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China must recover territory ‘looted' by neighbours, said PLA General

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I believe China can defeat india in a matter of minutes and with Pakistan on its side, China can destroy india in a matter of seconds.Even indian media said that indians are far behind nuclear technology than Pakistan so you can just imagine how far behind india is from China.

India lags behind Pakistan in nuclear armoury: US expert - The Times of India

India lags behind Pakistan in missiles - The Times of India

Together, Pakistan and China can wipe india off the world map in a matter of seconds.

How is that possible ??? Are u for real ?
only teenage girls use this kind of words. you have been exposed to me Mr Military Professional. a professional thanks to some Wiki and other sources.

no longer going to take you seriously.

Mate .... i would seriously ask you to be more respectful when speaking to gambit.

he has contributed tremendously to this forum with his immense knowledge and is one of the members who's posts are appreciated by everyone.
Please behave yourself.We would not want to lose a member like him because of you behavior.
yeah..yeah..yeah..thats why i said-- something like this..what i meant was there was a war and the result was not favorable for China..

sure it was. we took over some islands and there was no further conflict on that border. the only war that didn't end favorably was 1962, because we didn't permanently settle the border issue.

some pictures of US atrocities in vietnam. Warning, the following pictures may be graphic and hurt the feelings of anti-vietnamese traitors:

sure it was. we took over some islands and there was no further conflict on that border. the only war that didn't end favorably was 1962, because we didn't permanently settle the border issue.

some pictures of US atrocities in vietnam. Warning, the following pictures may be graphic and hurt the feelings of anti-vietnamese traitors:


first of all you backstabbed us..... in india our impotent pm was teaching us panchsheel and hindi chini bhai bhai(indian chinese brother brother)... u waged war.....
you could not hold your position because of cut of supply line due to terrain at them same time to IA had regained its logistic supply.....
.. you had ratio of 1:80...
but this time situation is different.............

we are prepared............
China can destroy India by using nuclear weapons in a first strike. China has hundreds if not thousands of nuclear warheads. First we nuke, and then we take our land back. There is no more talking with our enemies.

Ya you nuked us in 1987.
Its not 62 friend. That your PLA general too knows.

By the by Please PM me if China has any such plans so that i can jump in to Arabian sea
And in a century, Vietnam will still be firmly under communist party management if it doesn't become a colony of China much as Mexico is the colony of the US. Next time you visit it may be to "Vietnam Province, PRC". It may very well be in your lifetime.

Fat chance of that happening. The Vietnamese harbour an intense dislike of China & Chinese. There is more of a chance that they will become a part of the US than there is of them voluntarily becoming a part of PRC.
I believe China can defeat india in a matter of minutes and with Pakistan on its side, China can destroy india in a matter of seconds.

Even indian media said that indians are far behind nuclear technology than Pakistan so you can just imagine how far behind india is from China.

India lags behind Pakistan in nuclear armoury: US expert - The Times of India

India lags behind Pakistan in missiles - The Times of India

Together, Pakistan and China can wipe india off the world map in a matter of seconds.
RIP to your Intelligence :angel:
some pictures of US atrocities in vietnam. Warning, the following pictures may be graphic and hurt the feelings of anti-vietnamese traitors:

When you boys run out of arguments, why not trot out the convenient American atrocious behaviors in Viet Nam? It is a good thing that the Chinese advisors in North Viet Nam forbade photos of them doing atrocious things to Vietnamese. Look here, kid...You boys are nothing but a new generation of Chinese racists that the previous generation of Asiatics had to suffer under after the Japanese, as if the Japanese was not bad enough. So get off your high horse.
When you boys run out of arguments, why not trot out the convenient American atrocious behaviors in Viet Nam? It is a good thing that the Chinese advisors in North Viet Nam forbade photos of them doing atrocious things to Vietnamese. Look here, kid...You boys are nothing but a new generation of Chinese racists that the previous generation of Asiatics had to suffer under after the Japanese, as if the Japanese was not bad enough. So get off your high horse.

I am staying away from remarks that have racial and political discrimination. I'm just noting that under the Communist Party of Vietnam, in just 35 years Vietnam has achieved significant economic advances, something that South Vietnam failed to do in approximately the same time period. Because of this, the Vietnamese government may find it favorable to negotiate with us on our few remaining island disputes and settle the issue permanently; on all other fronts we have been cooperating well.
Fat chance of that happening. The Vietnamese harbour an intense dislike of China & Chinese. There is more of a chance that they will become a part of the US than there is of them voluntarily becoming a part of PRC.

Disagree; Vietnamese and Chinese have intimate connections going back 1000 years and we have less disputes with Vietnam than with India. China is one of the biggest investors and supplier of capital goods to Vietnam as well as the second largest export market for their goods. When issues are settled and FTA is signed, eventually the Guangxi-Vietnam border will be completely open for free movement and Vietnam would be completely economically connected to China. Eventually a FTA for the entire east asian area would be signed, once the US is kicked out of the region.
I am staying away from remarks that have racial and political discrimination.
:lol: :rolleyes: :lol: :rolleyes: You cannot help it. You WILL NOT be able to stay away from it.

I'm just noting that under the Communist Party of Vietnam, in just 35 years Vietnam has achieved significant economic advances, something that South Vietnam failed to do in approximately the same time period. Because of this, the Vietnamese government may find it favorable to negotiate with us on our few remaining island disputes and settle the issue permanently; on all other fronts we have been cooperating well.
Utter BS. South Viet Nam had a more free market and was more prosperous than North Viet Nam was during the war. History have proven over and over, in Asia, in Europe, and even in the Americas, that whenever communist 'economic' was installed, the country began a downward slide toward poverty. Change was the only option and Viet Nam finally had to change. So did China. So please spare us all the propaganda.
If even you have come down to the cheapest level of hurling abuses then i am dead sure bharatis aka Indians are short of arguments in this thread.

Do you think this thread is going on only on the basis of logic ?? :lol:

Every one is having fun and I am too.

BTW it was not me who coined that name ;)

The blue color word sounds chines the dark red one sounds like a dynasty in India. what you say ?:angel:

Rather it rhymes pretty well with 'Gandhara' than any dynasty in India. :D
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