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China Overplayed its Hand in Chumur; PLA didn't anticipate India's swift counter build-up!

The Chinese are playing a foolish game across all their borders- both land and maritime. They are pushing and pushing and at some point the region's patience is going to run out unless China is deluded enough to think it can take on the combined military might of Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, India and crucially the US, then they need to stop whilst they are ahead.

I appreciate there is a lot of anti-India sentiment on this site and that many like to belittle the Indian military's capabilities but only idiots would keep provoking the 2nd largest standing in the world with the ability to defend every square inch of its territory and with a growing defence budget and economy on the ascendency. The current disparity in economies and defence budgets between India and China will not exist forever. It's better to seed good relations now when China has the clear upper hand then let resentment and ill-feeling set in which will be incredibly undesirable when India truly has the capability to go on the offensive against China.

The Chinese are playing with fire and I truly hope they see sense before they learn the hard way....
We should apply the same strategy as recommended by Gen Bikram singh against Pakistan. Give reply to enemy at any place through the border or LAC.

If they intrude at one place, Indian army should intrude at some other place. even if they stop incursion, we should keep intruding.

Repeat What General Sunder ji Did.
Strong Massage was given to Pakistan on cease fire violation. Now it is the time for China.
So @Secur @HRK did this Massage come with some time spent in the Sauna too or was it straight to a massage ? :unsure:

Well since its fantasy, one can even include a happy ending to the massage, it doesn't cost anything and well its pleasurable. :D

The Chinese are back, the celebrations were too early and falsely based on the premise that the PLA didn't inticipate the IA's response, was surprised and had to retreat. There is a deeper meaning to these intrusions, the Reds are merely testing waters, this isn't "intrude to remain" at play here. They will continue to come and go, rationalize it anyway but thats what will keep happening for the forseeable future.
How long will china take to realize no one is scared of it either ? :disagree:

But they are. There's no reason to run "Chinese threat" articles if they weren't. No Vietnamese member has dared reply to me what they think would happen to Vietnam in a total, unlimited, all-options-on-table war between Vietnam and China. That proves they mentally don't want to think about it. I have no problem at all saying what I think will happen.
But they are. There's no reason to run "Chinese threat" articles if they weren't. No Vietnamese member has dared reply to me what they think would happen to Vietnam in a total, unlimited, all-options-on-table war between Vietnam and China. That proves they mentally don't want to think about it. I have no problem at all saying what I think will happen.

So your logic is that everybody who runs a threat thread is afraid. So unless you are 'afraid' there is no need to discuss threat ?

What about china running "Japanese threat" articles ? India running 'pakistan threat' articles ?

Considering the geo political environment is a standard response to life, not china. Threat assessment is part of that. I am not a vietnamese so I cannot answer for them, but history has proved that the Vietnamese has defeated both the US and China and they are someone who's tenacity the world respects. Not an enemy you would want.
They dont anticipiated the change in Central Gobt in India.Now they realised that Indian Army also have another face qnd all of its depend on the GoI leadership.

That & the fact that geography of Chumar favours the IA. Unlike near Daulat Beg Oldi. The Chinese have lousy supply line ability here, they are essentially going to be freezing their testicles off if they stick around for any length of time.
So your logic is that everybody who runs a threat thread is afraid. So unless you are 'afraid' there is no need to discuss threat ?

What about china running "Japanese threat" articles ? India running 'pakistan threat' articles ?

Considering the geo political environment is a standard response to life, not china. Threat assessment is part of that. I am not a vietnamese so I cannot answer for them, but history has proved that the Vietnamese has defeated both the US and China and they are someone who's tenacity the world respects. Not an enemy you would want.

No - there is a difference between defeating the enemy on your own land in a limited war, and launching an expeditionary, total war war to defeat the enemy on their own land and occupy them.

Also, why don't they answer the question as to what would happen in the 2nd scenario of all-out, all-options-on-table total warfare.
No - there is a difference between defeating the enemy on your own land in a limited war, and launching an expeditionary, total war war to defeat the enemy on their own land and occupy them.

Also, why don't they answer the question as to what would happen in the 2nd scenario of all-out, all-options-on-table total warfare.

Of course there is a difference between the two.

Vietnam continues to defy Chinese bullying in the south china sea. I think that tells the story of what to expect and who is afraid or not afraid.

If you can't see that then its your pride that is not letting you see what is right there in front of you.
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