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China, Pakistan Aim to Jointly Corner India on LAC and LOC(Indian Media)

You are going by the word of some Mr Swain. With the temperament of the opposition in India, it is highly likely that such people can be bought for propaganda (not saying he might be, but a high possibility he is). It is quite common to have such so called professors and researchers keep ranting and criticizing governments.

Just because China has restrictions on press you dont hear such things there, otherwise you will hear atleast a 1000 people criticizing Xi and his policies.

What I am saying is that you are looking at the surface. Below the surface is western greed and money and like I have said in my post, Pakistan at this point in time has nothing to offer of any value to the west. Infact by siding with China they have become more of a headache for the western world.

Not just the US even the EU (the EU is big supplier of weapons) is in favour of breaking the Chinese model and would be happy if China goes the USSR way. Just that they are silent partners unlike the very vocal US.
Tell us something we haven't been hearing off the Telegraph and The Times for the last decade already. You're rehashing the standard M Ilyas Khan and Secunder Kermani claptrap.

Pakistan has survived and even thrived on the edge for decades already. You simply want Pakistan to collapse. This is substantively different to Pakistan actually collapsing.

There is nothing in your pseudo-analysis that will create panic or foreboding for Pakistanis.

Sling yer hook.
No these are fanboy fantasies.

Don't participate; they are rumoured to rot your brain away. If you have been participating already, get an XRay done immediately. Check if there has been any cranial damage.
sir don't you think its enough to blame others now india should look itself why every neighbor is not happy from india ????
its not the time to regulate indian media ? as this media turn things to point of no return ? barking day night neighbors and creating hate in indian public????

its nto the time politicians of india should think what is wrong with their approach ?

its nto the real time indian diplomats should start a new chapter with every neighbor ?

how long india can keep these enmity with next door neighbors ? china pakistan nepal BD sri lanka everyone have issues with india .

dont you think its time for policy change ?
while India has mastery over launching rockets into space
what I am implying is that the current government in India means business and have been doing eveything possible to safeguard themselves
You are going by the word of some Mr Swain. With the temperament of the opposition in India, it is highly likely that such people can be bought for propaganda (not saying he might be, but a high possibility he is). It is quite common to have such so called professors and researchers keep ranting and criticizing governments.
What has India has to offer to the US?

Sorry, I've just realised from your vocabulary, syntax and grammatical idiosyncrasies (I'm disregarding the spelling and genuine grammar mistakes) that you're not actually American American.

Post your flag bhakt so we can discuss such matters properly.
sir don't you think its enough to blame others now india should look itself why every neighbor is not happy from india ????
its not the time to regulate indian media ? as this media turn things to point of no return ? barking day night neighbors and creating hate in indian public????

its nto the time politicians of india should think what is wrong with their approach ?

its nto the real time indian diplomats should start a new chapter with every neighbor ?

how long india can keep these enmity with next door neighbors ? china pakistan nepal BD sri lanka everyone have issues with india .

dont you think its time for policy change ?

Sadly, the people you are talking about are the people I have opposed - and warned people about, including people on this forum - since the day I joined. What should I do, now that things are turning out as I predicted they would? Say to each of you,"I told you so"?
dont you think its time for policy change ?
The Hatred for Pakistan unites the fragmented artificial state of India. Meanwhile the massive Chinese pressure has panicked the Indian Hierarchy, in their knee jerk reaction they are moving their vital resources towards Ladakh. It is the most appropriate time our COAS and PM come up with a decision to EXPLOIT the Indian defence voids to our benefits!
Indian deployment in Ladakh are on going as seem in the videos below.

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Look at my previous posts I have already said I am from the EU and English is not my first language. Thank you for reminding.

From my previous post --
What has India has to offer to the US? 3Billion worth of defence deals each year including Howitzers, Chinook helicopters, C17 globe-masters, Missile shields, Advanced combat vehicles and the list goes on

As a defence analyst, can you post a link to the evidence that confirms that india is spending $3 billion on american arms each year?
Look at my previous posts I have already said I am from the EU and English is not my first language. Thank you for reminding.

From my previous post --
What has India has to offer to the US? 3Billion worth of defence deals each year including Howitzers, Chinook helicopters, C17 globe-masters, Missile shields, Advanced combat vehicles and the list goes on

My analysis are purely based on money power and business sense. It has nothing to do with your or India's historical issues and what not. If you have been hearing the same thing for the last decade do you not think that there are things happening beyond what gets published.
Whatever it's based on, it's nothing new. Pakistan has been hearing about its impending dismantling since 1947.

Your posts don't even scratch the surface of the reasons and conspiracies behind Pakistan being economically on the back foot at critical junctures in its history. It's not always been the case anyway.

You may think you're bringing something to the table that we haven't heard before. You're not.

More importantly, USA is no longer Pakistan's preferred strategic partner. That partnership has failed, and the failure is not connected to what Pakistan can or cannot offer to USA. The failure is political, not economic. The failure is quite simply due to US malevolence and routine failures on behalf of Pakistani interests in the region. US has its reasons to have behaved in such a way, primarily related to China. Pakistan has no interest in US any more other than a transactional association.
Here is a Pakistani source of information -- Albeit from 2017, it is relevant

and this is recent


Also I am sure you would have heard or google it please - Lockheed martin is setting up shop in India to manufacture F18's and F16's.

As a defence analyst, you have made a glaring amateurish error. The so called $3 billion a year defence deal with America is in fact an overall amount for 1 deal not an annual one as you are claiming. Also, as you are a defence analyst, do you have any journals from the CATO institute, RSFIA, Tavistick Institute or the Carniege Endowment policy that can back up your claims? If so then what editions?

PS During training, were you not taught how to cross check and reference your sources as well as how to cite them? Also, where did you get your training as a Defence Analyst from and how many stages were there?
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Pakistan will not particpate in an operation just for Ladakh, givne that China claims this. If they both decide to do this, together, it will be for the whole of Indian occupied Kashmir...
This will lead to a Nuclear stand off- or MAD- No its not possible.

50 to 60 sq km of indian land area is under Chinese control and this is permanent.

Its still on the negotiating table- nothing is permanent.
Its still on the negotiating table- nothing is permanent.

Lol dude, we both know its permanent. That's what Chinese have been doing to india...they keep taking over your territory here and there, and make it "the new LAC" and india just surrenders and accept.

Can you imagine india taking even 5 sq km of Pak territory across LoC? We will bomb the living crap outa you or we will also take your terrority in return. That's how 7x smaller Pakistan takes on 7x larger india...back n forth, fighting as equals. We all saw how we humiliated india last Feb for a mere air-incursion that killed nobody nor caused any property damage etc.

But when india faces its equal in size, it utterly gives up and gets bambooed in the arse by China. This, again, is not the first time---this has been happening. While india has never been able to defeat Pakistan on Western front (today's Pakistan) decisively----Chinese decisively DEMOLISHED India in 62 war---and even Indians accept it as a decisively defeat. And remember, Pakistan was 10x smaller than india and yet forced you to sign agreement of stalemate while india and China were equals in 62 and you got thrashed like nothing.

Really shows you the lack of caliber of your military. But then again, Hindus arent known for their military might ever lol

Btw, my prediciton: China will keep the most strategically important territory out of 60 sq km it currently occupies---and will leave the rest, nugatory territory open for joint patrols. PLA will once again achieve victory while indian media will declare india "supa powa" that made China "back down" :)

Tell me honestly, even you know that I'm correct. Isn't it? Your media and govt will continue to make a living fool out of gullible indians---while rest of the world will continue to regard india as a non-serious, weak entity that cant even dominate its own region (S.Asia)---let alone anything else (despite being a country of 1.3 billion+)
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How did they create Bangladesh then. Have you heard your ex General & President Mussharaf speak about how your PM Sharif begged our President Clinton to save his ***. I am amazed to see how you guys have been brain washed to see green everywhere whereas it is not so. If you would have know what deep shit you are in you would have mellowed down. Your government is bankrupt, your airforce is saving fuel by not flying sorties and you talk about winning S. Asia.

India too has made a lot of mistakes. Attacking you in Balakot was not one of them. I have worked with the Indians and dude you need to know they are not born fighters but if push comes to shove they will **** you in the *** very bad.
You're either a pseudo-bhakt or possibly some deluded Euro boy who's shagging an Indian and has fallen in love with everything Bollywood ever said. You wanna tone down this baseless ultradefensiveness of glorious mother India, which is totally illogical for a non-Indian and must stem from some serious bias, either for personal reasons or plausibly some anti-Islamic undercurrents. Get over yourself. Hindustan isn't as great as you've desperately tried to make it out to be (while barely being able to conceal your true bias).

Mukhti bahini - the terrorist group overtly prepped and instructed by Delhi - substantially weakened Pakistan's fight in the eastern theatre in 1971. It's valid to state that India achieved nothing against west/"mainland" Pakistan.

Kargil was a tale of dyscohesion between politicians and military, meaning outright sabotage of the military campaign by our own politicians. Banning of air support on our side made it an impossible battle to win overall, though it's worth noting that Pakistan still holds certain Indian peaks gained during the 1999 Kargil operation.

Whatever crap you've learned over some plenary dinner table discussion with your Indian buddies doesn't actually render it to be a hard truth.

That you're obsessing over defending Hindustan at all costs tells a story in itself.

Go out and meet some Pakistanis and you'll realise we're not the evil loons your buddies might be painting us to be.

Or alternatively, don't bother. Your true colours are on display.

We're Pakistan. Here to stay. Live with it.
How did they create Bangladesh then. Have you heard your ex General & President Mussharaf speak about how your PM Sharif begged our President Clinton to save his ***. I am amazed to see how you guys have been brain washed to see green everywhere whereas it is not so. If you would have know what deep shit you are in you would have mellowed down. Your government is bankrupt, your airforce is saving fuel by not flying sorties and you talk about winning S. Asia.

India too has made a lot of mistakes. Attacking you in Balakot was not one of them. I have worked with the Indians and dude you need to know they are not born fighters but if push comes to shove they will **** you in the *** very bad.

You are a pajeet who is humiliated to the point where he dares not to put up his real ancestral flag which is india. Its okay, I get it----you dont want to have any connection to the sh*thole that's india :lol: But please, don't quote me then.

india didn't "attack" anything at Balakot. Just dropped payload in open (that's me being generous---bc some analysts believe that Indian air force was so incompetent and weak that they couldn't hit a big *** building even with precision weapons even when they actually tried lol. I am generous to the losers and give em benefit of the doubt by assuming they didn't want to hit it in the first place). Just for this payload drop on trees---We bombed their military targets (intentional dead drop) instead of open area, shot down their jet, captured their wing commander alive and paraded him on national TV, and caused so much panic that weakling Indians shot down their own helicopter in panic and killed 7 officers :rofl:

THIS is how the world media wrote about the whole fiasco---literally called Pakistan's aerial domination as 'humiliating for india'

Business Insider on India's Embarrassing Failure.jpg
Indian Wing Commander Bloodied and Captured.jpg
NY Times saying Pak Humiliated India.jpg
Russia Today Laughing at India blowing up its own helicopter.jpg

Sure, this whole fiasco wasn't a 'mistake'.....No wonder Hindus have been the most conquered and dominated people of em all. Defeated again and again by smaller foreign forces (mostly Muslims) and had their capital under foreign domination for a whooping 1000+ years almost!

Secondly, read my tweet again. You became SO emotional after reading my tweet that you started blabbering haphazardly about Bangladesh and what not, when I specifically mentioned Western Front. We can talk about Eastern Front (Bangladesh) separately if you want, as I have talked in this post, but dont pollute the thread

Just stop with two American flags though :rolleyes: You aren't fooling anyone but only embarrassing indians even more :lol:

Dont respond to me going forward. Thank you and enjoy your stay here.

You're either a pseudo-bhakt or possibly some deluded Euro boy who's shagging an Indian and has fallen in love with everything Bollywood ever said.

Dude, he is confirmed Indian background kid. Just look at the way he wrote English and used the sentences :lol:

Tag Americans on the forum like @gambit and they'll spill their coffee seeing this guy claiming to be an "American"

He might very well be an American----from Indian/S.Asian background

But ofc, he runs away from that fact to not be openly mocked and embarrassed :coffee:
Fellows, please STOP responding to these Little Indians. Completely ignore them and they will go away. There are intention seeking, below IQ drama queens.
he is confirmed Indian background kid. Just look at the way he wrote English and used the sentences :lol:

Tag Americans on the forum like @gambit and they'll spill their coffee seeing this guy claiming to be an "American"
Exactly. There is such a dimensional shift when speaking to a real American or at least someone who has lived there for a good ten years minimum. These obvious pseudos are just wasting everyone's time.

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