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China.org.cn: India's military strength on the rise

Bhai Zakir

Jun 26, 2012
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China.org.cn: India's military strength on the rise

India has successfully test-fired an "Agni II" surface-to-surface ballistic missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead of one ton. The missile, equipped with solid fuel engines, has a range of 2,000 km. According to Russian newspaper Nezavisimaya Gazeta, the launch once again proved that India has a reliable deterrent. As one of the world's largest arms-importing countries, India's weapons and equipment replacement program have been designed in response to armed conflict with Pakistan and to contend with increasingly military powerful China. For Russia, the consolidation of India's military forces goes hand-in-hand with Russia's strategic interests.

As The Economist pointed out, the overall strength of the Indian armed forces is rapidly increasing. In the last five years, India had imported most arms in the world. For a long time, Russia has been India's main weapon supplier. According to a report released by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, India purchased weapons and equipment worth a total of $ 17.3 billion from Russia from 2007 to 2011. Additionally, India is in negotiations with French Dassault to buy 126 Rafale fighters, worth a total amount of over 12 billion dollars.

In terms of army-size, the total strength of the Indian Army in Asia comes next to China's. India's defense budget has reached $ 46.8 billion. Experts predicted that by 2020, India's defense spending would catch up with the United Kingdom, France and Japan. In the construction of nuclear power, India has 80 or more nuclear weapons, and the number is likely to increase further. As to the country's power in terms of nuclear weapons, India's surface-to-surface missiles appear able to cover the whole territory of Pakistan and most parts of China.

New Delhi believes that instability in Pakistan and the world's second-largest economy China, are most likely to pose a threat to India's security. From a geopolitical point of view, China undoubtedly catches the Indian leaders' attention. As Indian Defense Minister Antony had declared in 2009, "India's major threat is not Pakistan, but China."

Recently, despite India-Pakistan relations showing signs of abating, the situation still carries the possibility of escalating at any given time. China, as Pakistan's traditional ally, may help Islamabad in its fight against India. China, although it has never formally stated its stance on this matter, has provided Pakistan with a large number of weapons and nuclear technology, according to Nezavisimaya Gazeta.

In addition to the Pakistani army, several jihadist communities active in Pakistan have also caught India's attention. These communities frequently organize terrorist attacks on domestic Indian objectives.

"Bharatiya Janata Party, one of the two major political parties in India, has strong nationalist tendencies. It has opposed the partition scheme implemented by the UK and advocates the re-inclusion of Pakistan in India's territory. This claim, although not recognized by the Indian government and mainstream political forces, is likely to affect the relationship between India and Pakistan," Tatiana Shomyan, director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said in an interview with Nezavisimaya Gazeta.

New Delhi is seeking to normalize relations with Islamabad. But no one knows what will happen next if the U.S. and NATO pull out of Afghanistan.

"The border dispute between China and India is not a major problem. The border situation is stable. What disturbs India most is that China is establishing and consolidating new outposts around India, especially in the Indian Ocean area. A Chinese company has obtained control of Pakistan's Gwadar Port. In addition, China also hopes to perfect its naval support capabilities with the help from Sri Lanka. India is in response expanding its naval force. It is not having a conflict with China, but competing for influence in South Asia," Tatiana Shomyan remarked on Sino-Indian Relations.

In order to maintain the strategic balance within the region, India is likely to seek the support of Moscow. Traditionally, India and Russia have maintained friendly relations at a political level, and this relationship has never been affected by any other geo-political disputes.

India's military strength on the rise - China.org.cn

Surely India's military is in the rise

But until & unless we have good & powerful leader like Namo then no point of having a rise in military as bunch of coward politician would

always say after any terrorist attack

"that all options are open but war is not an option":lol:
Indias Airforce and Navy are modernizing at a decent pace. The Army is doing awful in terms of inducting new gear:

F INSAS is still a concept and not a single batallion has been equipped
Artillery is still based on obsolete M46's (130mm) and BOFORS (155/39)
Air defense is based on obsolete Russian SAMS and BOFORS flak guns
The armored corps is still based on the T72/T90s which have major design flaws (cook offs of rounds when hit)

And the list goes on.

In any conflict with China the heaviest burden will fall on the Army, which also happens to be the least modern of all the branches of the Armed Forces.
Indias Airforce and Navy are modernizing at a decent pace. The Army is doing awful in terms of inducting new gear:

F INSAS is still a concept and not a single batallion has been equipped
Artillery is still based on obsolete M46's (130mm) and BOFORS (155/39)
Air defense is based on obsolete Russian SAMS and BOFORS flak guns
The armored corps is still based on the T72/T90s which have major design flaws (cook offs of rounds when hit)

And the list goes on.

In any conflict with China the heaviest burden will fall on the Army, which also happens to be the least modern of all the branches of the Armed Forces.

yes we have one of the largest troops in the world and unfortunately we're neglecting to consolidate our strengths.. comparatively army also takes lesser time to get modernized compared to aiarforce or navy
"Bharatiya Janata Party, one of the two major political parties in India, has strong nationalist tendencies. It has opposed the partition scheme implemented by the UK and advocates the re-inclusion of Pakistan in India's territory.

Bharatiya Janata Party, one of the two major political parties in India, has strong nationalist tendencies. It has opposed the partition scheme implemented by the UK and advocates the re-inclusion of Pakistan in India's territory.

The funniest part:lol:
"Bharatiya Janata Party, one of the two major political parties in India, has strong nationalist tendencies. It has opposed the partition scheme implemented by the UK and advocates the re-inclusion of Pakistan in India's territory.

They somehow try and equate India with Pakistan by conclusively substantiating their BS claims!!!I mean reinclusion of Pakistan into India would be the last thing that the BJP would want(I mean one would actually be a fool to even write this crap in the weirdest of dreams)and for a while even if a rational person for a while considers the BJP to hold an anti-minority point of view if they get the opportunity they might actually send back the Muslims staying in India to Pakistan leave aside the inclusion of Pakistan.What a BS article. :laugh:
The writer must have researched on PDF before writing that funny bit. Many pakistanis here think that right wing political parties are all craving to join with Pakistan. :lol: They seriously believe that "Akhand Bharat" is the dream of Indians today, rather than a description of undivided India prior to 1947.
wait instability in pakistan and China ? what is the author smoking ?
The Day India decide to Include Pakistan into its Union.......there will be bloody revolution for Freedom of Pakistan and it will be lead by Billlion Indians:cheers:
HUm Sirdard bechte hain .........kareed te nahin:cheesy:
The writer must have researched on PDF before writing that funny bit. Many pakistanis here think that right wing political parties are all craving to join with Pakistan. :lol: They seriously believe that "Akhand Bharat" is the dream of Indians today, rather than a description of undivided India prior to 1947.
What does Pakistan's Rommel and 'defence analyst' Zaid Hamid have to say about 'Ghazwa e Hind'? I'm heading for them hills. I'm afraid....very afraid..

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