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China Offers New Proof That It Is A Major Challenge For Modi

No , it's because Being called a Chinese in India is offensive , its a offensive banter. Like calling a German guy a nazi . Know the difference between you spew bull$hit

No, it's because Indians, being the racists they are, find a remotely-different looking person repulsive/subhuman and will harass that individual with all sorts of bigoted phrases they've conjured from their filthy minds.

I'm a lower cast m8 , guess what there are 35,000 casts , they mean literally nothing .

In many parts of India, a caste determines your occupation and social status. Deny it all you like, but keep in mind that everyone here read the Una Dalit case, which is just an example of how your filthy society and countrymen force reluctant people into an occupation solely because of the Hindu caste-system.
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It's very common trend now saying this statement that ," why everyone hates your country " . O' well , everyone somewhat hate each other. . envy ? very common .
boycot chinese goods....

it directly add 50b$ to indian gdp...

The last time you tried to boycott a few months ago, the Indian trade deficit to China shot through the roof. :lol:

Then Modi waived all the duties on imports of Chinese ATM machine and electronic parts, Point of Sale machines, card readers, etc. Guess why? Because India fell into demonetisation chaos and China is the main source of ATM machine parts and PoS machines.

If you want to cut yourself off you are very welcome to do so. But Modi was so desperate for ATM machine parts that he waived all the duties.
No, it's because Indians, being the racists they are, find a remotely-different looking person repulsive/subhuman

You are calling indians racist while calling people subhuman , dear god the arrogance of you people is just next level.
In many parts of India, a caste determines your occupation and social status.

Right these parts of India have a magical portal that travels you to the 17th century?

Deny it all you like, but keep in mind that everyone here read the Una Dalit case, which is just an example of

These casts has nothing to do with religion , go pick a book there were only 4 casts. Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras. They got sub divided into 35,000 its a social status , Not region related. Even Jainism has cast system , those guys don't even worship a god .

how your filthy society and countrymen force reluctant people into an occupation solely because of the Hindu caste-system.

Funny how that sounds more like everydayPakistan to me






The last time you tried to boycott a few months ago, the Indian trade deficit to China shot through the roof. :lol:

Then Modi waived all the duties on imports of Chinese ATM machine and electronic parts, Point of Sale machines, card readers, etc. Guess why? Because India fell into demonetisation chaos and China is the main source of ATM machine parts and PoS machines.

If you want to cut yourself off you are very welcome to do so. But Modi was so desperate for ATM machine parts that he waived all the duties.

last time....when ? oct 2016...

that data will came in jan 2017..

and who can stop me , as a individual to boycot chinese good.....

there is not even one item , which india import from chinese which i could not get under a indian/western brand.....and wirh a better quality...
last time....when ? oct 2016...

that data will came in jan 2017..

and who can stop me , as a individual to boycot chinese good.....

there is not even one item , which india import from chinese which i could not get under a indian/western brand.....and wirh a better quality...

Ask Modi why he waived the duties on so many Chinese imports just now. :rofl:

Next time you find yourself in demonetisation chaos, come back and beg for the ATM machine and electronic parts again, we will always be willing to sell more.

We are businessmen, even though you have a terrible attitude we aren't going to cut you off from ATM machine parts and watch your demonetisation chaos collapse your country.
Ask Modi why he waived the duties on so many Chinese imports just now. :rofl:

Next time you find yourself in demonetisation chaos, come back and beg for the ATM machine and electronic parts again, we will always be willing to sell more.

We are businessmen, even though you have a terrible attitude we aren't going to cut you off from ATM machine parts and watch your demonetisation chaos collapse your country.

those items are western....not chinese...those companies only has assambly units in china due to cheap labour & unorganize labour reforms...
The last time you tried to boycott a few months ago, the Indian trade deficit to China shot through the roof. :lol:

Then Modi waived all the duties on imports of Chinese ATM machine and electronic parts, Point of Sale machines, card readers, etc. Guess why? Because India fell into demonetisation chaos and China is the main source of ATM machine parts and PoS machines.

If you want to cut yourself off you are very welcome to do so. But Modi was so desperate for ATM machine parts that he waived all the duties.
India has never boycotted Chinese goods , Indian citizens wants the government to boycott them. Know the difference.

if the government wanted we could import from Vietnam, s.Korea, Taiwan and Japan . But that will jeopardize indo-china relations .

those items are western....not chinese...those companies only has assambly units in china due to cheap labour & unorganize labour reforms...
C logic: I changed a bmw tier today , so that means i made that bmw.
those items are western....not chinese...those companies only has assambly units in china due to cheap labour & unorganize labour reforms...

Tell me which ATM machine parts that Modi waived the duties on from China are Western? :lol:

There is a limit to Western worship you know, even for you guys.
Tell me which ATM machine parts that Modi waived the duties on from China are Western? :lol:

There is a limit to Western worship you know, even for you guys.
Is that why it is considered degrading to buy chinese cars in China .
So you are from Republic of China?

I'm from Hong Kong, read my signature. :lol:

And for the third time, which ATM machine parts from China (that Modi waived all duties on) is "Western"?

Why did Modi come begging for these ATM machine parts, Point-of-sale machines and card readers from an enemy country if he could get it for the same price from his Western masters?
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