for him and Pakistan believes that China will stand by its friend and neighbour.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was warmly welcomed by the Chinese President Xi Jinping who recalled his earlier meeting with him in 2010. President Xi said that he has great and happy memories of that meeting and the issues discussed at that time.

"I have great liking for you and your brother," said Xi in lighter tone.

The Chinese President said that "we are proud that you have chosen China for your first overseas visit".

"Pakistan is a great country and we have enormous love and affection for it", he added.

He expressed the hope the visit will prove to be fruitful as a lot of homework had been done by both the countries.

He expressed the hope that tangible outcome will emerge in the coming days. Both sides are expected to commit themselves for implementation of different projects and further bolstering their multifacted cooperation.

PM makes strong case for investment in energy, infrastructure development: Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif with firm determination to overcome the energy crisis and push the economy on strong footing, Thursday held detailed meetings with heads and chief executives officers of financial institutions and corporate sector urging them to contribute in addressing Pakistan's energy problems and development of infrastructure projects.

Meeting with the President and Chairman of China's Export-Import (EXIM) bank Li Ruogu, here at the State Guest House, Prime Minister asked Mr. Li to provide funding to the Chinese enterprises working in Pakistan. He said that with the support of EXIM bank, the pace of development in various projects in Pakistan would be completed in fast track.

The Prime Minister said that his government wants to carry out various projects with full speed in cooperation with China. He pointed out that his government was ready to provide sovereign guarantee to the Chinese companies wanted to undertake various developmental projects.

China and Pakistan, the Prime Minister said are important friends and we are grateful to China for their support in various areas of economy.

Mr. Li later talking to media persons said that EXIM bank is already supporting 27 projects in Pakistan and the bank will consider to further expand our assistance in energy, transport and infrastructure projects. He said that EXIM is already funding dollars 6 billion in various projects.

Meeting with Chairman of China Development Bank Hu Huaibang prime minister briefed about his government polices and asked for his support.

Prime Minister asked Mr. Hu to arrange credit line and said that an special fund will be created for the Pak-China Economic corridor. He also assured that a separate fund will also be setup for infrastructure development projects.

He said that his institution will further pumped money in the existing Pakistan China Investment Company for various projects. He assured the prime minister that he will soon send a team to study and work out details on various projects.

The Prime Minister said Pakistan offers tremendous opportunities in coal fire power projects, infrastructure and communications.

In a meeting with President and Vice-Chairman China Investment Corporation Gao Xiqing, Prime Minsiter said that the present government wanted to pull the country out of economic crisis as early as possible.

The Prime minister said that his government wants to implement various projects in energy and infrastructure development in cooperation with China.

In this connection Mian Nawaz Sharif said that there are tremendous prospects for the Chinese in hydro, coal based projects, motor ways and high speed trains.Pakistan, he said can get benefit from our Chinese friends in all these areas.

He informed that the Economic Corridor from Gwadar to Kashgar would greatly benefit not only the people of the Pakistan and China, but it can benefit regional countries.

He said that it will be highly beneficial and convenient for the Chinese to export their goods from Kashgar and central parts of the country to middle east and to Europe through Pakistan.

The Prime Minister said that he had very detailed talks on this project with Chinese Premier Li Keqaing during his visit to Islamabad in May.

"We hope strong Pakistan, China partnership in all these projects", Prime Minister remarked.

The Prime Minister said that "we are willing to work along with you so our partnership gets stronger and stronger.He said that his government is willing Chinese partnership in the construction of Basha dam in country's northern areas.

"We welcome our Chinese partnership in these projects", he added.

The prime minister also invited Chinese supports in Mass Transit project for Karachi and said that the provincial metropolis needed these projects as early as possible.To provide better transport facilities to the masses, the prime minister said that his government also wanted to implement Karachi-Peshawar fast train project.

The prime minister said that this is his dream that would certainly come true.

He said that the management of the Gwadar port had already been handed over to China, the development work in the area will certainly change the destinity of the local population.

Talking to Vice-President President of China Power Investment Corporation Wang Zhiying, Prime Minister said that with the support of your organization, we can address our energy problem.

"A lot can be changed with your coopeation and address our energy problem", said Nawaz Sharif

He in this regard said that we want to develop Thar coal and generate energy to address our power shortage. Prime Minister expressed that hope that with your cooperation we can achieve our objective quickly.

The Prime Minister also invited him for setting up solar energy plants in Pakistan. He said that there are number of Pakistani business men who can implement various energy project in partnership with Chinese companies.

Wang said that his company is already working on two power plants of 600 MW each generating capacity in Thar.

The Prime Minister informed Mr. Wang to use all out efforts to complete these projects soon and said if there any bottleneck, he was facing he can directly contact at Prime Minister's secretariat .

He assured Wang that he will get reply within 24 hours from the PM office.

Minister Ahsan Iqbal informed Mr. Wang that Prime Minister has business like approach and want the task completed soon. He also proposed participation in transfer of oil fired power generating units into coal based projects and also shifting of some coal plants from China to Pakistan to address energy crisis as early as possible.

Speaking with the Chairman Orient Group of Investment Zhang Hongwei said that there is big potential Pakistan has in oil and gas exploration.

"We are happy to support and help Chinese partnership" in various projects of economy, he said

The Chairman Zahng expressed willingness to help Pakistan in construction of pipe line from Pakistan to China immediately and also ready to send a team for partnership in laying down pipeline from Iran to Pakistan.

He said that his company has under taken wind energy project for generating 1000 MW in first phase in Pakistan's Jhampir.

The Chief Minister of Balochistan Dr. Abdul Malik Baloch said that on the directive of Prime Minister, he assured Chinese investors full security in his province. The Chief Ministers of Punjab and Balochistan Mian Mohammad Shabaz Sharif, Minister for Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal, Advisor to Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs Tariq Fatemi, Ambassador Masood Khalid and Chinese Ambassador in Pakistan Sun Wei Dong and prominent Pakistani businessmen were also present during these meetings.

PM Sharif! Chinese President Xi pledge to deepen their friendship
Has anyone seen the video where Sharif was saying all this?

His aide was telling him the famous saying but Sharif said, "......higher than Himalayas, deeper than deepest ocean" :lol:

And the whole time his aide was trying to tell him the right lines.
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