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China once again snubs Pakistan on Kashmir issue

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Lol is that again from your rear end ?? The shit you guys always say
lol jaise mera toh russia ke pakistan jaane se ghar loot gaya ho, jo jali hai woh modi ki jali hai......
i was just pointing out that stop thinking like you are head of the PMO or your country, you and I are nobody to modi or nawaz, so neta log mare ya jeye mera kya fayda?:p:
lol jaise mera toh russia ke pakistan jaane se ghar loot gaya ho, jo jali hai woh modi ki jali hai......
i was just pointing out that stop thinking like you are head of the PMO or your country, you and I are nobody to modi or nawaz, so neta log mare ya jeye mera kya fayda?:p:
In that extreme case,then you send you netas and babu's, while we send our chor and zameendar to border and then allow citizens at border to fire at will
This was expected.

Pakistani leaders have been, for a couple of years, trying to gloss, and in some case completely ignore or hide the problems of terrorism, lack of economic progress and nose diving social development by announcing to their public that it is all an illusion caused by India's over active international diplomatic and public relations.

Now it is clear that Pak leaders have themselves drunk their own koolaid - as evidenced by the ridiculous deputation of 22 legislators, many of whom have reportedly no clue, to apprise international community (I guess in the shopping malls, expensive hotels, starred restaurants and in some cases 'colored' districts); latest sign of this pak anxiety is the misinterpretation of whatever Li told Nawas in NYC. He heard what he wanted to hear, not what was actually being said.

When are Pak leaders going to realize they have zero credibility and nobody really cares what they say? You have got yourself into this vicious cycle - whenever Nawas says anything, every one dismisses it as it is not from Gen.Raheel Sheriff. And whenever Gen.Raheel Sherief says anything, it simply acts as yet another confirmation that though Pakistan has an elected govt, it is really bananas !

The only way out is to gain some credibility by showing some remorse for past crimes and demonstrate that Pakistan has given up terrorism as a state approved strategy.
The desperateness is epic on sanghi side, lmao China snubs Pakistan :rofl: even when their own minister has assured us to support Pakistan in case of Indian aggression. But oh! Wait a sec,how dare we reject the sanghi news sources in Delhi and mumbai

Mr Sharma you should better stay in that American thread, why so much hoopla on a Pakistani issue ? :D and Indian news sources don't mean jack shi-t, they've lost their credibility since ages. In their dictionary Pakistan doesn't even exist let alone occupying a status as a failed state. Keep complaining (this is all you can do) and we'll keep trolling sanghis at world stage.

China stated that they don't know what their envoy spoke. What a joke ! The bully panicking Chinese never have the courage to issue direct statements, they always do it through media or a government official like this joker and when questioned they simply say it was not an official statement. India very well understands the Chinese double game and its covert support to the failed state. China is acting like an equal enemy to India as Pakistan is.

Don't act like you are one of those Yankees, no you aren't. Even if Bollywood makes you feel----- and this phyled estaayta now sounds like a cliche, come with something new. Until then do watch sunny deol movies, this will definitely soothe your nationalistic ego :lol:
China stated that they don't know what their envoy spoke. What a joke ! The bully panicking Chinese never have the courage to issue direct statements, they always do it through media or a government official like this joker and when questioned they simply say it was not an official statement. India very well understands the Chinese double game and its covert support to the failed state. China is acting like an equal enemy to India as Pakistan is.

this shows the frustration and butt hurt hence fuming and fart high settles in causing chest swelling to 56 inches but as the gas releases chest goes back to 22 inches and life is back to normal in our new shupa pawa land
The Truth is China is going to keep snubbing Pak for a very long time to come.

First big snub is CPEC phase 1.

The second big snub is already being finalised and will be shown to the world with start of CPEC phase 2.

After that China will keep snubbing Pak with regularity and magnitude for coming 5 decades as demanded by the indian empire.

So, yes, really Big Snub by the Chinese to Pak!

The great modi made China snub just like it forced the Rus to snub Pak.

Soon Iran will be snubbing followed by GCC. Turkey is also snubbing regularly.

Poor snubbed isolated Pak. All the credit goes to the indian empire and the international community made of BD and AFG.
Of china supporting you incase of war with india.. or supporting kashmir against india....prove it kid
Are you crazy or drunk? Show me one single post where I made such claim ?
Qui trolling before you get reported
China has always been bullish on pakisthan . And the reason for CPEC is their OBOR(one belt one road silk road intiative in which the road goes through pakisthan ) not the freindship of pakisthan.china will just use pakisthan and make such a loan on pakisthan which pakisthan cannot repay it for half a century . And then china will show its real colors the best example of it is the african continent exploitation by china . Dont think i am a pro indian or anti china . Am telling you all the fact. You should think over it as stratigically . not as a view point from pakisthan but from the favourable for pakisthan
China is a 'friend' of both. Hence I don't think they will take sides.
As if China doesn't have enough headaches already.
There's an old saying>>> do not fight somebody else's war.
It holds true at a personal, as well as geopolitical level.
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Of russian war games cancelled in Pakistan?

India raised concerns over the location- As It was being claimed to be taking place in occupied Kashmir- Which is Indian territory- Russians clarified that no such thing will happen on occupied Indian territory- Media as usual came to its own conclusions-
Source = indian . lolz .
Already mu kala ho chuka sari infian sources ka :D
China has always been bullish on pakisthan . And the reason for CPEC is their OBOR(one belt one road silk road intiative in which the road goes through pakisthan ) not the freindship of pakisthan.china will just use pakisthan and make such a loan on pakisthan which pakisthan cannot repay it for half a century . And then china will show its real colors the best example of it is the african continent exploitation by china . Dont think i am a pro indian or anti china . Am telling you all the fact. You should think over it as stratigically . not as a view point from pakisthan but from the favourable for pakisthan

China has an historical moral standing among nations, no Asian country has ever perceived china as an existential threat and Chinese passive history is evident of this fact. As for the Africans Chinese did a great service in uplifting their hdi, if its pouring that much amount of monetary and technical expertise , some reaping won't be a bad idea.

All this hue and cry is mostly coming from the western economic centers, which literally raped Africa of its wealth n culture in any manner possible.

Besides, unlike India, China doesn't harbor any Akhand Bharat Brahminic rule over asia type fantasies .

If one could summarize entire Chinese history in a single statement, three words would definitely come to mind, Humility, productivity and honor. China is the coolest thing ever happened to the whole of Asia :-)
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