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China Orders more Il-76s airlifters as waiting Il-476s


Mar 30, 2012
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2012-11-30 — China has ordered 10 used Il-76s from Russia’s arms vendor Rosoboronexport as an interim measure to enlarge its fleet of the heavy airlifters, before the redeveloped Il-476 version becomes available. Sergei Kornev, head of Rosoboronexport’s aviation equipment department, told AIN that his company has already found seven suitable airframes on the secondary market. They are being overhauled before delivery to the PLA Air Force. Rosoboronexport is still sourcing the other three aircraft, which could come from non-Russian fleets.

Kornev declined to provide the exact number of Il-76s China has already received, noting only that Rosoboronexport and its Ukrainian counterpart, Ukrspetsexport, have been involved in sales of new and used Il-76s to the People’s Republic. In addition, the TAPO plant in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, which was the sole Il-76 production location since the 1970s, also supplied some aircraft to China. So did semi-independent Russian entities including LII, the flight-test and research institute, which sold China a couple of Il-76 testbeds outfitted with large rotating antennas mounted atop the fuselage. Presumably, these were the ones used in China’s AEW radar test program.

Some years ago, China sought to buy 50 to 60 new Il-76s from Rosoboronexport, and even signed a preliminary agreement for 38 aircraft in September 2005. The deal was never executed “due to the inability of the plant in Tashkent to build that many new aircraft and fulfill the demand from China,” according to Kornev. He noted that Russia’s focus is now on the Il-476, production of which is being re-launched at the Aviastar-SP plant in Ulianovsk. “One such airplane is already flying, and the customers have been following flight-test progress with interest,” he said.

Russian president Vladimir Putin recently visited Aviastar to inspect the Il-76MD-90A (the Russian air force version of the Il-476). Kornev said that the Il-476 is being offered to India, as well as China. “This version features modern avionics, better payload-range capability, and more powerful and economical PS90A76 engines. It has a large export potential. However, flight-testing could take a couple of years,” he added. Today, the Il-76 is the only heavyweight strategic airlifter type in the inventory of PLA’s Air Force. China attempted, but dropped, indigenous designs of airlifters, powered by local copies of the D30K-series engines that power the Il-76 and Tu-154M.
China will order as many as 30-40 IL-476 beyond that Y-20 is the Future. Gradually post 2020 many H-6s older models will be replaced that were produced in 1980s-early mid 90s.
China will order as many as 30-40 IL-476 beyond that Y-20 is the Future. Gradually post 2020 many H-6s older models will be replaced that were produced in 1980s-early mid 90s.

This article is BS. Order old IL-76 maybe true but no way IL-476 will be ordered. There is a reason why Y-20 project exist and old IL-76 needed. PLAAF requirement for their transport plane is much higher, IL-476 does not fit our requirement.

China defense mash up in fact is an anti china website. Most of the stuff is posted is negative things.
This article is BS. Order old IL-76 maybe true but no way IL-476 will be ordered. There is a reason why Y-20 project exist and old IL-76 needed. PLAAF requirement for their transport plane is much higher, IL-476 does not fit our requirement.

China defense mash up in fact is an anti china website. Most of the stuff is posted is negative things.

You are right, They are selling it cheap and China is in stronger position to dictate terms-price. If China refuses, russians will lose, China can wait a couple of Years. IL-476 is avionics upgrade-updates, better engine sort of internal modernization, although China can also modernize IL-76 themselves perhaps you are right buy older IL-76s and spend to modernize them meanwhile later Y-20s would rollout.
II-76 IS not long term solution, but for a expedient, whether the news is ture, need be confirmed.
Whatever, for our huge foreign exchange, that's not a bad ideal at least, China will solve the difficult in the way of military development, from the hint from some news, we may see it in real in less than 2 years, china military industry will not fail you.

Let's first enjoy the Image of Y-20 made by netizen.







China is the awaken dragon .. Chinese historians will write history in upcoming decades
Upload some lastest CG picture of Y-20, which made by a netizen, someone said it is very smililar with real Y-20, can't be proved, Still need time to wait, be patient.






Some old picture made by others.



What kind of Engine used on Y20? Russian one or Chinese one?

I think PLAAF will buy more IL76 for transition, and Y20 will be inducted before year 2016. Possibility of buying some IL476 is not excluded.
What kind of Engine used on Y20? Russian one or Chinese one?

I think PLAAF will buy more IL76 for transition, and Y20 will be inducted before year 2016. Possibility of buying some IL476 is not excluded.

It will be WS-18, which will be a modified WS-10.

I cannot see foreign engines being used on production aircraft, only prototypes.
That paint job looks really sharp, nice picture! When will this nice bird gonna be inducted in PLAAF? I can't wait see it. We need hundreds of this bird for moblizing our Infantry and armors.
It will be WS-18, which will be a modified WS-10.

I cannot see foreign engines being used on production aircraft, only prototypes.

WS-18 is chinese D-30 Engine,The variant of modified WS-10 is called WS-20 engine.
you can see difference between WS-18 and WS-20 Engines

Y-20 with WS-18 Engines


Y-20 with WS-20 Engines
II-76 IS not long term solution, but for a expedient, whether the news is ture, need be confirmed.
Whatever, for our huge foreign exchange, that's not a bad ideal at least, China will solve the difficult in the way of military development, from the hint from some news, we may see it in real in less than 2 years, china military industry will not fail you.

Let's first enjoy the Image of Y-20 made by netizen.








Love the images
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