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China, Pakistan Aim to Jointly Corner India on LAC and LOC(Indian Media)

I always read your post in Chinese defence section. You've never been so active in these sections. Glad you are here now. :D

Good practice for English and get a view on Indian opinions. Although not as intolerable as those in Indian websites about politics and economics. I see those bastards everywhere. Maybe if they moved and worked towards something worthwhile their country will not be such a terrible piece of shit. Maybe if they have this much hatred for their leaders and criminal liars and their western pimps, they will not be in this situation arguing like a bitch with us. Waste of our time and energy but they make it too hard to ignore.
To all the "defence-analysts", "keyboard ninjas" and Bhakts....... reeeeeelax.

Pareshan nahin hona hay.

Remaining post has been self-deleted on advise from Forum Management. But you guys get the point.

Mod Edit: we cut down the post further
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To all th
The above post is purely a work of fiction and copyright protected, reproduced here solely for the purpose of providing a means to the forum's Indian-origin members, for releasing their load of frustration which has built up during the past few days. No need to thank me, it was my pleasure.
Would you be kind enough to delete this post of yours / amend it or want me to do it....Such kind of language has no place on forum

#China told #Modi that since you abrogated Art 370 the Accession Deal is Voided and India is now occupying #Kashmir Illegally and if #India disputes this claim take it to UN. China willing to talk if India brings back 370 and restores Kashmir to Pre Aug 5 status. Interesting.

@Foxtrot Alpha Interesting, but how likely is this to actually happen?
interesting development but India is going to run to Uncle Sam & sit in his lap.....try best with arm twisting at diplomatic front...lets see how it roles
Would you be kind enough to delete this post of yours / amend it or want me to do it....Such kind of language has no place on forum

interesting development but India is going to run to Uncle Sam & sit in his lap.....try best with arm twisting at diplomatic front...lets see how it roles
I'll try my best to amend it Foxtrot. Would you like to see both China and Pakistan swapping positions ?
interesting development but India is going to run to Uncle Sam & sit in his lap.....try best with arm twisting at diplomatic front...lets see how it roles

If this does happen, it will set a chain of event, that will definitely lead to war. The people of india are brainwashed into believing China is gone. The indian gov know that is not the truth, and they were hoping to keep this quiet for a while. But if China said this, then the locals will find out. That wont end well for modi.

As far as international support goes, USA right now is in shambles. I don't think they will be able to help india. USA has been losing lot of diplomatic support from other countries, and with the new sanscations on the ICC team, not lot of countries will be supporting them. Russia would be supporting China, and Russia stance has always been to go through the UN route. Not many diplomatic support left for india. india can't even revert the 370 cause, the people will just go all out and start lynching Kashmirs. Once that starts to happen, Pakistan will have no choice but to step in.

It is an interesting development, assuming its true. A war scenario seems to be very much closer then it ever has been.
Thank you for reporting. Typical Pakistani behaviour. cannot listen to truth.

Lol. Pakistan will step in. Where??? they have already stepped into a big debt trap. Wait and see if the Chinese come to help you, or they sell you for their gain.

I thought you were an alleged defence analyst not an economist........:lol:..........:azn:

So, you still haven't told us were you were trained to be a defence analyst........:azn: Now, describe your training program. How was your induction program presented to you?.......:azn:
For all the doubting toms from Pakistan, when I had said India will comeout on top, these guys did not believe. Here see what CNN says

India and China might have a localized war, but rest assured it will for sure knock pakistan out of their senses.

Didn't you also say that China and india would NEVER EVER harm eachother's troops?..........looks like your training as a "defence analyst" has gone to waste.......:disagree:.........you need to get your money back from your training provider.
Two front war
24 June 2020

The tension along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) between India and Chinese occupied Tibet is unlikely to abate any time soon. Despite efforts to de-escalate the situation, only the most incorrigible optimist will bet on things not spiralling out of control. There are reports that the Indian forces have been given “freedom of action”, which includes using fire-arms to “respond to extra-ordinary situations.” This means that the border mechanisms that were in place to prevent any untoward incident that could blow apart the deceptive peace and tranquillity along the LAC, are now virtually redundant. After the Galwan clash, a hair-trigger situation obtains, with the Indians itching to exact their revenge.

To put it very bluntly, this crisis is far from over. In fact, it might just be starting to unfold. Because the way the military build-up is continuing, the rising stridency in competing claims, the contracting politico-military and diplomatic space for any kind of compromise, it appears that the two countries are inexorably stumbling, bumbling and blustering towards a conflict. The next clash could involve shots being fired in anger, and from there it is anyone’s guess how much things escalate. It is possible that a localised conflict burns itself out as quickly as it starts. But it is just as likely that it moves up the escalation ladder into a limited conflict which then snowballs into something bigger involving either one or more or even all the sectors along the LAC.

There has been some talk in India about a limited military action to deliver a strong message to the Chinese. The problem however is that one side cannot alone decide if the conflict will remain ‘limited’; the other side also gets a vote. To initiate a limited action on the assumption that the other side will also agree to not expand or escalate the scale of the conflict is not only dangerous but could eventually prove disastrous. The Pakistanis found this to their cost in 1965 when they initiated a limited operation in Jammu and Kashmir without expecting that India will open the another front in Punjab. However, in 1999, the Pakistani calculation proved partly correct when India kept the conflict limited to Kargil. But even there the Pakistanis paid a very heavy price because they never factored in the fire and fury with which India reacted. Therefore, before any limited action is contemplated, it is critical to factor in and prepare for the eventuality of the conflict escalating into a wider war.

The one thing India must factor in any calculation about a possible conflict in the Eastern front is the eminent possibility of the Western front also becoming active. Given the strategic collusion between China and Pakistan, it is a virtual no-brainer that if a shooting match starts between India and China, the Chinese will direct the Pakistanis to jump into the fray. For their part, the Pakistanis who are already seething over the constitutional changes made in the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir, this will be seen as a golden opportunity to even the scores with India. The Pakistanis know that on their own there is no way they can launch a successful military operation to snatch Kashmir. Diplomatically and politically, their raving and ranting has got little traction. Their best hope is to catch India in a pincer – China on one side, they on the other – make some territorial gains in Kashmir. This means that India must be prepared for fighting on two fronts and not just one if things go downhill with the Chinese.

Some analysts believe that Pakistanis won’t be so foolish as to jump into this war. But the fact is that the Pakistanis have always been foolish enough to underestimate India, time and time again. Therefore to imagine they will not once again give into to their foolishness, and will resist the temptation to damage India is really expecting the moon. Even the fact that the Pakistan economy is broke and has foreign exchange reserves of only $10 billion (all of it borrowed money) will not dissuade it. Even during Kargil, the Pakistani economy was bankrupt and they had under a billion dollars in reserves and yet they indulged in military adventurism. Given the spate of meetings being held in Pakistan over the India-China stand-off, the noises being made by the Pakistan army high command and the escalation in exchange of firing across the LoC on the Western front, India should expect some action from the Pakistani side. It is possible that this could be just a feint at the moment. But if the situation on the LAC deteriorates, then India should brace for at least scaled up forays from the Pakistani side.

Indian military officials have for long maintained that the armed forces are prepared for a two-front contingency. That moment of truth might be just around the corner. Even if the immediate crisis with China gets resolved, it should now be very clear that both India and China are now closer to a hot war than they have been in nearly half a century. Whenever that war happens – most probably within the next couple of years – India will almost certainly be fighting on two fronts. To prepare for such an eventuality, apart from beefing up its offensive capabilities, India needs to change its war doctrines, including its nuclear doctrine, to deter the enemies.

This commentary originally appeared in Mail Today.

The views expressed above belong to the author(s).

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Some analysts believe that Pakistanis won’t be so foolish as to jump into this war. But the fact is that the Pakistanis have always been foolish enough to underestimate India, time and time again. Therefore to imagine they will not once again give into to their foolishness, and will resist the temptation to damage India is really expecting the moon. Even the fact that the Pakistan economy is broke and has foreign exchange reserves of only $10 billion (all of it borrowed money) will not dissuade it. Even during Kargil, the Pakistani economy was bankrupt and they had under a billion dollars in reserves and yet they indulged in military adventurism. Given the spate of meetings being held in Pakistan over the India-China stand-off, the noises being made by the Pakistan army high command and the escalation in exchange of firing across the LoC on the Western front, India should expect some action from the Pakistani side. It is possible that this could be just a feint at the moment. But if the situation on the LAC deteriorates, then India should brace for at least scaled up forays from the Pakistani side.
Kitna sakoon milta ha Indians ko bar bar aik he cheez likh ker as if it means anything at all. If anything instead of making fun they should be wondering how come a broke nation has so much resolve in them...foolish or otherwise. How come India with its so called might has not been able to dissuade Pakistan, a broke country as per India from military adventurism? Maybe a little introspection can help them and region to live in peace but to expect this from India is really expecting the moon.

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