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China now has the military power to alter territorial status quo


Apr 28, 2011
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China now has the military power to alter territorial status quo
The real challenge for Delhi in managing its expansive territorial dispute with Beijing, then, is to redress the growing power imbalance with China.
Written by C. Raja Mohan |Updated: June 9, 2020 9:15:51 am


Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Chinese President Xi Jinping. (AP/file)

Why has China precipitated a fresh military crisis with India in eastern Ladakh? Among the many explanations making the rounds in Delhi, there is always the easy and attractive one — it’s all about America. Delhi has incurred Beijing’s wrath by moving closer to Washington, goes the argument. India’s renewed enthusiasm for the US-led Quad, it is said, is encouraging China to teach a lesson to Delhi.

How does this theory hold up in relation to other countries having problems with China? Let us turn to the South China Sea, where China is on a bold and ambitious drive to expand its control over the disputed waters. Let us start with gathering tensions over the territorial dispute between Beijing and Jakarta.

To talk of a territorial dispute between two countries so far apart from each other seems strange. But distance is no guarantee of an escape from territorial problems with Beijing, at least in the South China Sea. To be sure, Jakarta says it has no territorial dispute with Beijing in the South China Sea. But there is a problem nevertheless.

You may not want to court trouble, but trouble has a way of knocking at your door, especially when it involves a great power. Remember the Aesop’s fable about the wolf that accused the lamb of muddying its waters. The lamb’s protests that it was only drinking downstream did not, of course, stop the wolf from eating it up.

Over the last year and more, Jakarta is coping with a Chinese challenge in its waters off its Natuna Islands. The Natuna are nearly 1,500 km from the Chinese mainland. Yes, you read that right — 1,500 km. The Natuna themselves lie outside Beijing’s nine-dash line that claims nearly 80 per cent of the South China Sea. The dispute is over the exclusive economic zone that the islands confer on Indonesia.

China says it has historic rights to these waters and has been dispatching its fishing fleet into these waters. Jakarta has tried many things — persistent diplomatic objection including a letter to the UN Secretary General last week, a presidential visit to the Islands to underline Jakarta’s sovereignty, and an occasional sinking of the Chinese fishing boats. All this has had little impact on Beijing.

The spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry summed it up unambiguously when matters came to a head earlier this year: “Whether the Indonesian side accepts it or not, nothing will change the objective fact that China has rights and interests over the relevant waters.”

Indonesia has consciously taken a moderate tone on the territorial disputes between its fellow ASEAN member states, including Vietnam and the Philippines on the one hand, and China on the other. Jakarta has promoted a peaceful resolution of the disputes in the South China Sea. Maybe China sees a problem with Jakarta-Washington relations.

Jakarta did not support the US approach to the Indo-Pacific and went to great lengths to develop a concept of its own and get it endorsed by the ASEAN. Indonesia is not a member of the much-maligned Quad. Its foreign policy is wedded to non-alignment. And as the host of the historic Bandung Conference in 1955, Indonesia is a founding member and champion of Non-aligned Movement.

The story of the Philippines — one of the oldest military allies of the US in Asia — nicely complements the non-aligned Indonesia’s troubles with China. When he came to power in 2016, President Rodrigo Duterte decided to distance the Philippines from the US and embraced China with the hope of finding a reasonable settlement to the substantive maritime territorial dispute with Beijing.

In February this year, Manila announced the decision to terminate the agreement that lets American troops operate in the Philippines. But last week, the Philippines “suspended” the decision to terminate military cooperation with the US. The reason: The PLA’s relentless military pressure on the South China Sea islands claimed by Manila and including them in a new Chinese administrative district.

Neither Jakarta that is scrupulously non-aligned nor Manila that was ready to break its alliance with the US has been spared from Beijing’s current muscular approach to China’s territorial disputes.

While intellectuals can argue about the sources of Chinese conduct, peasants with their common sense can point to answers lying in plain sight. One is that China has long-standing claims, right or wrong, on the territories of its neighbours. The other is the dramatic shift in the regional power balance in favour of China. Unlike in the past, China now has the military power to make good its claims and alter the territorial status quo, if only in bits and pieces. This is what China is doing in the South China Sea. And the situation may not be any different in Ladakh.

As a north Indian peasant might sum up, “jiski lathi, uski bhains” (He with the big stick gets to own the buffalo). If you want a highfalutin way of saying the same thing, turn to the Greek sage, Thucydides: “The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.”

The real challenge for Delhi in managing its expansive territorial dispute with Beijing, then, is to redress the growing power imbalance with China. The rest is detail.

This article appeared in the print edition of June 9, 2020, under the name ‘Raja Mandala: It’s not about A

Let them deal with Vietnam first with their military might.

But hang on we have chosen to deal with you. Where is the Jai Hind bravery? Vietnam is fine what's to deal with? We continue to build our islands and they can only complain. USA can only sail around but never shoot. What's to deal? lol

Truth is India is the bad neighbor. Vietnam has disagreements with us in the ocean yes and hopefully we can sort it all out with them like we wanted to in the past before they first started building islands which we responded with building our own. But the original 11 dash is only by Taiwan or Republic of China. We have a 9 dash claim still as part of negotiation tools. We will eventually agree with these neighbors about this situation even if they abandon their claims or not. However stop distracting. How about we deal with each other about Ladakh. Still waiting to hear your Jai Hind rapist army.

Cowering in fear even though our J-20 can be defeated by your Su-30MKI from 1000km away and our rockets drop from space and our equipment is made in China junk. All this brave talk and still cowering? What happened to your super Uttam radar that can see into future? What happened to superior Indian and their superior military using INSAS?

You use some sarcasm about PLA military might yet what makes India then? We have dealt with you and put your head under our boot now and you are saying "let them deal with Vietnam" I guess now PLA is done dealing with shitstain India, it can move on.
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But hang on we have chosen to deal with you. Where is the Jai Hind bravery? Vietnam is fine what's to deal with? We continue to build our islands and they can only complain. USA can only sail around but never shoot. What's to deal? lol

Truth is India is the bad neighbor. Vietnam has disagreements with us in the ocean yes and hopefully we can sort it all out with them like we wanted to in the past before they first started building islands which we responded with building our own. But the original 11 dash is only by Taiwan or Republic of China. We have a 9 dash claim still as part of negotiation tools. We will eventually agree with these neighbors about this situation even if they abandon their claims or not. However stop distracting. How about we deal with each other about Ladakh. Still waiting to hear your Jai Hind rapist army.

I am a baniya buddy. And as per the logic followed in PDF will stab you when you turn your back. All the dragon fire and still we are waiting for you lot to do anything.

We are very very bad neighbours. waiting for the spanking new chinese howitzers to actually do something.

Lets have a bet. this is either going to end with you lot withdrawing or having a repeat of 1967.

Im sure you wish you could decide that.
Occupied Kashmir will be liberated. Pray for daddy U.S.A. to save your *** again.

You think we are your iron brother Pakistan, waiting for US? 1967, the last time a bullet was fired, your lot put their tails between their legs and ran. Do read up.
I am a baniya buddy. And as per the logic followed in PDF will stab you when you turn your back. All the dragon fire and still we are waiting for you lot to do anything.

We are very very bad neighbours. waiting for the spanking new chinese howitzers to actually do something.

Lets have a bet. this is either going to end with you lot withdrawing or having a repeat of 1967.

You think we are your iron brother Pakistan, waiting for US. 1967, the last time a bullet was fired, your lot put their tails between their legs and ran. Do read up.

Pay up then. Your sissy rapist army left the fight. So what are you paying? Only keep hearing your descriptions about your imaginations and wetdreams. All day it's Indians telling the internet how they are mighty and won and what about 1967 and what about Chinese withdrawing. How can we argue with you when you deny reality?
I am a baniya buddy. And as per the logic followed in PDF will stab you when you turn your back. All the dragon fire and still we are waiting for you lot to do anything.

We are very very bad neighbours. waiting for the spanking new chinese howitzers to actually do something.

Lets have a bet. this is either going to end with you lot withdrawing or having a repeat of 1967.

You think we are your iron brother Pakistan, waiting for US? 1967, the last time a bullet was fired, your lot put their tails between their legs and ran. Do read up.
Still waiting for the mighty Indian army to reclaim Aksai Chin after 60 years. Lolol
The chinese paper tigers crept in to the disputed territory during a pandemic .
That is their "Might"
Now as both sides are engaged in a standoff . One of the three things can happen
1) Chinese will withdraw to wherever they were before April .
2) China will stay where ever they are now and the standoff will continue until point 1 is achieved .
Occupied Kashmir will be liberated.

According to me there is no doubt that Point 1 will be the outcome .

In Any case after all this is over the chinese will end up alerting the Indian army in our eastern border, the infra development which is going on will be sped up , more deployment etc , so that the next time these paper tigers can't creep in from behind like this .
please just keep talking to yourself we will withdraw from Galwan. We will not. It is strategically important for us and CPEC. Pangong Tso maybe if your modi behaves himself and understand his rightful place. But even in Pangong Tso you still cannot claim it even if we go back to April positions. If we have sneaked in during pandemic, why don't you shoot us out of there with mighty M777 and thousand dollar shells? Waiting for you guys to shoot. Discussions both of them over. Your three star general was told to go home and look for his balls because we told them we are not moving. One hand calling us sissies with no quality weapons and on other hand you guys have cowered back and only showing pictures where you come up to our line's edge. That means nothing. You are just walking in your territory.
But hang on we have chosen to deal with you. Where is the Jai Hind bravery? Vietnam is fine what's to deal with? We continue to build our islands and they can only complain. USA can only sail around but never shoot. What's to deal? lol

Truth is India is the bad neighbor. Vietnam has disagreements with us in the ocean yes and hopefully we can sort it all out with them like we wanted to in the past before they first started building islands which we responded with building our own. But the original 11 dash is only by Taiwan or Republic of China. We have a 9 dash claim still as part of negotiation tools. We will eventually agree with these neighbors about this situation even if they abandon their claims or not. However stop distracting. How about we deal with each other about Ladakh. Still waiting to hear your Jai Hind rapist army.

Cowering in fear even though our J-20 can be defeated by your Su-30MKI from 1000km away and our rockets drop from space and our equipment is made in China junk. All this brave talk and still cowering? What happened to your super Uttam radar that can see into future? What happened to superior Indian and their superior military using INSAS?

You use some sarcasm about PLA military might yet what makes India then? We have dealt with you and put your head under our boot now and you are saying "let them deal with Vietnam" I guess now PLA is done dealing with shitstain India, it can move on.

I have never read a Chinese write such a post - The last time I read one such was during the Doklam (Chinese Fiasco)- The Might PLA- AKA- Paper Tiger.
Pay up then. Your sissy rapist army left the fight. So what are you paying? Only keep hearing your descriptions about your imaginations and wetdreams. All day it's Indians telling the internet how they are mighty and won and what about 1967 and what about Chinese withdrawing. How can we argue with you when you deny reality?

India Vs China.

India does have a problem when it comes to China and that is China is getting overwhelmingly more powerful than it.

China is now able to produce better weapons(J-20 fighter, Type-055 destroyer, Type-095 SSN etc) than India can buy.

Indians needs to adjust to the new reality and how they have fallen behind the Chinese with each passing decade.
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