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China omits India, Pak from 72-hour visa free travel

Insult to Pakistan, you would think with all the China-Pakistan Bhai Bhai dorks running about China would find plenty of Pakistanis willing to visit. :rolleyes:

The ugly truth is the Chinese think Pakistanis are a security threat, Indians are enemies, Lankan's existence is irrelevant, and Myanmar is a sticky situation with the recent change to democracy.
There are a lot of ethnic Koreans who live in Northeast China. They can speak Chinese fluently so they can assimilate.
No need to go to Northeast China, just go to Beijing and Shanghai with large Koreatowns like Wangjing district of Beijing, where you do not need to speak Mandarin to live.
This should serve as a cold and sobering reminder of how China really thinks about Pakistan. Time to wake up and face the reality.

China deals with Pakistan under the centuries old 以夷制夷("One barbarian against another barbarian") strategy, where China's using one barbarian(Pakistan) against another barbarian(India) to achieve their strategic goals.

China couldn't care less what happened to that barbarian, they never did throughout history.
This should serve as a cold and sobering reminder of how China really thinks about Pakistan. Time to wake up and face the reality.

China deals with Pakistan under the centuries old 以夷制夷("One barbarian against another barbarian") strategy, where China's using one barbarian(Pakistan) against another barbarian(India) to achieve their strategic goals.

China couldn't care less what happened to that barbarian, they never did throughout history.

Of course the politicians of Pakistan know this but are being given perks to stay in line. The common Pakistanis and Chinese are fed propaganda that they are brothers but the reality is the brotherhood did nothing for Pakistan in 1965, 1971, or even 1999 when the CCP were among the first to lash out at Pakistan. China will not help Pakistan in the future either and the sooner Pakistanis realize this the better. The Godless CCP is an enemy not just to Pakistan but to much of the world.
These are the countries that send us the most visitors.

Most of our tourists come from the Western world and East Asia.

It is much more rare for South Asians to travel to China, so adding them to the list won't have much of an impact either way.

Even at pak China border in karakkoram highway,westerners can cross the border to China much easily than Pakistanis themselves..They get visa on arrival at Chinese consulate at sost, near pak china border.While for a Pakistani,he cannot get visa at sost but have to submit his purpose of visit and entire itinerary at Chinese consulate in Karachi and wait some days for approval.Not just that,but Pakistanis are not allowed to travel as a single person or couple for the first time but have to be in a group of minimum four persons..So I think there may be some other reasons as well,for the omission of south Asians..probably security..

These are the countries that send us the most visitors.

Most of our tourists come from the Western world and East Asia.

It is much more rare for South Asians to travel to China, so adding them to the list won't have much of an impact either way.

Even at pak China border in karakkoram highway,westerners can cross the border to China much easily than Pakistanis themselves..They get visa on arrival at Chinese consulate at sost, near pak china border.While for a Pakistani,he cannot get visa at sost but have to submit his purpose of visit and entire itinerary at Chinese consulate in Karachi and wait some days for approval.Not just that,but Pakistanis are not allowed to travel as a single person or couple for the first time but have to be in a group of minimum four persons..So I think there may be some other reasons as well,for the omission of south Asians..probably security..
:what:so....pakistanis are denied this previlage....this is a news:what:
Even at pak China border in karakkoram highway,westerners can cross the border to China much easily than Pakistanis themselves..They get visa on arrival at Chinese consulate at sost, near pak china border.While for a Pakistani,he cannot get visa at sost but have to submit his purpose of visit and entire itinerary at Chinese consulate in Karachi and wait some days for approval.Not just that,but Pakistanis are not allowed to travel as a single person or couple for the first time but have to be in a group of minimum four persons..So I think there may be some other reasons as well,for the omission of south Asians..probably security..

Even at pak China border in karakkoram highway,westerners can cross the border to China much easily than Pakistanis themselves..They get visa on arrival at Chinese consulate at sost, near pak china border.While for a Pakistani,he cannot get visa at sost but have to submit his purpose of visit and entire itinerary at Chinese consulate in Karachi and wait some days for approval.Not just that,but Pakistanis are not allowed to travel as a single person or couple for the first time but have to be in a group of minimum four persons..So I think there may be some other reasons as well,for the omission of south Asians..probably security..

The sad thing is that China would grant visa free entry to its mortal enemy Japan, but not to its so-called "blood brother" Pakistan.
The common Pakistanis and Chinese are fed propaganda that they are brothers but the reality is the brotherhood did nothing for Pakistan in 1965, 1971, or even 1999 when the CCP were among the first to lash out at Pakistan. China will not help Pakistan in the future either and the sooner Pakistanis realize this the better. The Godless CCP is an enemy not just to Pakistan but to much of the world.

Wrong only common Pakistanis are fed this propaganda. Common Chinese by and large don't care about Pakistan/Pakistanis.
The sad thing is that China would grant visa free entry to its mortal enemy Japan, but not to its so-called "blood brother" Pakistan.

The saddest thing is no Pakistanis in Pakistan are willing to accept this, or do accept this but keep it to themselves.
The saddest thing is no Pakistanis in Pakistan are willing to accept this, or do accept this but keep it to themselves.

Except you of course. :P

So I think there may be some other reasons as well,for the omission of south Asians..probably security..

You're not wrong.

Check the latest Global Terror Index.

South Asia is by FAR the worst affected region in the entire world.
Wrong only common Pakistanis are fed this propaganda. Common Chinese by and large don't care about Pakistan/Pakistanis.

Oh it is there, it is just not as widespread. I have been approached by Chinese here in the states who say, "oh our countries are best friends, brothers" upon learning my family is from Pakistan. The friendship on the people to people basis is there, it is just on the government level where it is full of sht.
Wrong only common Pakistanis are fed this propaganda. Common Chinese by and large don't care about Pakistan/Pakistanis.

I'll be honest, I had literally zero knowledge of the politics of South Asia (and in relation to China) before I came on this forum.

I learned about the Chinese civil war, WW2 and pretty much everything else, but nothing about South Asia.
Wrong only common Pakistanis are fed this propaganda. Common Chinese by and large don't care about Pakistan/Pakistanis.

Not really, Chinese have access to the Internet and are educated. So they can decide for themselves, its us southasians that depend on propaganda
Besides, if I were from china, I wouldn't want any south asians illegally migrating here

The saddest thing is no Pakistanis in Pakistan are willing to accept this, or do accept this but keep it to themselves.

Nah, it's easy to accept. Security comes first.
I mean even though most on this forum consider china an ally, there are enough trouble makers here
I'll be honest, I had literally zero knowledge of the politics of South Asia (and in relation to China) before I came on this forum.
He is a representation of typical Chinese in mainland; most Chinese don't know and don't care about Pakistan, and know India better because India's perception as a threat to China, both militarily and economically.

Oddly enough, Koreans know much more about Pakistan because of a large number of Pakistani workers in Korea.
These are the countries that send us the most visitors.

Most of our tourists come from the Western world and East Asia.

It is much more rare for South Asians to travel to China, so adding them to the list won't have much of an impact either way.

Well the article states that this move has been made in a bid to increase tourism....

If the aim is such, then your above argument does not apply since China isnt only trying to increase the prevalence of "western tourists", but all tourists...

It may not be political in my opnion, but more to do with purchasisng power ie. Western Tourists might spend more (esp briging in foreign exchange) than say a South Asian tourist.
Its sad nevertheless because a LOT of Indians would visit China if the visa policy was laxed...

If Im not mistaken, the average Indian's first trip outside India is mostly South East Asian countries or the UK/US (purely beacuse everyone has a relative in one of these places). China would probably become one of the above if visa policy was softned.
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